
Friday– Simon & Jude, Apostles.
Exodus 22:20-26 If you are harsh with the widow or the orphan, my anger
will raise against you.
1 Thessalonians Ps 17:2-4.47.51 You turned away from idols to serve God
and wait his Son.
Matthew 22:34-40. You shall love the Lord your God and your neighbour as
RESPONSORIAL PSALM–I love you, Lord, my strength.
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION– Alleluia, alleluia! All who love me
will keep my words, and my Father will love them, and we will come
to them.
grace, Lord.
ALTAR SOCIETY– 26/10– Carol Dee 2/11 Monica Hoffman
COUNTERS– 26/10- Lynch Team 2/11– Mc Gill Team
9/11– Townsend Team
READERS— 1/2 Youth Mass
Vigil– Reserve, youth group
8am– Y.McDonell, J.Steele
10am- L.Gair, R.Gair
136 Flora Street, Sutherland NSW 2232 (PO Box 57 Sutherland 1499)
Ph. 9521 2356 Fax 9521 7252
Fr John M Knight KHS (Parish Priest):
Fr Michael Lanzon (Assistant Priest)
Kay Macadam ( Sacramental Co ordinator)
Kaylene Baumanis (Parish Secretary):
St Patrick’s Primary School Principal: Mr. Phillip Tax:
WEEKDAY PROGRAM: Mon – Communion Service Mass: Tues-Sat 9.00am
NB: 2nd Thurs - Nagle Apartments 9.00am Mass
SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Sat Vigil 5pm Sun 8am & 10am
CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 4.30 - 4.45pm or by appointment
BAPTISMS: 1st & 3rd Sundays 11.30am WEDDINGS: (6 months notice) Excludes Lenten Season
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Saturdays monthly - 4.00pm-4.45pm (Except Jan)
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon Closed. Tues-Friday 9.00am - 3.00pm
St Patrick’s Parish acknowledges and honours the Gweagel People of the Dharawal Nation as the original custodians of this land
New Parish Website–
previously advised by The Apostolic Administrator, Bishop Peter A Commensoli, the
Liturgical Reception and Mass of Installation for the Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP
as the ninth Archbishop of Sydney will take place at St Mary’s Cathedral on Wednesday, 12 November 2014 at 7.30pm. Those attending would need to be seated by
7.00pm. All are welcome.
HARD OF HEARING? Our Church has been equipped with a Powered Audio Induction Loop system for hearing aid wearers (T-Loop) - To
obtain effective use of the loop sit in the main body of the church avoiding the very edge seats, turn hearing aid to T & adjust the volume to
A Program of Christian renewa l for Men who want to re -connect
o r d e e p e n t h e i r F a i t h J o u r n e y . In t h e s p i r i t o f P s . 1 3 3 “ H o w g o o d
and pleasant it is when Brothers sit together”, come worship, reflect and join other Men share their spiritual and emotional journey. Th e Brothers4Soul Tea m wi ll be pres enting this exciting initiative at all Masses on the weekend of the 8 th and 9th of November. Call the Parish Offic e for more information and register your
interest. 9521-2356.
30th Sunday
26th October 2014
As we saw last
week, the Pharisees
try again to disconcert Jesus. This
time their question
is about their religious Law. Jesus
takes their question
at face value and
answers openly and
directly, going
straight to the heart
of the Law. When
we love God with
all our heart, we
will not sin. We
will love others
and do everything
we can to promote
love wherever we
From the Pastor,
Greetings fellow parishioners. Last Sunday we were very fortunate to have been
invited to a Mass with the Apostolic Nuncio to Israel and Apostolic delegates to
Jerusalem and Palestine. His Excellency Giuseppe Lazzarotto, Archbishop Lazzarotto you may remember visited us here at Sutherland in 2010 to conclude our 75th
Anniversary year. He was at the time Apostolic Nuncio to Australia. It was a delightful visit. Sunday afternoon saw us participating in the Way of the Cross along
the Via Dolorosa and finishing at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre that place
where Jesus was laid and rose from the dead. Monday saw us at the Calvary Altar,
that place where Jesus actually died, followed by visits to the Mount of the Ascension, Churches of the Pater Noster ( Our Father), Dominus Flevit of all nations.
