Newsletter 15th February 2015
Newsletter 15th February 2015
Quiz Evening at St Anne’s School Upper Site, Palmers Green, on Friday 27 February 2015 at 7.30pm. Tables must be booked in advance through the school office but you will be able to pay for your ticket on the night. Contact the school if you are interested, 020 8886 2165’ St Thomas More Catholic School, Glendale Ave, N22 5HN A Level results 85% A*-C. Sixth Form ‘drop in’ morning for external students Thursday 26th February, 9am-12.30pm. Contact 8888.7122 or for information pack. Amazing Grace Saltmine Theatre's production telling the inspiring strory of John Newton, slave-ship captain to church Leader. Slavery, freedom and the remarkable power of love and grace to transform a life. London premiere at Notre Dame de France, Leicester Square on Tuesday 10th March 2015 at 7.30 pm. A powerfully moving performance . Book online: or T: 020 7440 2663, email: Tickets: £10.00-£12.00 FROM THE DIARY Sun 15 February Mon 16 February Tues 17 February 10.00am Bible Studies Group, Newman Room 10.00am Church cleaning, Eleanor’s team 2.00pm Mass at Beaumont Care Home, Cannon Hill 7.30pm - 9pm RCIA, Newman Room 7.30pm - 9pm Lent Course, ‘Anointed’ , Large Hall 10.30am Team Meeting Weds 18 February 7.00am Mass with Ashes ASH WEDNESDAY 9.35am Mass with Ashes followed by Reconciliation 11.00am Mass with Children’s Liturgy & Ashes 6.30—7.15pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 7.30pm Mass with Ashes Thurs 19 February 12.30pm Funeral Mass for Kaivon Ohadi RIP 5.30pm Legion of Mary, Newman Room Fri 20 February 12.30pm Christian Meditation, Newman Room 1pm Bread & Soup Lunch for Addo, Newman Room Sat 21 February 11.15am Baptism of Joseph Newron, Thomas Fitzgerald & Niamh Baptista 4.30pm - 5.45pm Altar Servers’ training, Newman Room Sun 22 February 3.00pm Rite of Election at Westminster Cathedral MASS TIMES Sunday (Sat 6pm), 7.45am, 9am, 10.30am, 12noon, 3.30pm (Polish) & 5.30pm Daily 9.35am Morning Prayer 9.10am Confessions: Sat 10 - 11am, 5.15 - 5.45pm (Signed for Deaf by appointment) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Mon 4-5pm, Fri 4-5pm, Sat 10 - 11am Weekday 7pm Service: Weds, Holy Hour, Thurs, Rosary Hour Fri Stations of the Cross Church open for private prayer: Sunday 7am - 6.30pm, Mon - Sat 8am - dusk St Monica’s Church, Palmers Green A parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster Newsletter Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15 February 2015 Meditations For Lent St. Francis De Sales offers a helpful way of meditating which touches every aspect of our life. The First Meditation is about Creation, and St. Francis asks to look at our own birth and consider where we come from: hopefully we will be able to discover God as a creator and a Father who brings us into being. The Second Meditation is about our Purpose in Life: God did not need us, and yet He brought us to be in order to love us and for us to discover how good He wants to be towards us. He gave us a memory to remember Him and a tongue to praise Him. Have we done so? How much of our lives have we spent on trifling matters, never discovering the real good and happiness that is God Himself. The Third Meditation is about God’s Blessings: God has blessed us with a body and a capacity for good: He has given us graces and gifts: what have done with them? Have we used them properly for our good and the good of others? We will discover God’s goodness and mercy towards us, but also a sense of responsibility towards His goodness and gifts to us. The Fourth Meditation is on Sin: This is a difficult one, for it calls us to make a good examination of conscience, remembering all our faults, the times we turned our backs to God, our unfaithfulness, fantasies and words, spoken or not. As we think of it, we should let it hurt us, but then remember God’s mercy and grace towards us. As the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son, God is always waiting, full of love and mercy, for us to go back to Him and He offers us the means to do it, especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Fifth Meditation is about Death: This time will come to all of us; the problem is that we do not know when or how. Will we be ready? Our soul will take the same path we chose in life. Will it be a path of life or a path of death? These are the two choices that God puts before us every day. There is nothing in between. The aim of this meditation is not to make us sad or miserable, but to open our eyes to realities that await each one of us, but to which many times we are blind. It will help us to see that life is too short for us to waste on resentment, anger, fights, arguments; not allowing God to heal all this and bringing back communion and peace. May God help us in this time of Lent to bring us closer to Him and to each other and already make us experience in this life the joys and beauty of the rewards to come. When our journey in this life is over, may we then, with God’s help, experience them for all eternity. 