Bulletin for March 22, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
Bulletin for March 22, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT - MARCH 22, 2015 We are glad you joined us! We are a Eucharistic Community whose mission is to be “Saints Alive” by knowing, loving, and serving God. Through study, piety, and action, in imitation of the Saints, we answer God’s call to stewardship. Our weekly bulletin is one of the ways we share what’s going on in our parish and in the Catholic world. Be sure to also visit us online at SaintJosephPlainCity.com, where you’ll find much more information. Saint Joseph Catholic Church Plain City, Ohio Masses Weekday Masses are at the church. Monday, 8 a.m. Tuesday (see bulletin page 1) Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. Weekend: Saturday, 4:30 p.m. at church Sunday, 8:30 a.m. at church Sunday, 10:30 a.m. at PAC Saint of the week: Blessed Francis Faà di Bruno Memorial: March 27 Adoration Confession Monday through Thursday: 6 - 11 a.m. & 6 - 11 p.m. Saturday, after 9 a.m. Mass at church Friday: 6 - 8 a.m. & 6 - 11 p.m. Saturday, 3:30 p.m. at church By appointment Plain City Catholic Church Saint Joseph Catholic Church FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT - MARCH 22, 2015 Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51; Heb 5:7-9 Gospel: Jn 12:20-33 Today’s reading speaks to our pathway to salvation, which is through Jesus; “whoever serves me must follow me.” We began our journey with our baptism and continue by living a Christian life according to His teachings, “For my yoke is easy and my burden light,” Mt 11:30. In Paul’s letter to the Romans he says, “We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life,” Rm 6:7-8. In this way we became that grain of wheat that dies and produces much fruit. “For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments,” 1Jn 5:3. Painting above: “Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ” by James Tissot (1886-1894) Masses Readings Intentions Monday, March 23 8 a.m. Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; Ps 23; Jn 8:1-11 + Open Tuesday, March 24 NO MASS Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday, March 25 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 26 NO MASS Friday, March 27 8 a.m. Saturday, March 28 9 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Sunday, March 29 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. (PAC) Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 +Msgr. Thomas Bender Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105 Jn 8:51-59 Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18; Jn 10:31-42 +Walt Hicks Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31; Jn 11:45-56 (4:30 Mass see below) +Living & Deceased of Keller & Burkley Families + Thomas McLaughlin Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mk 11:1-10; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 +People of the Parish +Paul Coakes All Masses are at the church unless otherwise indicated. Saints Alive! Saint of the Week: Announcements Blessed Francis Faà di Bruno • Chili Cook-Off fun this Sunday! Don’t miss it! Details on page 4. Born: March 29, 1825 Died: March 27, 1888 Memorial: March 27 Beatified: September 25, 1988 Francesco was one of twelve children and born into a family of wealthy nobles. Francesco studied mathematics, geography, surveying and cartography, served in the army of Savoy, and rose to officer status in the corps of engineers. He graduated from the Sorbonne with degrees in mathematics and astronomy and then worked at the French National Observatory. He also wrote on a number of math theories. He became a priest in the archdiocese of Turin and then founded the Society of Saint Zita, the Minim Sisters of Our Lady of Suffrage, and a home for unwed mothers. Learn more: catholicsaints.info/blessed-francesco-faa-di-bruno/ Pray For our sick & healing Patricia Ann Allen Linda Bockey Rhonda Campbell Sandy Hilbert Joe Hofbauer Gabriel Kaiser Zachary Kaiser Dale Kinsley Betty Lisk Donna Ryder Fr. Pat Toner Mary Jane Ward For our military S.Sgt. Michael S. Bertorello, USA 1st Sgt. Kevin R. Gleich, USA Lt. Col. Patrick Parsons, USAF Sgt. Jeffrey Sands, USA Lt. Matt Wood, USN If you would like to submit a name to be added to our prayer list, please send your request to: bulletin@saintjosephplaincity.com March 22, 2015 www.saintjosephplaincity.com • Our turn to pray in the 40 Days for Life movement is this Monday, March 23. See page 3. • Special Rosary led by the Knights of Columbus on March 25. See page 3. • Donut social next Sunday, March 29, after 10:30 Mass. • Gabby is looking for a boyfriend, object: puppies. Contact Fr. Pat for her full dating profile. Adoration Monday Adorers needed: 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. There will be no Adoration on the following dates: Monday evening, March 23; Tuesday all day, March 24; Wednesday morning, March 25. All of Holy Week starting March 30. Adoration will resume April 6. Page 2 Parish Life Calendar Monday, March 23 Zumba 9 a.m. PSR (Living Stations) 4:30 p.m. Children’s Choir 5:30 p.m. Our day is this Monday, March 23! 