ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER 777 West Hollis Street


ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER 777 West Hollis Street
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
777 West Hollis Street – Nashua, NH 03062
Parish Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Parish Contacts
Phone: 603-883-0757
Fax: 603-883-8057
Facebook: Saint Joseph the Worker Parish,
Nashua, NH
Weekend Liturgies
Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 AM
Weekday Masses
Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM
If Nashua schools are closed due to snow/
ice, daily Mass will be cancelled
Bishop Francis Christian
Pastor – Ext. 7
Rev. Roger Bilodeau
Priest in Residence
Deacon Raymond Wheeler
Permanent Deacon – Ext. 5
RCIA Coordinator
Deacon Roland E. Leduc
Permanent Deacon—Ext. 5
Helen Dumont
Business Manager – Ext. 3
Janice Mercure
Director of Faith Formation – Ext. 4
Paula O’Connell
Office Manager – Ext. 2
John Puliafico
Facility Superintendent – Ext. 6
We strive to be a parish of Good Stewards,
praising and thanking God for His gifts of life, faith, family and friends and
our parish and civic communities. We ask for His grace to grow and develop
these gifts abundantly for the sake of His kingdom among us.
Sacrament of Penance (Confession)
Saturday: 3:15-3:45 PM & upon request
Please call the Parish Office
Please call Parish Office 6 months prior to wedding date.
Program Coordinators
Adult Choir
Barbara Puder
Art & Environment
Robert Gagne
Paula O’Connell
Contemp. Music
Dave Therrien
Cub/Boy Scouts
John Puliafico
Bill Trainor
Knights of Columbus
Brian Tyrrell
Helen Dumont
Prayer Line 883-0757, ext. 2
Safe Environment
Louis DiGregorio
Youth Choir
Chris Wenrich
Committee Chairpersons
Pastoral Council
Christian Formation
Family Ministry
Good Steward
Michael Ruest
Paula Moran
John Martin
Ann Kelley
Robin Mulvey
Thomas Moran
Marie Daley
Becky Shaughnessy
Rick Donaruma
Lisa Richard
Deanery Agencies
New Hampshire Catholic Charities
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekend Offertory
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Youth Choir, Room 2/3/4, 8-10am
Gift Program Meeting after Mass, Worship
Scout Sunday/Pancake Breakfast, Center, 7am-1pm
CYO Deanery Basketball, Center/Kitchen/Room 1,
5/6, 7/8, 2-5:30pm
Middle Sch Faith Formation, All Rooms, 5:30-8:30pm
Monday, February 9, 2015
CYO Practice, Center, 5-10pm
NC Practice, Center, 4:30-6:30pm
Girl Scouts, Room 5/6, 5:45-8pm
Cub Scout Leaders Meeting, Room 7/8, 7-8:30pm
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Adoration, Chapel, 7:30-8:30pm
Cribbage League, Center, 12-3pm
Quilting, Room 2/3/4, 7-9pm
CYO Practice, Center, 5-10pm
NC Practice, Center, 4:30-6:30pm
Cub Scouts (Bears), Room 7/8, 6:30-8:30pm
Cub Scouts (Webelos II), Room 5/6, 6:30-8:30pm
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Homeschool Co-op, 8am-3pm
Adoration, Chapel, 8:30-12noon
CYO Practice, Center, 5-10pm
Adult Choir Practice, Worship, 7-9pm
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Boy Scout Troop Mtng, Rm 7/8/Kitchen/Center, 6-9pm
Friday, February 13, 2015
NC Cheer Practice, Center, 4-6pm
Pinewood Derby Weigh-in, Room 7/8, 6-8pm
Pinewood Derby Set-up, Center, 7-9pm
Ultreya, Room 2/3/4, 7-10pm
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Pinwood Derby, Center/Kitchen, 8am-12noon
CYO Cheer Practice, Center, 1-2:30pm
CYO Deanery Basketball, Center/Kitchen, Room 1,
5/6, 7/8, 5:30-9:30pm
We received $2,279 from this past weekend’s collection to
assist the parish in funding its financial support for Catholic
elementary and junior high school. The proceeds from this
collection remains in the parish. Our monthly payment for
catholic schools is $1,957.59, $23,491 for the fiscal year 2015.
Weekly Offertory needed to meet budget…………………..$9,075
Offertory Collec on, 01/31-0201/2015……...…….…………$9,980
Fiscal Year Offertory needed to date………………...…….$270,600
Fiscal Year Offertory collected to date……………...……..$269,096
2.5% of the Total Offertory goes to Tithing each week.
