Circuit Rider News


Circuit Rider News
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
Circuit Rider News
Tidewater Baptist Evangelistic Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 16000 Chesapeake, VA 23328-6000 - Home: (757) 547-5637 – Mobile: (757) 376-2492
Just Thinking
Where Is That Missing Link ?
It seems odd that my plan to begin writing the article above for the
Circuit Rider News, that I should read an article in our local newspaper,
the Virginian Pilot, regarding other missing things. There is a group that
is now using a more sophisticated type of equipment to search under
water trying to find the propeller, an iron cannon, and other items of a
ship that was sunk 149 years ago. It was deliberately set on fire by the
Confederate Army to prevent the Union Army from capturing it. The ship
Neuse, sunk, just off the banks of the Neuse River near Kinston, NC.
publication. Recently, the
editor, in an article, “Where
We Stand”, regarding a bill in
our State Assembly offered by
Delegate Richard Bell said
HB207 would require our
public schools to “create an
environment” for our kids to
“explore scientific questions,
learn about scientific evidence,
develop critical thinking skills,
and respond appropriately and
respectfully to differences of
Tidewater Baptist Evangelistic Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 16000 Chesapeake, VA 23328-6000 - Home: (757) 547-5637 – Mobile: (757) 376-2492
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
Where Is That Missing Link ?
So what? He is right! It does require faith.
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were
framed by the word of God, so that things which are
seen were not made of things which do appear,”
Hebrews 11:3. So what is faith? “Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen,” Hebrews 11:1.
Our faith shows us its creditably in many ways.
My faith is supported by a sure foundation of
fulfilled scripture; declarations of prophecy made
hundreds of years, even thousands of years before
their fulfillment. Yet, they come to pass in every
minute detail as they were declared in scripture.
One of the most doubted events reported in the
bible is the worldwide flood. However, we find the
fossils of fish and other marine life in the highest of
the mountains. How did they get there? Obviously
by the flood that covered the highest mountain by
fifteen cubits.
What affect have the scriptures had upon them
that have believed them? It has made our nation’s
history so glorious that they are the envy of the
world. While today’s leaders are largely politicians,
those that preceded them, especially our founders,
were statesmen. For example our own Thomas
Jefferson wrote, “God who gave us life gave us
liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when
we have removed a conviction that these liberties
are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country
The editor claims that there is no need for such
a law. His contention is that any decent (his
description) science teacher presents a theory’s
evidence and its flaws, whether it is about
evolution, gravity, or global warming. Now that is
not the way I hear it! How many of you have heard
of a science teacher in a public school point out any
flaws of evolution? It is my opinion that any time a
teacher should try the editor’s description of
teaching science he or she would soon be without
I will point out something in the editor’s article
to his credit; every time he refers to the word
evolution, he calls it a theory. Perhaps we might
need a definition of the word theory. In the second
edition of the New World Dictionary, College
Edition we find: a. looking at b. speculation c. a
mental viewing d. contemplation e. a speculative
idea or plan as to how something might be done.
He allows that the book of Genesis reports that
the creation of the world and all things in it literally
took place in six days; and some people believe
that. He concedes that they have every right to do
so. Apparently that right ends at the school house
door. He calls it a story that offers little in the way
of scientific supporting evidence. It requires faith,
he writes.
C. R. N. 14th Year
The Circuit Rider News has grown from a two-page paper to a
twelve-page newsletter. Little did I dream that this would ever happen,
nor did I expect to have subscribers in all 50 states.
In celebration of this milestone, I continue to ask all that can and
will, to send a donation of ten dollars or more to help us in our 14th
year, with a solid foundation to underwrite the constant rising costs in
its publication and mailing.
I am indebted to my home church, Tidewater Baptist Church, in
printing the newsletter without cost, in particular, the Church
Secretaries, Cathy Pearson and Amanda Nowak; Mitch Marian for
work on my laptop computer and others for folding and preparing the
newsletter for mailing. The CRN is also available by email in PDF
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
The evolutionist has no scientific proof to support
their theories. The fossils do not support them. Their
idea of the earth being millions of years old, if that
were true, you would think that it would be bound to
show evidence of transitional change from the study
of fossils.