1, Stonard Road, London N13 4DJ (020) 8886 9568 Fax: (020) 8886 5143 Email: Website: Parish Priest: Canon Shaun Lennard Assistant Priest: Fr. Paulo Bagini Parish Sister: Sr Joyce Dionne 07940 500908 Youth Work Co-ordinator: Anna McMullan 07532 374291 Parish Office hours - Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri , 10am - 12noon Polish Chaplain (resident in Enfield) Fr. Krzysztof Chaim 07902 432343 PARISH NOTICES Please pray for those who have died Kaivon Ohadi, Margaret Weston and for those whose anniversaries occur about now ,Pamela Glencross, Grania Gray, Baby Oife Cahill, Sandra Whiteside, Annie Clarke, Columbus Balfe, Margaret Caden, Giorgio Biollo, Renata Miszkiel Please Pray for Sick and Housebound Parishioners Maureen Hall, Therese Edirimanasinghe, Ann McFadden, Moira Bullen, Luciano Cerini, Vittorio Marchini, Margaret Allen, Irene Samonte, Joan Marie, Anna Cattini, Graham Oatham, David Pinckney, Lucy Warner, Joe Browne and Christina Browne. FINANCE thank you for your generosity 8 Feb Envelopes £1,727 Loose £ 1640 Crib Offerings for Catholic Children’s Society this year £918.58 Mondays, commencing tomorrow 16th February from 7.30 - 9pm in the Large Hall. People in faith-sharing groups should not come to these evenings. Sleep-in congratulations to the young people who raised £670 for the Passage and De Paul Trust with their sponsored sleep-in. Ash Wednesday Mass with Ashes is at 7am, 9.35am, 11am & 7.30pm. As it is half term the 11am Mass will be especially for families with young children. NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Gen 9: 8-15; Psalm 24; Peter 3: 18-22; Mark 1: 12-15. THE WEEK AHEAD Monday Mass there is an additional Mass at 2pm on Monday at The Beaumont Care Home, 15, Cannon Hill, N14. All parishioners are very welcome. Faith Sharing Group Leaders should collect their packs for from the porch today. Faith Sharing Group Members please DO NOT buy the ‘Anointed’ booklet, as your Group Leader already has a copy for you. New Members if you have not heard from your Group Leader by today please contact Mary on 020 8360 3974. R.C.I.A. Come and See Meets every Monday at 7.30pm in the Newman Room. This week we will look at the season of Lent. All are welcome-but Catholics only if they bring a non-Catholic! Anointed people who signed up to join a faith-sharing group last week will be starting to meet this week. For those NOT in a faithsharing group, you can reflect on the material in a larger group situation on Meditation & Soup every Friday in Lent there will be Christian Meditation at 12.30pm followed by a simple bread and soup lunch. Donations for the lunch will go towards the Sisters of mercy’s project in Addo, South Africa. ALL are welcome. We need volunteers to make soup. Fr Shaun & Fr Paulo will do this week - can you provide vegetarian soup for around 20 people? Please sign up on the board at the back of church if you can. If you are working you can deliver the soup chilled in the morning. YOUTH NEWS No Youth Club this week as it’s half term. Clothing appeal Following on from the sponsored sleep-in, our young people will be collecting new socks, hats & gloves (preferably black) after Masses next weekend (22nd Feb). These will be given to our soup run & The Passage to distribute. OTHER NEWS Lent starts on Wednesday! There is a large selection of reasonably priced books for Lent on sale from the CTS rack in the repository. Copies of the ‘Walk with me’ booklet with a meditation for each day of Lent are available priced £1 each. The booklet ‘Anointed’ is also available for those who are not in faith-sharing groups. Priced £2 available in the porch. Active Kids Vouchers are now available from Sainsbury’s. The Brownies are collecting them for equipment and activities. Please leave them at the Repostory (slide them under the door if it is closed.) Repository now has cards for Mother’s Day, St Patrick’s Day and Easter on sale. Marriage Preparation our next course is on 6th & 7th March. Couples intending to marry in 2015 must attend this course and 6 months notice must be given. See one of the priests for further information. Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony, Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 23rd May 2015 at 3pm.The Cardinal invites all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) anniversary of marriage in 2015. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your names and contact details to the Parish Office by this evening. St Martin de Porres Nursery, N11. Applications close 27 Feb for children with DoB 1/9/11 - 31/8/12. See poster for details. URGENT Premier Christian Radio need signatures to support renewal of their licence. Please sign TODAY after Mass. St Patrick’s Day Tues 17 March. We would like to have a gathering after 9.35am Mass. Could you bring some soda bread or barn brack? Please speak to one of the team if you can help. There is also a party at the Parish Centre on 21st March (see below) If you can help please contact Laura or Natasha on the number given below. Diocean Pilgrimage to Lourdes 26 July 1 August. We would like to go as a parish group. Price £635 by train, £788 by air. Details are at the back of the church. Speak to Fr Shaun if you are interested. Archbishop Oscar Romero last week Pope Francis declared Oscar Romero a martyr. This is an important step towards his beatification There is a great clip on v=AR76lKQGO0Y Respect for Life Ann Widdecombe and David Burrowes MP will be discussing beginning and end of life issues on Tuesday 24th Feb at 6pm in the Large Hall. All welcome Church Cleaning Once a month for about an hour. Teams clean at different times. We urgently need more volunteers . Contact Siobhan on 020 8807 5583 Parish Centre News ST PATRICK’S DAY PARTY: Saturday 21 March 8pm to 11.30pm with live music. Tickets (£8 for adults and £4 for children and seniors) will be on sale after Mass from 1 March as well as from the