Bulletin - St. Patrick`s Catholic Church


Bulletin - St. Patrick`s Catholic Church
Tuesday– St Scholastica, virgin
Saturday -Sts Cyril, monk and Methodius, bishop
Job 7:1-4. 6-7 I am filled with sorrow all day long.
1Corinthians 9:16-19. 22-23 Punishment will come to me if I do not preach
the Gospel.
Mark 1:29-39 He cured many who suffered from diseases of one kind or another.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM– Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION–Alleluia, alleluia! He bore our sickness, and
endured our suffering. Alleluia!
GENERAL INTERCESSION RESPONSE– God of mercy, hear our prayer.
ALTAR SOCIETY– 15/2– Catherine Elliott 22/2– Carol Dee
COUNTERS– 8/2– Cowles Team 15/2-Lynch Team 22/2– McGill
READERS - 13/14 Feb
Vigil– Family
8am– M.King, D.O’Connor
10am– K.Fennell, Sr Marian
136 Flora Street, Sutherland NSW 2232 (PO Box 57 Sutherland 1499)
Ph. 9521 2356 Fax 9521 7252 www.stpatsutherland.org.au
Fr John M Knight KHS (Parish Priest): pp@stpatssutherland.org.au
Fr Michael Lanzon (Assistant Priest) ap@stpatssutherland.org.au
Kay Macadam ( Sacramental Co ordinator) admin@stpatssutherland.org.au
Kaylene Baumanis (Parish Secretary): info@stpatssutherland.org.au
St Patrick’s Primary School Principal: Mr. Phillip Tax: info@stpsutherland.catholic.edu.au
WEEKDAY PROGRAM: Mon – Communion Service Mass: Tues-Sat 9.00am
NB: 2nd Thurs - Nagle Apartments 9.00am Mass
SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Sat Vigil 5pm Sun 8am & 10am
CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 4.30 - 4.45pm or by appointment
BAPTISMS: 1st & 3rd Sundays 11.30am WEDDINGS: (6 months notice) Excludes Lenten Season
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Saturdays monthly - 4.00pm-4.45pm (Except Jan)
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon Closed. Tues-Friday 9.00am - 3.00pm
St Patrick’s Parish acknowledges and honours the Gweagel People of the Dharawal Nation as the original custodians of this land
New Parish Website– www.stpatssutherland.org.au
CATHOLIC WEEKLY-STILL ONLY $2-My Valentine! How a flower
picked in a park led to love and marriage -Religious liberty is under threat,
archbishop tells legal fraternity —New choirboys scale the heights at St Mary’s
Cathedral—‘God rich in mercy’ theme or 24 Hours for the Lord -Introducing
Mr Digges, new business manager of the archdiocese -‘Kill all the Christians’ –
missionary sister reveals frightening Boko Haram message -Rome study now
an option for ACU students -The swimming nun dips her toes back in the water
-Vista: what’s on in your parish and diocese
HARD OF HEARING? Our Church has been equipped with a Powered Audio Induction Loop system for hearing aid wearers (T-Loop) - To
obtain effective use of the loop sit in the main body of the church avoiding the very edge seats, turn hearing aid to T & adjust the volume to
Join, Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Caringbah, in celebrating Fr Kerry
Bayada’s significant milestones
which include his
80th Birthday, 30 years of service at Caringbah and his retirement. Saturday 21 February 11am Mass Our Lady of
Fatima Church, 389 Port Hacking Road, Caringbah, followed by 12.30 lunch in Keller Hall. $30 per adult, $20 per
child or student. RSVP (or more details) to Our Lady of
Fatima Parish Office by 11 February 9524 7283.
Fifth Sunday of
Ordinary B
8th February,
Jesus’ preaching and
cures make such a
deep impression on the
people of Capernaum
that everybody is looking for him. In the
midst of all the acclaim, he withdraws so
he can be alone with
his Father in prayer.
There he discerns that
he must continue his
preaching elsewhere,
because that is why he
came. We, too, need
prayer to enable us to
discern what really
From The Pastor,
Greetings fellow parishioners. Today in our Gospel we have been given a snapshot into a day in the life of Jesus.
Jesus made himself available to those in need. He also saw the need to
spend some time to pray to his Father in Heaven. ‘He went to a lonely
place to pray.’ Do we leave time in our day to pray? I know we have
busy lives in which we find it hard to fit in all that we do each day. Our
parish church is a quiet oasis in the midst of our busy suburb. Generally speaking it is open (outside Mass times) all day excluding Sunday
afternoons and the quiet month of January. We should try to spend
some time at home in prayer or use our beautiful Church. Some may
not be aware that in the Lady Chapel which is the small chapel to the
left of the main Sanctuary, there is a votive candle stand. It has been
practice for centuries for people to light candles– Votive candle is a
prayer candle in which we might be asking for a particular petition,
thanking etc. Generally one leaves a donation. Let us strive to see that
we leave time for God each day as he continues to watch over us in our
journey to him in heaven.
As stated last weekend that Lent is only around the corner (18th Feb),
we are offering a Lenten programme which will be taking place on the
Thursdays of Lent beginning 19th Feb. If you wish to be part of the
group please leave your name at the sheet provided at the entrance to
the church.
Please keep in your prayers Fr Ron Harden (retired Administrator of St
Michael’s Hurstville,) who has passed away. His funeral will be on
Tuesday at St Michaels Hurstville at 11am– All welcome.
Next weekend a representative from Caritas Australia will address each
Fr John M Knight—Parish Priest
CHURCH GARDENS- Group meets on 2nd
Tuesday each month. Gardeners welcome to assist
on other days to suit you. Come enjoy good company while caring for St Pat’s Garden. Morning
tea served.
COFFEE & TEA SET– 9th Feb–2015 Planning
meeting in parish hall, bring own lunch. 10am–
2.30pm. Any ladies of the parish who do not have
children at school are invited to join the Coffee
and Tea Set, call Shirley on 9521-4707 and attend
the planning meeting on the 9th Feb.
First Saturdays of each month 4pm-4.45pm. Spend
time before the Blessed Sacrament.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCESt Vincent de Paul Conference needs volunteers
for assistance in distribution of much needed aid.
Meets weekly on Thursdays at 2pm or such other
times as suits volunteers, in the Parish Meeting
Room. Contact Chris Watson 0411 408 261.
for single people over 55. We meet on the 1st and
3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. For details
phone Marcia 95890655, Jan 95268370, Lyn
After 9am Mass every 3rd Saturday Recitation of
the Holy Rosary. All are welcome to attend.
SPIRITUALITY GROUP– 7.30-9.30pm—3rd
February— Brothers House (rear of the Church)Meditation, presentation of chosen topic, individual responses from group pertaining to the topic. A
light supper concludes the evening. Enquiries Des
-9521 3835.
Resumes 5th Feb. We meet at the Presbytery on
the first Thursday of the month from 11.30am to
1.30pm. Please join us for knitting and crocheting
squares. Bring a sandwich for lunch.
Catechist News Update
Thanks to the two new volunteers who will cover the vacancies at
Loftus Public School. If there is anyone willing to do the Kindergarten
classes at Sutherland (Thursday 1.50pm – 2.20pm) and Woronora
(Wednesday 11.45am – 12.20pm) please do not hesitate to come forward. These children are waiting for someone to teach them about God
and it could be you.
There is now a calendar at the back of the church for the volunteers who
will be supervising the St Pat’s students. Please fill in your preferred
dates. Classes at Sutherland start this coming Thursday, 12th February
2015. Thank you for your prayers,
Bertha 9521 7850 fsadni@optusnet.com.au
HELP,HELP REQUIRED– Are you a retired teacher with computer skills including knowledge of Apple? Would you like to share your skills in an informal
teaching setting? Please contact the Parish office for more details 9521-2356.
“A big thankyou from the Sutherland Conference of the St Vincent de Paul
Society to the parishioners of St Pats for their response to the Vinnies Christmas
Appeal. Once again a new record of almost $6000 was donated to assist our
brothers and sisters who are experiencing difficulties, especially at Christmas.
Together with the gifts donated by the primary school, the high school and Mini
Vinnies and parishioners it was a marvellous Christmas. We also thank the
wonderful volunteers who assisted in packing the Christmas Hampers and delivering them.”
Attention all of our wonderful 10am Mass parishioners, your help is needed. After our 10am Mass there is a lovely opportunity for the parish to get together and have a chat with a cuppa. If there is anyone who would be able to
assist with the coffee and tea table, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Short term storage required– Do you have spare space in your garage or
storage area to rent for 3 months, approx. 7square metres needed for clean
packed materials. If you can help please phone Neil Robertson on
the Sacrament Of First Reconciliation closes on 11 February. (Sorry, no late
enrolments are able to be accepted). Reconciliation is a Sacrament of healing. It enables us to receive God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Candidates must be baptised Catholic, be seven years of age or older and be in Year 3
or above. Enrolment forms can be found at the back of the church. The Sacrament of First Reconciliation will be held on Thursday 19 March with two available times being 5pm and 6.30pm. The Parent Reflection/Information evening
will be held in the church at 7pm on 25 February. Attendance by at least one
parent is required. The three Preparation sessions will be on 1/8/15 March with
your choice of Mass you wish to attend. I’m very much looking forward
to journeying with these families.
SEASONS FOR GROWTH – Commenced last Tuesday for the 6-8 year olds
group. Thank you to the parents for your support. I know your children appreciate you!
support this program financially, please slip your donation under the front door
of the presbytery in an envelope marked ‘Attention – Kay Macadam’ with your
name or business name on the front of the envelope. Any support would be
greatly appreciated.
FAMILY MASS - Our first Family Mass for 2015 will be on Saturday 14
February at 5pm. There will be a liturgical movement after Communion to the
hymn ‘Welcome to the Family’ which all children are welcome to participate
in. Everyone is welcome to bring a plate to share for the after Mass refreshments. Hope to see you there!
CHILDREN’S LITURGY - Commences on Sunday 22 February at the 10am
Mass. So what happens at Children’s Liturgy? The children process down the
aisle with Father, they are then escorted by parish volunteers to the parish hall
where they will hear the Gospel. say prayers, complete an activity etc and then
return to the Church at the Offertory. Parents are welcome to stay.
CHILDREN’S BULLETINS – Be sure to collect a Children’s Bulletin at the
back of the church each week. These are Gospel based and have activities for
children to complete.
Should you have any enquiries regarding the abovementioned, please do not
hesitate to phone me at the parish on either Thursday or Friday from 9am to
3.30pm on 9521 2356 or email me at – admin@stpatssutherland.org.au
Thank you for your support. Have a wonderful week!
Kay Macadam For St Patrick’s Parish Sacramental Team
YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR THE SICK: Louise Hamill, John Roberts, Bishop Geoff Robinson, Reg Benson, Marie O’Donnell, Mary Arnold, Cyril Mahoney, Terry McCosker, Veri Laarakkers,
Steve Smith, Carol Drew, Jeffrey Napier, Barbara Urquhart, Rachel Hanlan, Malcolm Bleeker, Ron Strauss, Tony Gaynor, Ian Rodgers, Linda Lucke, Margaret Murphy, Brian McLean, Karen Carey, Betty Cooling,
Sue Arnold-Garvey, Sr Vianney, Anne Cook, Rudy Basso, Fulvia Bompani, Mary Bartlett, Pat Noonan, Robyn Williams, Mollie Boerma, Kevin Fennell, Sr Claver, Patti & Kevin Gore, Marlene Visage, All the residents in Nagle Apartments.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Marie Mulligan, Larry Rice, Joyce Sweeney, Bruce Culbert, Guiseppe Minati
ANNIVERSARY: Diomedes (Jimmy) Cunningham, Elizabeth (Betty) Connolly, Nicolina Faraci, Maxine Duggan, Dell Philips, Angela Cardwell
DECEASED MEMBERS & FRIENDS: Robertson Family, Claude Press, John Press, Peter Rendell, Barry Scott, Fr. L. Cruikshank, Margaret Stokes, Paul Fraser, Karen Westnidge, Philip Struthers, Jim Walsh,
Shirley Dent, Thomas O’Brien, Gregory & Eileen Dodd, Sr Mary Julian & members Mullins Family, Terry McNamara, Griggs-Nunan-Farrell Families, Jack Elhers, Mrs. Hills, Mr & Mrs English, Irene Mason,
Monica & John Robinson, Don Barrett, McNamara, Torrington, Preston, Dent, Barrett & O’Leary Families & Norma Miller & Family & Friends, Mahoney, Lollback & Mason Family. Poor and needy people, Holy
Souls in Purgatory