In desperation they have resorted to fraud through
hoaxes to support their theories. Many of you will
likely remember your biology textbook by the title of
“The Tree of Life.” Since the fossils did not support
the missing link idea, you may have remembered
about the “Piltdown Man” that was reputed to be
creditable proof of evolution. The American People’s
Encyclopedia in the 1948 edition, wrote about the
human skull that was found in Piltdown, England in
1812. In their 1953 edition, it does include some
doubt on the Piltdown Man, but it still held to the
idea that it was creditable proof of evolution.
In 1953, a personal friend of mine, Dr. Don
Boyce, a preacher and a legislator in the State of
Indiana, in his book, “Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or
Faith,” reveals some eye opening truths.
Dr. Boyce stated that over 500 doctoral
dissertations were written about the Piltdown Man,
indication that it was one of the most impressive
“finds” in the history of science.
His book reports that in 1953 three honest
scientists reported that an ape’s jaw and a human
skull had been doctored to resemble an ape man, and
had deceived the world’s greatest experts.
Dr. Henry M. Morris, in his book, “The Long
War Against God,” reported that Teilhard de Chardon
has been “implicated by a number of his fellow
evolutionists as one of the perpetrators of the
infamous Piltman hoax.”
Even Charles Dawson,
who led the excavation, was caught on two occasions
in his office staining bones, by two paleontologists
who did not trust him. Arthur Smith Woodard was
the head of the anthropology department of the
British Museum at the time and must have been
involved in the fraud. That could have been the
reason the hoax was kept under lock and key for
more than 40 years. (Reprint Baker House “Adam
and Evolution” 1987 P. 93-94).
Where Is That Missing Link ?
when I reflect that God is just, that His justice
cannot sleep forever.” 1771 Notes on that State of
Virginia, If he spoke with those forceful words
then, pray tell me what he would say now.
The evolutionist speaks of how species branch
and evolve over eons, through small mutations and
environment-driven adaptation. They claim
tremendous supporting evidence
since Charles Darwin proposed it in
the 1840’s. Where are they and why
do they keep seeking the missing
To speak demeaning of our faith, after all this,
complex creation yields itself to the law of “cause
and effect.” After all there is this indisputable
evidence of fact that a world exists and that
creatures inhabit it. There has to be a cause.
One of their explanations is known as the “big
bang” theory. For the lack of a better presentation,
they conclude that there was a tremendous
explosion and that brought all of creation into
existence. It appears to me that it takes a great deal
more faith to believe that ridiculous idea than to
believe that God did it. How long has it been since
you witnessed an explosion that created anything
more than noise and even that soon disappeared. If
that were true, I wonder how they would explain
what it is that holds the weighty planets, including
the earth, up in the air.
Another idea put forth, all of this, including
life, just started spontaneously. Back in time, no
one knows when! Back somewhere, no one knows
where! All of this just started, no one knows how.
That this one infinitesimal cell divided and
became two cells, no one knows why. Does this
seem to border on a wild, ridiculous,
blind, fictitious faith to you? C. S.
Lewis, a scholar, wrote about
evolution, calling it “the central lie of
our time.”
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
Where Is That Missing Link ? (Continued)
The next hoax was known as the Nebraska Man. A tooth was found by
Harold Cook in the State of Nebraska. H. F. Osborn, the head of the
American Museum of Natural History, reported that it had characteristics
of both human and chimpanzee. On the basis of a single tooth, in the
Illustrated London Times, a center-spread was printed of an artist’s
impression of the so called “man-ape.” Of course, the unbelieving
evolutionists in creation jumped on board. In 1930 it was proven to be a
single tooth that belonged to an extinct pig.
Although there are numerous other fraudulent efforts to deceive people
in thinking the “missing link” has finally been found; I shall only address
one other which occurred in recent time. It is the flying dinosaurs, when a
smuggled stone slab first seen at a Tucson mineral show was thought to be
the likely key to evolution. The collector paid $80,000 to purchase it. This
Chinese fossil had every appearance of a feathered dinosaur that flew like
a bird. The National Geographic in 1999 embraced this idea to its readers
only to be red-faced as it was revealed as a forgery a year later.
Dr. Albert Fleishman, professor of zoology and comparative anatomy
in Erlangen, Germany says, “The Darwinian theory of descent has not a
single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of
scientific research but purely the product of imagination.” (Joe White,
Ed.D. and Nicholas Comninellis, M.D., Darwin’s Demise, Master Books,
2001, p. 126)
Recently while in class with my youngest son studding the subject of
“Inspiration and Preservation of the Scriptures”, the teacher, Jonathan
Cloud, made an interesting comment regarding people that have honestly
believed something to be true and later found it to be false. He then gave
an even stranger example of it being difficult to completely and
immediately abandon it. That told me the reason it is often difficult to
reach those brainwashed by false doctrine.
