Mallary Baptist Association Annual Product Drive for the Georgia
Mallary Baptist Association Annual Product Drive for the Georgia
The Mallary Messenger “Churches Serving Together to Make Disciples to Impact the World” Physical: 322 S. Mock Road, Albany, GA 31705 Mailing: P.O. Box 50593, Albany, GA 31703 PH: (229) 435-6171 FAX: (229) 438-8627 Web site: Tom Hocutt, Director of Missions ▲ Jason Jones, Moderator Volume 44, Number 5 Mallary Baptist Association May 29, 2014 Mallary Baptist Association Annual Product Drive for the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home June 16-19, MBO Needed Items bottled water, liquid laundry detergent, liquid soap for boys/girls, plastic utensils, and canned chicken. Of course, we always appreciate gift cards anytime!! Church News Bryant Drive: We will be having VBS June 6-8. Please contact our church for more details. Central: We are taking resumes’ (applications) for a Bi-Vocational Minister of Music. Parties interested should mail a resume to the Attention of The Personnel Committee, Central Baptist Church, 1618 3rd Ave., Albany, Ga. 31707. FBC Acree: We will be having our “Jungle Safari” themed VBS on June 27th-29th. For more info, please call 229-439-0909. FBC Leesburg: We’d like you to join us in welcoming our new pastor, Dr. Todd Sullens. We will be having VBS June 22-25, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. each evening. All are welcome. Friendship: We are seeking a Bi-Vocational Minister of Music for a blended service congregation. Interested parties can contact Sandra Yerby at New Hope: New Hope Baptist Church located On Hwy 256 in Scooterville, GA will have Vacation Bible School beginning Sunday, June 8th from 6 p.m.– 8p.m. and Monday through Friday (June 9-14) from 6:30-8:30 p.m. There is a class for all ages. Supper will be provided every night. Sherwood: Register now for KidzBlast VBS, June 2-6. Register here: Summer Sports Camps for Children, Ages 5-12. More info: Father’s Day Guest Speaker Carey Casey, CEO of the National Center for Fathering. Sunday, June 15 at 9:30 a.m. in the Worship Center. Free Patriotic Concert “AN AMERICAN ANTHOLOGY: A Celebration of American Music” presented by the Sherwood Choir and Orchestra. Sunday, June 29th at 6:00 p.m. in the Worship Center. Unity: June 1st-5th Vacation Bible School K4-; June 9th – 13th Centri-Kid Camp; June 23rd-27th Student Life Camp NEW TO OUR LIBRARY! The new Jumpstart Sunday School—a Sunday School Leadership Workshop video resource— is now in the library for churches to check out. There is a video workshop for preschool, children, students, young adults, and adults. Also available is Allan Talyor’s Resource Kit “Forward from here!—Urgent Priorities for Today’s Sunday School and Small Groups. “ Call MBO for availability. Please check out our new web site: Also, please let the office know if any church information is incorrect or incomplete. Director of Missions Thoughts I am such a blessed child of God. I have a loving, supporting wife, great children and their spouses, and wonderful grandchildren. I have been blessed to be your Director of Missions for over 16 years. God has led us each step of the way when we listened to Him. He has blessed beyond measure as together you were able to pay off a $200,000 plus debt in five years; began promoting and taking mission trips all over the world; entered into partnerships with two associations in Idaho and the Hudson Baptist Association in New York; took numerous mission trips to the Yucatan in Mexico; began ministries to the Hispanics and Vietnamese; began ministries at the Albany Exchange Club Fair and the Raccoon Hunt; provided church planting resources for two Anglo church starts; admitted seven churches and missions into the association (one of them being African American, but this church left us later) provide resources for the Hispanic, Vietnamese, and Asian Indian ministries; purchased and equipped a Shower Trailer, Event Evangelism Trailer, and an Office Trailer; built a Garage/Storage Building with no debt; and, currently have a partnership with the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association. We have been able to provide training yearly for Sunday School workers and VBS workers (sometimes with partnership of GBC). Many Pastor Search Teams have been trained. All of this shows how good God has been to us. He gets all the honor and glory! It has come time for me to retire from being your Director of Missions. I will be 70 in September and proud of every year. I feel that I am as strong now as I was when I came and hopefully wiser, but it is time for you to find someone God has chosen to lead you into the future. God has even greater things in store for this association! Therefore, I am announcing my retirement effective December 15, 2014. I will, of course, be available for providing assistance after that date as called upon. Martha and I have no definite plans