Visits also to Mt Zion, Dormition Abbey, the ‘Upper’ room (the ‘Cenacle’). Panoramic view of Old Jerusalem. We had on Tuesday the opportunity to visit Latin
Patriarch of Jerusalem His Beatitude Fuad Twal and celebration Mass in the CO
Cathedral of the Latin Patriarchate– Jerusalem.
We leave Jerusalem behind and travel north to Haifa and visit Stella Maris and the
cave of Prophet Elijah Mount Carmel. Then travel to Tiberius visiting Cana, renewing marriage vows. Visiting Nazareth and the synagogue, Basilica of the Annunciation and St Joseph’s Church. Mount Tabor and the site of the Transfiguration was a
wonderful experience. No trip to the Holy Land would be complete without a visit
by boat on the Sea of Galilee and visiting the church of the multiplication of the
loaves and fishes and Mass at the Primary of Peter by the Sea of Galilee and to conclude our Holy Land part of the pilgrimage the renewal of Baptismal Promises at the
River Jordan.
Next Sunday we celebrate All Souls Day. It will begin our month of remembering
our dear loved ones who have passed away. November Mass envelopes are available
for you to remember your dear loved ones and will be kept at the foot of the Pieta.
Just a reminder that only recently deceased and anniversaries will be published in
the bulletin during November.
A big Congratulations to Lal Barrett who will celebrate 90years of age on the 28th
Fr John M Knight
Parish Priest
CHURCH GARDENS- Group meets on 2nd Tuesday each
month. Gardeners welcome to assist on other days to suit
you. Come enjoy good company while caring for St Pat’s
Garden. Morning tea served.
COFFEE & TEA SET– Oct 27– Davistown. Meet for
8.30am train Jannali, change Central 9.15am Central Coast
train. Pat H, Barbara F -Nov 4– Join Leonie & Marie for
Melbourne Cup Lunch at the SUS Club ( not a C&T event)
but bookings with Leonie necessary.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCESt Vincent de Paul Conference needs volunteers for assistance in distribution of much needed aid. Meets weekly on
Thursdays at 2pm or such other times as suits volunteers, in
the Parish Meeting Room. Contact Chris Watson 0411 408
SUTHERLAND SHIRE SOLO– A social group for single people over 55. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of
each month at 7:30pm. For details phone Marcia 95890655,
Jan 95268370, Lyn 95288220
After 9am Mass every 3rd Saturday Recitation of the Holy
Rosary. All are welcome to attend.
SPIRITUALITY GROUP– 7.30-9.30pm. November 18th
Brothers House (rear of the Church)- Meditation, presentation of chosen topic, individual responses from group pertaining to the topic. A light supper concludes the evening.
Enquiries—Des-9521 3835.
WRAP WITH LOVE– We meet at the Presbytery on the
first Thursday of the month from 11.30am to
1.30pm. Please join us for knitting and crocheting squares.
Bring a sandwich for lunch.
Catechist News - We are now in the final term for this year. We have had some new
faces added to our group while others are ready to leave. This is normal I guess, but I am
hoping someone will replace the ones who are moving on. If you wish to know more
about becoming a Catechist or a fill-in Catechist, please call me on 9521 7850 or e-mail
me Bertha Fsdani
Notice to all Catechists. Term 4 meeting on Friday 7th November at
4.00pm, at parish meeting room. Please bring updated classroom numbers.
all welcome
Will be celebrated on 1st November, 2014 at 12pm
Remembrance of the faithful at the Gardens of the Pieta, Mausoleum,
Woronora Cemetery.
Christian Meditation
This is held at Holy Family Catholic Church, Anzac Road, Menai
When: Wednesdays 2.30pm and 7.30pm Venue: Parish Meeting Room adjoining the
church (left side).
Beginners always welcome
Please phone to advise your attendance: Maria 0412 928 002
“Meditation is simply a way of coming to that basic healthiness of spirit, a state wherein
our spirit has room to breathe, where it is not assailed and weighed down by trivia or what
is merely physical……..”