Our founding fathers had a strong Christian faith. Our first President
had such a faith. George Washington, in a letter to all the governors,
expressed that faith and warned that without it this nation would never be
happy. “I now make my earnest prayer that God would have you and the
state over which you preside, in His holy protection, that he would incline
the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and
obedience to government; to entertain a brotherly affection and love for
one another, for their fellow citizens of the United States at large, and
particularly for their brethren who have served in the field; and, finally,
that he would be most graciously pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to
love mercy, and to demean ourselves with charity, humility, and pacific
temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of
our blessed religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in
these things can never hope to be a happy nation.”
Keep praying for my
wife, Elizabeth. Recently
she seems to have lost
some gains in her health.
Pray for me, I am
taking shots to stimulate
my bone marrow to make
3. Pray for our son, Don,
as he is in Rehab three
times a week following
heart surgery.
4. Pray for these families
that were visited by death
Pray that I will be
anointed of the Lord in
these one-day or oneservice opportunities.
Continue to pray for
Brother Fred Pletz as he
battles cancer bravely.
Praise the Lord for
these meetings that I can
preach and return home
the same night.
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
Where Is That Missing Link ? (Continued)
Benjamin Franklin spoke these words in the Constitutional Convention in 1787,
“God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without
his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured
in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build
it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed
in this political building no better than the builders of Babel.”
These things being true, this nation is in deep trouble; and, the “link” is still missing.
“The Oak Tree”
A mighty wind blew night and day. It stole the oak tree’s leaves away. Then snapped its boughs and pulled
its bark. Until the oak was tired and stark. But still the oak tree held its ground. While other trees fell all
around. The weary wind gave up and spoke. “How can you still be standing, Oak?” The oak tree said, “I know
that you can break each branch of mine in two, carry every leaf away, shake my limbs, and make me sway. But
I have roots stretched in the earth, growing stronger since my birth. You’ll never touch them, for you see, they
are the deepest part of me. Until today, I wasn’t sure of just how much I could endure. But now I’ve found,
with thanks to you, I am stronger than I ever knew.”
Especially now, try to remember that you’re stronger than any problem you
encounter or any disappointment life will bring.
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
“Precious in the sight of the LORD
is the death of his saints,”
Psalm 116:15.
On February 15, 2014 the Reverend Michael G. Marshal was
called to a higher calling that brought him in the presence of his Lord. He
had fought a long and hard battle with cancer. In 1976 he became the
Associate Pastor of Tidewater Baptist Temple here in Chesapeake,
Virginia under Pastor Paul Hawkins and served here for three years. He
served in numerous places until 2006 when he joined the Armed Forces
Baptist Missions (AFBM) as a missionary to the armed forces. He was
one of many missionaries that Tidewater Baptist Church supports. Please
pray for his wife and family that he leaves behind.
The Reverend Linwood E. Stanworth, Pastor of Calvary Baptist
Missionary Church in Suffolk, Virginia was called in death to his
heavenly mansion on February 4, 2014. His death was a shock to his
family, his church and his friends. He was not known to have any health
problems. It is thought that he had a heart attack. He was found by his
wife lying in his workshop at their home. He had many friends. At the
viewing the line of people stretched far out waiting to express their
sympathy. The church was filled at his funeral. I considered him a fellow
servant of the Lord and friend. I have had the privilege to preach for him
many times. Remember to pray for his wife, his family and the church.
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
My brother Hardison,
How blessed I am because of you. Not just the eats. Those wonderful
breakfasts, but to realize how God has used His Word through you!
Numberless years, and Tidewater Baptist Temple and your ministry of
the printed page!!! And God did it all. Thank you! Thank you! A
million times. Love to Mumma. Brother JC
Dear Dr. D. M. Hardison
Thank you so much for your service, I’m sure I only know a smidgen
of what you do for the Lord. And thanks for the Circuit Rider News,
praying for your wife. J. & B. T.
Dr. Hardison,
I always have you and your wife in my daily prayers. Have a wonderful
year this year and hope you have good health for both of you and your
family. Love in Christ. P. W.
Mr. Hardison,
Thank you for sharing the love of Christ and being a servant for Him. May the Lord bless you with good
health in your young age. Because we stay young in spirit. Your friend. W. S. I have moved, please update
my address.
Dr. Hardison & Family,
Please use this donation as a blessing and the extra money for our news letter. The news letter is a great
blessing. We are praying for your family and A. D. God bless. C. & D. B.
Bro. Hardison,
Sorry you can’t come this year. We sure are going to miss you. Praying for you, your wife and ministry. Please
keep praying for us. May God bless you and keep you. J.
Dear Bro. and Sis. Hardison,
A love offering to help. I will pray for you and Mrs. Hardison. I will be 83 in March. I have trouble getting
around, my legs bother me. Please keep me in your prayers. I pray God will supply all your needs. I love the
Circuit Rider News. Love in Christ, Mrs. R.F.
Hi Bro. Hardison,
Thought I’d drop you a line and let you know we enjoy reading your monthly letter and the Circuit
Rider News. My wife, D., is having breast cancer surgery sometime around the first of Feb. No date has been
set yet. Would you keep her in your prayers? We continue to keep you and your wife in our daily prayers.
In Christ, B. H.
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
If thou canst not wait for Christ and be patient in the hope of having
fellowship with Him at some distant season, thou wilt never have fellowship at all;
for the heart that is fitted for communion is a hungering and a thirsting heart.
Charles Spurgeon
I am prepared to believe whatever it (the Bible) says, and to take it believing it
to be the word of God. For if it is not all true, it is not worth one solitary penny to
me. Charles Spurgeon
What a pleasure life would be to live if everybody would try to only half of
what he expects others to do. William J. H. Boetcker
It can be argued that, until the end of the First World War, the King James
Bible was seen, not simply as the most important English translation of the Bible,
but as one of the finest literary works in the English language.
Alister McGrath (historian)
There is a new variety of preacher today who’s not interested in being called a
“holy man of God.” He wants to be called by his first name and be one of the boys.
He’s so anxious to be relevant that he’s forgotten how to be reverent. Vance Havner
God would not have us merely take a stand; He would have us walk. Too
many have taken a stand and are still standing—for years they have made no
progress. We are inclined to take a stand and at best to maintain it instead of
walking daily with God. Vance Havner
There can be no revival when Mr. Amen and Mr. Wet Eyes are not found in
the audience. Charles Finney
Don’t ask God to give you a lighter burden, ask Him to give you stronger
shoulders to carry a heavier burden. Bob Jones, Sr.
Make me as much like Jesus as a redeemed sinner can possibly be.
Robert M’Cheyne
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
April 6, 2014 (AM)
Tidewater Baptist Church
Chesapeake, VA
Pastor Charles Pearson
March 19, 2014
Welcome Baptist School
Chesapeake, VA
Principal Mrs. S. Roebuck
Pastor David Crawford
March 23, 2014
Wayside Baptist Church
712 Canal Drive
Chesapeake, VA
Pastor Paul Mitchell
March 29, 2014
Annual Board of Directors
Chesapeake, VA
April 13, 2014
Diamond Springs Baptist
Virginia Beach, VA,
Pastor Warren Skinner
April 16, 2014
Welcome Baptist School
Chesapeake, VA
Principal Mrs. S. Roebuck
Pastor David Crawford
April 23, 2014
Fellowship Baptist Church
Camp Meeting
Clayton, NC
Pastor Dr. Charles Ennis
April 25, 2014
Tabernacle Baptist College
and Seminary Graduation
Virginia Beach, VA,
President Dr. James W. Baker
May 4, 2014 (AM)
Tidewater Baptist Church
Chesapeake, VA
Pastor Charles Pearson
May 4, 2014 (4:00 pm)
Welcome Baptist School
Baccalaureate Service
1200 Kempsville Road
Chesapeake, VA
Principal Mrs. S. Roebuck
Pastor David Crawford
May 12-25, 2014
Tidewater Baptist Church
Tent Meeting
Chesapeake, VA
Evangelist Rick Whitlow
Pastor Charles Pearson
May 16, 2014
Unavailable !
This date is our
Wedding Anniversary
Hope you have as many!!
