Grow your own way


Grow your own way
Grow your
own way
2015 Scholarship Application
Are you a bright young Caymanian who is…
academically sound
wanting to pursue a career in public accounting
well rounded, as evidenced by community involvement, sporting or extra - curricular activities
of good character and integrity
committed to your pursuits
You should possess at least 5 IGCSE/GCSE/CXC passes (including english and math) with a minimum grade
of B or 2, or a high school diploma with at least a 3.0 GPA or equivalent over the last two years of study and a
combined SAT score of not less than 1500 (if you are studying overseas).
Local Study: You could be funded to complete an Associate’s degree or a Bachelor of Accountancy at either of
the local tertiary education institutions.
total of CI$8,500 per year for the Bachelor of Accountancy.
Upon completion of an Associate’s degree, you may apply for funding with us to attend an approved university
Overseas Study: Applicants for sponsorship at this level are generally expected to be currently enrolled at a
suitable university overseas or to have completed an Associate’s degree in preparation. In certain exceptional
You can apply for a maximum of US$30,000 per year.
mail or email.
Here’s what you need to include in your application package (in the following order):
1. Cover letter giving details of your background, career aspirations and community involvement, and why you
consider yourself deserving of this scholarship from PwC
SAT score, as applicable
3. Two character references *Please ensure that the references are current and from two different non-family sources
4. Proof of Caymanian status
Your details
Cayman Mailing Address:
Local Phone Number:
Alternative Phone Number:
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
Name of Parent/Guardian:
Current School:
SAT Score (as applicable):
Current GPA:
Proposed School:
Program Cost Per Year *:
Scholarship Interest: (Please check one)
Local Scholarship
Overseas Scholarship
Signature of Applicant:
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
(if under 18)
*Program costs = tuition, room & board, books in US$ at CI to US rate 1.2 for overseas and CI for local programs
Something missing?
Your application should be returned to:
Human Resources
PwC Scholarship Committee
PO Box 258
Grand Cayman KY1-1104
Cayman Islands
scholarship application process, please contact
Human Resources: