Church in Action… - East Olds Baptist Church


Church in Action… - East Olds Baptist Church
April 17, 2016
Please pray for our seniors who are residents at Kiwanis Manor: Helen Dyck
Mount View Lodge: Madeline Hall, Elfrieda Luellau, Catherine Smith
Rosewood Manor: Selma Witt Sunrise Encore: Jake & Helen Siemens
Amy Rosenberger: YWAM, Vancouver, BC
Please pray…
for Theresa, a DTS student Amy had who is recovering from a bicycle accident
that resulted in a serious brain injury. She is in a rehabilitation clinic, where
she has learned to walk again. She still has a long road ahead of her but she is
a miracle.
for the students involved in the new Spring DTS and School of Ministry and
Leadership that has begun. Amy is doing one-on-one and she has requested
that we pray she would be listening to God and not trying to do things herself.
that Amy’s meds will work for her sleep disorder.
Church of the Week...
CAMROSE – Century Meadows Baptist Church
Senior Pastor: Ed Lehman (Alana)
Youth Director: Brett McCarroll
Planters of the Week...
Paul and Melissa Ewing, NAB Missionaries, Japan
Paul serves as the NAB field director for the mission
field of Japan and works closely with the Japan Baptist
Conference. Pray for their upcoming year-long home
assignment starting in July, especially that a couple
would be willing to serve in their place. Pray as well for
the general seminar on the topic of biblical interpretation, that this will help the lay leaders of the church, and other churches in
that area, to grow in their walk and continue to lead well. Also pray for the
many Bible studies that happen at the church, that hearts and minds
would be open to the truth of the Gospel. Visit
missionaries/paul-melissa-ewing for more information.
If you’ve missed a Sunday, view the church bulletin on our website:
“ To kno w C hr is t a n d to ma ke h im kno wn”
Church Supported Missionary...
East Olds Baptist
God’s Story (Part 18)
“Hitting the Mark”
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
- Pastor James Rosenberger
East Olds Baptist Church
RR1 Site 5 Box 27 Olds, AB T4H 1P2
Phone: 556-2821 Fax: 556-3161 Church Email:
Pastor: James Rosenberger 403-586-5086 (cell)
Youth Leader: Samantha Unger 403-507-5071 (cell)
Church Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday 9-12am
Welcome to East Olds Baptist Church!
Are you visiting with us?
Please fill out a Visitor WELCOME Card found in the pew.
Worship in Song: Barry Weiss
Welcome & Announcements
Worship in Giving
Special Music: Milton Voth
Worship in Song
Women’s Ministries...
Ladies Spring Brunch
April 23rd at
Saturday—10am, Spring Brunch
Youth Ministries...
 Cost: $10
 Special
Upcoming Youth Events
 Saturday, April 30th: Jr. & Sr.
Feature: Edith
Ryning, Lofty Designs—make an arrange-
High Progressive Supper - meet
at the church at 5:30pm. Please let
Samantha or Nina know if you can help with food.
Little Kid’s Time (ages 3-Gr.1)
- Pastor James Rosenberger
 Sat., May 7th: Highway Clean-Up - let Samantha know if you can volunteer
ment to take
Bring a friend!
Our greeters today are Harry & Verna Unger.
An unsupervised nursery is available for children 0-2yrs.
Church in Action… we’re better together
Children & Family Ministries...
Closing Ceremony—everyone is welcome to
Coffee & Cake Farewell immediately after the service for Milton & Marion Voth
2:30pm, Keith and Shirley Flinn serving at Sunrise Village
Church Office Hours: 9am-12pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Friday & Saturday…..ABA Annual Conference, McKernan Baptist Church, Edmonton
Sunday………… 10:00am Sunday School for ALL ages
………….11am Family Worship with Pastor James Rosenberger
Greeters: B&C Unger Little Kid’s Time: Clipboard Sunday
Tuesday……….. NO Awana Clubs this week
something you’re interested in or want more
information on, please talk to Karen, 403-5566499.
Can you help cut grass at the church this summer? Join our Lawn-Mowing Team and sign up
today – for more info, contact Dan Kemmere
Barry is forming a Gleanings Team to go to California July 3-12th. If you would like to donate
financially to Gleanings, make your cheques to
EOBC but designate “Gleanings” on the envelop.
Thursday.……..7:30am, Men’s Prayer Time
……….7pm, Church Board Meeting
Saturday……….10am, Ladies Spring Brunch
……….Church Cleaning: Baker’s
Coming Up...
Tuesday, Apr. 26th: 6:30pm, Awana Closing Ceremony
Sunday, May 1st: Taylor Seminary’s Graduation Service at McKernan Baptist , Edm
Saturday, May 7th: Highway Clean-Up
Sunday, May 15th: Vern & Gloria Wagner will be speaking at our church
Service Opportunity! We need a coordinator for
a one day, “Summer Kid’s Event” ! If this is
This Week...
Tuesday, April 26th at 6:30pm, Awana Club
Prayer & Praise...
Milton & Marion Voth’s
102-300 Edwards Way NW
Airdrie, AB T4B 3B4
Phone # 403-945-4408
We will miss you!
Family of the Week:
Adam, Mandy & Tyson Winter
PRAYER CHAIN: If anyone has a prayer request and wants it on the Prayer Chain,
call Madeline Hall at 403-559-2332
 Pray for our senior shut-ins and those of our church family dealing with health
concerns—Ken Unger, Walter Unger, Selma Witt & Lauren Spreeman’s sister
Pray for the Voth’s as they move to Airdrie this week and adjust to a new city.
Pray for our farmer’s as they begin seeding.