May 3, 2015 - St. Barnabas Parish
Congratulations to the Children of St. Barnabas. Angela Aguilar Peyton Bartels Aiden Beemsterboer Micaela Borjas Maeve Briody Meghan Burke Colin Callaghan Tadgh Callaghan Daniel Coakley Cameron Cox Anna Cruz Peter Cruz Aleksandr Cuervo Anna Daigler Cian Desmond Angelina Domer Mary Doody Bridget Fasan Margot Fitzpatrick Patrick Flannery Elsa Furjanic Damien Garcia Maeve Gawne Flannery Golden Timothy Greene Sania Greer Maeve Griffin Mary Katherine Hayes Alyssa Haymaker Megan Healy Aidan Hurless Christian Joyce Sally Kennedy Logan Killelea Maisy Konrath Mia Lausch Jude Liss Ryan Loehr Ava Looney Riley McChesney O'Malley McMahon Maeve McNamara Quinlan McNerney Owen Murphy Seamus Murphy Addison O'Boyle Reese O’Keefe Declan O’Malley Gavin Rhodes Oscar Roa Eamon Roache Bonnie Schuch Caitlin Sears Daniel Sheehan Andrew Speh Noah Stanczak Audrey Styczynski Kiera Sullivan Hannah Sutker Fiona Swift Elena Valente Nathan Vogel Luke Wilcek David Wilkinson Nora Wolfe-Halpern The Catholic Community of Saint Barnabas May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter PARISH MISSION The family of St. Barnabas Parish celebrates the Eucharist, welcomes and serves all, shares talents, fosters learning, and initiates others into the life of Christ. 10134 South Longwood, Chicago, IL 60643 773-779-1166 The Pastor’s Mutterings I offer this (less than) profound observation for your consideration: there is no one in the world who does not have a belly-button! To know that is to remember that we are not self-made persons. Our lives were the gift of our mother and father. We were once utterly dependent upon our mother for nourishment and protection. Even after the tie was cut we were still far from self-sufficient. We were all born without teeth, without the ability to walk, or talk, or earn an MBA. Jesus used the image of a vine and branches to remind us that no one is self-sufficient. We all need each other, and together we all need God. That’s true of babies, first communicants, eighth graders, CEO’s, generals, presidents, parents, and priests. Jesus is the vine and we are its various parts. Our lives are sustained through his grace, which nourish our connections to each other. God did not create us to be islands. To be healthy we must be in communion, have friends, and be rooted in the network of caring believers we call the Church. From the strength of that relationship and commitment, we find the freedom to branch out and try something new. This weekend, the children of the St. Barnabas First Communion Class of 2015 will receive the Bread of Life for the first time. What an exciting moment for those children and their families, as well as their teachers and our whole parish family. We welcome them enthusiastically to the table of the Lord. May their wonderful moment of grace remind us all of the importance of our families, our larger parish family, our interdependence as branches on the Vine of Christ, and most of all, our need for the strength the Eucharist gives to us all. Administration—Our Finances Your Gifts Matter Weekly 04/19/15 Actual $15,740.41 Budgeted $18,931.00 Difference $ (3,190.59) Monthly Mar 2015 Actual $92,766.19 Budgeted $94,653.00 Difference $ (1,886.81) Actual Budgeted Difference Year-to-Date (7/1—03/31/15) Actual $729,795.53 Budgeted $738,297.00 Difference $ (8,501.47) Christmas 2014 $88,919.00 $85,000.00 $ 3,919.00 Easter 2015 $46,768.65 $58,000.00 $(8,231.35) Credit/debit cards expire and are replaced by banks for security purposes … please make sure your payment information is up to date in Give Central. Please login, or sign-up, today to review/update your Sunday Offertory giving. Thank you for your continued support of St. Barnabas - We Are Better Together! Please join us for The St. Barnabas Annual Breast Cancer Walk Kick-Off Liturgy Sunday, May 10th 6:30 am There will be no 8:00 am liturgy the day of the walk. “The altar server occupies a privileged place in the liturgy, you are much more than simple helpers of the parish priest. Above all, you are servers of Jesus Christ.” Pope John Paul II Consider Becoming An Altar Server Today With over 40 current members, Altar Servers represent one of the largest ministries in our Parish. Young people of St. Barnabas School and Religious Education in grades 6th - 