Parish Office. Price includes free complementary drink, a bowl of Irish stew or vegetarian option, entry into prize draw and children’s entertainment. BOOKINGS: If you wish to hold a party or other event at the Parish Centre please contact Laura or Natasha on 07955 037251 or at The Parish Centre is located at Cannon House, 6 Cannon Hill and is open to all parishioners. We have a bar Thursday –Saturday from 8pm to 11pm and on Sunday from 1pm to 4pm and 8pm to 11pm. See our notice board next to the Repository. Soup Run As winter comes we can never have enough socks, gloves and hats! Black, warm ones are best. As the need arises again, we will keep you posted. Church Cleaning the church gets a lot of use and so regular cleaning is essential. It is YOUR church and it is being left to a small number of people to keep it clean. All that is needed is 90mins of your time, once a month. Contact Siobhan on 020 8807 5583. Parking please park only in marked bays in the car park, NEVER on yellow hatched areas and please do not block neighbours’ driveways and entrances. Irish Dancing Classes for children aged 4+ every Monday @ 3.50pm in Small Hall. Details contact Margaret on 07932 056163 or St. Monica's Baby and Toddler Group - If you have a child below school age why don't you try out our group? We run during term time every Mon and Weds morning 9.30am to 11.30am at the parish centre on Cannon Hill. £1.50 a session. Indoor and outdoor toys available plus singing and arts and crafts a couple of hours spare on a Monday morning to help out. Call Katie on 07960 281068 for more information. Day for Church Musicians and singers in Potters Bar Sat 21st Feb 'Songs to build bridges between worship and world' with Frances Novillo and Stephen Dean Sat 21st Feb 10.30 for 11am-3pm Our Lady and St Vincent's Church Potters Bar, 243 Mutton Lane, EN6 2AT for more information and to book a place email Vicky 07934 651491 cost £5 singers and instrumentalists welcome u16s must be accompanied, bring a packed lunch. Looking for something new in 2015? CAFOD needs your help in ending poverty and injustice overseas. Find out how you can live your faith and put your skills to good use at Understanding CAFOD Day on Saturday, 24 January, in London SE1, from 10am to 4pm. Book online at, or call 0208 449 6970. Should you or any of your parishioners have any questions, please get in touch with us here at CAFOD Westminster: 0208 449 6970 or Parish Library: Were you aware that the church had a crying room and the crying room doubled as a parish library? The parish library has been revamped and will be open again during Mass times. There are books on history, theology, spirituality and scripture, and travel, and there will be instructions on how to go about borrowing some. Parishioners are also invited to donate some book Health & Safety we take the safety of everybody very seriously and the diocese provides a company who assist us with regular checks of all our buildings. Last week a check revealed a dangerous crack in the back wall of the Parish Centre and this has been dismantled to a safe level. And cordoned off. Please observe any safety notices including in the car park and let a member of the team know if you spot anything dangerous. Palmers Green Child Contact Centre would you be interested in becoming a volunteer at the centre? The centre enables separated parents to see and have regular contact with their children. The centre is open every Saturday morning at the United Reformed Church, Fox Lane. As a volunteer your commitment would be once every 6 to 8 Weeks. We are very grateful of your continuing support. We are however look for volunteers and we would particularly welcome men. If you are interested and would like more information please contact Philomena on 07958 221 853. Valentines Catholic Speed Dating. WE NEED MEN - over 20 women are registered and waiting for you! Come along with friends and enjoy the chance to meet lots of other likeminded people. Register with beforehand and come to Austin Forum, Hammersmith on Friday 13th February at 7.30pm, £5 only. Cash bar. You can find more info on Facebook at context=create&previousaction=create&source=49&sid_create=717093477 SCRIPTURE FROM SCRATCH: A Journey through the Bible. A basic bible study programme for everyone interested: Parish Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Adult Faith Formation & Small Communities Leaders & Members, Catechists, Volunteers & all parishioners Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St , SW1P 1QN When: 7pm -8.30pm Facilitators: Brian Purfield and Ausra Karaliute. Well known Bible scholars are invited to talk on particular themes. No prior knowledge is required to attend the programme. Sessions are presented in lecture style with some elements of discussion, Q&A and some optional activities during the sessions, on-line and at home.PAULINE THEMES with Fr John Hemer Sat 14th Mar 2015 RETREAT with Brian Purfield (10.00am – 1.00pm) Tue 20th Apr 2015 THE PSALMS, ISRAEL’S PRAYER, CHRIST PRAYER (1) with Fr. John Hemer Tue 11th May 015 THE PSALMS, ISRAEL’S PRAYER, CHRIST PRAYER (1) with Fr John HemerTue 8th Jun 2015 THE PSALMS, ISRAEL’S PRAYER, CHRIST PRAYER (1) with Fr. John Hemer. All sessions are recorded and available on the diocesan website at a later date. Please register to attend at or at or call 020 7931 6078. Suggested donation £3 per session. Registration is required at or or call at 020 7931 6078. Suggested donation is £3 per session.