Chwefror February 2015 - St Hywyn`s Church Aberdaron


Chwefror February 2015 - St Hywyn`s Church Aberdaron
St Pedrog’s Church Community and World Mission.
At their Congregational meeting on 12th January St Pedrog’s Church members
decided to subscribe to a Shelterbox for the refugee crisis in Syria and other
parts of the world hit by disasters. In 2013 the churches of Llanbedrog,
Llangian and Llanengan responded swiftly to send a Shelterbox to the
Philippines after the hurricane that destroyed many rural villages in the islands.
What is a Shelterbox? A heavy duty plastic box which contains a double
skinned tent to house a family, thermal blankets and groundsheets, water
storage and purification equipment, solar lamps, cooking utensils, tool kit,
mosquito nets etc., tailored to the needs of a particular disaster.
Shelterbox Organisation provides emergency shelter and supplies to support
communities around the world overwhelmed by disaster and humanitarian
crisis. Since it was founded they have responded to over 250 incidents in
almost 90 countries to over one million people. They deliver the essentials,
that people need to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of a disaster. Currently
Shelterbox aid is being sent to flood hit Malaysia, war torn Gaza and the Syria
refugee crisis. For more information
David Watson, Warden St Pedrog
Aberdaron Enlli Llanbedrog Llanengan Llanfaelrhys Llangian Llannor
Gwasanaethau Dydd Sul
Llanengan /Llangian 9am
Llanbedrog 10am
Aberdaron 10am
Llannor 11.30am
Llanfaelrhys 2pm
Llangian 6pm
Sunday Services
Holy Eucharist [English]
Yr Offeren Sanctaidd / Holy Eucharist [Biling
Yr Offeren Sanctaidd / Holy Eucharist [Bilingual]
Yr Offeren Sanctaidd [Cymraeg]
Hwyrol Weddi [Cymraeg]
Hwyrol Weddi / Offeren Sanctaidd [Cymraeg]
Bro Enlli Social Evening “Cheese and Wine and Transylvania”
Gwasanaethau Wythnosol
40 people came out on a January evening to St.Pedrog’s Church Hall to hear
the tale of a car tour to Eastern Europe, whilst socialising over a glass of wine
and copious amounts of cheese. David and Mary Watson had put together a
collection of photographs of their 2014 classic car tour, with other friends and
their 50 year old cars. The tour was special, for while the cars were being
transported to Croatia, the drivers and co-pilots were enjoying the ‘once in a
lifetime’ opportunity of travelling on the Orient Express from London to
Venice. Reunited with their Jaguar car, the tour continued down the coast of
the Adriatic to Montenegro, inland to Serbia, Romania, Transylvania, Hungary,
Slovakia, on to Prague in Czech Republic, Weimar in Germany and Rhine Valley
to Zeebrugge and the ferry to Hull.
No doubt, everyone who shared in the adventure that evening, had great fun!
Wednesday 10 am
Thursday 10 am
Thursday 5 pm
Friday 12- 12.30
Gwasanaethau’r Grawys
Midweek Worship
Holy Eucharist [Bilingual]
Pilgrim Eucharist [Bilingual]
Silent Prayer [30 minutes]
Midday Prayer [English]
Lent Services
18th Dydd Mercher y Lludw Ash Wednesday 10 am Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes
St Pedrog’s church
Bible Study every Wednesday 1.30pm tea for 2pm – 3pm Llanbedrog Vestry
18th 7pm Meditation and Compline and every Wednesday through Lent Llanbedrog
Arweinydd Tîm Gweinidogaeth Bro Enlli Team Leader Archddiacon Andrew Jones
01758 740919
Rhowch y Cylchlythyr yma i rywun pan fyddwch wedi gorffen ei ddarllen
Please pass on this Newsletter to someone when you have finished reading it
A list of all our planned events – religious, social and administrative – will be available
at the back of all our churches in the next week. If you need a copy please ask Andrew
for a paper copy or via e-mail. Please note the dates in you diaries and if there are any
omissions then please inform Andrew.
