SPIRE, January 2015 A.pub - First Congregational Church


SPIRE, January 2015 A.pub - First Congregational Church
The First Congregational Church of Wallingford
January 2015
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Dinner and Games
Tuesday, February 17 - 6:00 p.m.
A variety of pancakes, sausage, and fruit will be available.
Fun, Food, and Fellowship
Don’t miss this event
A free will offering will be accepted.
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion
A Service of Reconciliation and Healing
February 18 at 7:00 p.m.
We will share the ancient rite of “Anointing with Oil.”
Tuesday Evening Lenten Series 2015
Finding Faith at the Movies: A Lenten Journey Film Series
Tuesday, February 24 - Heaven is For Real
Tuesday, March 3 - The Good Lie
Tuesday, March 10 - A Better Life
Tuesday, March 17 - I am David
Tuesday, March 24 - The Way
Finding Faith at the Movies is an invitation to explore themes of Lent and faith –
forgiveness, sacrifice, ethical choices, love, hope, exile and homecoming - through the
medium of film. Movies provide stories that have the power to touch the heart, mind and
soul. Movies can motivate and change people and people can change the world. We will
explore four different films and discuss the themes and issues that they present. Join us
for a wonderful soup, sandwich and dessert meal together and then stay for the film and
6:00 PM: Soup and Sandwich Supper in Congregational Hall
6:45 PM: Lenten Film and Discussion
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340 Years ~ “Called to New Beginnings”
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
A Christmas and Epiphany Season Thank You: We have just experienced a truly
wonderful holiday season here at First Church. I give thanks that so many of you shared the
Christmas worship celebrations with us. I loved the music that was offered by our choirs,
soloists, handbell choir, and instrumentals. It was great to have so many of our college
students return and share in the leadership of the 9 pm Lessons & Carols service on Christmas
Eve. And the Children’s Christmas Pageant at the 5:00 pm service was presented with artistic
skill and enthusiasm.
Thank you Deacons, Flower Committee, Men’s Ministry, Ushers, Greeters, Musicians, children,
youth, college students, adults, parents and individual volunteers for making our Christmas
and Epiphany worship services so beautiful and meaningful.
340th Anniversary Year: We now enter a very special year in our church family’s history.
340 years ago in 1675, our congregation came out of Center Church on the Green in New Haven
and began the settlement of Wallingford. The church received its charter from the Connecticut
legislature and worship services began under the leadership of the Rev. Samuel Street. Later
this year we plan to celebrate this wonderful time with special events and activities.
Stewardship Focus – Blessed to be a Blessing: We recently received a $2,000 gift from
one of our church members in support of our Youth Ministry program. This gift came from
that person’s IRA “mandatory distribution” as a charitable gift.
Individuals ages 70 ½ or older, are required to take distributions from their IRAs (called a
required minimum distribution, or RMD) each year, by December 31. Generally, that
distribution is taxable income to the account owner. However, the charitable rollover offers
another option for the RMD. By giving to a church or a qualified charity, you can direct the
custodian of your IRA to distribute money directly to a charity of your choice, without having to
count that distribution as taxable income. This avoids all income taxes on the distribution and
benefits a cause that you care about. That is what you call a win – win for you and your charity.
If you routinely give to the church, you may want to consider making a direct distribution from
your IRA.
Lent Begins Ash Wednesday, February 18: We have some
wonderful programs and study groups planned for the upcoming
Lenten Season. These activities are highlighted in this issue of
“The Spire” with dates and times. Please join us for a spiritual
Lenten journey in these challenging times.
Grace and peace,
T h e S p ir e
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340 Years ~ “Called to New Beginnings”
Contemporary Christian Band Debut
Youth Career Event this Afternoon
Sermon: “Source of Strength”
Focus Scriptures: Isaiah 40: 21-31 & Mark 1: 29-39
Theme: “Proclaiming the Gospel, becoming healers in our time”
Our Boy Scouts from Troop 5 will assist with the worship service.
Sermon: “Compassionate Community”
Focus Scriptures: 2 Kings 2: 1-12 & Mark 9: 2-9
Theme: “Each generation will inherit the mantle of leadership”
Pancake Supper & Fellowship in Congregational Hall.