June 8, 2014 (AM)
Tidewater Baptist Church
Chesapeake, VA
Pastor Charles Pearson
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
The multiplication of public offices, increase of expenses beyond income,
growth and entertainment of a public debt are indicators soliciting the employment
of the pruning knife. Thomas Jefferson
The best way to get rid of criminals is to stop raising them. John R. Rice
Everything rises or falls on leadership. Lee Roberson
Humility is the ornament of angels, and pride the deformity of devils.
William Jenkyn
No man has a right to do as he pleases, except when he pleases to do right.
Charles Simmons
To know the will of God is greatest knowledge. To do the will of God is the
greatest achievement.
Soft, cheap and easy are the watermarks of the new-style churches popping
up everywhere these days. Ignoring the commands of God in order to
accommodate the demands of a lost world is a treasonous betrayal of our biblical
mandates. Shelton Smith
A Little Humor
Why? Why can I go to a ball game, sit outside in the night air, climb stairs to get to my seat and
have a grand time when it goes into extra innings, but I can’t get out on Sunday nights to sit in an airconditioned comfort, on cushioned pews at the church house?
Intelligence! A young boy entered a barbershop, and the barber whispered to his customer,
“This boy is not so bright. Watch while I prove it to you.” The barber put a dollar bill in one hand and
two quarters in the other, then called the boy over and asked, “Which do you want son?” The boy took
the quarters and left the dollar. “What did I tell you?” said the barber. “That boy never learns!” Later
when the customer left, he saw the same little boy coming out of the ice cream store, so he said, Hey,
son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?” The boy
licked his cone and replied, “Because the day I take the dollar, the game’s over!” Was that one of your
I sat there waiting for my new doctor make his way through the file that contained my very
extensive medical history. After he finished all seventeen pages, he looked at me and said, “You look
better in person than you do on paper.”
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
Combination Celebration
A few months ago, one of the former members of Good News Baptist Church, the church
that I had started in April 1959 in Norfolk, Virginia, called me by telephone. It was Kelvin
Crisp. He and his brother, Terry, were both saved at this church while they were still young
boys. Their dad and mother, John and Jean Crisp were very active members, in fact, they were
charter members of that church.
Their mother is deceased and their father was about to turn 80 years old. The family had
lived in California, Texas and North Carolina. Many of their old friends have died or moved on
and little contact was maintained with their friends here in the area. Kelvin was trying to do
something very special for his dad. He actually wanted to obtain the use of the same church
building that we had bought after the church was started. He wanted to have a regular service
with any of the former members and for me to preach on the Saturday of his dad’s birthday.
That couldn’t be worked out, however our pastor, Reverend Charles Pearson, agreed for the
group to use our building for this celebration. Tidewater Baptist Church was also a church I
started in April 1966. The plans were set in motion. A search of former members of Good News
Baptist Church was started. We found that far more had died than were still living, especially in
this area.
It turned out great, John was not aware of the plans except to meet with a couple of families
an 25-30 people turned out for the occasion. It was a celebration for all of us who were a part of
that church family 55 years ago. By the way, we had 152 in attendance the first Sunday in
Sunday school.
New Years Eve
Pastor Pearson, Dr. Hardison and
Missionary John Shrader to Zambia
Sunday 3/9/2014
Hardison/ Hawkins
Sunday 1/12/2014
Volume 14 Issue 2
April - June 2014
Tidewater Baptist Church
Tent Meeting
May 12-25, 2014
Every Night at 7:00 pm
Chesapeake, VA
Pastor Charles Pearson
Guest Evangelist Rick Whitlow
Evangelist and Mrs. Rick Whitlow
The tent meeting is a development of the old camp meetings in which God’s people gathered
to hear The Word of God preached. In the continental United States, tent revivals have ranged
from small, locally based tents holding perhaps a hundred people to large organizations with a
fleet of trucks and tents able to hold thousands of people.
Nineteenth century Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon said, “Many
blessings may come to the unconverted in consequence of a revival
among Christians, but the revival itself has to do only with those who
already possess spiritual life.”
April - June 2014
Volume 14 Issue 2
P. O. Box 16000
Chesapeake, VA 23328
Editor Dr. D. M. Hardison
Subscription $5 Annually
Look for the Circuit Rider News on our new website
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An annual donation of $5.00 or more
is appreciated.
Previous issues of the Circuit Rider News are available upon request.
Contact Dr. Edward R. Smith at