6:30 p.m. The vigil will be held at: PSR (Living Stations) Founders’ Women’s Health Care, 1243 E Broad Street, Tuesday, March 24 Columbus. Our church has adopted Monday, March 23 Lenten Soup Supper 6:15 p.m. from 7a.m. until 7 p.m. We are asking that a minimum of two volunteers sign up to pray at the clinic for each Wednesday, March 25 hour-long shift. Sign-up sheets are located at the PAC Life Line Screening 8 a.m. and the church. Please contact Sue Gill at 614-529-4108, Zumba 9 a.m. if you need more information. Knight of Columbus Rosary 7 p.m.* Bible Study If you didn’t sign up but find yourself free on Monday, just 7 p.m. show up! The more prayers the better! 9 a.m. Zumba 9 a.m. Knights of Columbus Officer Mtg. 8 p.m.* Thursday, March 26 Choir Practice Friday, March 27 Fish Fry Stations of the Cross 5:30 p.m. The Officers of our St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council 12772 will pray the Rosary in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother to highlight the Day of the Unborn Child 4 p.m.* on Wednesday evening, March 25, at 7 p.m. at the church. 7:30 p.m.* Saturday, March 28 Parish Rosary SCRIP sales after Mass 5:30 p.m.* Sunday, March 29 SCRIP Sales After Masses Donut Social 11:30 a.m. *indicates event at church March 22, 2015 Day of the Unborn Child Observance All Knights and parishioners are welcome to participate. The day not only observes the Feast of the Annunciation, the conception of the Christ Child in the womb of the Blessed Mother, but also serves as an annual focus for solidarity in our charitable pro-life action toward unborn children. www.saintjosephplaincity.com Page 3 All the cool kids will be at the feast... ...and we’ll be warmin’ ‘em up with chili. Sunday, March 22 at the PAC doors open at 5:30 p.m. $5 to enter to eat and vote $20 max for family Along with the chili, there will be mac and cheese, a hot dog and topping bar, and non-alcoholic drinks. You can BYOB. Activities for the kids! 7th grade PSR and Youth Group are still meeting. Teens invite your friends to join us! No need to make dinner - we’ve got it covered. Easter Flower Fundraiser~ We are still accepting donations for flowers in honor of your loved one. Please contact the parish office if you’d like to donate. Donations received by Wednesday, March 25 will be listed in our Easter bulletin. Pro Life Student Speech Contest • Are you passionate about the pro-life cause? • Do you want to share that passion with others? The Madison County Right to Life will hold a pro-life oratory contest at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 21 at St. Patrick Catholic School in London. The speech contest is open to all students in grades 7 through 12. The highest placing high school junior or senior will advance to the Ohio Right to Life statewide contest on May 2. The winner of the statewide contest will win an allexpenses-paid trip to the national contest. For more information or to register for the event, please contact Madison County Right to Life President, Brendan Shea, at 740-248-9155 or brendan.shea7@gmail.com. March 22, 2015 www.saintjosephplaincity.com Page 4 Weekly Scripture Challenge~ by Tim Rimmer “This is the covenant I will make … I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts.” The covenant of their fathers was the Mosaic Law. There were 613 commandments in the Law. They believed their salvation came by being obedient to the Law, but the Law became a stumbling block no one could keep. The covenant Jeremiah speaks of is in Christ. The New Testament teaches us our salvation is through Christ. He lives in our hearts; we are His Temple. What are the greatest commandments we need to live by? See Mk 12:29-31. Sacred Heart Enthronement: Only two more opportunities this year to attend this special Lenten event. The last meeting will be Tuesday, March 31 at 6:15 p.m. Would you like more graces to live a holy life? Are you looking for peace in your home? Do you want protection for your family from the evil one? If so, the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is being promoted throughout the Diocese of Columbus! Make the decision to Enthrone your home to His Sacred Heart. Contact Sue and Mike Gill for more information at 614-529-4108. The last week will be another special night with spoken word and music for Holy Week. Everyone attending will be invited to participate. Don’t miss it! Holy Week & Easter Donut Social! Thursday, April 2 Our Adoration Ministry will be featured at our next Donut Social on Sunday, March 29, after 10:30 a.m. Mass in the double classroom. Please come and enjoy coffee and donuts and you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about our Adoration program. We’d love for you to stop by. Special Sunday ~ Tuesday, March 31 Chrism Mass, 6 - 8 p.m., at St. Joseph Cathedral (212 East Broad Street, Columbus) Holy Thursday Mass, 7 p.m. at the church. Friday, April 3 Tre Ore, 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. at the church (Passion and Veneration at 2 p.m.) Passion and Veneration, 7 p.m. at the church. Easter Vigil by Mykola Pymonenko Saturday, April 4 Easter Vigil, 8:30 p.m. at the church. Sunday, April 5 St. Martin de Porres takes a special collection Easter Mass, 8:30 a.m. at the church, every 5th Sunday of a month. This month, 10:30 a.m. at the PAC (Fr. Pat) & March 29, is one of those special Sundays. 10:30 a.m. at the church (Fr. Harry). March 22, 2015 www.saintjosephplaincity.com Page 5 MINISTRY SCHEDULE 4:30 P.M. AT THE CHURCH MARCH 28 10:30 A.M. AT THE PAC Usher Lector EM Serve Sacristan Kaminski A. Walter D. & J. Bradley, R. Rabold R. & E. Rice A. Walter 8:30 A.M. AT THE CHURCH MARCH 29 Usher Trombley Lector A. Crock EM Deacon Tony Bonacci, E. Costello, J.H. Ward Serve D. Costello, E. Garnett Sacristan Deacon Tony Bonacci Usher Lector EM Serve Sacristan MARCH 29 Foster M. Thiergartner A. Schimmoeller, L. Ward, J. Ciuca N. Bowen, L. Chow P. Cooper HOMEBOUND G. & F. Hamlin COLLECTION COUNTING Monday, March 23 Monday, March 29 J. Bradley, M. E. Rich, P. Runyon L. Grywalski, J. & C. O’Connell The schedule listed above may not be the most current ministry schedule. Please log on to the Ministry Scheduler Pro through the parish website or contact the parish office if you have questions. Always verify through the website and the sign-in sheets for the most accurate listing! PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Church Location 140 West Ave., Plain City Parish Office/PAC 670 W. Main St., Plain City, OH 43064 (Mailing Address) Office Hours Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-3p.m. (see schedule below) Office Contact614-873-8850 office@saintjosephplaincity.com Websitewww.saintjosephplaincity.com Bulletin Submissions bulletin@saintjosephplaincity.com Find us on: Plain City Catholic Church SJCCplaincity Scan here to go to our website. Click the mail icon to receive the latest news via email. PARISH OFFICE STAFF CONTACTSOFFICE HOURS Father Pat Toner, Pastor Ann Walter, Secretary Melissa Bradley, Event and Office Coord. Kelly Jacobs, Youth Ministry & PSR Sue York, Finance Coordinator Ali Arend, Bulletin & Web Editor patoner@saintjosephplaincity.com ann@saintjosephplaincity.com melissa@saintjosephplaincity.com kellyjacobs@saintjosephplaincity.com sue@saintjosephplaincity.com ali@saintjosephplaincity.com Day off is Friday, cell is 614-296-7404 M, W, Th, F 9-3 M 10-3, Th & F 10-2 M , W & Th 8-3 M, T & Th 7-2:30 T & Th 9-12 OTHER MINISTRY / STAFF CONTACTS Deacon Tony Bonacci614-578-3957 bonacci.1@osu.edu Elaine Bonacci, Adoration Coordinator 614-557-3409 elainebonacci@gmail.com Gloria Butler, St. Martin de Porres 614-873-4103 jim.glo@frontier.com Allen Crock, Finance Committee Chair 614-832-3226 allen.c.crock@morganstanley.com Bob Hess, Knights of Columbus 614-876-6995 hess7762@sbcglobal.net Maryann Lange, Music Minister 937-642-4944 maryann@saintjosephplaincity.com Deacon Pat Wiggins, RCIA 614-563-9466 pwiggins@columbus.rr.com Sarah Reinhard, Webmaster & Social Media614-506-3200 sarah@snoringscholar.com If you are new to St. Joseph, WELCOME! You can learn more about us at our website and we invite you to introduce yourself to us. Please contact the office to learn about scheduling weddings, baptisms, and preparing for First Communion and Confirmation. March 22, 2015 www.saintjosephplaincity.com Page 6