February 8, 2015 - ST. MARK Catholic Church


February 8, 2015 - ST. MARK Catholic Church
World Marriage Day
This Sunday is designated World Marriage Day, in
celebration and support of those called to the vocation of
MATRIMONY. Let us remember in prayer those of our
parish community with whom we celebrated this past year:
Mary Walsh and Jason Ringer;
Maureen Kettering and Gabriel Bayley;
Alexandra Pleta and Stephen Proctor;
Catherine Piescik and Eric Rogness;
Dale Dean and Jean Karle;
Courtney McNamara and Kyle Adanti;
as well as Ann Berlow and Brett Snyder, at ST. THOMAS OF
VILLANOVA, Villanova, Pa.
Andrew Hadinger and Michelle Robinson, at ST.
Desiree Bindus and Neerav Vyas, at ST. THERESA,
Michael Payne and Kayla Heck, at the Eisenhower
Chapel, Penn State University;
Rose Mario and Jason Risley, at ST. MATTHEW the
APOSTLE Cathedral, Washington, D.C.;
Hannah Roberts and Peter Boyer, at ST. JAMES, Falls
Caitlin Jenkins and Matthew Mead, at HOLY NAME OF
MARY, Bedford, Va.;
Stephanie O’Donnell and Matthew Osborn, at ST.
PATRICK, Midford, Connecticut;
and those whose BAPTISM was with us, including
Jessica Sozio (12/20/90) and Joseph Apple, at CHRIST the
KING, Mt. Pleasant, S.C.;
Thaddeus Plecha (10/12/85) and Larisa Abel, at ST.
MARY, Alexandria; and
Alexandria Awesbrey (7/10/80) and Blake Astran, at
MOST HOLY REDEEMER, Jacksonville, Florida.
Paying Off the Mortgage: Thank You! You contributed
$79,602 towards the mortgage in December—and every penny
went to that purpose in January. We did not have to take any
money from the Offertory Collection(s) to make that payment
or to bring our mortgage down to only $454,954. At this point
January’s contributions are less than the required $30,000
mortgage payment, and will require us to take funds from the
Offertory Collections. PLEASE, let’s ALL pull together—and
Pay Off the Mortgage. Let’s make February another banner
month for reducing the mortgage!
Upcoming M&M Events: February
Wed the 4th: After 9:15 Mass Coffee Social—
Deacon John on the Bible.
Wed the 11th: Trip to National Museum of
Women in the Arts—Mary Exhibit
Sat the 14th: Valentine’s Day Lunch—Clyde’s in Ashburn
Tues the 17th: Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast—Deacon
John on LENT.
M&M=Maturing Matters - The 55+ Group of ST. MARK
Church—For more information please contact: Barbara Walsh
at 703-620-9314 or bawplus7@gmail.com or Anne Shea 703938-9049 or anne_paulshea@yahoo.com.
FEBRUARY 8, 2015
Bishop’s Lenten Appeal—Commitment Sunday
This week-end, we as Diocese are asked to make a
commitment to the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal—and so support our
Diocese in its various ministries. With this year’s theme,
“Stewards of Christ Sharing Gospel Joy”, we can spread the joy
of the Gospel through our support of the BLA. And thank you!
Religious Freedom—Let us realize that it is through prayer
that we can affect our country and our leaders to respect our right
to worship freely. For we ask God to be with us!
Join a Small Community of Faith: In the earliest days of
our Church, groups of Christians met in homes and shared
their knowledge of Christ and the Scriptures. Their meetings
helped them to understand their faith—and the way(s) in
which they were to practice it. At ST. MARK, Small
Communities of Faith (SCoF) gather in homes to discuss the
Scriptures, to pray, to share their faith, and to grow in
community. Consider joining a Small Community of Faith
during LENT. Stop at the SCoF table in the Narthex on February
14/15 to learn more about Small Communities of Faith at ST.
MARK. You may also call 703-938-3774 to learn more.
Religious Education (RE) Announcements
RE Schedule: Due to the President’s Day Holiday, there will
be no Sunday, Monday or Tuesday RE classes on February 15,
16 and 17.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) – Co-Directors Needed: VBS is
closer than you think—July 13 to 17 and ST. MARK is looking
for two Co-Directors to lead. Past experience is not required!
Please contact Ana Lisa Pinon in the RE office.
Spirit Teams for 7th Graders: We are still in need of a few
Spirit Team leaders! Spirit Teams are a necessary part of
CONFIRMATION preparation at ST. MARK, replacing the
service hour component. Contact Ana Lisa Pinon if you are
interested in serving as a Leader.
Join Us for
Coffee, Donuts and Fellowship
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
After the 8:15 and 10:00 Masses
Sunday February 15 - Cassidy Activities Center
ST. MARK Catholic School News: Why Choose
Catholic School? (excerpted from Why My Kids Go To
Catholic School, by Tod Worner)
“- a child once shy to speak much in class is soon beaming
while reading prayer intentions at the School Mass.
- you may receive a smiling email from a teacher telling you
your daughter looked up at him and said, “God bless you”
because he picked her favorite game in gym class.
- staff, parents and students pray for and rally around a
spouse who has been sick, a baby soon to be born, or a sixth
grader saying goodbye.
… our Catholic school is more than just a school, it is a
deeply invested community. A community. And in a world
grown increasingly cold and harsh, a community of faith and
warmth is an immeasurably important springboard in these
young kids lives. And in ours. Undoubtedly, this school
prepares the mind. But by God, it prepares the soul as well.”
Job 7:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 147
1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23; Mark 1:29-39
Today’s Readings come as healing balm in the midst of
difficulties. The first chapter of Mark’s Gospel highlights two
significant aspects of Jesus’ ministry: His power to heal, and
His relationship in prayer with Abba His Father. One of Jesus’
first acts of healing is to banish a fever from the mother of
Simon Peter’s wife, as He grasps her hand and helps her to rise
from her sickbed. He then cures many in the town who suffer
from physical sicknesses as well as mental illnesses (the
“demons” Jesus casts out must surely refer to mental or
emotional disorders).
Our First Reading from the book of Job pictures Job as a very
sick man. Job cries out in his miserable state, displaying
symptoms of major depression. Job’s discourse ends in
hopelessness and despair. Mark’s Gospel is meant to show us
that Jesus comes even in the midst of such sickness,
hopelessness and utter despair, to heal both mind and body.
This healing power is linked to Jesus’ persistence in prayer:
though He must get up before dawn and go to a deserted place
to pray, He does this because it gives Him the strength to face
all the sadness and illness of this world and do His work of
healing. As we face our difficulties and illnesses, both large
and small, let us do so in great faith and confidence in our
Savior’s power to bring healing, strength and light into the
midst of darkness, sickness and despair.
Ministers will gather this LENT for a day of talks, workshops,
and prayer. Our keynote speaker will be Father Patrick
McMahon, O. Carm. A number of speakers will lead breakout
sessions. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. All interested
parishioners are invited to join us. PLEASE EMAIL NANCY
NOVELLY AT nnovelly@stmark.org TO REGISTER.
Please pray for all parishioners who are
homebound and in nursing homes. Please
remember to pray for those in our parish who
are ill: Charlene Merrill, Milton Smithman, Karen
Kuchta, Nur Gangji, Kathy Froelke, Carol Palmucci, Gina
McCloskey, Faye Morin, and Betty Fulton.
Please pray for the following deployed service
people who have ties to our parish: Cpl Zachary
A.Cooper, Sgt Jasmine Daniel, QM2 Waters Eric,
Sgt Joshua Wyant, Cpl Derek W. Raines, LCpl Christian D.
Wilkins, Cpl Rafael De La Torre, MGySgt William
McClelland, Cpl Austin Evans, and LTJG John Duffner.
