February 22, 2015 - St. Barnabas Parish
February 22, 2015 - St. Barnabas Parish
A Desert Journey of the Heart Enter the silence The Catholic Community of Saint Barnabas February 22, 2015 First Sunday of Lent PARISH MISSION The family of St. Barnabas Parish celebrates the Eucharist, welcomes and serves all, shares talents, fosters learning, and initiates others into the life of Christ. 10134 South Longwood, Chicago, IL 60643 www.stbarnabasparish.org 773-779-1166 The Pastor’s Mutterings TWO NOTABLE PARISH EVENTS Among the many events happening at St. Barnabas during this busy season of Lent, there are two special opportunities happening soon that every parishioner should know about and, if possible, attend. The first is a presentation by Fr. Gary Graf on “Catholic Social Teaching and Welcoming the Stranger” on Tuesday, February 24 at 7:00 pm in the Church. He grew up in Queen of Martrys Parish as the second of six children, and knew at an early age Fr. Gary Graf that he wanted to be a priest. Before his ordination in 1984, he traveled to Panama and Central America and experienced the Church from a new perspective. As a priest of Chicago he has served several parishes, and was the pastor of three parishes in Waukegan at the same time. He is currently the pastor of St. Gall Parish at 55th and Kedzie, where he is deeply loved and respected for his energy, humility, and tireless dedication to the Gospel and the service of God’s people. I can attest without equivocation that Fr. Gary is a remarkable person, a gifted speaker, and a terrific priest. He is well-acquainted with the many issues surrounding immigration in our city and country, and has much wisdom and insight to offer. Please come to listen and ask questions — you will not be disappointed. ****** The second event to mark on your calendar is our Parish Lenten Mission, “Rediscovering God Day by Day” to take place on the evenings of Sunday, March 8 - Tuesday, March 10. The mission speaker will be Fr. Jim Donovan, who is well-known to us as a fine priest and excellent homilist. But the extended format of the mission will give him the opportunity to speak in depth about the faith which is at the core of his life, and about how we can experience the joy of God’s presence in our own lives every day. There will be ways for everyone, young and old, to participate in our Parish Mission. There is more information about the Mission on the next page of this bulletin. I hope you and your family will plan to attend. Your presence will help make this a Lenten season for all of us to remember and enjoy for a long time to come. Happy Lent! “Re-Discovering God Day by Day” Please join us at St. Barnabas Church 10134 S. Longwood Drive, Chicago At 7pm Sunday thru Tuesday March 8-10th Babysitting will be available in our convent for those attending the Mission. Sunday, March 8th at 7:00 pm “God Loves Us” Additionally, a Children’s Mission will be held in the Church Hall, ages 5 years to 5th grade Monday, March 9th at 7:00 pm “God Forgives Us” The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated Soup and bread supper will be available in the Church Hall beginning at 6pm Soup makers needed; Contact Maryellen if you are able to bring a Crockpot of soup to share at 773-429-9614 Babysitting will be available in our convent for those attending the Mission. Please contact Beth Devane, if you can help volunteer to babysit, at 773-239-2639 Tuesday, March 10th at 7:00 pm “God Calls Us to Love Each Other “ The Eucharistic Liturgy will be celebrated Fr. Jim Donovan has been a parish priest for more than 27 years, and served in parishes around Chicago. Most recently he served as pastor of Our Lady of Loretto in Hometown, as the chairman of the Archdiocesan priest’s placement board, and currently is the Vicar for Priests for the Archdiocese. He lives at the St. Barnabas Rectory, and serves the people of our parish in many ways. For many years, Fr. Jim has been involved in retreat work and spiritual direction, including Kairos, the permanent deaconate, directed retreats, and parish missions. He is a dynamic and engaging speaker. We are very happy and proud to welcome Fr. Jim Donovan to present our parish Lenten Mission. Parish Mission Presented by Fr. Jim Donovan Re-Discovering God Day by Day Ash Wednesday Schedule Wednesday, February 18th 6:45 am, 8:45 am, and 7:00 pm liturgies 3:15 pm Prayer Service Parish Weekday Liturgy Schedule Monday/Wednesday/Friday 6:45 am Eucharistic Liturgy - Chapel Tuesday/Thursday 6:45 am Word and Communion Service - Chapel Monday - Friday 8:45 am Eucharistic Liturgy - Church Saturday 8:00 am Eucharistic Liturgy - Church Parish Lenten Program Sunday, March 8th—7:00 pm God Loves Us Monday, March 9th—7:00 pm God Forgives Us Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated Tuesday, March 10th– 7:00 pm God Calls Us to Love Each Other Eucharistic Liturgy will be celebrated Parish Reconciliation Saturdays - 3:00 - 3:30 pm Parish Communal Reconciliation March 22 - 7:00 pm Church Palm Sunday, March 29th Mass Schedule - 4:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm Sunday St. Barnabas School Stations Convent Chapel– Grades 1-7 (times vary) March 14th, 28th April 4th, 11th Stations - Grade 8 March 27th- 1:45 pm Church 7:00 pm Church Parish Stations - Fridays February 20th—7:00 pm - Church February 27th—3:00 pm - Church March 6th—7:00 pm - Church March 13th—3:00 pm - Church March 20th—7:00 pm—Church Holy Thursday, April 2nd Evening Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper - 7:00 pm Adoration in Chapel until midnight No Word and Communion Service or 8:45 am Liturgy Good Friday of the Passion of Our Lord April 3rd Stations of the Cross - 3:00 pm Liturgy of the Passion of our Lord - 7:00 pm No 6:45 or 8:45 am Liturgy Holy Saturday, April 4th Blessing of Easter Baskets - 2 pm in Church Easter Vigil Liturgy - 7:00 pm No 8:00 am Liturgy Easter Sunday, April 5th Mass Schedule - 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm Spiritual Life LENT 2015 A Desert Journey of the Heart A DESERT JOURNEY OF THE HEART We have begun the holy and sacred season of Lent. Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving we are encouraged to reflect on our life and to see how we meet the challenges of living a Christian life. This Lent, we invite you to embark on a Desert Journey of the Heart or, in the words of Jay Cormier, author of our Lenten reflection books, “a journey into the wilderness within us where God dwells.” We begin this journey, today, on the first Sunday of Lent as we “Enter the Silence” of the desert and will continue the journey throughout the Lenten season as we “Listen,” “Reflect,” “Be Open” and finally “Change” in some way that “leads us to re-center our lives with new hope and renewed vision as we journey through the desert to the Easter promise” (Cormier) May this Desert Journey of the Heart lead us to a deeper self-awareness, “open our eyes to realize the path we should take if we are to become the people of justice and righteousness that we seek to become” (Cormier) and deepen our relationship with God and others. ENTER THE SILENCE 1st Sunday of Lent Today we begin our Lenten journey. Let us take our minds and our hearts to the desert where we will stay during these six weeks of Lent. It is quiet in the desert. We may be uncomfortable with its silence. As human beings, we seem to always feel the need to speak. Take a moment to Enter the Silence of your desert and allow the grace of God to come to you. Cindy Malloy– St. Barnabas Liturgy Comittee LENTEN REGULATIONS Abstinence from meats is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. Parish Life “AND” A NEW DIRECTION BENEFIT DAY! On Saturday, March 21, donate and work out at St. Barnabas, or any of the many community fitness locations hosting activities, to support the 4th Annual, Work Out to Wipe Out Domestic Violence Day, sponsored by the GFWC IL Morgan Park Junior Woman's Club. Please join your fellow parishioners for a fun-filled Zumba class held by Victor of Victory Dance Studio and help wipe out domestic violence. Saturday, March 21st, 9:30 a.m. in the church hall. ALL proceeds will benefit A New Direction Beverly Morgan Park, www.anewdirectionbmp.org, a non-profit counseling and advocacy agency serving families of domestic violence. (Suggested donation $25) Watch for the 2015 schedule for locations and activities coming out soon. Submit inquiries to: morganparkjuniors@yahoo.com. Education Faith Formation SPRED MARRIAGE MINISTRY What is SPRED? The SPRED (Special Religious Development) Program has welcomed young adults with cognitive challenges at St. Barnabas for fifteen years. Through SPRED, young adults, ages seventeen to twentyone years-old, have an opportunity for fellowship and religious development, including preparing to receive Communion and Confirmation. What Do Volunteers Do at a SPRED Meeting ? Support a young adult “friend’, keeping company during art activities. Pray and sing together at a “celebration” using a biblical evocation. Socialize while enjoying a simple meal, AGAPE, at the end of each meeting. How Much Time is Involved ? Group meetings with our young adults are twice a month, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Religious fellowship, and planning sessions, on alternate weeks for an hour. Is There Training Involved ? At the SPRED Center located in Bridgeport, one Saturday, 1:00-6:00 p.m. Community Involvement? Three community entertainment trips to events and locations throughout the city. SPRED Masses, at St. Barnabas, other parishes, and at the SPRED Center. St. Barnabas SPRED always welcomes new volunteers. Please feel free to contact volunteers: Colleen Doherty 320-3874, Maureen O’Donnell, 560-8488, or Kevin Doherty 320-5421. All adult ministers are required to fulfill the necessary Archdiocesan requirements for service with children. (Virtus Training, Background check, volunteer application, Code of Conduct,etc.) Good Morning. Last week was Valentine’s Day. For the Family Law Group, this starts what has historically been the busiest week of the year. Many people elect to shed their old Valentine and celebrate with a new one. For ½ of the relationship there is anger, hurt, hostility, …. well you know. Too often we all get too involved at work and suffer through the day to day grind and forget what is really important. • A simple I love you. • A heartfelt thanks for all you do. • A sincere apology (some tears usually help here). • A small token of your appreciation. • Simply Remembering. All these will be the best financial investment (and personal one) for this upcoming year. Best Wishes. Steven DIRECTORY UPDATE St. Barnabas is in the process of updating its annual directory for 2015-2016. You should have received the update form in the mail. Please return this form, by dropping it off at the rectory or putting it in the Sunday collection basket, even if you have no edits, so we know you are an active parishioner. Human Concerns PEACE QUOTE “On my knees I beg you to turn away from the paths of violence and return to the ways of peace.” Saint John Paul II “Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty.” Pope Francis HUNGERING FOR A BETTER LIFE Our journey CRS Rice Bowl begins in Tanzania, where a simple soybean is changing lives! What actions can you take this Lent to change lives – at home and around the world? All are invited to pick up a “Rice Bowl” at Mass today. FATHER GARY GRAF TO SPEAK AT ST. BARNABAS~FEBRUARY 24 – 7 P.M. The St. Barnabas Peace and Justice Committee is pleased to announce that Father Gary Graf will be with us on February 24, 2015 to speak about his work in immigrant communities. Father Graf is currently the pastor at St. Gall, a primarily Hispanic parish on the Southwest side. Prior to that, Father Graf led three parishes with over 5,000 families in working class and immigrant neighborhoods in Waukegan. Father Graf spent the early part of his priesthood working in poor Mexican villages. In Waukegan, he publicly opposed an ordinance giving local police immigration powers. While at St. Gall, he visited the Mexican border, and crossed into the US without documentation in order to get a better appreciation of the hardships immigrants face. Father Graf is a charismatic speaker who has a wealth of experience to share. Please join us in the Church Hall on February 24, 2015 at 7:00 pm to hear him. Light refreshments will be served. THANK YOU! Our sharing parish, Holy Family provides food for approximately 160 families, or individuals each month through their food pantry. Through your generosity this Valentine's weekend, we provided 180 boxes of cereal, enough for one month's need at the pantry. Thank you to all those who participated especially the students of St. Barnabas school who collected 129 boxes. Our sharing parish is most grateful for your generosity and thank you for making a difference for those in need. Hello! to all our friends at Smith Village! Administration—Our Finances Your Gifts Matter Weekly 02/15/15 Actual $15,266.35 Budgeted $18,931.00 Difference $ (3664.65) Monthly Jan 2015 Actual $87,984.00 Budgeted $75,723.00 Difference $12,261.00 Actual Budgeted Difference Year-to-Date (7/1—01/31/15 Actual $568,336.24 Budgeted $567,921.00 Difference $ 415.24 Christmas Easter 2014 2015 $88,919.00 $85,000.00 $ 3,919.00 Parish Calendar Mon. 2/23 9:15 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Daily Rosary Liturgy Committee Development Committee Open School Board RCIA Men’s Basketball Holy Spirit Chapel Rectory Convent North Church Hall Convent East Gym Tues. 2/24 9:15 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Daily Rosary Finance Board Immigration Talk Young Adult Basketball Holy Spirit Chapel Rectory Church Hall Gym Wed. 2/25 9:15 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Daily Rosary Children Choir SPRED Men’s Spirituality Group Adult Choir Holy Spirit Chapel Church Convent East Convent North Church Thurs. 