July-August-September 2015


July-August-September 2015
Sending Church
Faith Independent Baptist Church
Pastor Pat Creed Jr.
7700 Northern Ave.
Glen Dale, MD 20769
Mission Board
Baptist International Missions, Inc.
Account number 1296
P.O. Box 9215
Chattanooga, TN 37412
Ghana Field Address
Missionary Fredrick Kearney
US Ph# 856-419-7723
P.O.Box CE 11477
Tema Ghana West Africa
email: fakearney@yahoo.com
Ghana Ph# 011-233-28-732-5001
or 011-233-28-730-5737
Ministries To Pray For
Church Planting
Soul Winning
Literacy Program
Bible Club
Medical Missions
BOTH Conference
Instrument Repair
You can be an additional blessing in the
following ways:
• Donate used or new KJV Study Bibles and
RBC Sunday school materials.
• Come on medical missions trip (Doctors,
Dentists, Nurses)
• Come and host a VBS or youth conference.
• Come and teach Bible, English and/or music.
• Donate musical instruments.
• Sponsor a child through school
• Sponsor Bible Club graduation awards.
• Take a construction or mechanic missions trip
• Sponsor sports equipment and toys for our
treasure chests.
Dear praying friends and family,
July-August-September 2015
Truly, with God, all things are possible! In our many years of trusting and walking with Him, sometimes
He allows certain situations to come up in our lives that tests our faith. While confirming our flight and
checking-in online, in the early hours of the day of our departure, we discovered that our son Michael had
been mistakenly given Stephen’s middle name. This of course was no fault of ours, since we booked the
flight by phone with an agent.
To correct his name to match his real name in his passport, we had to approve for the airlines to cancel his
ticket with no guarantee that his seat would be available for him to fly with us that evening. After much
prayer and faxing several documents to prove his identity, by faith we headed to the airport that evening to
board our flight to Ghana as a family! By the miraculous grace of God, after going through the check-in
procedures at the airport, the correction of his name and identity was approved and the airline was able to
reissue another ticket just minutes before we boarded the plane. What an incredible lesson that we learned
that day about putting our complete trust and faith in the Lord to fight our battles for us!
Upon arrival, we were met at the airport by the Acree family and Brother Eric. We arrived at our home
with many shouts of jubilation from our church members who were patiently waiting for us. We were
and still are grateful to the Lord for bringing us back to the people and to our dusty road and yard and
cramped sweet abode we call “home.”
We got up from our beds the next day feeling as if we had been gone for just a day instead of a year. It felt
as if it was all a dream. We jumped right back into our normal routine and started working, as the normal
power outages continued, and we experienced a few inconveniences in the basic functioning of life. This
helped us to realize that we’re back to where we have to continue to seek the Lord for wisdom, knowledge
and understanding in the basic daily function of our lives.
Our first Sunday church service was an appreciation Sunday. We presented the Acree family and faithful
members of the church with a few special awards of stewardship and certificates of faithfulness. We are
most grateful for the Acree family for assisting the members of Lighthouse Baptist Church to “shine
bright” while we were gone. Our national youth leaders, Brother Sammy, Brother Eric and Brother Prosper
preached, taught Sunday school, participated in soul wining and visitation, maintained the bus route, led
Bible club, organized the orchestra and repaired instruments in the shop.
A few days following our arrival, we traveled to Kumasi and attended a Spiritual Warfare and Youth
Conference. It was hosted by Fundamental Baptist Church International of Kumasi. It was amazing to
see our people work together to prepare for the conference. The orchestra of 22 musicians played in all
the services and added a tremendous blessing to the event. I preached a session of the youth conference.
Mawuli, one of our youth, made sure of his salvation.
Praise reports:
Derrick and Prince got saved and baptized and are presently being discipled twice a week.
We’ve started our Bible Institute with 13 attending.
We started a Bible Club at Tema Ridge where we lead chapel services every Wednesday morning.
Three of our church members, Bright, Janet and Kennedy, have received full scholarship to attend a couple of private schools.
Stephen, Michael and Mary are home schooling with the ACE program. Stephen has been leading a “Defending your Faith” Bible study class for his peers. All three are actively involved in
playing their instruments, leading in church and teaching music in the church’s orchestra and at
a local private school.
We are strongly encouraging each one to reach one and disciple that one. Our numbers are increasing greatly. We’re averaging close to a hundred people every Sunday morning. We’re seeing
people saved, baptized, discipled and serving. We’re outgrowing our space for all the ministries
of the church. Pray for God to continue to provide for a building as the people desire to build.
Fredrick, our oldest son, is continuing his second year at West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, California. Please remember him in your prayers. His mailing address is West Coast Baptist
College, 4020 E. Lancaster Blvd., Lancaster, CA 93535. He’ll appreciate your prayers and notes
of encouragement. His email address is fredasem@gmail.com.
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for Yaw, Charles, Kekeli, Xose, David, Blay, Alex, Sammy, Seth, Derrick and Daniel.
We’re praying that God would use them in His work as we continue to disciple them.
Pray for the healing of Mawuli. He has been battling with an illness for the last eight months
and is presently receiving treatment.
Please pray for wisdom and direction as we begin our discipleship based literacy program to
help many of our youth. We have about 34 students who will be enrolling.
Please pray as to how the Lord would lead you to give to our shipping expense fund. Any generous amount would be appreciated.
We thank the Lord for giving the Acree family the opportunity to gain 18 months of ministry
experience and adapt to the culture, as they learn the language. Please pray for God’s protection
and provision for them as they move on to serve the Lord in another location.
Special Thanks to:
Pastor Milt Wilson and family of Good Samaritan Baptist Church in Cape May, New Jersey. Thank
you for providing housing for our family in the beautiful prophet’s chamber in the months of July and
As always, we’re grateful to God for your prayer and financial support. Thank you for giving us the
privilege to serve and reach the people of Tema in Ghana, West Africa, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
For the joy of serving Jesus,
The Kearney Family
Fredrick & Antoinette Kearney & family