Good food, pancake races, conversation & laughter.
An evening to celebrate Mardi Gras!
All are welcome.
FEBRUARY 18 at 7:00 p.m. – ASH WEDNESDAY
A Worship Service of Reconciliation and Healing
Sermon: “Reflect & Renew”
Focus Scriptures: Joel 2: 1-2, 12-17 & Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21
We will share the Lord’s Supper & the ancient rite of “Anointing with Oil.”
Sermon: “God’s Paths”
Focus Scriptures: Psalm 25: 1-10 & Mark 1: 9-15
Theme: “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul, in you I trust”
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Our Search and God’s Call
The Search for a new Senior Minister begins.
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare
and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. (Jeremiah 28:11)
This is an exciting time of transition for our congregation as we determine how God is calling
us into the future, and who will be called as Senior Minister to serve our church family. Our
next step is to establish a Search Committee for our new Senior Minister. Their job will be to
complete our church profile and examine candidates to find just the right person for us.
If you are interested in nominating a church member to the Search Committee, complete
information about the nomination process and nomination forms are available in the Narthex,
church office and available to download on-line from the church’s website at
www.firstchurchwlfd.org. Nomination forms will be accepted until March 1, 2015. Please
return them to the sealed boxes in the Narthex, church office, mail them in, or give to one of
the members of the Nominating Committee.
You may not nominate yourself, or a member of your immediate family (spouse, child). You
may nominate up to a maximum of 3 people. You must complete and submit the Nomination
form, so the Nominating Committee has some input from you about why you think someone
would be an asset to the Search Committee. The only single thing required for consideration is
that everyone on the Search Committee must be a member of our congregation.
Thank you for your participation and commitment to our church’s future.
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Scholarship Annual Report
2014 was another expanding year for the scholarship committee. We hit the ground
running and never looked back. Our goal was to create opportunities for the youth and the
adults to come together in more ways than fundraising. What better way, we thought, than to
offer a Career Event that included tapping into the many diverse professionals that are members of the church. We had an overwhelming positive response from the professionals as well as
the youth. In February over 70 youth attended to hear about very diverse professions. We then
moved back into fundraising mode with our annual Palm Sunday envelope drive. Once
again, a very generous response from the congregation. We also had our second wine tasting
event. Building on the previous year we had a very successful event that included our signature
wine glass with the image of the church etched on it that was given to all that purchased a ticket.
We also had our annual Mother’s Day Flower Sale. Flowers and vegetables were available
for purchase and once again very successful.
Starting in May we reviewed 8 very deserving applications for scholarships. These scholarships were awarded on Father’s day in June. The recipients included (in no particular order)
Caylee Allard, Summer Edeen, Christine Ewart, Adam Filkins, Nicole Kern, Michael May, Leah
Meyers, Mackenzie Weborg. Afterwards the congregation was treated to an ice cream social with
vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream with all the toppings.
After a busy winter and spring we took a well-deserved break. We picked up right where
we left off. Covering coffee hour for the month of October and holding our third annual pasta
dinner which is our free dinner to thank the congregation for all of their generous support
throughout the year. Good food and fellowship followed by a chance to win a free door prize for
all who attended.
As if all that was not enough, the committee decided to try something new. Selling gift
cards, with a small window for sales before the holidays, the response was above expectations
with this event likely becoming an annual event.
We would like to thank the committee members, Wendy Eaton-Soto, Frank Stellato, Tony Buccheri, Tony Terzi, Mike Savenelli, William Fries and Angela Buccheri. Their commitment,
help, and support throughout the year helped make all the events more successful than imagined.
Respectively submitted, Jill Broun & Frank Falcone, Co-Chairs
(Note: The Scholarship Report was accidently left out of the 2014 official report. Please add this page to
your copy of the Annual Report. )
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One Great Hour of Sharing
March 15, 2015
“God is able to provide you
with every blessing in abundance...You
may share abundantly in every good
selections: 2 Corinthians 9:8
For over 65 years, Christians in North
America have changed lives with their gifts
to One Great Hour of Sharing. By sharing
our resources, we share God’s love and
blessings. Even when times are tough, and
the world around us seems uncertain, we
are confident enough in God’s blessings to
share abundantly with those in need.
Bring a few extra dollars to church on
Sunday, March 15. One Great Hour of
Sharing envelopes will be in the pews for
your convenience.
Arts for Healing
The Board of Community
and World Service is joining
with Girl Scout Troop 60171
in collecting art supplies to help kids
through difficult times at Yale New
Hospital. Through out February, boxes will
be in the Narthex for your donations of:
Pencils and Markers
Colored Pencils
Construction Paper or Plain White Paper
Washable Paints and Paint Brushes
Erasers and pens
Ruled white paper
Non-toxic glue and glue sticks
Non-toxic Glitter Glue.
The girls are asking for “new” items, only.
Toss a few items in your grocery cart and
then into the collection box. You will feel
most blessed!
P.S. Don’t forget a few single rolls of toilet
paper for the “Toilet Paper Toss” on
Feb. 15. All paper collected to be donated
to Masters Mana.
Church School News
Our students have been very busy during Sunday School
making crystal snowflakes, cookies and lavender hand
warmers. Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, & 2 are singing
This Little Light of Mine in church on February
8 and Grade 5 will be making lunches for Master's Manna
on Sunday.
 If the real snow flakes pile up on a Sunday morning, please
check WTNH, Channel 8 for possible cancellation. The
snow storms have been on Monday, so far!
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 Are You Ready For Something New? ♪♪
The Debut of our own Contemporary Christian Band!
Sunday, February 8 at the 10:00 AM service.
Featuring our own in-house talented
singers and instrumentalists.
Film Fest Concert for Bawa, Cameroon
Friday, February 27th at 7:00 PM
Finally it is here!
Featuring Kyle Brazauski, Jeanette Gross,
Jessie Hawthorn, and many others.
M.C.’s Vinny Cervoni and Chris Dorsey
Film Trivia and prizes (good ones).
Good Fun! Good Food! Good Laughs!
Come experience some aspects of an African Village in
Congregational Hall, masterminded by Rev. Margaret Jay
during her sabbatical.
In the Future…
The Sailor’s Bible by Allen Pote
Lyrics by Tom Long
Sunday, March 8 - 10:00 AM
Jonah and Paul surface again as the
instigators of the storms, shipwrecks, and
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Books and Beyond
March 26 - 7:00 p.m.
Come Play Bunko with the Grown Up
Girls March 6 at 7:00 p.m. at Kathy Filkins
Guild Room’
February’s Book: Heaven Is For
Real! By Todd Burpo
Heaven Is for Real is the true story
of the four-year old son of a small
town Nebraska pastor who during
emergency surgery slips from
consciousness and enters heaven. He survives
and begins talking about being able to look down
and see the doctor operating and his dad praying
in the waiting room. The family didn't know
what to believe but soon the evidence was clear.
The Family Life Board has purchased an
automated external defibrillate (A.E.D.).
This portable device checks the heart
rhythm and can send an electric shock to the
heart to restore a normal rhythm. AEDs are
used to treat sudden cardiac arrest. The FL
Board invites you to a free “Hands Only”
CPR class which will incorporate training
in how to use CPR with the AED device. We
will also offer blood pressure screening.
Join us February 22 at 11:30 AM in the
Guild Room for this half hour life saving
Colton said he met his miscarried sister, whom
no one had told him about, and his great
grandfather who died 30 years before Colton was
born, then shared impossible-to-know details
about each. He describes the horse that only
Jesus could ride, about how "reaaally big" God
and his chair are, and how the Holy Spirit
"shoots down power" from heaven to help us.
Men’s Ministry and Spouses
– St. Patrick’s Day!
The Men’s Ministry & Family Life
Board members will gather for a St. Patrick’s
Day Dinner on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 6 pm,
at the home of Steve & Eloise Hazelwood. The
menu will include corned beef, cabbage, carrots
and potatoes. Each participant is asked to bring
a beverage, appetizer, or dessert to share. Please
R.S.V.P. by calling the church office so we can
plan for your presence, (203) 265-1691.
Told by the father, but often in Colton's own
words, the disarmingly simple message is:
heaven is a real place, Jesus really loves
children, and be ready, there is a coming last
News to Use!
We are looking for
volunteers to play the church
bells from the steeple before the
10AM Sunday worship services. If interested
Please contact the Church Office at 203-2651691, or send Rick Voelker an e-mail to
Women’s Fellowship will meet on
March 17 at 11:00 a.m. in Congregational Hall for a special program featuring Rev.
Warburton. Bring your sandwich and join
the ladies for lunch after the program. All
women of the church and their friends are
invited to attend.
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Y O U T H - “ L I V E I N F A I T H E V E RY DA Y ”
JR. High Lock-in
On March 21ST - 22ND Jr. High Youth
will have a Lock-in. The theme: The
theme is "Freeze Frame Moments" in
our lives!!!
Sr. High Retreat 2015
When was the last time you could
remember laughing so hard you cried?
People say that laughter heals the soul.
At this Sr. High Retreat I guarantee that
there will be plenty of laughter and a
time to heal the soul. Save the date
February 20-21-22.
The cost for this weekend will be
$40.00. This figure will cover
transportation, food, and housing. Call
or text Glenn now (203-907-5382) to
reserve your spot for this year’s fun
filled Sr. High Winter Retreat at the
Incarnation Center in Ivoryton CT.
Second Annual
Career Night
February 8 - 4:00 p.m.
The Scholarship Committee is hosting
the second annual Career Night on
Sunday, February 8, 2015 from 4-6
pm (registration begins at 3:45
This will be a wonderful
opportunity for you and your student to
learn about a wide variety of careers.
The evening will be divided into a few
small group sessions which will give
each family the time to hear about the
different professions and to ask
questions. Refreshments will be served
at the end of the evening in
Congregational Hall.
Please bring in a baby picture and also
a picture of your favorite memory. . We
will play games; eat a ton of pizza, talk,
play more games, and stay up late. I
hope to see you there and guarantee
this lock-in will be even better than the
Dinner and a Show
June 13, 2014
Join us for Dinner on June 13th
and support the Sr. High Mission
trip. The Sr. Highs who are going on
the mission trip to Sunbury PA. are
putting together a Dinner and A
Show for Everyone! Come have
dinner and laugh and have fun with
our talented youth and adults. The
cost for dinner is a paltry $12.00 per
person. We will begin selling tickets
starting on May 3rd at coffee hour.
Or, you can purchase tickets by
calling Glenn Root at 203-907-5382
Limited space is available. So come
and enjoy a Dinner and a Show. The
proceeds will go to this year’s
Mission trip and Angel fund.
The First Congregational Church of
23 South Main Street
Wallingford, Connecticut 06492
Telephone: 203-265-1691
Fax number: 203-265-0693
Website: www.firstchurchwlfd.org
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2015 Church Goal
“Imagine the Possibilities”
First Church
Worship and Study
Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and
10:00 a.m. in
our Sanctuary
2:00 p.m. at
Ashlar Village
Nursery Care and
Church School:
Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Lenten Supper & Study
Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m.
Bible Study beginning
Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
in the Meetinghouse and
12:00 p.m. at the
Meadowood Club Room at
Ashlar Village
The Spire is published monthly,
by The First Congregational
Church of Wallingford,
Connecticut. Articles for the next
issue, mailed Feb. 26 should be in
the church office by February 16.
Send us an email at:
Lenten Bible Study
“Who Is the Holy Spirit?”
February 25 ‐ April 1
9:00 AM in the Mee nghouse
12:00 PM at Ashlar Village
This transforming study will reveal who Jesus is, what
He does, and what life is like when He lives within you.
Learn what the Holy Spirit does in the life of a Christian
and how The Spirit can help you grow to be
more like Christ.
Join Rev. Warburton as he facilitates this basic Bible
Study for all ages and every stage in the Christian Life.
It is well written and easy to understand.
Books will be available for $6.00 each.