The Mallary Messenger - Mallary Baptist Association
The Mallary Messenger - Mallary Baptist Association
The Mallary Messenger “Churches Serving Together to Make Disciples to Impact the World” Physical: 322 S. Mock Road, Albany, GA 31705 Mailing: P.O. Box 50593, Albany, GA 31703 PH: (229) 435-6171 FAX: (229) 438-8627 Web site: Hans Wunch, Director of Missions ▲ Charlie Brown, Moderator Volume 61, Number 8 Mallary Baptist Association August 2016 2016 REGIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCE MAKING FULLY DEVOTED FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23 Saturday, August 20 8:30 am-12 pm FBC Leesburg 135 Main Street Leesburg, GA Registration: Contact MBO by Thursday, Aug. 11 Phone: 229-435-6171 or Email: Hosted at Gillionville Baptist Church, 4614 Gillionville Rd, Albany, GA 31721 Schedule: Friday: 6pm Registration 6:30 Dr. Duduit 7:30 Break 7:45 Dr. Duduit 8:45 Adjourn Saturday: 8:30 Dr. Fuller 9:30 Break 9:45 Workshops 11 Roundtable 12 Lunch Register online at: Contact the MBA to make your reservation. 229-435-6171 or “I know that each of you, like me, desire to be the best you can be every time you stand behind the sacred desk to ‘rightly divide the word of truth!’ With that being said, we have a unique opportunity in our association to have Dr. Michael Duduit and Dr. Chuck Fuller from the Clamp Divinity School at Anderson University. Dr. Duduit is the dean of the Christian school and Dr. Fuller is an associate professor. Both of these men's main interest is biblical preaching. I am in my 3rd year of the DMin program at Anderson, and I know first hand what a blessing it has been for these godly men to pour into my life on the subject of biblical preaching. I pray each of you will take time out of your busy schedules to be with these men and allow them to invest in your preaching ministry.” Rev. Jason Jones, Pastor of Isabella Baptist Church, Sylvester, GA Church News Arabi: Arabi Baptist Church is currently seeking a bi-vocational youth pastor/leader. Interested persons should send resumes to Pastor Johnny Evans at 3910 1st Ave., Arabi, GA 31712. Byne: Dr. Kerry Reeves has been serving as Interim Pastor at Byne Baptist Church for over 2 years. We are excited to announce the Church has called Dr. Reeves to be our Sr. Pastor. We are very thankful and blessed that God sent Dr. Reeves and his family to Byne. Central: We are taking resumes for a Bi-vocational Minister of Music. Parties interested should mail a resume to the Attention of The Personnel Committee, Central Baptist Church, 1618 3rd Ave., Albany, GA. 31707. Gillionville: Gillionville will host an OASIS Senior Adult Luncheon on the second Tuesday of each month. The Luncheon will be held in the Fellowship Hall at the church at 4614 Gillionville Rd. Cost is $5/person. Please call 229-435-9738 for reservations. We have 9” plastic letters for a church sign that we would like to donate. Preferably to a rural, bi-vocational church. If interested, please call 229-435-9738 or email at Salem: We have the following items to be given away to any church that has a need: 3 pews, 4 sanctuary lights, 3 modesty rails, older hymnals. Contact Jackie Cabannis at or call Salem Baptist Church at 229-776-0759. Sherwood: ReFRESH Conference in Albany – September 18-21, 2016 at Sherwood Baptist Church. More info at CryOut! Women’s Simulcast – September 23, 7:00pm-10:00pm at Sherwood Baptist Church. Ladies, please make plans to attend this free event. Eastside (Tifton): Eastside Baptist Chur ch in Tifton, GA is seeking a Bi-Vocational Youth Director. Interested parties should send resume to: Eastside Baptist Church, Youth Director Search Committee, PO Box 540, Tifton, GA 31793-0540. No phone calls or drop-ins, please. Just a reminder to our churches that the deadline to submit news for the Newsletter is the 15th of each month. Just send us an email to Director of Missions Thoughts "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 A few years ago, I got a new cell phone. I declined the insurance on it. Then after having it for about four months, I dropped it and cracked the screen, but I could still make calls on it. So that day, I called and put the insurance on it. I had to wait 30 days, but it was going to save me about $100. But here is the problem, the Holy Spirit got a hold of me. He began to speak to my heart and I knew what I wanted to do was wrong. So I talked with my wife about it. And I asked her, “How much is my integrity worth? Am I willing to sell my character, my good name for $50 to $100?” We decided it was not the proper thing to do. Honestly, I am ashamed to admit that I had even toyed with the idea in the first place. Several years ago, I got into an accident with an unlicensed vehicle. Basically it was a form of transportation that does not have to have a tag, a license to drive or insurance. The accident was clearly the fault of the other person. It scared my son and I and I believe the other folks in the accident. Neither the owner nor the