8th grades are invited to become altar servers. Do you have a call to serve? Like all calls to ministry, it is God who makes the invitation. Will you help our parish worship by being an altar server? The altar server ministry is very important and you will be making a serious commitment to your parish family. The server is the priest and deacon’s right hand helper. Your attention to the words and actions of the Mass will make certain that the Mass will unfold in a smooth and prayerful manner for everyone present. A good server helps the people to pray the Mass! The ministry of Altar Server will not just be about what you do, but it will welcome you and make you a part of a special community of young people of our parish. Altar Servers prepare for their ministry together and new this year, they will have special opportunities to gather socially and more. Now is the time to be a server! Beginning in July 2015 we are adding three "F's" to the altar server experience, Faith, Fellowship, and Fun. This will be an experience you will remember for the rest of your life. If you feel the call to take on this serious commitment, discuss your interest with your parent(s) and complete the sign up form. Return the form to school, rectory or via the collection basket next Sunday. You can also complete this form online via the parish website or by clicking here. Mark Your Calendar: Altar Server Training will take place on two Thursday's: May 7th and 14th in the Convent from 3:30-5pm. Both sessions required. Door will open at 3pm. Return the form below to the rectory ASAP. 1 Follow-up training to be held in June in groups of 5-6 at a time. Dates/Times: TBA. For questions please call Matt Furjanic at 773-445-3450. Server's Name________________________________ Parent's Email*____________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Home Phone: _ Cell Phone: ____________________________________ School_____________________________ Grade____(Fall 2015) *Please use an email address that is checked regularly. Are there any masses that you cannot be assigned Yes____No_____If yes, when ________________________ Are there other members of your family who are Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, or Altar Servers. IF so who are they? Name Ministry (EOM, Lector, Altar Server) I will be away on vacation from:____________to:_____________ Faith Formation Spring Faith Enrichment Opportunities at St. Barnabas This Tuesday Fr. Bill Kenneally’s Series Returns! A HOP, SKIP AND JUMP THROUGH CHURCH HISTORY On Tuesday mornings in May, 9:30 to 10:30 am. Father Bill Kenneally will hold a class in the Church Hall about key moments in the story of the church. The first session will be about the first century, the second, the beginning of Islam, the third the Crusader and fourth the 13th century. We will consider the key players, the conflicting cultures, the consequences of the decisions made, and some little incident that changed the direction of the Church. Join us for a cup of coffee and some lively conversation. Today, Sunday May 3rd @ 3pm in St. Barnabas Holy Spirit Chapel in Church "We are called to acknowledge how beautiful, true and good it is to start a family, to be a family today… We are called to make known God's magnificent plan for the family…as we accompany them amidst so many difficulties." - Pope Francis, February 20, 2014 Beginning on May 3rd, we will have a monthly Family Rosary in the St. Barnabas Holy Spirit Chapel. Family Rosary is an informal meeting of whole families and all members of our parish family, of all ages, to pray the rosary on Sunday afternoons. This is a great opportunity to simply pray or to teach your children and grandchildren to pray. All are welcome. Wanted: A Few Good Men We are seeking a few good men who are willing to help lead our monthly Men’s Spirituality Group. Together men reflect on the upcoming Sundays Gospel as a small group and then have a discussion about a video clip. Fr. Hetland began the group and we hope it will continue, but we need a few good men to lead it. It would not be a large time commitment. Please contact Maryellen via phone 773-429-9614or email at to learn more. House Build Mission Project Update In 2011, 2012, and 2014 the St. Barnabas Parish family came together to build a home for a family in need. This