Daily Readings
Mass Intentions
Gen 1:1-19; Ps 104; Monday, February 9, 2015
Mk 6:53-56
9:15am †Eleanor Gough
7:30pm †Kent Bailey
Gen 1:20—2:4a; Ps 8; Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Mk 7:1-13
St. Scholastica
9:15am Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zak
(50th wedding anniversary)
Gen 2:4b-9; Ps 104; Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Mk 7:14-23
Our Lady of Lourdes
9:15am †Frank Gadell
Gen 2:18-25; Ps 128; Thursday, February 12, 2015
Mk 7:24-30
9:15am †Robert Hartman
Gen 3:1-8; Ps 32; Mk Friday, February 13, 2015
6:15am †Jack McNeil
9:15am †Paul McNeil
10:14am Virginian †Wanda
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2015
Time: 9am – 3pm
Place: Cassidy Activities Center
common sense if you are sick. If you do come to church while
sick with a cold or sore throat, please be considerate of others
and refrain from Communion from the Chalice. Yes, the
alcohol content and vigorous wiping with purificator does kill
most germs, but it is probably better not to tempt fate! And at
the Sign of Peace, again be considerate—as in years past, a
nod, a fist-bump, or an elbow-slide can maintain the spirit of
Our Lord’s Peace (Thank you, Estelle and Jack!).
LENTEN RETREAT: Everyone is invited to attend a Lenten
Retreat given by Father Valooran, here at ST. MARK on
March 13-15, 2015. Meals will be provided. Please watch the
bulletin, and our website (www.stmark.org) for more details!
ASH WEDNESDAY is Wednesday, February 18 .
Masses will be at 6:15am, 9:15am, 5:30pm, and 7:30pm.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE begins again on February 18 will go for 40
days. Contact Martha at 703-938-9658 or Piesciks@gmail.com .
Gen 3:9-24; Ps 90; Saturday, February 14, 2015
Mk 8:1-10
Sts. Cyril and Methodius (and both
Sts. Valentine)
8:00am †Robert Kerrigan
5:30pm †Katherine and William
Lev 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps Sunday, February 15, 2015
32; 1 Cor 10:31— Sixth Sunday in ORDINARY TIME
11:1; Mk 1:40-45
8:15am †Marie Ordeman
10:00am †Christopher Deane Morton
11:45am People of the Parish
Do you desire to deepen your prayer life? Lord Teach
Me to Pray is a 3 part Ignatian prayer series of Ignatian
meditation and contemplation, in small groups for weekly
prayer and faith sharing. For more information or to register
contact the RE Office at 703-938-1948 or Barbara Saladino at
Matthew 25-for the Lamb Center, homeless shelter
in Fairfax County.
Regular Coffee
Sugar & Creamer
Laundry Detergent
Bleach Trash bags (55 or 13 gallon)
Plastic Forks
Small Styrofoam drink Cups and
Packets of Oatmeal
Diapers Size 5
Paper Towel Rolls
Plastic Razors
Small Deodorant
Please support the Lamb Center by donating any of these
items in the Matthew 25 bin in the Narthex. These items
are desperately needed due to the cold weather !!
Shawl Ministry: On February 10 at 1pm the Shawl Ministry
will gather to pray, talk and create handmade shawls for those
who are ill or grieving. We also make hats and scarves for the
homeless and baby blankets for Project Hope. All are welcome
to join this ministry. To receive a shawl contact Denise in the
Parish Office.
Get your Auction Gala tickets!
You can purchase them in the Parish
Office or by going on line at: http://
Busy Couples Retreat: In honor of National Marriage Week
2015, Bishop Loverde will lead an online retreat for couples
beginning on World Marriage Sunday, February 8 through
February 14. Each day the Bishop will offer reflections and
practical steps for growing closer to Jesus and to your spouse.
The retreat will conclude at 10:00am on Valentine’s Day,
Saturday, February 14 with a live reflection, Exposition and
Holy Mass led by Bishop Loverde at the Cathedral of ST.
THOMAS MORE in Arlington. For more information go to
The ST. MARK Book Club will meet at 1:15 on
Wednesday, February 11, in Room C-103 to discuss
Mercy: The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to
Christian Life by Cardinal Walter Kasper.
Family PASS (Family Preservation and Strengthening
Services) is a local nonprofit that provides financial assistance
and support services to families in Fairfax County who are
homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless, and started here
at ST. MARK by its founder and ST. MARK parishioner,
Suezette Steinhardt. Family PASS provides rent subsidies and
connects families with the support services needed to become
self-sufficient. This organization’s work is part of Fairfax
County’s 10-year plan to prevent and end homelessness in our
community. Family PASS is partnering with Stone’s Cove
KitBar in Herndon for a “do good things” on Sunday, March
1. Please join us and dine on that date to make a difference.
Stone’s Cove Herndon will donate 10% of the day’s sales to
help Family PASS achieve its mission to prevent and end
homelessness in our community. GREAT food! Lots of fun!!
Contact Suezette at ssteinhardt@familypassfairfax.org for
more information! See you there!!
FEBRUARY 8, 2015
parishioner, soprano Sarah Lundquist, will perform a concert
of classical works for soprano. Sarah is a highly accomplished
opera singer with a degree from Northwestern University. She
has graced our Easter Vigils with her beautiful singing for the
past several years.
Date: Sunday, February 15th Time: 3:00 pm
Place: Cassidy Activities Center
Freewill donation
Family Movie Night How to Train
Your Dragon 2, on February 20,
rated PG, 102 minutes. This sequel
continues where the original left
off. Hiccup and Toothless discover an
ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons
including the mysterious Dragon Rider. For ages 1-100. Ice
Cream social at 6:30. Movie at 7:00. Cassidy Activities
Center. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Hypothermia Shelter: Have you noticed—It’s cold and
winter’s here! This is not good news to our homeless
neighbors who find no room in the Fairfax County shelters.
ST. MARK will help nearby church Hypothermia Shelters with
volunteers and food again this winter. The next one is:
February 8-14, Centerpointe Church, Fairfax
Join our group of volunteers-the level of time and talent you
may have is valuable, and training is free! Contact Diane
Smith 703-620-0629 or e-mail hypothermiashelter@yahoo.
com to learn more.
Overcoming Sin & Evil at this Year’s Men’s Conference!
All men of the parish are invited to the Sixth Annual Diocesan
Men’s Conference on March 7. This year’s conference –
entitled Victory Over the Common Enemy – will feature
renowned speaker Fr. Larry Richards and author Neal Lozano
exploring the presence of sin and evil in our lives, and how to
overcome them. Breakfast, lunch, and Mass with Bishop
Loverde will be included. Registration is taking place now.
Please note the new conference location—Foxchase Manor
in Manassas. Go to www.arlingtondiocese.org/men for more
details or to register.
Counseling Corner:
Care for the Soul at the Benedictine Pastoral Center.
“Is There a Purpose in Suffering?”
Sat. Feb. 21; 10:00-12:00noon. Register on-line:
“Men are all alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that
they differ.”
--Jean-Baptiste Molière (1622–1673), French playwright
Ellen Murphy, LCSW
ST. MARK Counseling Center
(703) 281-9671
High School Events
Sunday FUEL Nights resume
February 22nd at 7 - 8:30 pm in the Youth Room
The Youth Ministry Annual Ski Trip will be on
Monday, February 16th (President’s Day)!
Grab your skis or board and join us for a fun
day of hitting the snow covered slopes at
Roundtop Ski Resort!
& JR.
7th thru
Download a registration / permission form from our website
TODAY! Deadline is Wednesday, February 11th!
Cost & more detailed information on the registration form!
Jr. High Events Join us this Friday, February 27, 2015 for the next Jr. High
event 6:30 - 8 pm in the Gym!
Visit us at: youth.www.stmark.org
Please fill out a registration form for the 2014-15 school year!
Sunday, February 8
6 pm Youth & Family Mass - Dinner - Valentine’s Activity
Monday, February 9
Girls’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm
Wednesday, February 11
Boys’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm
Friday, February 13
6:15 am Mass & Breakfast
Sunday, February 15
NO FUEL night due to ski trip on President’s Day
Monday, February 16 — President’s Day
For more information contact Kevin Flores / Eric McDade
at 703-938-5656 or kflores@stmark.org / emcdade@stmark.org