operator of that vehicle took responsibility for accident leaving me to “eat” my deductible. These people saw an out for not paying for what they had done and they took it, just like I had thought about doing several years before. Now I am not trying to say I am better than them, because obviously I was not; but to say here are both sides to this verse. In the end, I chose the good name over the money it would cost. They did not. I do not know if these folks have quieted the guilt in their minds for what they have done, or even if they care at all. But I firmly believe it is better to have a good name. And that is what I want you to read today. Having a good name is important. Being a person, man, woman, teenager, child of integrity is important. Why? Because I believe God blesses those who stand up for what is right and who stand on His Word. This situation may also be a test, to see what you are made of. Now this can be applied in so many areas of our life. Not cheating at school. Not cheating on taxes. Paying people what you owe if at all possible. Giving what God asks to His church. Being a person of honesty not deceit. And so very much more. In fact, it has been said, that trust takes years to build and mere moments to destroy. Integrity and a good name are the same way. Thus we should always be on our guard to seek ways to keep our good name, even if it costs us a little now, it will be worth it in the end. ENGAGE, ENCOURAGE, EMPOWER Mallary Prayer Time August 15, 2016 Noon, MBO September 22-24, 2016 GBCC Norman Park Free, complete health and dental screenings by physicians. For more information and registration, call 1-800-746-4222 ext.364 FREE DENTAL CLINIC August 11-13 FBC Sylvester 207 N. Isabella St. Sylvester, GA 31791 229-776-3337 Free Dental Care for needy adults MBA WMU August 5-6: GoGeorgia includes equipping for all ages of mission discipleship and women's ministry, Prince Avenue Baptist Church, Athens, August 11: CONNECT for women's ministry leaders, First Baptist Church, Albany Guest Speaker: Beverly Skinner 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. August 22: Mallary WMU/WEM Fall Training, First Baptist Church Putney, 7:00 p.m. 2016 REGIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCE MAKING FULLY DEVOTED FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23 Saturday, August 20 8:30 am-12 pm FBC Leesburg 135 Main Street Leesburg, GA Registration: Contact MBO by Thursday, Aug. 11 Phone: 229-435-6171 or Email: CONNECT for Women’s Ministry Leaders August 5-6, 2016 2 Day Event 100+ Topics Specialized Training Early Bird Reg. $35/$40 after August 1 Prince Avenue Baptist Church 3691 Monroe Hwy, Bogart, GA 30622 Registration: MEALS: Registration cost includes dinner Friday, continental breakfast and lunch Saturday, and all breaks. Kid’s Ministry Roundtable Sherwood Baptist Church Thurs. Sept. 8 10am-12:30pm Speakers: Jenny Carter and Maria Brannon This is a Free event Thursday, August 11, 6:30-8:30 PM First Baptist Church Albany 145 Oakland Parkway, Leesburg, GA 31763 CONNECT is an informal dessert gathering for women’s ministry leaders & leadership teams. Beverly Skinner from the GA Baptist Mission Board will join us for this fun, encouraging evening! Meet other leaders, share ideas, ask questions, learn about resources, be re-energized for ministry in your church. Great way to kick off the new church year! This is a FREE event but we would like to know how many are coming from your church. To register, go to Georgia Baptist Mission Board WMU and Women’s Ministry; click on Events; go to Aug 11 CONNECT; click on Tickets. For more information, contact Beverly Skinner, Women’s Ministry Consultant for the Georgia Baptist Women, at or 770-936-5321 or Kathy Mims, Director of SR Adult & Women’s Ministries, at 229-883-8000 or What’s Happening August 2016 10 MBA Evangelism/Missions Team, Noon, MBO 15 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 17 MBA Administrative Team, Noon, MBO 23 MBA Minister’s Fellowship, Noon, FBC Albany 20 Regional SS Training, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m., FBC Leesburg September 2016 5 Labor Day, MBO closed 9-10 Preaching That Connects Conf., Gillionville 14 MBA Evangelism/Missions Team, Noon, MBO 19 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 21 MBA Administrative Team, Noon, MBO 22-24 Minister’s Wellness Retreat, GBCCN 27 MBA Minister’s Fellowship, Noon, FBC Albany 27 Prayer Walk for Local Schools, 7 p.m. 28 See You at the Pole October 2016 9 World Hunger Sunday 12 MBA Evangelism/Missions Team, Noon, MBO 18-20 Ag Expo, Spence Field, Moultrie 13 MBA Senior Adult Rally, Noon, FBC Leesburg 17 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 20 MBA 133rd Annual Meeting, 4:30-8:30 p.m., Gillionville 21-22 Speechless Prayer Conference, GBCCT 25 MBA Minister’s Fellowship, FBC Albany November 2016 1-6 Exchange Club Fair 6 Daylight Savings Time Ends 7 Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer, TBA 9 MBA Evangelism/Missions Team, Noon, MBO 14-15 GBC Annual Meeting, Savannah 14 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 16 MBA Administrative Team, Noon, MBO 24 Thanksgiving, MBO closed December 2016 4-11 Week of Prayer for International Missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 6 MBA Minister/Spouse Christmas Banquet 9 MBA Evangelism/Missions Team, Noon, MBO 16 MBA Administrative Team, Noon, MBO 21 MBA Prayer Time, Noon, MBO 24- Jan 3 Christmas Holidays, MBO closed Mallary Baptist Finances June Income: $19,677.71 June Expenses: $14,781.42 Budget Needs Per Month: $ 15,126.68 But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. Luke 6:27-28 Minister/Staff Anniversaries August: 1 Bobby Moye, Westview, Pastor 24 Ron Stinson, Bryant Drive, Pastor 29 Charles Brown, Unity, Assoc. Pastor 1998 2008 2010 Happy Birthday August: 4 Matt Lampley, FBC Albany, Assoc. Pastor 8 Jeff Barker, Gordy-New Bethel, Pastor 11 Kevin Hickman, Darton Campus Minister 25 Ron Holman, FBC Albany, Assoc. Pastor 26 Thomas Baggett, Thundering Springs, Pastor 28 Rodney Rector, Gillionville, Assoc. Pastor 29 Mark Spraggins, Friendship, Pastor MALLARY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION PRAYER UPDATE (Acts 1:8 Prayer Plan—Volume 18, Number 7, August 2016) Urgent Prayer 1. Pray for a spirit of prayer to sweep through our churches that would usher in true repentance and revival. 2. Pray for Preaching That Connects, ReFRESH and the One Cry conferences in September. Our Jerusalem 1. Pray for our Vision to become a reality: "Serving together the churches of the Mallary Baptist Association will make disciples to impact the world." 2. We are praying for our churches and pastors according to an alphabetical list of churches. Pray this time for Thundering Springs (Tom Baggett, Pastor), Union (Todd Lee, Pastor), Unity (Troy Dykes, Pastor), Westview (Bobby Moye, Pastor), and Alpha (Tom Howard, Pastor). 3. Pray for the churches without pastors: Amazing Grace, Beacon, Faith, FBC Acree, FBC Putney, FBC Sylvester, New Union, Pine Forrest and Poulan. 4. Pray for our city and county officials in Dougherty, Lee, and Worth Counties. 5. Pray for our schools, colleges, boards of education, superintendents, principals, teachers, and students. 6. Pray for the lost in your family and your circle of influence (work, school, recreation, neighborhood, etc.). 7. Pray for unity in the body of Christ in our association and surrounding area. 8. Pray for the monthly meetings of the Prayer/Discipleship Team, Evangelism/Missions Team, Administrative Team, as well as the monthly MBA Prayer Time. 9. Pray for the preparations to open the Worth County Alpha Pregnancy Center in September. 10. Pray for the Mallary Baptist Staff (Dr. Hans Wunch and Mrs. Pat Wilks). 11. Pray for the Mallary Baptist Associational Annual Meeting October 20th at Gillionville, Baptist Church. Our Judea 1. Pray for our state government officials. 2. Pray for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board: its Executive Director (Robert White), its ministries, and other employees. Our Samaria 1. Pray for our national government leaders. 2. Pray for the North American Mission Board, its president (Kevin Ezell), staff, and its missionaries. 3. Pray for the Southern Baptist Convention: Frank Page, CEO of the Executive Committee and Steve Gaines, SBC President. 4. Pray for our SBC Annual Meeting June 13-14 in Phoenix, AZ. 5. Pray for our partnership with the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association, New York; George Russ, Executive Director; its 260 churches; and their church planting efforts. 6. Pray for the revival of God’s people and the spiritual awakening of our nation and the world. 7. Pray for the protection and support of our law enforcement, fire fighters, and EMS personnel. 8. Pray for our upcoming State and National Elections and our current Governmental Leaders. Our Uttermost Parts of the World 1. Pray for the International Mission Board--its president (David Platt), staff, and missionaries. 2. Pray for the one and a half billion Muslims of the world that they would come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is. 3. Pray for the Gospel of Christ to come to the 1.3 Billion unreached people in the world. 4. Pray for protection for our armed forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and around the globe. 5. Pray that the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria would have stable governments and that they would have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and respond. 6. Pray for the persecuted Christians of the world. 7. Pray for the hundreds of IMB personnel who are returning home from the mission field. ANSWERS TO PRAYER 1. Praise the Lord for God's faithfulness to answer prayer according to His will and purpose. 2. Praise the Lord for the great things He has done during mission trips, camps and VBS this summer. Next MBA Prayer Time, August 15th, 2016, noon
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