mission project took place right here in our parish parking lot. Over 175 men, women, and children came out to lend a hand. Today, three families have the dignity and safety of having a home because of our parish efforts. The cost of the project ranges between 6500-$8,000. In 2012 we struggled to reach our donation goal. In 2013, as we worked to reach the needed goal for our portion, more significant was that the organization who receives the home also did not have the funds to buy the land and place the necessary foundation for our house to be placed upon. Given this lack of funding we moved to a bi-annual project, and built the home in 2014 instead. This year, we have collected $85.00 of the projected $6-8,000 needed. Like 2013, the funds raised for the house build will go towards the building of a home in June 2016. Please contact Maryellen at or at 773-429-9614 with any questions. Faith Formation MARRIAGE MINUTE Do your co-workers know more about your spouse than they should? Everyone loves a good story. But the next time you are about to tell your friends or co-workers about that thing your spouse said/did last night, stop and think for just a moment. Your co-workers or friends may not know your spouse well, or even at all. Perhaps all they know about your spouse is what you tell them. The impression they have is the one you create. Is an entertaining story worth hurting the feelings of the person you married? Tom and Kyle Nine (married at St. Barnabas, June, 1986) GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS If you or someone you know is celebrating 50 years of marriage in 2015, and would like a formal invitation from the Archdiocese to the Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass, please call Deacon Andy and Cindy Neu at 773-779-1511. The Mass is on August 30th at Holy Name Cathedral. Invitations will be mailed in June. Human Concerns PEACE QUOTE Mary, you who bore Christ, the light that illumines the earth; By that same light may we seek justice for the oppressed and peace for all peoples, we pray. JOIN THE CRS RESPONSE TO THE NEPAL EARTHQUAKE Thousands of our Nepalese brothers and sisters are suffering death, displacement, and extreme loss due to the massive earthquake that has affected Nepal and neighboring countries. Please pray for their comfort and peace in the midst of this natural disaster. Please consider donating to Catholic Relief Services: or mail to: Nepal Emergency Relief Catholic Relief Services 3525 S. Lake Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60653 CATHOLIC CHARITIES COLLECTION ON MOTHER’S DAY After spending years in a Nepali refugee camp, the Jha family arrived here with nothing. Catholic Charities met them at the airport and took them in hand, helping them learn English, find work, enroll in school, and get medical care. They were among the 469 refugees we resettled last year. Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to help refugees build a new and hopeful life. Learn more at “All of us together are a family in the Church, who is our Mother.” Pope Francis Education CONGRATULATIONS TO SR. SUZANNE SCHUMAN, O.P. Our very own Sr. Suzanne is to be honored by the Archdiocese at the Catechetical and Youth Ministries Award Banquet, held at Drury Lane on May 6th. Sr. has served God and the Church as a religious sister, teacher, principal, and catechist for the past 65 years! Sr. Suzanne has been serving St. Barnabas Parish since 1983. She has catechized us with her life! She is amazing and we are so proud of her. Note: in addition to serving as 6th Grade Catechist at St. Barnabas, Suzanne tutors students in Math and Reading at Visitation Parish School two days a week. Spiritual Life SHARING PARISH NEWS The St. Barnabas Choir will be on the road Sunday, May 17th to share their beautiful music with the parishioners of Holy Family Church, our sharing parish. All St. Barnabas parishioners are invited to attend the 9:45 mass and enjoy our choir’s music in the second oldest Catholic Church in Chicago. Holy Family is located at 1080 W. Roosevelt. There is a parking lot just to the west of the church. Before returning to your cars after mass, please visit the “Healing Garden” on May Street between the church and parking lot. Hope to see some of you there. For further information, please contact Cathy O'Loughlin 773-575-1444. "The idea of a Healing Garden was brought to me by clergy abuse victims, priests and Office for the Protection of Children and Youth staff members. They proposed the construction of a Healing Garden as a place of refuge, prayer, reflection and solitude – a sacred space where healing resources would be available, and where God, whose presence and goodness is most visible in nature, might help all of us on our individual paths toward healing and reconciliation." Francis Cardinal George, OMI LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS PARISH STAFF AND DIRECTORY 10134 South Longwood Fax 779-1166 445-9671 Rev. Raymond Tillrock Pastor Emeritus We gather as a community to celebrate Mass: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Rev. William Malloy Pastor X232 Rev. John Hetland Associate Pastor X235 Rev. James Donovan Resident X230 Matt Furjanic Director, Religious Ed 445-3450 Kitty Ryan Pastoral Associate/ Director of Music & Liturgy X226 Gail Byrnes Business Manager X227 Monica Wilczak Director of Development X242 Geri Doherty Parish Secretary X221 Sandro Tsomaia Associate Music Director X223 Maryellen Harrington Youth Ministry Coordinator Weekdays: 6:45 am Communion Service is in Chapel; 8:45am Mass is in Church Mon. 5/4 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. People of St. Barnabas Andrew Waters Tues, 5/5 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Word Communion Jim Dwyer Wed, 5/6 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m Thurs, 5/7 6:45 p.m. 8:45 a.m. Presider X228 Rev. William Kenneally Deacons Mr. Larry Conway, Mr. James Temple Mr. Andrew Neu, Mr. William Sullivan School 10121 South Longwood 773-445-7711 Fax 773-445-9815 Elaine Gaffney Principal X216 Andy Walsh Asst. Principal X316 Lisa Sarcinella X215 Katy Duffy X214 Convent 10161 South Longwood Lector Sacristans Sarah Lennon Joan Maglia Rich Peterson (for healing) Fr. Kenneally 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. Weekend Sacramental Assistants Eucharist Celebration CANCELED 10:00 a.m. Intentions Presider 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. People of St. Barnabas Margaret “Peg” Finnegan Saturday, 5/9 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Word Communion Michael McArdle Fri, 5/8 6:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 429-9614 Sr. Julie Flynn Human Concerns Coordinator People of St. Barnabas Jimmy Pat Stewart (for healing) Leighton Ann Baudo Sunday, May 10, 2015 6:30 a.m. Eucharist Celebration Beverly Brest Cancer Walk Presider Fr. Malloy Julianna O'Brien Maggie McDonald Robert McDonald John Richert Julie McGawley Heather Cleveland Monica Wilczak Tom Hlousek Kate Liston Castle Tom Nine Matt Lenehan Therese Burns Lector Sacristans 12:00 p.m. Intentions Presider 6th Gr. Server 7th Gr. Server 8th Gr. Server Euch. Min. Lector Sacristans Eucharist Celebration Mary Agnes Lenehan Dan Corrigan Therese Stevens Fr. Malloy Veronica Zapata Kate Somerville* Henry Zapata* Sr. Suzanne Schuman Bob Barrett Nancy Barrett Mary Janine Scanlon Emilie Ilarde Marilyn Burke Holly Sutker Lucy Beemsterboer Frank Bruhns Patrick Graber Barbara Lucente Eucharist Celebration Rosemary Hutchinson Therese Stevens Fr. Malloy Brian Barsch Fiona Hurless Nolan Borkovec Donna O'Hara John Katzberger Stella Muir Julius H. Watson Liz Corr Dawn Ruff Patty Fahey Selma Stewart Julius H. Watson Parish Calendar Mon. 5/4 9:15 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Daily Rosary Altar Servers Men’s Basketball Holy Spirit Chapel Church Gym Tues. 5/5 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Daily Rosary Fr. Kenneally Leadership meeting St. Vincent DePaul Young Adult Basketball Holy Spirit Chapel Church Hall Convent North Rectory Gym Wed. 5/6 9:15 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Daily Rosary Children Choir Pizza Party Adult Choir Men’s CRHP Holy Spirit Chapel Church Church Rectory Thurs. 5/7 9:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Daily Rosary Manna AA Al-Anon Holy Spirit Chapel Gym Lobby Convent Convent Dining Room Fri. 5/8 9:15 a.m. 1:45 p.m. Novena May Crowning Holy Spirit Chapel Church 6:30 a.m. 8:15 a.m. Breast Cancer Walk Liturgy Rel. Ed. Church School Sat. 5/9 Sun. 5/10 BULLETIN ARTICLES To submit items for the bulletin please send to Geri Doherty at no later then 9:00 on the Monday before the weekend. Thank you! Please Pray for our Military Kenneth Safford Ryan Graber Peter Chaveriat Jennifer Chaveriat Patrick Corcoran James Fournier Chuck Franklin Richard O'Connell, Jr Josh Pentek Brendan Nolan Matt Beemsterboer Sean Miller JJ Marren Ian McHugh Keating THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! We rely on parishioners like you to keep St. Barnabas a strong, vibrant parish community where the Eucharist remains the center of our lives. Thank you for your continued investment in the life of St. Barnabas Parish. LOST & FOUND Looking for the owner of a change purse. Please call the rectory at 773-779-1166 ex. 0, Please check the usher’s room for other lost items READINGS OF THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 GIVING THANKS WHEN YOU SHOP Please be sure to thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin. This advertising helps keep the cost of the weekly bulletin to a minimum. LET US HELP SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is introduce celebrated yourself on Saturday afternoon to 3:30with pm in the Doherty Church or by New Parishioners: We welcome you! Please to us. We askfrom that3:00 youpm register Geri 773-779-1166 ext.0 or appointment. Anointing of the Sick/Communion: If a member of your family is ill or homebound, please contact Geri Doherty Infant Baptism: Infants are baptized on the first and third Sundays of the month at 1:30 pm, or at any regularly 773-779-1166 ext.0 or scheduled Sunday Mass. First time parents are required to complete the Baptism Prep Class which are offered on the Holy Orders: Anyone interested in knowing more about formation for priestly or diaconate ministry is asked to call second Monday of every month. Please contact Geri Doherty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or Fr. William Malloy at 773-779-1166 ext.232 or Infant Baptism: Infants are baptized the first and third Sundays ofon theSaturday month at afternoon 1:30 pm, orfrom at any3:00 regularly Reconciliation: The Sacrament ofon Reconciliation is celebrated pm toscheduled 3:30 pmSunday in the mass. First time parents are required to complete the Baptism Prep Class which are offered on the second Monday of every month. Church or by appointment. Please contact Geri Doherty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or Religious Education: Grammar school students whoyourself are nottoattending Barnabas areDoherty encouraged to New Parishioners: We welcome you! Please introduce us. We askSaint that you register School with Geri register for ext.0 Religious Education classes. Contact Matt Furjanic at 773-445-3450 or 773-779-1166 or Sacraments of Initiation/RCIA: Those of catechetical age are baptized and fully received into the Catholic faith annually at the Sacraments of Initiation/RCIA: Those of catechetical age are baptized and fully received into the Catholic faith Easter Vigil. Formation begins in the fall. Please contact Tom Nine 773-881-8961, annually at the Easter Vigil. Formation begins in the fall. Please contact Tom Nine 773-881-8961, Marriage: Please call the Rectory to speak with a priest about making arrangements 4 to 6 months in advance. Religious Education: Grammar schooltostudents not attending Saint Barnabas School are to advance. register for Marriage: Please call the Rectory speak who with are a priest about making arrangements 4 toencouraged 6 months in Religious Education classes. Contact Matt Furjanic at 773-445-3450 or Holy Orders: Anyone interested in knowing more about formation for priestly or diaconate ministry is asked to call Fr. William Malloy at 773-779-1166 ext.232 or Anointing of the Sick/Communion: If a member of your family is ill or homebound, please contact Geri Doherty 773-779-1166 ext.0 or CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Barnabas Church #095600 10134 S. Longwood Drive Chicago, IL 60643 TELEPHONE 773 779-1166 CONTACT PERSON Geri Doherty OR Gail Byrnes SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP Color Laserjet 4600n SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 19, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 11 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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