The Parish Family of


The Parish Family of
The Parish Family of
St. Catharine and St. Margaret
Spring Lake, New Jersey
Rev. Harold Cullen, Pastor
Mass Schedule
St. Catharine Church
215 Essex Ave, Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Saturday: 5 PM
Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM
Monday- Saturday (except Wednesday): 8 AM
St. Catharine Chapel
Sunday: 12 Noon
Wednesday: 8 AM
Monday - Friday 12 Noon
Parish Directory
Rev. Harold F. Cullen PhD, Pastor
Rev. William Dunlap, Associate Pastor
Rev. Charles Weiser, Senior Priest
Edward Jennings, Deacon
Dr. John Little, Deacon
Rich Baier, Buildings
Marilyn L. Castellano, Ed.D, Principal
Patricia Rowan, Vice Principal
Tammy Sablom, Religious Education
Sister Margaret Tierney, SC Pastoral Care
Lisa DeFillippo Cole, HR/ Publicity
Mark McNulty, Youth Ministry
St. Margaret Church
300 Ludlow Ave. Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Saturday: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM
St. Catharine Chapel, Saturday 3:30 – 4:30 PM
St. Margaret Church, Saturday 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Welcome! We encourage all new families who move
into St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the
rectory to register in the parish.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
MONDAY, February 16
8:00 AM
Lorraine McDevitt
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Anthony N. Margadonna
TUESDAY, February 17
8:00 AM
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Charles McMahon
William C. Lynch
ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18
8:00 AM (Chapel)
Paul T. Marion
Margaret Dabinett
Rocco Minardi
John Naughton
Mary Morse
Richard Forcellati
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Anne J. Butler
5:00 PM
Rachel Fields
THURSDAY, February 19
8:00 AM
Sally Butler Bien
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Guido Spinozzi
FRIDAY, February 20
6:45 AM
8:00 AM
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Tommy Joe Clarke
Anna Tinh Thi Nguyen
Gayle Britt
Anna Mai Thi Nguyen
Joseph Bich Van Nguyen
Family of Michael Cavallo
Eugene McGahren
John Ryan
SATURDAY, February 21
6:45 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Mary T. O’Dowd
Richard Petroski
William “Bill” Burke
SUNDAY, February 22
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Harry Byrne
James & Rose Misuriello
William Clarke
Jeanette Gorecki
ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18
4:30 PM
People of the Parish
SATURDAY, February 21
4:30 PM
People of the Parish
SUNDAY, February 22
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Dan Donahue
Joseph Reilly, 65th Ann
Daniel Donahue, II
Please remember our sick:
Henry Schroeder, Phillip Henry, Anne Fleming, James Waggner, Anna
Clarke, Doris Madelyn Blackwell, Frances Regan, Sheila Lillis, Joseph
Bozza, Kevin & Susan Walters, Tom Murphy, Donna DeSolis, Krystal
Rossi, Jane Magovern, Tiffany Hanke Benner, Charles Williams, Bob
Patrignelli **
Please pray for the deceased:
Nathan Hale, Anne D. Umbach, Stephen J. Kennelly, Peter O’Brien, Fr.
John McGovern, Paul Motzenbecker, Nicholas L. Gentile, Sr., Erna Marie
Scverance, Kevin Walters**
St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family
Faith to Move Mountains
A Campaign for the Diocese of
Throughout 134 years as the growing Church of the Diocese
of Trenton we have worked hard to fulfill our mission to
make disciples, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. Numbering 800,000 strong in 2014, we
Catholics have come this far by faith. The challenges before
us appear formidable, indeed mountain-like, but the faithful
of our Diocese have always responded to the challenge of
the Gospel through their generosity in many ways. They
have always believed that faith is greater than the mountain.
Fiscally we have been prudent with wise management of our
resources. Proactively, as we seek to nurture new seeds of
faith in our church through vital and dynamic programs and
services, we must secure additional resources that will work
for us in supporting our efforts.
Secure endowments have long been mainstays of wealth for
universities and hospitals, generating perpetual restricted
income, funding specific programs and services. Like the
tiniest mustard seed, which grows into the largest of plants,
diocesan restricted endowments will nurture a multitude of
lives through specific ministries that foster strong faith by
strengthening our parishes and schools,; forming and
supporting our seminarians and clergy, growing our lay
formational and educational programs and broadening our
social services.
We are seeking to raise a minimum of $75 million to
facilitate not only keeping the faith, but living, professing,
witnessing and spreading it. Although the goal is ambitious,
we remain confident that it can be achieved. Jesus said “if
you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say
to the mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will
move; and nothing will be impossible to you.”