Other Collections
Seminarian Diocesan Collection…………...$3,627
Bldg./Grounds for Janury………….……….$2,176
This weekend we are taking up the special
annual collection for fuel. We are
experiencing a very cold winter and costs are high. We
constantly monitor our building and work our thermostats
by programming our activities of each and every day.
Areas not being used (even the church during the
afternoons and evenings) go on “unoccupied”
temperatures to help with the cost of heating. We also
work with the Diocese and purchase our gas as a group for
cost efficiency. We ask that you be as generous as possible
being mindful that as homeowners you are also
experiencing larger heating bills. Bless you all for your
Tax information 2014
If you received a tax statement last year, you
automatically were mailed your copy of your 2014
donations recently. Keep in mind if you missed using your
envelope at any time during the year, that amount was not
recorded. Should you need an adjustment please contact
Helen Dumont regarding this issue.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are new to us this past year and
wish to have us send you a tax statement, we ask that you
please mark your current envelope with the following
notation, “Tax Statement Requested”.
Refer all questions to Helen Dumont, the Finance Office at
883-0757, ext. 3 regarding tax statements. Thank you for
your support.
Be careful what you say. Last week I said we were so
lucky to have escaped a lot of snow. We are surely
now making up for that. Please watch for “black ice”.
Our Plow Company, Ekstrom, needs to put down sand and salt for liability
reasons as well as for your safety from falling when there is a threat of ice
melting. We would ask that you try to clear off as much sand/salt from
your boots before entering the building. We are aware that we have to be
diligent at keeping the parking lot safe for all concerned. Your help in
preserving the life of our carpeting is needed. Thank you.
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish News
The St. Joseph Knights of Columbus council invites you to join us to learn how
“24 Hours Can Change Your Life”
Join us for an informational meeting to learn how as Knights of Columbus, Catholic men are able to serve our
parish and community, grow in our faith, and access exclusive fraternal benefits that help us protect and
provide for our families.
Members of our council will be available to discuss opportunities to grow the charitable work of the Knights
right here at St. Joseph Parish. We are especially interested in growing new activities that will better engage
families and young people in our parish community and are looking for help in making some of these new
projects happen.
We also would love to discuss the fraternal benefits that are offered by the Knights of Columbus, including
financial aid and scholarship programs for our children and grandchildren and insurance programs that help
us protect our families.
Please join us at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, February 25th in room 7 to learn more, or contact Grand Knight
Brian Tyrrell at (603) 689-5808 or for more information.
K of C Lenten Friday Fish Dinners
Tell your friends and join us for a fun night of “MEAT
RAFFLES”. This is a major fundraising event for all
the teams of St. Joes’s CYO. Many great family size
“MEAT” prizes and “DOOR” prizes! Come and
support your CYO Program.
Saturday, February 28th from 6:30-9:00pm
Doors open at 6pm.
For everyday needs and difficult times, 211 is your connection to thousands of
resources across NH. Just to name a few…
Child care resource and referral, clothing and thrift shops, crisis
services, domestic and sexual violence services, employment services, health
care services, alcohol and drug program, housing…homeless prevention,
shelter, tenants’ rights, independent living services, legal assistance, mental
health care and counseling, mentoring, military, family and community
network, parenting programs, senior information and assistance, support groups,
utility assistance, youth and family services, volunteering, wellness programs
and more. Just dial 211 or go on for more information.
Knights of Columbus from St. John XXIII, St. Patrick and
St. Christopher Parishes will be serving Baked Fish
Dinners on the first six Fridays in Lent: Feb 20, 27, March
6, 13, 20 and 27. The dinners are served from 4:30 pm to
6:30 pm at St. Christopher’s Church Hall, 62 Manchester
Street, Nashua. The menu includes a generous por on of
baked haddock, baked potato, vegetable, coleslaw, rolls,
beverage and selec ons from our famous home cooked
dessert table. Cost is $11. Pizza is available at
2.00. Take-out orders can be placed by calling 438-7313.
Our snow cancella on policy is that dinners will be
cancelled when Nashua schools are cancelled due to
inclement weather. Sta ons of the Cross and
Confessions are held in St. Christopher Church following
the dinners .
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Grades Kindergarten through Grade 5
The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Confirmation II, Sunday, February 15th from
Middle School Faith Formation,
Sunday, February 8th from
Coming this Lent
“A Closer Walk with Jesus”,
four part Lenten series of prayer and spiritual
Thursday, February 26, March 5th, 12th and April
More information to follow.
Confirmation Retreat Rescheduled
The Confirmation II retreat has been rescheduled
for Friday March 6 through Saturday March 7.