2/26 9:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Daily Rosary Manna AA Al-Anon Holy Spirit Chapel Gym Lobby Convent Convent Dining Room Fri. 2/27 9:15 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Novena Stations of the Cross Holy Spirit Chapel Church Sat. 2/28 8:00 p.m. CRHP Convent Sun. 3/1 8:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Rel. Ed. COJ for Spred Strings Concert COJ School Rectory Church Hall Rectory Please Pray for our Military Kenneth Safford Ryan Graber Peter Chaveriat Jennifer Chaveriat Patrick Corcoran James Fournier Chuck Franklin Richard O'Connell, Jr Josh Pentek Brendan Nolan Matt Beemsterboer Sean Miller JJ Marren THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! We rely on parishioners like you to keep St. Barnabas a strong, vibrant parish community where the Eucharist remains the center of our lives. Thank you for your continued investment in the life of St. Barnabas Parish. BULLETIN ARTICLES To submit items for the bulletin please send to Geri Doherty at gdoherty@stbarnabasparish.org no later then 9:00 on the Monday before the weekend. Thank you! READINGS OF THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b -34; Mk 9:2-10 GIVING THANKS WHEN YOU SHOP Please be sure to thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin. This advertising helps keep the cost of the weekly bulletin to a minimum. LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS PARISH STAFF AND DIRECTORY 10134 South Longwood Fax 779-1166 445-9671 Rev. Raymond Tillrock Pastor Emeritus We gather as a community to celebrate Mass: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Rev. William Malloy Pastor wmalloy@stbarnabasparish.org X232 Rev. John Hetland Associate Pastor frhetland@stbarnabasparish.org X235 Rev. James Donovan Resident Jdonovan@archchicago.org X230 Matt Furjanic Director, Religious Ed mfurjanic@stbarnabasparish.org 445-3450 Kitty Ryan Pastoral Associate/ Director of Music & Liturgy ktryan@stbarnabasparish.org X226 Gail Byrnes Business Manager gbyrnes@stbarnabasparish.org X227 Monica Wilczak Director of Development mwilczak@stbarnabasparish.org X242 Geri Doherty Parish Secretary gdoherty@stbarnabasparish.org X221 Sandro Tsomaia Associate Music Director atsomaia@stbarnabasparish.org X223 Maryellen Harrington Youth Ministry Coordinator mharrington@stbarnabasparish.org 429-9614 X228 Sr. Julie Flynn Human Concerns Coordinator Jflynn@stbarnabasparish.org Weekdays: 6:45 am Communion Service is in Chapel; 8:45am Mass is in Church Mon. 2/23 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Tues, 2/24 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Wed, 2/25 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m Rev. William Kenneally Saturday, 2/28 8:00 a.m. People of St. Barnabas Deacons Mr. Larry Conway, Mr. James Temple Mr. Andrew Neu, Mr. William Sullivan School 10121 South Longwood 773-445-7711 Fax 773-445-9815 Elaine Gaffney Principal Egaffney@stbarnabasparish.org X216 Andy Walsh Asst. Principal awalsh@stbarnabasparish.org X316 Lisa Sarcinella lsarcinella@stbarnabasparish.org X215 Katy Duffy kduffy@stbarnabasparish.org X214 Convent 10161 South Longwood People of St. Barnabas Dan Broderick Thomas Murphy People of St. Barnabas John Harkenrider 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. Weekend Sacramental Assistants Word Communion Steve Beck Jim Dwyer Fri, 2/27 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Presider: Lector Sacristans 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. People of St. Barnabas Patrick Fergus Thurs, 2/26 6:45 a.m. Word Communion 8:45 a.m. Mary Catherine McManus 4:00 p.m. Intentions Sunday, March 1, 2015 8:00 a.m. Eucharist Celebration Intentions Millicent Cahill Presider Fr. Hetland Eucharist Celebration Trent Weber Scotland Riles Barbara Bansley Fr. Hetland Aiden Connolly Fiona Hurless Sophia* Glaubitz Dee McNamara Kitty Carroll Anne Malone Janice Roche William Waddell Kate Liston Castle John Richert Lyn Wozniak Winnie Lopez Lector Sacristans 10:00 a.m. Intentions Presider 