Silent Prayer
Annwyl ffrindiau / Dear friends
Rwyf yn hynod ddiolchgar i Esgob Andy am benodi y Tad Huw Bryant yn
gurad cynorthwyol ym Mro Enlli. Fe fydd cael offeiriad arall llawn amser yn
gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i’r plwyf ac i mi yn bersonol. Edrychwn ymlaen
i’w groesawu ddechrau mis Mawrth.
I was delighted when Bishop Andy asked me if Fr. Huw Bryant could continue
his curacy period in Bro Enlli – this will make a significant difference both to
the parish and me personally. He is currently assistant curate in the Bro’r Holl
Saint Ministry Area and lives in the Vicarage in Pwllheli – he and his family
will continue to live there.
I have known Huw since he was two years old as his father was a priest in
Llanegryn which is very close to Dolgellau, where I was Rector. He had his
early ‘schooling’ in Meirionnydd but moved to Ysgol Sir Huw Owen in
Caernarfon due to his father’s appointment as Vicar of Groeslon. Following
Secondary education Huw moved to London and later to Edinburgh where he
worked at various offices. He then moved back to Wales and completed a
National Diploma in Forestry and Environment at Glynllifon College and
subsequently worked as a forester. As Diocesan Director of Ordinands I was
delighted when Huw came to me to prepare for ordination. As such he read a
degree in Theology at Cardiff University and trained for the ministry at St
Michael’s College, Llandaff. In his spare time he is a keen amateur
photographer and enjoys Rugby. But of far more importance than any of this
he is married to Reiko who comes from Japan and they have two young
children, Megan and Idris. It’s a delight to welcome them into our midst.
Huw will commence his ministry on the 1st of March and I intend to have a
welcome service in Llannor at 11-30 that day – this will mean that those of
you worshipping elsewhere can do so and, if you wish, join Llannor either for
the service or at 12-30 in the Llannor Community
Centre for a bring and share lunch.
Edrychwn ymlaen felly at bennod newydd
yn hanes Bro Enlli.
Diolch / Many thanks
Andrew Jones
Every Thursday in St Hywyn’s church there is an opportunity
to meet together for half an hour of silent prayer: 5-5.30 in winter and 6-6.30 in
summer. Silent prayer is exactly what it says it is: silent. We gather in the north
aisle round the low table and a candle is lit to focus our attention. Bibles, prayer
cards and poetry books are available on the book stall for anyone to borrow. This
weekly time of prayer has the specific purpose of undergirding the development
and activity of the church throughout the diocese.
Some find the idea of silent prayer frightening and others feel that it is ‘not for
them’ but all of us has a silent centre within us; that spark of God that draws us to
respond in prayer and worship. There are as many ways to pray in silence as there
are people, so each of us needs to find our own way. Why not begin by building this
half hour into your Lenten rhythm.
Should anyone like help to get started please feel free to approach me, Sr Verena,
at any time: prayer is the main raison d’être of monks and nuns.
Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday 6th March 10.30am
Written by women from a particular place in the world,
for men and women throughout the world.
Started in 1887, it came to the UK in the 1930’s drawing women together in prayer
and fellowship; a feminine voice in the mission of the church through prayer, in
solidarity with other women in the world. This year it’s the women of the Bahamas,
next year it will be Cuban women
Will you give an hour of your time to hear their voices through the shared gospel,
their unifying prayers and worship, that will ripple around the world in solidarity on
this one day in the year? St Pedrog’s Church Llanbedrog
Midday Prayer at St Hywyn’s Friday 12 – 12:30pm
We use Jim
Cotter’s book “Out of the Silence” which sets out daily prayer themes and bible
readings throughout the year. In addition we respond to visitor’s requests for
prayer and allow time for any personal prayers to be shared.
David Marshallsay