St. Thomas of Villanova Religious Education Registration Form
St. Thomas of Villanova Religious Education Registration Form
ST. THOMAS OF VILLANOVA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER 1141 East Anderson Drive Palatine, Illinois 60074 (847) 358-2386 March, 2016 Dear Parents, It is truly a joy to teach your children! Thank you for choosing St. Thomas of Villanova Religious Education program and sharing them with us!!! Three of your child/ren’s Sacraments (First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation) are held during your time with us. Please know that it is an honor and privilege for us to be a part of these wonderful Sacraments. In order to not only give your child the best Sacramental experience, but a great Religious Education experience, it takes a lot of help. This help comes from our wonderful Catechists who are the life and breathe of our Religious Education Program. We just couldn’t run this program without them. That being said, if you would like to become a Catechist, we would love to have you on board. In our program, as in your families, our costs go up every year. To keep our budget on track, it is necessary to increase the cost by $10.00 across the board for families with one, two or three plus children. We will continue to implement a $45.00 Sacramental Fee for 2nd and 8th Grade. St. Thomas Parish subsidizes half the actual cost of our program. This allows for scholarships for families who need them. We never turn a child away. Be sure to register by June 30th to get the class day you want and avoid the late fees that begin after June 30th. The late fees would only apply to existing families, NOT NEW FAMILIES. If you know of a family that may want to register for Religious Education here at St. Thomas of Villanova, please give them our address, and they will be able to pull a registration form off our website. We will also have forms available in the Religious Education Center and at the Parish Office. If you have any questions regarding becoming a catechist or registration for 2016-17, please contact us at God Bless You and Yours, St. Thomas of Villanova Religious Education Registration 2016-17 1141 East Anderson Drive, Palatine IL 60074 • (847) 358-2386 • E-Mail: • Website: FAMILY INFORMATION: Family Last Name: __________________________________________ Main Phone #: __________________________ Family E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________ City: _________________ Zip Code: _________________ Father’s Name: ___________________________ Mother’s Name: _______________________________ Father’s Cell Phone #: ______________________ Mother’s Cell Phone #: __________________________ Father’s Religion: _________________________ Mother’s Religion: ______________________________ Child/ren lives with: Mother and Father Father Only Mother Only Other: _________________ CLASS TIMES: TUITION FEES: Grades K - 8th Sunday 9:15-10:45am Fees Before June/30 After June/30 1 Child $240.00 $275.00 2 Children $350.00 $385.00 3+ Children $425.00 $460.00 Non-Parishioner $400.00 per child Grades 1st --8th Monday 4:00-5:30pm After July/30 $300.00 $410.00 $485.00 2nd and 8th GRADERS – ADD $45.00 SACRAMENTAL FEE PER CHILD Grade 8th (in Catechist home) Sunday 7:00-8:30pm Monday 7:00-8:30pm NEW TO OUR PROGRAM? If your child was not baptized at STV, please enclose a copy of your child’s Baptism certificate. For all students transferring, please provide a copy of any Baptism, First Communion or First Reconciliation certificates. REGISTRATION INFORMATION: We are….. Returning to the program Child’s Name (First and Last) M/F Taking religion classes for the first time Birthdate Grade in 2016-17 Transferring from: Parish:_______________________ Class Preference Class Day Class Time Office Use Only MEDICAL INFORMATION Please specify if your child has food/medication allergies, or if your child is presently receiving special services or learning support in school. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION (Parents will always be called first) Emergency Contact Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Relationship to Child: ___________________________________________Phone:___________________________ AUTHORIZATION FOR PHOTOGRAPHY & MEDICAL TREATMENT Photography: I hereby consent that any videotapes or photos in which my child may appear may be used (bulletin, for the parish, etc.,) for promotion of St. Thomas of Villanova programs. Medical Treatment: In the event that the undersigned, or my (our) emergency contact cannot be reached, and in the judgment of our St. Thomas Staff Member, there is a necessity for immediate examination and/or treatment of my (our) child/ren, I hereby authorize any of the aforesaid personnel to obtain for my (our) child/ren such medical services as are deemed necessary. Name of Physician: ____________________________________________ Phone:___________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________________________ Date:____________________________ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: What should I do when I’ve completed the form? You may drop it off with payment to the Religious Education Office or to the Parish Office. You can also mail it to the Religious Education Office (address can be found on the top of this form). Please note that we do not accept scanned or emailed registration forms. Q: May I make partial payments? Absolutely. You may pay ½ or little by little each month. It is most important to get the registration form turned in to hold your spot. Q: Can I pay with my credit card? No, we do not accept credit cards at this time. We accept checks and cash. Q: When will I receive my child’s class assignment? Around September 1st you will receive, via e-mail, your child’s class assignment which will also include your tuition statement, class schedule, parking information and parent handbook. OFFICE USE ONLY #_____________ Cash:___________ Number: _________Date: ____________ SS: _____ Cat: _____ Tuition: ________/_________ Sac: _______/________ 2016-17 VOLUNTEER FORM - Please Return This Sheet With Registration! Our program depends on volunteers! We need the cooperation of ALL families involved and ask that you sign up for at least one of the areas listed below. I (We) will teach a class: Catechist for Grades K-8 ---------------------------------- Sunday 9:15-10:45 a.m. Catechist for Grades 1-8 ---------------------------------- Monday 4:00-5:30 p.m. I (We) will substitute: You will be called to substitute when a catechist cannot come in to teach. Grade(s) I am comfortable teaching: Day(s) I’m able to teach (please check): Sunday 9:15-10:45 a.m. Monday 4:00-5:30 p.m. I (We) will be a Hall Monitor: Watch halls and be available to assist in case an emergency would arise. Day(s) I’m able be a Hall Monitor (please check): Sunday 9:15-10:45 a.m. Monday 4:00-5:30 p.m. I (We) can be a Group Leader for Children’s Liturgy of the Word: This is a position that runs for one month at a time, always at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. I (We) can be a craft parent: You will be asked to put together a simple, cost effective craft. For additional information, please call us at 847-358-2386. Parent Name(s): E-Mail Address: Main Phone #: