Bulletin May 24, 2015 - St Athanasius Orthodox Church
Bulletin May 24, 2015 - St Athanasius Orthodox Church
Services and Celebrations This Week in the Parish Saturday, May 23 •6:30pm Vigil •8pm Confession Sunday, May 24 - Fathers of the 1st Council •10am Divine Liturgy •12pm Fellowship Hour (team IV) •12:30-1:15pm Bread Ministry (team B) Sunday, May 24, 2015 Fathers of the 1st Council Readings for Today Acts 20:16-18,28-36 John 17:1-13 Monday, May 25 - Third Finding of the Head of John the Baptist Happy Birthday Teresa Powell Memorial Day - A federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. The holiday is observed every year on the last Monday of May, and it typically marks the start of the summer vacation season. Tuesday, May 26 •No Moleben Today (Fr. Justin out of town) Wednesday, May 27 • 6:30pm Vespers • 7:20pm Christian Education: Mission Experiences with Guest Speaker Matushka Rozanne Rucker Thursday, May 28 •7:30pm Parish Council Meeting Friday, May 29 •8am Matins •9am Confession Saturday, May 30 / Happy Anniversary Jason & Sarah Ellwood, Happy Birthday Matushka Tamara Patterson •6:30pm Vigil •8pm Confession Sunday, May 31 - Feast of the Holy Trinity •9:30am Baptismal Liturgy for Charles Ignatius Siskar •12pm Fellowship / Tongues of Fire Chili Cook-off & Auction •12:30-1:15pm Bread Ministry (team C) •1:15pm Kneeling Vespers Have a Safe & Happy Memorial Day Weekend St. Athanasius Orthodox Church 100 Lime Lane, Nicholasville, Kentucky 40356 www.athanasiusoca.org His Beatitude Tikon, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of the South Archmandrite Gerasim, Diocesan Administrator Reverend Justin Patterson, Rector Church Office Phone: 859-881-8144 Fr. Justin Cell: 859-361-2823 Office Email: officeasst@athanasiusoca.org Fr. Justin Email: priest@athanasiusoca.org Welcome to all guests and visitors with us today? We are happy you are here and would like to recognize you at the end of Liturgy, if you will let one of our greeters/doorkeepers know you are visiting. Please feel free to ask questions you may have about our service. Holy communion is open to all baptized Orthodox Christians who have fasted from food and water since midnight, had recent confession, and are at peace with neighbors. Welcome to Fr. Philip Kontos who will serve both Vigil and Liturgy this weekend. He will also hear confessions on Saturday after Vigil. Tuesday Moleben is cancelled this week (Fr. Justin out of town) and next week (for Vacation Church School). Christian Education class will meet on Wednesday the 27th following 6:30pm Vespers. Matushka Rozanne Rucker, a founding member of this parish, will lead the teaching with some of her experiences as an OCMC missionary. Announcing Book Study From Shame to Sin Our Christian Education Slot on Wednesday nights in June will be devoted to a four-part study, led by Dr. David Bradshaw and Fr. Justin. This critically-acclaimed book examines the centuries leading up to the civil triumph of Christianity, looking at how the Christian faith began to cause a societal shift in sexual mores. Those who would like to read along in this study may get copies from reputable booksellers. (It is also available for $24 on Kindle.) While we would hope everyone could read the assigned chapters each week, Dr. Bradshaw will review key arguments and analysis at the start of each session, so completing the reading is not absolutely necessary. Invite friends to join us. If we need more space, we can use the parish hall. Next Weekend - Feast of the Holy Trinity - May 31 Baptismal Liturgy begins at 9:30am (instead of 10am) Annual “Tongues of Fire” chili cook-off and auction at 12pm Kneeling Vespers at 1:15pm Parish Council Meeting on Thursday, May 28 at 7:30pm Special Parish Election Sunday, June 7, to Elect Lay Delegate for AAC and Diocesan Assembly in Atlanta On June 7 after the Sunday Liturgy, the parish council will convene a Special Parish Meeting to Elect a lay delegate to the All-American Council and Diocesan Assembly, held conjointly, in Atlanta from July 20-23 (Monday-Thursday). If you would like to represent the parish, the parish council is committed to a partial funding of this trip. Registration and a small stipend ($200-300) will be offered to defray some of the expenses of attending the council. If you would like to nominate or self-nominate, please contact Fr. Justin. Youth Group is sponsoring their 2nd Annual Chili Cook-off & Auction to help raise money for scholarships to summer camp. As you sample the chili and bid on the auction items, please be mindful that supporting our youth is an investment in the future of our church. Many of our families have several children who are of camping age and could greatly benefit from scholarship money. All money will need to be paid during this event. Please be generous and bring plenty of $$$ (checks will be accepted). You can sign up online to bring chili at the following link: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/20F084AA8A92BAAFF2-chili/ Vacation Church School - Monday, June 1 thru Friday, June 5 at Panagia Greek Orthodox Church in Lexington. This program is for ages 3 - 14. It’s not too late to signup to help! See Fr. Justin. Volunteers for Bread Ministry will be needed beginning July 5. Contact Linda Frangedakis if you are able to share one hour every four weeks. Date Readers Servers Handmaidens Prosphora Bread Ministry Fellowship Greeter Doorkeeper Counters May 24 Reader Rick Cook Jared, Michael, Liam, JP, David M (dk), Ian (dk) Rebecca Walther Mandariah Reeves Tamara Patterson Team B (Ben Worthington, David & Caroline Gann) Team IV (Walther) Rebecca Wilson Paul Frangedakis Mary Cook Tim Powell May 31 Subdeacon Bert Walther Jared, Patrick, Silas, Liam, JP, Ian (dk), David J (dk) Suzannah Reeves Teresa Powell Tamara Patterson Team C (Olga Saito, Inessa Verenich) Chili Cookoff John Mize Jeff Hart Laura Walther Mary Cook June 7 Reader Rick Cook Ben, Jared, Silas, JP, David M (dk), David J (dk) Beth Walther Nicole Rusu Ryan Winter Team D ( Lisa Powell, Linda Frangedakis) Team I (Powell) Josh Lourie Chris Naughton Tim Powell Sarah Holiday June 14 Subdeacon Bert Walther Patrick, Michael, Liam, Silas, Ian (dk), David J (dk) Robyn Cook Shannon Cook Ryan Winter Team A (Sarah Holiday, Frederica Lewis) Team II (Greathouse) Rebecca Wilson Myra Lourie & Linda F. Laura Walther Ellie Sutter