Church Parkdale Welcome Passion


Church Parkdale Welcome Passion
to the worship service today
We are thankful you are here!
October 12, 2014
Our mission:
for God
for People
Evangelical Free
Ministers: Everyone
1095 Tolmie Avenue, V8X 2H4
Then he [ Jesus] said to them all:
“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
Our Theme Verse for 2014
Luke 9:23 NIV
“Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”
Psalm 34:8 NIV
Giving Praise to God
Scripture and Prayer
Songs of Praise
Church Family Information
Giving to the Lord
Fall Sermon Series
A Sampler of Psalms:
Forging Resilient Relationship With God
Today: Is There Such a Thing as Real Safety?
Scripture: Psalm 84
Coffee and Tea Fellowship
Please stay and enjoy encouraging
conversation with others in the church family.
“The safest place in all the world is in the will of God,
and the safest protection in all the world is the name of God.”
-Warren Wiersbe
We have a number of people in the congregation who are very sensitive to perfumes and
colognes. Please help keep the air as scent-free as possible.
This Week at Parkdale
7:00 PM Bible Study at Fran’s
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting at the church
6:30 PM Ladies’ Bible Study
7:00 PM Church Board Meeting
Next Sunday – October 19
9:30 AM
Prayer Time in Pastor’s Study
10:00 AM
Sunday Worship
Series: A Sampler of Psalms
Message: “I Protest!”
Potluck Luncheon
Please bring a main dish or dessert to share
Thanks For Serving
Church cleaning thanks to Rick and Dianne
Next week: Shannon
Recent Missionary Letters: Extra copies to take home are on the back table.
Aaron and Cynthia
Norm and Michelle
Thank you to those who give regularly, joyfully, willingly and sacrificially
to support the mission and ministry of Parkdale Evangelical Free Church.
May God bless and encourage you.
Reminder to Pray for…
 Our Daycare staff: Sandi
 Our Church Board: Wendy (Children’s Church)
 Missionaries we support: Norm and Michelle: Evangelical Free Church of Canada Missions,
serving in Hungary
 Other Ministries in Victoria: South Island Centre
 Our Island Evangelical Free Church Family: Sointula Community Church
 Some of our Parkdale people: John and Val; Daniel, Sandi, Connally and Morrigan; Chris,
Felicity, Fiona and Gethin
 The Mutadis as they face the challenges of Felicity’s health.
 Tom and Joyce as they follow God’s leading
From the Prayer Chain:
 For Sherrie’s son Tony, that he might find a job and have God’s leading in life.
 For healing for Norma’s father, who is in the hospital with broken ribs and having breathing
 For the court hearing concerning the murder of Consolita’s brother, that things might finally be
Do you have a prayer need? We have a prayer room to the right of the platform; if you would like to
pray with someone after the service this is the ideal place to do it. If you have a prayer request you
would like us to pray for, fill out the green card found on the back table and place it in the offering.
Or if you have a prayer request during the week, email it to We can
keep it quiet or share it with some of our prayer groups. The elders are also available for prayer,
support, and encouragement: David, Brian, Andy, Dave, and Walter.
Other Items of Interest:
Mission Project Preparedness
We continue to accept recyclable bottles and cans to raise funds for future house builds.
Our total as of October 1st is $7,598.44. The target amount to build and furnish a house
and to cover vehicle use and fuel is about $8,000. Our hope is to build July 25 – August
7, 2015.
To our valued visitors: Thank you for coming. We trust you have felt a warm welcome
here. There is a blue information sheet on the table by the main doors for you. We would also be
grateful if you would take a few moments to fill out the Blue Welcome Card also located on the
table by the main doors. We trust you sense God’s presence here today.