for the future, but will be open to whatever God has planned for us. I have a sense that God has more for me to do, so we will prayerfully seek His direction. I feel that I am leaving the association in capable hands with Jason Jones as your moderator, a great Administrative Team, and Alisa Cooper as your Ministry Assistant. I would encourage you to go slow and let God lead you to the man he has chosen to be your new Director of Missions. The MBA Personnel Manual on page 8 says the following: "When the office of the DOM is vacant, the Moderator shall appoint a search committee to suggest a DOM to the Executive Committee." There are so many people to thank that have impacted my life positively and made it fulfilling to be your DOM, but I would like to name a few: my wonderful wife, the DOM Search Committee that recommended me 17 years ago, the moderators who have served well with me, the Executive Committee members who have served, the Administrative Team members who have served, the pastors whom I have served alongside, the staff and leaders in our churches, the church members of our 51 churches and members, and, not least, our present capable Ministry Assistant, Alisa Cooper. Thank you all for your followship, fellowship, encouragement, and assistance over the years. Mallary Prayer Time June 16, 2014 Noon, MBO MBA Senior Adult Rally Senior Adult Singin’ July 24, 10:30 AM First Baptist Church-Albany The singin' begins at 10:30 AM and ends with lunch. Cost: $5.00 Join us for a time of "singing the old songs". Frank Jones of Frank Jones Ministries, Vestavia, AL, will take you back to your early days singing the songs you "grew up with." It will be a time of great congregational singing with some toe-tapping, hand-clapping kind of music! A love offering will also be taken in support of Frank’s ministries. 2014 State Men's Conference “The Family Man” Special Guest Speaker Larry Wynn, GBC Saturday, August 9, 2014 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM (Doors open at 8:00 AM) Central Baptist Church 1120 Lake Joy Rd Warner Robins, GA Register at htpp:// or call 1-86-MIGHTY-MEN (1-866-444-8963) Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting June 10-11, 2014 One West Pratt Street Baltimore, MD 21201 To register online go to: MBA WMU June 6-7 CWJC Director’s Retreat June 8-9 National WMU Mission Celebration & Annul Meeting Baltimore, MD June 9-June 13 Camp Pinnacle Session 1: Younger Girls Pinnacle Retreat Center: MBA Children's Home Products Drive: June 16-19 June 16-June 20 Camp Pinnacle Session 2: Younger Girls Pinnacle Retreat Center June 20-June 21 Camp Pinnacle Session 3: Mother/Daughter Overnight Pinnacle Retreat Center June 23-June 27 Camp Pinnacle Session 4: Younger Girls Pinnacle Retreat Center June 30-July 4 Camp Pinnacle Session 5: Younger Girls Pinnacle Retreat Center Mallary Baptist Association wishes all fathers a Happy and Blessed Father’s Day! June 15th Now Taking Applications for Ministry Assistant Alisa Cooper has resigned effective the end of June as our Ministry Assistant in order to better take care of her family. We are sad to see her go, but wish God’s very best for her. We are now accepting applications for the Ministry Assistant position. A job description and application may be picked up at the office or by contacting the DOM at 435-6171 or The deadline for applications is June 5. We hope to have an overlap of at least a week with Alisa. MBA Executive Committee Meeting July 17, 2014, MBO 7 PM What’s Happening June 2014 10-11 SBC Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD 15 Father’s Day 16 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 16-19 MBA Children’s Home Products Drive 18 MBA Administrative Team, Noon, MBO 21-28 Mission Trip to NYC led by Friendship BC 24 MBA Minister’s Fellowship, Noon, FBC Albany July 2014 4 Independence Day, MBO closed 9 MBA Evangelism/Missions Team, Noon, MBO 16 MBA Administrative Team, Noon, MBO 17 MBA Executive Committee, 7 p.m., MBO 21 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 22 MBA Minister’s Fellowship, Noon, FBC Albany 24 MBA Senior Adult Rally, Noon, FBC Albany August 2014 2 Regional SS Training, 7:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Byne 13 MBA Evangelism/Missions Team, Noon, MBO 18 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 20 MBA Administrative Team, Noon, MBO 26 MBA Minister’s Fellowship, Noon, FBC Albany September 2014 1 Labor Day, MBO closed 6 Southwest GA Men’s Conference, Decatur County Memorial Coliseum 10 MBA Evangelism/Missions Team, Noon, MBO 13 Disaster Relief Phase I Training, Piney Grove Baptist, Fortson 15 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 17 MBA Administrative Team, Noon, MBO 23 MBA Minister’s Fellowship, Noon, FBC Albany 23 Prayer Walk for Local Schools, 7 p.m. 24 See You at the Pole Minister/Staff Anniversaries June: 1 Les Reed, Pastor, East Albany 4 Ruby Allmon, Ministry Assist., Isabella 