SPRED - Diocese of Galloway


SPRED - Diocese of Galloway
R EP LY S LIP : p lea se re tu rn t o
D i r e ct or o f S PR E D,
Q u e e n M a r g a re t A ca de m y,
D a lm e l li ng to n Rd . A y r KA 7 3 TL
I would like more information about
SPRED was introduced to the area in 1998.
The programme originated in Chicago and was
Spiritual & Personal
specifically designed for people with learning
I would like to take part in
difficulties, recognizing that ‘spiritual needs are
a SPRED group 
for people with
real needs’. It is now being used in countries
I would like to make a Donation:- 
worldwide. The Diocese of Galloway currently
has groups based at the SPRED centre in Ayr,
and others in Irvine, Kilmarnock, Stevenston,
Please make cheques payable to : SPRED Galloway
Dalry and Girvan. Out reach work is done on
an individual basis where someone can not ac-
cess a group, or when advocacy or support is
requested. We hope to establish new groups
through the help of volunteers, so that more
SPRED Centre
Queen Margaret Academy
Dalmellington Rd.
Ayr KA7 3TL
people with special needs may benefit from the
support of the SPRED programme.
Tel: 01292 263196
SPRED : A programme for Spiritual
& Personal Development
Children, Teens, Young Adults & Adults.
Friendship : a meaningful
valued relationship with a person
willing to share their life experience.
Inclusion: within a small
mixed group of learning disabled
people, ‘Friends’, and volunteers
from the local community.
Belonging: to a local community
where their particular gifts are
recognized and their person
Each SPRED group is respectful of the persons
actual age.
Each group welcomes 6 ‘Friends’ and 8 volunteers: 2 take on leadership roles and 6 have a
special ‘Friend’ to accompany within the group.
Volunteers must all have disclosure checks and
will be trained in the SPRED method. A regular
commitment to the group is essential. Ongoing
training & supervision is given.
SPRED groups meet on a regular evening :fortnightly for ‘Friends’ & weekly for Volunteers
in school term time.
We are open to all who wish to take part. We
have SPRED celebrations throughout the year to
which family, carers & support workers are invited.
It is possible to come and observe a session if
you are interested to learn more in view of taking part in SPRED.
We receive referrals from individuals,
families, care agencies,
special schools & parishes.