Members of our Parish who have family or friends in
the service have given us their names which can be
found in our Remembrance books in both churches in
front of one of the side altars. We encourage you to
stop there, say a prayer for those listed and for all our
service people.
To add a name to our prayer list, please call Barbara 732-4495392
NEXT SUNDAY, our parish will take up
the annual Collection for Black and Indian
Our financial contribution helps
support Catholic American Indian communities
on reservations, in rural areas and inner cities. The collection also
supports African American schools and evangelization programs,
particularly in the south. With open hearts let us unite ourselves
with the love of Christ in supporting the Black and Indian Mission
works of love that build up our church.
You make that happen by a generous gift
to the ACA.
In case you haven’t noticed, Lent is upon us.
Wednesday, Feb 188h, is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of
Lent. This is an intense time of the year for us Catholics. It
is a time of special grace and opportunity to grow spiritually.
The specific discipline of the Church in the United States
regarding penitential days is as follows:
The days of fast and abstinence are
The other Fridays of Lent are DAYS OF ABSTINENCE
The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as
DAYS OF PENANCE, but each individual may substitute
for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice
of voluntary self denial as penance. This may be physical
mortification or acts of religion, charity or Christian witness.
Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obligated to fast.
By this obligation, the individual is permitted only one full
meal a day.
At the age of 14, people are obliged to abstain. This
obligation prohibited the eating of meat, but not eggs, milk
products or condiments of any kind even though made from
animal fat.
The obligation to observe the laws of fast and abstinence
“substantially” or as a whole is a serious obligation.
Failure to observe one penitential day in itself is not
considered serious. It is the failure to observe any
penitential days at all, or a substantial number of days, which
must be considered serious.
The obligation of receiving the Eucharist at least once a year
should still be fulfilled during the period from the First
Sunday of Lent, Feb 22, to Trinity Sunday, April 19.
However, the code of Canon Law does permit this precept
to be fulfilled at another time during the year when there is a
just cause.
Annual Catholic Appeal
(Formerly: “Bishop’s Annual Appeal”)
This weekend is Pledge Sunday for the
Annual Catholic Appeal throughout the
Diocese of Trenton.
Each year the bishop asks the support of
all the members of the Diocese to further
the work of our ministries. Each of us
has a vital part in all we do in Christ’s
name, and each of us can share in all we
do with a gift to the Annual Catholic
Appeal. Our single act of love propels the
St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family
As the people of the Diocese of Trenton,
you have the opportunity to help others
see Christ walking in our midst. I ask
you to take a moment and truly reflect on
any help that can give. We truly need
everyone to participate.
Fr Harry Cullen
World Meeting of Families
The World Meeting of Families is the largest Catholic
gathering of families. It is held every three years and is
sponsored by the Holy See's Pontifical council for the
Family. A theme is chosen that enlivens and energizes the
event while adding great depth of meaning to our
understanding of families. - Philadelphia 2015 is “LOVE is
Our Mission: The Family fully alive,” emphasizing the impact
of the love and life of families on our society. Since its
inception by Pope John Paul 11 in 1994, the World Meeting of
Families has strengthened the bonds of families across the
Daughters of St. Catharine and
St. Margaret
The next meeting is Thursday,
February 26th @ 7:00PM in
St. Margaret Hall.
Dr. Thomas Gustafson will discuss:
Health & Wellness
Improve your quality of life
Reduce Stress
Physical, chemical, Emotional
Sleep well
Chronic sleep deficiency & how it effects your health
Chiropractic Secret
The balance between your spine, nervous system, &
living life to its fullest potential.
For further information contact Gretchen Stevens
MONDAY, February 16
TUESDAY, February 17
Pastoral Care
Healthy Bones
Pastoral Care
CCD K-5Th Grade
CCD 6th -8th Grade
February 7-8, 2015
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
2:30 PM
4:30 PM
7:00 PM
ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18
Women’s Bible Study
Pastoral Care
Girl Scouts
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
2:30 PM
7:15 PM
THURSDAY, February 19
Healthy Bones
Pastoral Care
Altar Sew/Craft Guild
Children’s Choir
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:30 PM
6:30 PM
FRIDAY, February 20
Stations of the Cross
7:00 PM
SATURDAY, February 21
Social Concerns Comm will be giving out frozen food containers
1st Reconciliation
10:00 AM
Snowflake Tournament
10:00 AM
SUNDAY, February 22
Social Concerns Comm will be giving out frozen food containers
Charismatic Prayer Group BLD Hall
1:00 PM
St. Catharine Classics News
Regular Collection
Second Collection
First Collection Summary By Mass
St. Margaret’s
Saturday 4.30PM
Sunday 8.30AM
Sunday 10.00AM
Sunday 11.30AM
Total St Margaret’s
St. Catharine’s
Saturday 5.00PM
Sunday 7.00AM
Sunday 9.00AM
Sunday 10.30AM
Sunday 12.00PM
Total St Catharine’s Church
Second Collection
Total Cash Second Collection
Total Checks Second Collection
Contributions that come in the mail
Loose Cash
Total Miscellaneous
Communion Under Both Kinds
Following the advice and counsel of health conscious
parishioners, we will not begin offering the
Communion Cup until after the flu season is over. This
will also give us time to invite additional extraordinary
ministers of Communion to help us in this ministry.
St. Patrick’s Day Party
Thursday, March 12 at 6 pm in
St Catharine's School Cafeteria.
Entertainment by Kevin Westley
$20pp includes Food, Wine, &
Please make checks payable to
St. Catharine Church & mail to
Barbara & Jack Harrigan
301 Sussex Ave., Spring Lake 07762
by March 8th.
The Rectory Office will
be closed on
Monday, February 16th
St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family
February 18
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
“These forty days of Lent, O Lord, with you we fast and pray.” This line from a popular hymn we sing in our
parishes during the season of Lent contains a very important truth. During the days and weeks of penance that
lie ahead --- from Ash Wednesday, February 18th until Holy Thursday, April 2nd --- it is with YOU, Lord, with
YOU we fast and pray. The model Jesus gave us for “these forty days” was his own experience of the desert and
the temptations that followed him there where he encountered Satan face to face. And yet, Jesus, there in the
desert --- alone, fasting and in intense prayer --- beat back the devil and triumphed over temptation, as strong and
as unrelenting as it was throughout those forty days.
We enter the desert of Lent like Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, to face our devils, our temptations head on. But we
are not alone. “With YOU we fast and pray” is our song. The Lord Jesus Christ is with us. And so, too, is the
Church, the entire community of faith observing Lent. “With YOU, too, we fast and pray.” Here is what the
Catholic Church in the United States asks of us as baptized Catholics:
The days of fast (only one full meal) and abstinence (no meat) are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
All other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence (no meat).
Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast (only one full meal) as above. From the age of 14, people
are also obliged to abstain (no meat: this obligation prohibits the eating of meat, but not eggs, milk products or
condiments of any kind, even though made from animal fat).
The obligation to observe the laws of fast and abstinence is a serious one for Catholics. Failure to observe one
penitential day in itself is not considered a serious sin. It is the failure to observe any penitential days at all, or a
substantial number of days, which must be considered serious.
The obligation, the privilege really, of receiving the Eucharist at least once a year --- often called “Easter duty” --for those in the state of grace should still be fulfilled during the period from the First Sunday of Lent, February
22nd to Trinity Sunday, May 31st. However, the Church’s law does permit this precept to be fulfilled at another
time during the year when there is a just cause.
I want to encourage Catholics to get to confession and to make use of the sacrifices and traditions that have
always been part of our Lenten practices in the Church.
We do, indeed, fast and pray with the Lord Jesus and with our fellow Catholics. May this Lent be a time of
penance, grace and joy for us all.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M.
Bishop of Trenton
St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family
St. Catharine School News
Breakfast to celebrate St. Patrick
on Sunday, March 8th
Please join us on Sunday, March 8th from
8am-10am at Applebee's (2007 Highway 35
in Wall Township) for breakfast. Children,
parents, grandparents, friends and
leprechauns are all welcome. Breakfast will
include 2 scrambled eggs, 2 pancakes, 2
sausages, a beverage...and possibly a sighting
of St. Patrick! Breakfast will be served by
the 8th Grade Students and their parents.
Funds raised will be used to offset the cost
of graduation activities for the SCS Class of
2015. Tickets must be purchased prior to the breakfast and
are $12 each. Tickets be obtained by contacting
Maureen Martin at 732-233-7961.
St. Catharine School Scores In
Soup-er Bowl Challenge
St. Catharine School held its own version of the Soup-er
Bowl that had little to do with football and a lot to do with
giving. The students helped stock the shelves at the St.
Anthony of Claret Food Pantry in Lakewood by collecting
non-perishable items. Each classroom had large bags labeled
with the New England Patriots or the Seattle Seahawks.
Students voted for their favorite team by making a donation
in that team’s collection bag.
Collection bags were bursting at the seams with donations
for both teams. Much like the NFL Super Bowl, it was a
tight game. In this Soup-er Bowl, regardless of which NFL
team won, the recipients of the St. Anthony of Claret Food
Pantry are the ones who reap the benefits.
The Belmar/Lake Como St. Patrick's Day
Parade Committee
The Belmar/Lake Como St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Committee recently announced that Paul Caverly, Belmar,
will be this year's Grand Marshal and Jane Donovan,
Manasquan, will be the Deputy Grand Marshal.
On Friday, February 27, the committee will host 5th
Annual Evening of Irish Culture featuring the Patricia
Murphy School of Irish Dance. Dance
music will also be provided by Round the
House. The event will be held at the
Waterview Pavilion, State Highway 35,
Belmar from 6:30 – 10:30 p.m. Tickets,
which must be purchased in advance
through Feb. 16, cost $65 each and include
cocktail hour, a four-course dinner and
open bar.
For questions contact For more information
on the parade or any of the upcoming events, log on to the
The Grand Marshal and Deputy Grand Marshal of the
parade will be sworn in Saturday, February 28, at the
Investiture Mass which will take place at Saint Rose Church
in Belmar at 10 a.m. The homilist at the Mass will be Fr
Cullen, Pastor of St Catharine-St Margaret.
An Investiture Luncheon will immediately follow at
Doolan’s Shore Club, Route 71 in Spring Lake Heights. The
luncheon donation is $30. For more information or
tickets call Bill O’Connell at 732 280-2143.
By Joy Foley, Co-Director
St. Catharine School students hold Soup-er Bowl to collect non-perishables to benefit the
St. Anthony of Claret Food Pantry in Lakewood.
St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family
Together we raised $143,000 for Uganda in 2014. In 2015 we will
break ground on a Pediatric Ward at Alanyi Health Clinic III and
complete the construction of a doctors house in Adagatinga. The
building of dormitories will begin at St. Kizito School in Lwetunga
to house the P-7 classes, and the classrooms at the beloved Alanyi
Primary School will continue to be restored. Obanga Kene
Women's Group will attend additional training with local NGO
Cur Irwot in income-generating projects, and the coaches at Alanyi
Primary will soon depart for an intensive Baseball training camp in
Kampala with retired Pros from the U.S. Thank you St. CatharineSt. Margaret Parishioners for making this happen!
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Margaret Church Saturday, February 21 & Sunday, February 22
SAT. 4:30PM
SUN. 8:30AM
SUN. 10:00AM
SUN. 11:30AM
Fr. Will
Fr. Will
Fr. Gallagher
Fr. Cullen
Michael Liddy
Tyler Capristo
Kieran Flanagan
Daphne Nesney
Curran Magnusson
Chris Clark
Nora Judge
Julia Ventura
Noelle Ventura
Shane & Liam Tennyson
Altar Server
Mary Cate Pilla
John Nugent
Steve Mazur
Elizabeth Baker
Tom Panepinto
Eucharistic Minister
Helen Nugent
Maureen Liddy
Frances Scuilli
William Clark
Liz Nesnay
Jesse Novak
Florence Tedesco
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Church Saturday, February 21 & Sunday, February 22
SAT. 5:00PM
SUN. 7:00AM
SUN. 9:00AM
SUN. 10:30AM
Fr. Weiser
Fr. Morley
Fr. Dowd
Fr. Padovani
Altar Server
Joseph Francolino
L & B Marks
James & Jeffrey Vitale
Elizabeth Perry
Thomas Perry
Connor Martin
Ryan Maguire
Russel Parentela
Nathaniel Riehl
Maeve Cosgrove
Erin Paniscotti
Shane Leddy
Gia Beyer
Peg Gontkof
Sr. Margaret Tierney
Jane Kulaga
John Hillyard
Betsy Ryan
Isabella Maguire
Maureen O’Reilly
Teresa Rigney
Carol Morris
Mary Ann Conte
Jim or Virginia Piccolo
Eucharistic Minister
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Chapel Saturday, February 21 & Sunday, February 22
Fr. Weiser
Bridget Salmon
Altar Server
Kellen & Declan Hogan
Maura McDermott
Eucharistic Minister
Theresa Abel
Attention Parish Pay Participants
We have begun our switch to Parish Giving for the Electronic Fund
Transfer program. We will no longer be using Parish Pay. All
parishioners currently enrolled in Parish Pay are encouraged to
contact the rectory or visit the parish website
and follow the prompts to enroll in Parish Giving.
Irish Mass Cead Mile Failte
The largest St Patrick’s Day parade in New
Jersey takes place on the first Sunday of
March every year in Belmar. Tens of
thousands of visitors come to the area for
the celebration from all over New Jersey.
To mark the occasion, St Margaret’s will
start the day by celebrating an Irish Mass
(with some parts of the Mass celebrated in
the Irish language) at 10.00 AM on March 1.
The Ocean County Emerald
Society Pipes and Drums will
attend and play at the Mass,
accompanied by dancers and
St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family
Woman’s Club
Scholarship Program
The Spring Lake Woman’s Club will be
awarding Scholarship Grants to qualified graduating
High School young women residing in Spring Lake or
Spring Lake Heights. Applications are available from
High School Guidance counselors.
Grants will also be awarded to women returning to
college who reside in Monmouth County. Applications
for both programs are available at
under “Organizations”, “Woman’s Club of Spring
Lake”. For more information, please call Anne
Butler at 732-449-3750 or Nancy Pugliese at 732284-7624.
All applications must be postmarked no later than
March 23, 2015.
PASTORAL CARE: 732-449-5765
Baptisms: Baptisms are usually on the
If you are going into the hospital, our priests will be happy to anoint you by
appointment before admittance.
If you are IN the hospital, please call us to let us know so we can visit you,
since hospitals no longer list patients’ parishes.
If you wish someone to visit you or your loved one in your home or assisted
living, please notify us directly.
Sr. Margaret Ext. 124
Sundays of each
month at 1:30 PM. Baptism Preparation Class must be taken
before the Baptism. The next class is Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at
7:30 PM in the Convent. We urge parents to take the class before
the baby’s birth. Please call 732-449-5765, ext 102 to arrange for
Baptisms and the Preparation Class.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: All children, ages 4 and up
are invited to attend the Children's Liturgy of the Word at the
10:00 AM Mass in St. Margaret's Church. There is no fee or
registration required.
Marriages: Those planning marriage should notify the parish at
least one year in advance. The Church sees marriage in one’s own
parish as the most proper arrangement, therefore, people who
reside in St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish have a right to be
married here. Others should receive the sacrament in their own
parishes. The bride, the groom, or their parents must be registered
and living in this Parish for at least one year. Pre-Cana or Engaged
Encounter Weekend is required as is participation in FOCCUS; a
self-diagnostic inventory designed to help couples learn more
about themselves and their unique relationship. Please call 732449-5765, ext. 166.
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Bereavement Support Group:
The next session is Thursday, March 5th at 1:30 PM in the convent. If you
have lost a loved one do not feel alone in your journey, we are here to support
Call Sr. Margaret Tierney 732 449-5765, Ext. 124.
Prayer Shawl Makers:
The next session will be on Wednesday, March 10th at 7:30 PM in the convent.
Lay Carmelites
Have you ever had the desire to grow deeper in your Faith? We offer you the
opportunity to fulfill that desire. This desire is the movement of the Holy
Spirit in you to pray. Let us be the instrument to bring this to fulfillment.
If interested in discussing or attending one of our meetings, please
call Jim Morrissey at 732-489-2031.
After the 8:00 AM Mass on Monday.
Queen of Peace Rosary:
Sunday at 3:00 PM, St. Catharine Church.
Eucharistic Devotion:
Weekly Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament is held EVERY Wednesday after the 8:00 AM Mass in
the Chapel, Benediction at 4:00 PM.
New Parishioners: Welcome! We encourage all new families
who move into the St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the
rectory to register in the parish.
Offertory Participation: Parishioners are encouraged to bring the
Offertory Gifts up to the altar at the masses, especially if mass is in memory of
your loved ones. If you would like to do this please ask the ushers before the
mass begins.
Monmouth Coastal Respect
Life Committee
The next meeting will be held on March 4 th at 7:30 pm at St.
Catharine’s Convent. Please contact Cathi De Genova at
732-995-0391 or for more information.
Save the Dates: The Belmar-Lake Como St. Patrick’s Day
Parade will be held on Sunday March 1 st. Meet at Lake Como
(lake) before Noon. We would love to have you join us!
Further details will be provided in upcoming bulletins.
March 14th Mass for Life - A peaceful, prayerful, pro-life witness
9:00 am Mass at St. Anthony Church in Red Bank. Immediately
after Mass, process to the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in
Shrewsbury, where we will pray the Rosary. The morning will
conclude with fellowship and light refreshments at St. Anthony’s
and includes presentation of Respect Life Poster, Essay and
Video awards. For additional information, call 609-403-7192
or email
St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family
Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study Group is an opportunity for women
of all ages and all levels of Biblical knowledge to gather in
fellowship and talk about scripture and its meaning to the
challenges in our lives.
The group will be meeting on Wednesday mornings from
9:30am-11:00am in the St. Catharine’s Convent living room.
For more information about the group, please contact Catherine Pavincich at 732-449-5623 or at
St. Catharine - St. Margaret
Men’s Group
Meets in St. Margaret Hall at 7:00 PM on the
2nd Wednesday of the month for prayer and
discussion of the Scripture Readings for the
following Sunday Liturgy.
All men are welcome.
Mark Your Calendars!
with Andy Cooney
Dinner Drinks & Dancing
St. Catharine School Gym
Saturday, March 28th
*seating limited call the rectory x169 for details
St. Catharine ~ St. Margaret Parish Family
215 Essex Avenue
Spring Lake, New Jersey 07762
Parish Administration
Street and Telephone Numbers
Rectory, 215 Essex Avenue
Convent, 211 Essex Avenue
732-449-5765, ext 126
School, 301 Second Avenue
Religious Education Office, School
732-449-4424, ext 305, 310
St. Catharine Cemetery, W Chicago Blvd. Sea Girt 732-681-6269
St. Anne Cemetery, Allenwood Road, Wall
St. Catharine Church
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8
AM Friday, Saturday: 6:45 AM
St. Catharine Chapel
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, &
Friday, 12:00 Noon
Wednesday: 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon
Sunday: 12:00 Noon
St. Margaret Church
Saturday: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM
Catharine School
RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 AM - St.
Weekday Mass for individual classes:
4:00 PM. Evenings and Saturdays by appointment. If you wish an
appointment with a priest, please call beforehand. On Holy Days &
Holidays, the rectory office is closed.
Parish Council
Finance Council
Altar Sewing & Crafts Guild
Bereavement Group
CYO Youth Group
Health Ministry
Holy Innocents Society
Knights of Columbus
Respect Life Committee
School PTA
Social Concerns
Third Order of Mt Carmel
Susan Marks
PJ McMenamin
Madelyn Curtis
Sr. Margaret Tierney
Mark McNulty
Cathi Breslin
Marion Mullarkey
Tom Dorney
Joan McGurty
Angelo Moliterno
Barbara Griffin
Janet Schneider
Dave Wright
James Morrissey
732-449-5765 x124
732-449-5765 x125
And Finally…. Some Catholic Humor
A man was seen fleeing down the corridor at the hospital. Just
before his operation.
“What’s the matter?” a nurse asked.
He said “I heard the nurse say, “it's a very simple operation.
Don’t worry. It will be alright’.
“she was just trying to comfort you. What’s so bad about
“She wasn’t talking to me”, the man replied. “She was talking
to the surgeon.”
on Wednesdays and Fridays during the school
St. Catharine Chapel Saturday 3:30 – 4:30 PM
St. Margaret Church Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Adult Education
Buildings & Grounds
Envelopes, Registration
Music Office
Pastoral Care
Youth Ministry
Tax Letters
Ext 100
Ext 106
Ext 102
Ext 401
Ext 102
Ext 107
Ext 104
Ext 110
Ext 109
Ext 102/101
Ext 103
Ext 124
Ext 169
Ext 100
Ext 173
Ext 166
Ext 125
Ext 178
Remember St. Catharine’s in Your Will
Have the following statement included in your will: “I
leave to the St Catharine School/Parish , Spring Lake, NJ,
the sum of $___________or_______ percent of the residue
of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious,
educational and charitable works”. Stock may also be
donated to the parish.
“We, the Catholic community of St. Catharine ‑ St. Margaret, gather in Christ's name to nurture spiritual growth through the various stages and challenges of life.
We are committed through liturgy, sacraments and parish activities ‑ to proclaim the message of the Gospel, to provide a quality Catholic education for children and adults,
to continue to build community and to serve those in need.
Rich in the traditions established in this community during the last century, we challenge ourselves to live our faith in loving service to the community's residents and its many
summer visitors.
We affirm our concern for all members of the Mystical Body of Christ everywhere and particularly those who require assistance.
And always, we seek to know and love God and to love our neighbor as Jesus taught us.”
St. Catharine—St. Margaret Parish Family