St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Church
St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Church
St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Church 3901 Violet Road, Corpus Christi, TX 78410 Parish Office: 361.241.3249 Religious Education Office: 361.241.3372 REV. EMILIO JIMENEZ, PASTOR PRIESTS: Msgr. Seamus McGowan Rev. Joseph Olikkara DEACONS: Allen Cicora Eluterio Farias Richard Lewinski WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday: 6:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 & 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM Confessions are heard on Saturday from 4:30 - 5:30 PM And by appointment. St. Mary Mission Mass, 9:30 AM Sr. Susana Renteria, PCI Phone: 361-947-4601 August 18, 2013 Twentieth Sunday Twentieth Sunday in In Ordinary Time Ordinary Time August 17, 2014 Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary TimeAug. 17, 2014 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a welcoming Catholic Community Called by God To live out the Message of Christ In love and service To all people. “In the spirit of St. Peter, The patron saint of our Parish, we commit Ourselves to bring The Body of Christ To all. The special Emphasis of our Mission is ‘The Sacrificial Giving’ of Time, Talent and Treasure. We Trust that the Holy Spirit will empower us to grow Spiritually through Worship and Religious Education and also help us go in, with and through Jesus to eternal Life, with God Our Father.” Page 2 St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles MASS INTENTIONS Aug. 18-24, 2014 Monday 8:00 am Special Intention Tuesday 6:30 pm Alyssa & Elisabeth (B-day) - Blanca Wednesday Garcia 6:30 pm Dominican Sisters of St. Thomas Thursday Aquinas 8:00 am †John Kahanek - Jean & Eddie Friday Schwirtlich 8:00 am †David Najvar - Evelyn Martini Saturday 6:00 pm †Felipa & Lorenzo Herrera - M/M Joe COLLECTIVE MASSES Alaniz Sunday 8:00 am †Lois & Charlie Hickey - Paul Hickey 9:30 am †Margarita Lopez - Alberto Lopez 10:00 am Msgr. Michael Heras - Elbert & Jane Ocanas 12:00 pm CaSandra Hernandez (18th B-day) - Dustin †deceased members of Cath. Life Ins. Special Intention - Rose Ann Tijerina †James Saul, Sr. - Mark & Leeanne Pearl †Smitty Leonard - Thomas & Diana Matula †Adella Matula - Thomas & Diana Matula 6:00 pm People of the Parish ST. PETER, PRINCE OF THE APOSTLES CHURCH Envelopes..................................................... $13,625.00 Loose .............................................................. $1,754.15 Other Fees ..................................................... $1,623.00 Total ............................................................. $17,002.15 ST. MARY MISSION Envelopes.......................................................... $407.00 Loose ................................................................... $70.00 Total .................................................................. $477.00 CALLED TO ACT IN GOD’S NAME “Let all the nations praise you!” (Psalm 67:4) today’s psalm response exclaims. In the psalms and other Hebrew scriptures, this kind of invocation is actually an invitation to God to act, to intervene in human lives in a manner that will cause everyone—not just the Chosen People—to give praise. Stated a bit more strongly, it is something of a “put up or shut up” challenge to God, the sort of strong statement the psalmists of Israel, trusting in their intimate and loving relationship with God, were not afraid to make. The Gospel has its own exclamation, announcing the appearance of the Canaanite woman with “Behold!” (Matthew 15:22) “Behold!” is a scriptural flag that tells us that God is about to act or announce something through an individual or a situation. In the case of Jesus, God was going to act through this woman, whom nobody among Jesus’ followers would have believed to be an agent of the divine will. Like the psalmists, we might passively inform or perhaps even actively challenge God to do something so that everyone will come to belief, but God will always turn the tables on us. It becomes our calling, our duty (as it was for Jesus) to behold the situations and persons of our daily lives so that God can act through us, so the Kingdom can be announced through our living. Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time This Week at St. Peter Church MONDAY: Mass 8:00 am; Rosary 7:30 am TUESDAY: Feast of St. John Eudes; Mass 6:30 pm; Rosary 6:00 pm WEDNESDAY: Feast of St. Bernard; Mass 6:30 pm; Prayer Meeting 7 pm. THURSDAY: Feast of St. Pius; Mass 8 am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8:30 am - 6:30 pm; Choir Practice 7:30 pm. FRIDAY: Feast of The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Mass 8 am; Rosary 7:30 am. SATURDAY: Feast of St. Rose of Lima; ; Blessed Virgin Mary; Confessions 4:30 - 5:30 pm; Vigil Mass 6:00 pm Page 3 STEWARDSHIP BY THE BOOK In today’s second reading, St. Paul tells The Romans, “God’s gifts and his call are Irrevocable.” To what is God calling me today? What gifts are mine to share? C.I.A. (Catholics in Action) Young Adult group meets every Sunday evening at 7 pm. For more information, call Ruben @ 249-8066. Sanctuary light is burning for Virgini Temple & Ron Ordner the Week of Aug. 17-23 By Dan Byerly LAY FORMATION The next class will be Thursday, Aug. 21 at 7 pm in St. Matthew Hall. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ez 24:15-24; Dt 32:18-21; Mt 19:1622 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1 -12 Sunday: Is 22:19-23; Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 On line RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We are still taking registration for the 2014-2015 school year. If you have not registered early and would like to secure a specific day and time, please pick up a registration form in the Church foyer or come by the CCD Center. Some of our classes are already full. We will be registering at the CCD Center from 9 am till 2 pm on the following Sundays: August 17 & 24. Our first day of CCD classes will be on Monday, August 25 and on Wednesday, August 27. Also, please note the time changes on the registration forms for Wednesday’s middle and high school students. We will have more information soon at all Masses regarding the changes and the addition of a Middle (6th, 7th & 8th) & High School (9th - 12th) Youth Groups on Wednesday evenings. We are very blessed to have the majority of our catechists and aides return this year; however, we do need a few more catechists, aides and traffic volunteers for both Monday and Wednesday evenings. Please call Priscilla or Julie at 2413372 or 241-3369. Thank You! Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4 Attention! Attention! THE MIDDLE SCHOOL EDGE Will begin August 27 at 6pm-7:15pm All graders from 6th-8th are invited. This is a great opportunity to have a relationship with Christ., discuss challenges at school, home and life. We will try to bring a more understanding of our catholic faith and much more. We will do all this while having fun. Come check it out at least once and You decide. Hope to see you there! For more information call Ruben Galabeas at 361-249-8066 THE HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP We will continue to meet on Wednesdays from 7pm-9pm. If you are a 9th-12th graders, then this might be what you’re looking for. Don’t let anyne tell you that learning about our catholic faith and God is borring and not cool. It’s VERY COOL! But don’t take my word for it. YOU come see for yourself. New members are always welcome. We hope to see you there. For more information call Ruben Galabeas at 361-249-8066 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 Living God’s Word Each of us must choose to step into some unknown, guided by our God-given vision of what our lives must be about, a vision to which others are often blind. At these moments one can feel both most alone and most alive. The Knights of Columbus, #7290 Is having a Rummage sale on September 6th. If you have any items that Need to be picked up, please call Ron Davis @ 361-2900387 or Art Molina @ 361-739-4302 KC Council #7290 & The Altar and Rosary Society are Sponsoring a dinner & dance with a Raffle on Saturday, September 13 at the KC Hall, Hwy 77, Robstown, TX. Time: 7 pm to 12 Midnight. Ticket: $100 per couple Grand Prize $5,000.00 One @ $1,000.00 Two @ $500.00 25 @ $100.00 Only 300 tickets sold. Must present this ticket at entrance. No children under 18 years old. 1st ticket drawn will be the Grand Prize and Will not be revealed until all other prizes have been drawn. Drawing will start at 9 pm. Need not be present to WIN RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, receiving the Sacraments or being married in the Catholic Church - come to a reception for RCIA participants on Sunday, Aug. 24 at 10 am in St. William Hall. Classes will meet on Sundays (once a week). Please call Joe Alaniz @ 241-2411 or the parish office @ 241-3249 if you need more information or to register for classes. ARE YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW, widowed or divorced? Don’t go it alone! Being Widowed or divorced is painful and lonely. It takes someone who has been through your same circumstances to know what you are going through. Like the group that meets at 7 pm every Monday for nine weeks starting this September 15th at St. Patrick’s Church Parish Hall on Alameda. This group is sponsored by the Diocesan Family Life Office. You can learn to cope with your grief by sharing your experience. Come join us by calling John Moses at 813-5825 (email or Charlene at 887-77603 for more information. Texas Career Academy is offering FREE training for entry level careers in the roadway construction industry. It’s a two-week training program. Deadline for applications is Aug 25. Interviews will be done Aug. 26 & 27. Call 817-272-9632 . For more information call the parish office @ 241-3249. VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Sunday expressed outrage at violence aimed at religious minorities in Iraq, where fleeing children have died of thirst, and called on the world "to stop these crimes." In a strongly worded message during his traditional Sunday blessing, Francis said the news from Iraq "leaves us in dismay and disbelief." He cited "the thousands of people, including Christians, who have been brutally forced from their homes, children who have died from thirst during the escape and women who have been seized." He also spoke of "the destruction of religious, historic and cultural treasures." 'Do not you hate in the name of God! You can not make war in the name of God.' Pope Francis speaks from a window overlooking St. Peter's Square during his Sunday Angelus. The pope urged the international community to find "an efficient political solution that can stop these crimes and re-establish the rule of law." He said his personal emissary, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, would depart Monday for Iraq "in order to better ensure those dear suffering populations of my closeness to them." Filoni, the Vatican's ambassador in Baghdad during the Iraqi war, will travel to Iraq to show solidarity with Christians, who have been among those targeted by Islamic State militants for elimination. Filoni has acknowledged in an interview with Vatican Radio the difficulty in reaching the region where thousands of refugees are starving.