Please keep these young people in your prayers as
they reflect on the meaning of the Sacrament of
Confirmation and their relationship with the Christ
as it applies to their everyday life.
The Summer Faith Formation program for Grades
Kindergartens through Grade 5 will be held the weeks of
July 27—July 31 & August 10—August 14.
All children in the GIFT program are encouraged to be
registered for one of the two sessions.
Parents are asked to note these dates in their calendars.
Registration forms for the Summer Faith Formation program
will be sent out at a later date.
There is a need for more committed
Adorers. Would you be willing to
sacrifice one-hour per week?
Hours of Adoration are:
Tuesday evenings 7:30 – 8:30 PM; and
Wednesday mornings after the 8 AM Mass, 8:30 to 12
noon. The Gregorian chant is played softly in the
background except for the 10- 11 hour for those who
prefer silent adoration. All are welcome; come for a short
visit if that is all your schedule allows.
Contact Antonietta Hagen 883-9048 or
Pat Hurd 882-1503.
“Last rites” is a persistent but pesky phrase in the
Catholic lexicon, and not a particularly useful
phrase since it props open the door to
misunderstanding. Many Catholics presume it refers
to the anointing of the sick, yet there is nothing
“last” about it. Clearly, the Church desires anointing
to be celebrated fairly early on in the crisis of
illness, and not as a last measure. The Rites for the
Dying stand apart in the Church’s plan, and include
two principal rites. The first is viaticum, Latin for
“food for the journey,” the reception of Holy
Communion by a dying person. Even very active
and aware Catholics often do not realize that this
“last rite” does not require a priest’s presence, but
can be conducted by a deacon or minister of Holy
The second “last rite” in the pastoral plan is
a prayer called “Commendation of the Dying.”
Similarly, this does not require the presence of a
priest, but can be led by any minister or family
member. Too often, we have focused on what only a
priest can do, namely anoint, and have forgotten the
fullness of liturgical care that the Church desires for
its dying faithful. The “last rites” are completely
available to us even when a priest is not.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
By Bishop Christian
The following in part 3 of Michael Lewis’ ar cle
from The New Republic on wealth and morality.
Monday, February 9
There is an obvious chicken-and-egg ques on to
ask here. But it is beginning to seem that the
problem isn’t that kind of people who wind up on
the pleasant side of inequality suffer from some
moral disability that gives them a market edge.
The problem is caused by the inequality itself: It
triggers a chemical reac on in the privileged few.
It lts their brains. It causes them to be less likely
to care about anyone but themselves or to
experience the moral sen ments needed to be a
decent ci zen. Or even a happy one. Not long ago,
an enterprising professor at the Harvard Business
School named Mike Norton persuaded a big
investment bank to let him survey the bank’s rich
clients. (The poor people in the survey were
millionaires.) In a forthcoming paper, Norton and
his colleagues track the effects of ge ng money on
the happiness of people who already have a lot of
it: A rich person ge ng even richer experiences
zero gain in happiness. That’s not all that
surprising; it’s what Norton asked next that led to
an interes ng insight. He asked these rich people
how happy they were at any given moment. Then
he asked them how much money they would need
to be even happier. “All of them said they needed
two to three mes more than they had to feel
happier,” says Norton.
Tuesday, February 10
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary
February 8, 2015
[The LORD] tells the number of
the stars and calls them by name.
— Psalm 147:4
8:00 am ~ Madeleine Ouellet by Francine Davis
8:00 am ~ For the deceased family & friends of Francis Hyatt
8:00 am ~ For the deceased family & friends of Carol Boulé
8:00 am ~ All Soul’s Day Intention
Wednesday, February 11
8:00 am ~ Luis Caamano by his wife
9th Anniversary
8:00 am ~ M. Patricia Baxter by Lorraine LaPlante
Thursday, February 12
8:00 am ~ For the deceased family & friends of Mr. & Mrs.
Brian Tyrrell
8:00 am ~ Stephen Babine by his family
Friday, February 13
8:00 am ~ No Service
Saturday, February 14
4:00 pm ~ Greta Moreau by her husband, Bob & family
4:00 pm ~ Theresa Yedinak by her husband, Richard
Sunday, February 15
8:00 am ~ Daniel Riendeau by the Riendeau Family
12th Anniversary
10:00 am ~ For all the celebrating a Birthday this month
Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12,
24, 35c; Mk 6:53-56
Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:113
Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 2728, 29bc-30; Mk 7:14-23
Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30
Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:3137
Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11;
1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45
Information page
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Paula O’Connell
Number of pages: 6
February 8, 2015
Transmission: Wednesday 10am
Publisher 2010 Adobe 2010
Special Instructions: