Living Water Anglican Church LifeGroups


Living Water Anglican Church LifeGroups
Wilf & Anne Pinchen
Albany Town
Sue Roberts (women’s group) Lockyer
Keith & Marion Hitchen
Bayonet Head
Digging Deeper
Middleton Beach
(For year 7’s & up, fortnightly during term)
Tracey Akubuiro
Community house
& Ida Byass
Midge Glendinning (Fortnightly) Mt Clarence
Toby & Esther Leach
Middleton Beach
A & A Nicholson/ J & S Turner Warrenup
Shane & Heidi Marques
Bayonet Head
9841 1423
9844 4198
m 0428 348 180
9842 9097
9 am
m 0477133424
9842 9539
9841 8609
9842 9097
9844 8940
m 0438244389
Living Water Anglican Church
Come as you are
Lower King Road, ALBANY -
Welcome to our Community!
26 October 2014
Bible verse to ponder: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with
all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a
second is like it: you shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 22:37-40
Lead Minister:
Minister’s Warden:
Peoples Warden:
Peoples Warden:
Office: 9844 8850
Shane Marques
Romans 13:8a
Andrew Nicholson
Val Dekker
Rob Palmer
0438 244 389
9844 8940
9842 3655
9842 9493
OP Shop phone no. 0497 269 847
We are a Jesus-loving community, sharing God’s love with all we meet.
Today we celebrate with a family communion service led by Toby
with Shane bringing the message and Andrew the kids talk. Heidi
will lead the music team.
Bible readings:
Matthew 22: 34-46
Deuteronomy 34: 1-12
Prayers of the people:
Handout and Talks
available on the website.
Thanks to all who have helped
with set up/ child care/ food
prep/pack up etc!
Ken Weaver
Sally Milne
Rob Palmer
A Prayer for Today
Almighty and everlasting God,
give to us the increase of faith, hope and
love; and, that we may obtain what you
promise, make us to love what you
command; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
interest on the
Prayer is available to the
right of the stage after the
November Prayer Diary
available on entrance table.
Welcome Lunch
9th November
If you are new to Living Water we’d love to
formally welcome you – please register your
interest on the form at the back of church
Taize Service – Saturday 1st November, 6pm at Living Water. All Welcome.
Please join us after the 10am Service next week for a BBQ Lunch.
Did you receive the Living Water Weekly?
If you didn’t and would like to, please
Crèche is for kids up to and including Year 1,
add your email to the form on the
noticeboard table .
and runs all year. You need to sign your child in
and out - and please collect them promptly at
Living Water in Prayer
the end of the service.
Sunday School
is for kids from Years
2-6. (Sunday School runs during school terms,
and may break over the holidays)
Youth Bible Study
Years 7-9:
Year 10-12:
out with Jo
stay in today
Our Morning Tea today is kindly
organised by Ida and Anna &
Rob P.
Next Week is our lunch hosted by
the Hitchen/Akubuiro Cell
Thankyou all so much!
8am: Prayer Book Service led by Esther.
10am: We celebrate with a family Non-Communion service – with leading,
readings and prayers led by the Hitchen/Akubuiro Cell Group. Shane will
bring the message, Andrew the kids talk, and the music team will be led by
James. Thank you for the way you serve us!!
Prayer Coordinator: Kerry Randall - 0400 028 355
Friday morning: 7am in Community House – corporate prayer breakfast.
Contemplative Prayer - 3rd Wednesday @ 1.45pm-2.45pm at Kerry's home.
Intercessory Prayer Co-ordinator - contact Aileen on 98474327 /
Personal Prayer Ministry - Wednesdays in the Community House.
Bookings only – please contact Kerry to book or for more information.
See Kerry for more details. ph: 0400028355
Living Water Financials YTD September 2014:
If you wish to Direct Debit your offering:
Inc $325,025 $15,330
Parish Account
Building Fund
BSB 706-001 Acc. 30004022
BSB 706-001 Acc. 30004023
Exp $343,734
If you need a regular booking of the Church building or Community House please let Jo
know – in office on Wednesday & Thursday or email: **NEW EMAIL
To place a notice in this bulletin or on overheads, please get it to Jo by Thursday morning, thank you!