4 Charlie Rouse, Pastor, Liberty 6 David Joiner, Assoc. Pastor, Sherwood 11 Bruce Gordon, Pastor, Antioch 12 Mike Carter, Pastor, New Hope 17 Jim Jewell, Assoc. Pastor, Sherwood 2012 2012 1989 2004 1995 2005 2001 Church Anniversaries June: Thundering Springs Alpha Poulan Iglesia Bautista Gracia y Verdad 1st Sunday, 1853 4th Sunday, 1966 4th Sunday, 1904 06/20/2004 Mallary Baptist Finances April Income: $ 11,800.60 April Expense: $ 14,511..05 Budget Needs Per Month: $ 16,147.47 Happy Birthday June: 5 12 16 17 22 27 Todd Sullens, Pastor, FBC Leesburg Dan Story, JR, Pastor, Bethel Steve Futch, Pastor, Alpha Roy Carroll, Pastor, Pine Forest Jim Jewell, Associate Pastor, Sherwood Brian Kretschman, Youth Minister, FBC Albany MALLARY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION PRAYER UPDATE (Acts 1:8 Prayer Plan—Volume 16, Number 5, May 29, 2014 Crisis Prayer 1. Pray for Jerry Willis, pastor of Mercedes BC, and his health issue. 2. Pray for the Lord to lead us to the Ministry Assistant God has chosen. 2. Pray for a spirit of prayer to sweep through our churches that would usher in true revival. Our Jerusalem 1. Pray for our Vision to become a reality: "Serving together the churches of the Mallary Baptist Association will make disciples to impact the world." 2. We are praying for our churches and pastors according to an alphabetical list of churches. Pray this time for Pine Forest Baptist Church (Roy Carroll, pastor), Pine Hill Baptist Church (Donnie Wright, pastor), Poulan Baptist Church (Mike DeLoach, pastor), and Raleigh White Baptist Church (Ronnie Kinsaul, pastor). 3. Pray for the churches without pastors: Byne, First Acree, Gillionville, Gordy-New Bethel, Iglesia Bautista, and Radium Springs. 4. Pray for our city and county officials in Dougherty, Lee, and Worth Counties. 5. Pray for our schools, boards of education, superintendents, principals, teachers, and students. 6. Pray for the lost in your family and your circle of influence (work, school, recreation, neighborhood, etc.). 7. Pray for unity in the body of Christ in Albany and surrounding area. 8. Pray for the monthly meetings of the Prayer Team, Discipleship Team, Evangelism/Missions Team, Administrative Team, as well as the monthly MBA Prayer Time. 9. Pray for the preparations for an Asian Indian Church Start and Younis Farhat, the church planter. 10. Pray for the MBA Annual Meeting October 16 at FBC Leesburg with George Russ from Metropolitan New York Baptist Association preaching. Our Judea 1. Pray for our state government officials. 2. Pray for the Georgia Baptist Convention: its Executive Director (Robert White), its ministries, and other employees. 3. Pray for the Georgia Baptists' Partnerships: California, Moscow/St. Petersburg, New York City, and Western Canada. Our Samaria 1. Pray for our national government leaders. 2. Pray for the North American Mission Board, its president (Kevin Ezell), staff, and its missionaries. 3. Pray for the Southern Baptist Convention: Frank Page, President of the Executive Committee and Fred Luter, SBC President. 4. Pray for our partnership with the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association, New York; George Russ, Executive Director; its 260 churches; and their church planting efforts. 5. Pray for the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention June 10-11 in Baltimore, Maryland, and the associated meetings. 6. Pray for the revival of God’s people and the spiritual awakening of our nation and the world Our Uttermost Parts of the World 1. Pray for the International Mission Board--its president (Tom Elliff), staff, and missionaries. 2. Pray for the one billion plus Muslims of the world that they would come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is. 3. Pray for the salvation of the 100 Largest Unreached People Groups (We will pray for four each time.): Pray for the Shaikh people of India whose major religion is Islam, the Shaikh people of Pakistan whose major religion is Islam, the Sinhalese people of Sri Lanka whose major religion is Buddhism, and the Somali people of Somalia whose major religion is Islam. 4. Pray for the situation in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank that progress would be made toward peace. 5. Pray for protection for our armed forces in Afghanistan. 6. Pray that the people of Iraq and Afghanistan would have stable governments and that they would have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and respond. 7. Pray for the persecuted Christians of the world. ANSWERS TO PRAYER 1. Praise the Lord for FBC Leesburg calling Todd Sullens as pastor. 2. Praise the Lord for Thundering Springs Baptist Church calling Tom Baggett as their pastor. 2. Praise the Lord for the twenty-four representing twelve churches who attended the MBA Executive Committee Meeting April 24. Next MBA Prayer Time, June 16, 2014 , noon
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