Berkhamsted Baptist Church


Berkhamsted Baptist Church
Berkhamsted Baptist Church
A Family following Jesus
Weekly News for
Sunday 24th May 2015
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1 : 8
Welcome to our All Age Whitsun Celebration led by our minister, Stephen Ashby, and
guest, John Hardwick. Please join us afterwards for tea and coffee in the lower hall.
Crèche facilities are available for 0-3 year olds every week.
This Week
... is Half-term, so there will be no Pre-School
(resumes on Monday 1st June) or First Steps (resumes
on Wednesday 3rd June).
Tuesday 26th – 2.15pm, in the upper hall, starting with
tea and cake, Stephen will continue leading a course
looking at Philip Yancey’s book ‘What’s So Amazing
About Grace?’ This is the book that our house groups
are looking at as part of our 375th anniversary year and
the course is for those who do not already attend a
house group.
Wednesday 27th May – 7:30pm, Church Members’
Meeting in the lower hall. Agendas and minutes of the
last meeting are available from front of church
Thursday 28th – 10:00am to noon, Open Church for
anyone who wants a quiet place to sit, pray, have a chat
or ask questions – with free tea and coffee served.
Friday 29th – 11:15am worship, 12noon lunch, Open
Door Lunch Club. Meals must be booked in advance
with Gill Goss.
Friday 29th – 7:30pm, Ladies’ Group in the lower hall.
Get up and go time, ladies – keep fit with a DVD. For
more info see Roma.
Our house groups run weekly and fortnightly. You
are encouraged to attend one to share in mid-week
fellowship and learn more about Jesus through his
word. Please speak to Stephen Ashby if you wish to
join or try a group.
Next Sunday
Our Family Worship will be led by our minister,
Stephen Ashby, and visiting guests, Matthew and
Rachael Harley from Wycliffe, who are both working
in Nigeria. All are invited and welcome to come and
prepare for worship, with silent or open prayer, in the
office from 10:15am onwards.
Future Events
Saturday 20th June – Central Baptist Association
Assembly at Milton Keynes. The day will include
worship and the speaker is the Revd Lynn Green,
General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
If you would like to know more please ask Stephen,
Ruth or Pat.
The DENS Dacorum Food Bank
...current shopping list is:
cold meats (tinned)
puddings (tinned)
instant mash
fruit juice (uht)
salt/pepper (individual packs)
socks and underwear
shampoo & conditioner
kitchen foil
Minister: Stephen Ashby, tel: 01442 384099, e-mail:
Church Secretary: Pat Ginger – tel: 01442 865817, e-mail:
Treasurer: John Ball – tel: 01442 863250.
Visit our Church Website:
Items for inclusion on weekly news sheets need to be given by Thursday (at the latest) to either John Beeley,
tel: 01442 866304, e-mail: or Stephen Ashby.
shaving gel.
Items for the next news sheet to John Beeley by
Thursday 28th May, please.
For Your Prayers
John Hardwick and his ministry.
Church meeting on Wednesday.
Health concerns of many members and friends.
Half-Term holiday, for a time of rest and relaxation
for children and teachers.
Gary and Susan in their last few weeks in Albania.
Migrants and refugees fleeing from persecution.
Nepal, needs of those affected by recent
This week we pray for the North Western Baptist
Association. Please pray for the Association in their
desire to be a people shaped and enabled by the Holy
Spirit – this year they are particularly encouraging one
another to seek his renewing presence in every part of
their shared life – to be a people who are open to God. (From
India never ceases to fascinate with its diversity – in its
culture as in its needs. And BMS has had the joy of
serving here since the inception of William Carey’s
ministry. We are grateful to God for once again
providing us with the opportunity to send workers to
India. But the challenges to ministry are many, and
without prayer little can be achieved.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when the flames of faith dance in our hearts.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when our babbling speech becomes the Good
News for the world.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when compassion is seared into our souls.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
let the people of God rejoice. Alleluia!
(From re-worship website)
Our God – we, your people, stand ready and open
to receive the flame of your Spirit.
Give us the ability to speak your truth so that others
may hear.
Come, Spirit of Truth, fill our hearts.
May that which was of stone be now transformed into
Come, Spirit of Life, change our hearts.
May we who receive your light dwell together in Your
Come, Spirit of Love, soften our hearts.
Bestow your compassion on those who suffer in mind,
spirit, and body.
Come, Spirit of Hope, heal our hearts.
Make us bold to bring light to the dark places,
warmth to the cold places, and love to the empty
Come, Spirit of Faith, strengthen our hearts.
Spirit of the Living God, fill our hearts, minds, and
souls to overflowing.
Come, Spirit of God, move in our hearts.
Our God – we, your people,
celebrate the mystery of your never-ending love.
(From re-worship website)
And Finally
“On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood
and said in a loud voice, ‘If anyone is thirsty, let him
come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the
Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow
from within him.’ By this he meant the Spirit, whom
those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to
that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had
not yet been glorified.”
John 7 : 37 – 39
Motto text 2015
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him
who called us by his own glory and goodness.”
2 Peter 1 : 3 (NIV)