News Sheet - Berkhamsted Baptist Church


News Sheet - Berkhamsted Baptist Church
Berkhamsted Baptist Church
A Family following Jesus
Weekly News for
Sunday 8th February 2015
“Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples.”
Psalm 96 : 1 – 3
Welcome to our Family Worship, led by Ruth Montacute, which celebrates the
BMS Day of Prayer. Please join us afterwards for tea and coffee in the lower hall.
Crèche facilities are available for 0-3 year olds every week.
This Week
Pre-School meets Monday to Thursday at 9:15am.
Wednesday 11th – 1:30 to 2:55pm, First Steps parent/
carer and toddler group in lower hall.
Thursday 12th – 10:00am to noon, Open Church for
anyone who wants a quiet place to sit, pray, have a chat
or ask questions – with free tea and coffee served.
Friday 13th – 11:15am coffee, 12noon lunch, Open
Door Lunch Club. Meals must be booked in advance
with Gill Goss.
Friday 13th – 6:30pm, Connect Youth Group in the
upper hall. For more info please see Alun, Vicky or
Our house groups run weekly and fortnightly. You
are encouraged to attend one to share in mid-week
fellowship and learn more about Jesus through his
word. Please speak to Stephen Ashby if you wish to
join or try a group.
Next Sunday
Our Family Worship, with communion, will be led by
Chris Hayward with address by The Gideons. All are
invited and welcome to come and prepare for worship,
with silent or open prayer, in the office from 10:15am
Future Events
Tuesday 17th February – 7:30pm, Sunday School
meeting in the lower hall. For more details speak to
Alun or Abigail.
Wednesday 4th March – 8pm. For our “Men’s
Evening” we are going 10-pin bowling. Put this date in
your dairy, details to follow. Stephen.
Friday 6th March – 1pm, Women’s World Day of
Prayer, at B.B.C. (The service has been prepared by
Christian women of the Bahamas.) This year we have
the privilege of hosting this event. Although the service
has been prepared by women, both men and women
are welcome to attend. The service will last for approximately 1 hour and be followed by refreshments. If
anyone would like more information or be able to help
with refreshments, please contact Pat Ginger.
Spring Harvest 2015 – a number from the church are
planning to go to Spring Harvest at Minehead this year.
The theme for 2015 is “Immeasurably More.” We are
going 6th to 10th April. It is a holiday with a difference
that revives the soul. See the Spring Harvest website at or ask Stephen for information.
Saturday 9th May – 10am until 4pm, Church “Away
Day”. The theme is “Being church in the 21st century”,
speaker Revd Colin Pye. Put this date in your diary,
calendar or phone. More details to follow.
A message from Rob Goss:
“Please would all those who contribute to our annual report let me
have their text and images by Sunday 22nd February, preferably
by e-mail ( Many thanks. Rob”
Lent Course 2015
This starts Monday 23rd February at 2pm in the Church
Minister: Stephen Ashby, tel: 01442 384099, e-mail:
Church Secretary: Pat Ginger – tel: 01442 865817, e-mail:
Treasurer: John Ball – tel: 01442 863250.
Visit our Church Website:
Items for inclusion on weekly news sheets need to be given by Thursday (at the latest) to either John Beeley,
tel: 01442 866304, e-mail: or Stephen Ashby.
Rooms at Holy Trinity, Potten End; led by Richard
Hackworth. The course is entitled “Journey to the
Empty Tomb” by Paula Goody, with the book, to be
purchased if you wish to attend, costing £10 - 12. If
you are interested in going please contact Miranda
Seldon on 01442 877975.
The Baptist Assembly, a one day event this year, from
10am until 6:30pm, is on Saturday 16th May in
Peterborough. The cost for the day is £29.50. If
anyone would like to go, please see Ruth.
The DENS Dacorum Food bank.
... shopping list for February is:
Cold meat (tinned).
Fruit juice (UHT).
Salt/pepper (individual packs).
Puddings (tinned).
 Instant mash.
They are also in need of items to support their other
services (DENS Night Shelter, DENS Move-On and
DENS Rent Aid) so if you are able to help with any of
the following it would be appreciated.
Kitchen foil.
 Shaving gel.
Please note that value brands are perfectly acceptable.
We do however request that all items are in best before
date and unopened. At the moment they have good
supplies of baked beans and soup.
Items for the next news sheet to John Beeley by
Thursday 12th February, please.
For Your Prayers
Those living in constant terror, families traumatised
by recent murders.
Friends grieving the loss of loved ones.
Gary and Susan in Albania.
Those who work with BMS World Mission here in
the UK and further afield.
Stephen and Abigail as they enjoy a break from
Following years of political polarisation that slowed
reforms, Albania has at last joined its Balkan peers on
the road to European Union membership. Candidate
status was finally granted last June, although it will be
years before full membership can be achieved. Much
ground will need to be covered first, particularly in the
fight against crime and corruption, in what remains one
of Europe’s poorest countries.
(From BMS World Mission Prayer Guide)
8th February is Baptist World Alliance Day where
Baptists all over the world will be celebrating our
partnership in the worldwide Baptist family. Please
pray for the church everywhere and its faithfulness in
service and witness.
(From Baptists Together Website)
Baptist World Alliance Day (Feb 7th & 8th)
The Baptist World Alliance is 231 Baptist church
organizations in 121 countries and territories
comprising more than 40 million members in 175,388
churches. On BWA Day, Baptist churches celebrate
the love and concern Baptists worldwide have shared.
Whether Baptists worship on Sunday or Saturday, they
are all urged to set aside one day each year when,
recognizing and affirming Baptist identity within the
worldwide Christian family, we unite to celebrate
partnership in the worldwide Baptist family. In
corporate worship, Baptists pray for one another and
celebrate the role of the BWA in helping cement the
bond of unity and love in this “fellowship of kindred
We are committed to
1. Promoting worship, fellowship and unity,
2. Nurturing the passion for mission and
3. Responding to human need through relief and
sustainable community development,
4. Defending human rights and justice, and
5. Promoting relevant theological reflection.
We pray for the church everywhere and its faithfulness
in service and witness. We pray for all of God’s
servants, including leaders and teachers as they guide
the Christian community.
We pray for the fellowship of believers in the Baptist
World Alliance.
We pray for peace in congregations and for robust
mission to the world.
We pray for justice for those who are powerless to seek
Motto text 2015
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him
who called us by his own glory and goodness.”
2 Peter 1 : 3 (NIV)
And we pray for the sick, the prisoner, the hungry, and
the poor.
And Finally
“Ascribe to the LORD, all you families of nations,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.”
Psalm 96 : 7
Minister: Stephen Ashby, tel: 01442 384099, e-mail:
Church Secretary: Pat Ginger – tel: 01442 865817, e-mail:
Treasurer: John Ball – tel: 01442 863250.
Visit our Church Website:
Items for inclusion on weekly news sheets need to be given by Thursday (at the latest) to either John Beeley,
tel: 01442 866304, e-mail: or Stephen Ashby.