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. Lector Sacristans 12:00 p.m. Intentions Presider 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. Lector Sacristans Veronica Zapata Tara McMahon Jacob Robinson Patty Fahey Betty Jane Knoth Patty Rohan Pat Tracy Kathleen McGarry Susan Poole Tom Hlousek Thomas Mangan Gerri Scanlon Eucharist Celebration Thomas Scanlon Robert Ferrell Fr. Malloy Jack Looney Julia Albores-Medina* Joey Stanton Kathy Gibbons Marge Love Nancy Barrett Bob Barrett Janet Barry Ellen Christopher Kathy Benson Mary Janine Scanlon Liz Corr Sheila Padden Peggy DuMais Eucharist Celebration Helen Gleason Susan Wall Fr. Malloy Julianna O'Brien Kate Somerville* Daniel Mueller John Fleming Donna O'Hara Alberta Kosik Heather Linehan Marie Rose Theodule Jim Briggs Ann Briggs Eileen Barron Julius H. Watson LET US HELP SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is introduce celebrated yourself on Saturday afternoon to 3:30with pm in the Doherty Church or by New Parishioners: We welcome you! Please to us. We askfrom that3:00 youpm register Geri 773-779-1166 ext.0 or Gdoherty@stbarnabasparish.org appointment. Anointing of the Sick/Communion: If a member of your family is ill or homebound, please contact Geri Doherty Infant Baptism: Infants are baptized on the first and third Sundays of the month at 1:30 pm, or at any regularly 773-779-1166 ext.0 or gdoherty@stbarnabasparish.org. scheduled Sunday Mass. First time parents are required to complete the Baptism Prep Class which are offered on the Holy Orders: Anyone interested in knowing more about formation for priestly or diaconate ministry is asked to call second Monday of every month. Please contact Geri Doherty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or gdoherty@stbarnabasparish.org. Fr. William Malloy at 773-779-1166 ext.232 or wmalloy@stbarnabasparish.org. Infant Baptism: Infants are baptized the first and third Sundays ofon theSaturday month at afternoon 1:30 pm, orfrom at any3:00 regularly Reconciliation: The Sacrament ofon Reconciliation is celebrated pm toscheduled 3:30 pmSunday in the mass. First time parents are required to complete the Baptism Prep Class which are offered on the second Monday of every month. Church or by appointment. Please contact Geri Doherty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or gdoherty@stbarnabasparish.org. Religious Education: Grammar school students whoyourself are nottoattending Barnabas areDoherty encouraged to New Parishioners: We welcome you! Please introduce us. We askSaint that you register School with Geri register for ext.0 Religious Education classes. Contact Matt Furjanic at 773-445-3450 or mfurjanic@stbarnabasparish.org. 773-779-1166 or Gdoherty@stbarnabasparish.org Sacraments of Initiation/RCIA: Those of catechetical age are baptized and fully received into the Catholic faith annually at the Sacraments of Initiation/RCIA: Those of catechetical age are baptized and fully received into the Catholic faith Easter Vigil. Formation begins in the fall. Please contact Tom Nine 773-881-8961, tnine@comcast.net annually at the Easter Vigil. Formation begins in the fall. Please contact Tom Nine 773-881-8961, tnine@comcast.net. Marriage: Please call the Rectory to speak with a priest about making arrangements 4 to 6 months in advance. Religious Education: Grammar schooltostudents not attending Saint Barnabas School are to advance. register for Marriage: Please call the Rectory speak who with are a priest about making arrangements 4 toencouraged 6 months in Religious Education classes. Contact Matt Furjanic at 773-445-3450 or mfurjanic@stbarnabasparish.org. Holy Orders: Anyone interested in knowing more about formation for priestly or diaconate ministry is asked to call Fr. William Malloy at 773-779-1166 ext.232 or wmalloy@stbarnabasparish.org. Anointing of the Sick/Communion: If a member of your family is ill or homebound, please contact Geri Doherty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or gdoherty@stbarnabasparish.org. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Barnabas Church #095600 10134 S. Longwood Drive Chicago, IL 60643 TELEPHONE 773 779-1166 CONTACT PERSON Geri Doherty OR Gail Byrnes SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP Color Laserjet 4600n SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 15, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 11 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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