Fr John Main osb
Catholic Weekly—still only $2-So what did happen at the Synod on the Family? - Journey together
marked by highs, lows, temptations: pope’s synod address
We’re not giving in to secular agenda, says Cardinal Pell—Celebration of long-lasting marriage is a
family affair -Archbishop springs surprise on bushfire hero
Vocations vigil a runaway success -Hallowed be Thy Name: Bishop Peter Ingham’s Halloween message -Parish blessing in the spirit of St Francis
Editorial, letters -Vista: what’s on in your parish and diocese
Artes Christi presents THE JEWELER’S SHOP: The first Feast Day of St John Paul II is 22 October and to celebrate don’t miss The Jeweller's Shop, a profoundly beautiful play on human love & marriage written by St John Paul before he was elected pope. As specifically indicated by St John Paul II, the play will
be staged in the unique style of the Polish underground theatre with no sets or props & performed in a recitative style (reading only). SYDNEY: Sat 25 Oct,
7.30pm, Seymour Centre (Cleveland St Chippendale); PARRAMATTA: Sun 26 Oct, 3pm, Riverside Theatre (Church St, Parramatta). Tickets from $20, bookings
essential, Ph. (02)93517940 (Sydney) or (02)88393399 (Parramatta) or WWW.THEWORD.ORG.AU
ATTENTION ALL PARISHIONERS – HELP NEEDED! – Anyone who would like to assist with the 2015 Sacramental program, please pick up a note from the back of
the church, complete and return to me. Any help would be
greatly appreciated!
2015 SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME – Dates for the
2015 Sacramental Programme are now available. Pick up a
flyer from the back of the church. Dates have been published early to enable parishioners to organise holiday dates
etc around the program.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY - 10am Mass – This Sunday
- 26 October – lead by myself and assisted by Mrs Swords
SCY MASS – Saturday 1 November – 5pm – All welcome!
– Sunday 23 November at 10am. Hope to see you there!
November from 3.15pm to 4pm. If you are in Year 3 + and
have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion, you are
welcome to attend an altar server’s training afternoon. Pick up a note from the back of the church, complete and return asap.
CHRISTMAS VIGIL MASS – Anyone wishing to participate in the 5pm Christmas Vigil Mass this year, please
collect a note from the back of the church, complete and
return by 7 November.
FAMILY MASSES – Next Family Mass - 8 November
5pm. Please note our last Family Mass for the year will be
on Saturday 13 December. This will be our annual gift
giving Mass and there will be a sausage sizzle after this
Mass with lots of fun to be had! Note your diary!
If anyone has any enquiries regarding the above mentioned,
please give me a ring at the parish on either Thursday or
Friday on 9521 2356 or send me an email –
God bless and go gently,
Kay Macadam
YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR THE SICK: Mary Arnold, Cyril Mahoney, Terry McCosker, Veri Laarakkers, Steve Smith, Carol Drew, Jeffrey Napier, Barbara Urquhart, Rachel Hanlan, Malcolm
Bleeker, Ron Strauss, Tony Gaynor, Ian Rodgers, Linda Lucke, Margaret Murphy, Brian McLean, Karen Carey, Betty Cooling, Sue Arnold-Garvey, Sr Vianney, Anne Cook, Rudy Basso, Fulvia Bompani, Ian
Hay, Mary Bartlett, Pat Noonan, Robyn Williams, Mollie Boerma, Kevin Fennell, Sr Claver, Patti & Kevin Gore, Marlene Visage, All the residents in Nagle Apartments.
ANNIVERSARY: Matilda Gonano, Patrick Francis Sullivan
DECEASED MEMBERS & FRIENDS: Oonah Ainscough, Anne Dee, Lionel, Marie & Lawrie Gray, Frank Lantry, Claude Press, John Press, Peter Rendell, Barry Scott, Fr. L. Cruikshank, Margaret Stokes, Paul
Fraser, Karen Westnidge, Philip Struthers, Jim Walsh, Shirley Dent, Thomas O’Brien, Gregory & Eileen Dodd, Sr Mary Julian & members Mullins Family, Terry McNamara, Griggs-Nunan-Farrell Families,
Jack Elhers, Mr & Mrs English, Irene Mason, Monica & John Robinson, Don Barrett, McNamara, Torrington, Preston, Dent, Barrett & O’Leary Families & Norma Miller & Family & Friends, Mahoney, Lollback & Mason Family. Poor and needy people, Holy Souls in Purgatory