Bulletin - Narberth Presbyterian Church
Bulletin - Narberth Presbyterian Church
LORD’S DAY OF CELEBRATION February 15, 2015 In preparation for worship, please take time to silence all electronic devices, and quiet our thoughts, so that we all may focus our hearts and minds on the Lord. The Heavens Are Telling Beethoven Prelude Welcome and Concerns of the Church Amnion Mission Update Melanie Parks, Executive Director Call To Worship Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Hymn #558 Prayer of Invocation Scripture Reading Genesis 1:26-31, 2:15-18 Beecher (p.3,4) 9:00am Eva Chirapongse 10:45am Phoebe Barr Reader: This is the word of the Lord. All the people: Thanks be to God! Prayer of Confession – Unison Gracious God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you are love and we worship you. We confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with all our heart, mind and strength. We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. Please forgive us through the cross of Jesus Christ. Thank you for showing us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. May our love toward other people reflect your great love for us. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Silent Prayer of Confession and Assurance of Pardon The Greeting Worship Song 10,000 Reasons Myrin/Redman Worship Song Mercy Tree Nordhoff/Neale During the 9:00am service, children up to grade 6 may be dismissed to Children’s Sunday School. During the 10:45am service, children in K through 6th grades may be dismissed to the gym for Lighthouse Kids children’s church after the hymn/worship song. Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Deborah Watson, Assistant to the Pastor Presentation of Tithes and Offerings Passing of Friendship Pads 9:00am Offertory 2nd Menuet from “L’Arlesienne” Bizet Julie Todd, Flute 10:45am Offertory Holy Manna arr. Raney Sanctuary Choir Accompanist, Kathleen Pierce Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Scripture Reading Sermon Hymn #2 Benediction Prayer Ministry John 17:20-23; 1 John 4:7-12 (p. 1680, 1902) The Trinity: Invitation To Love Steve Weed, Pastor Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty Nicaea 9:00am Greg Hein 10:45am Charlie Choi The altar flowers today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Betty & Jim Cochran, by their daughters, Carol Healey, Nan Gandy and Chris Bedra. Thank you for being with us in worship today! To learn more about our church, Welcome Bags are available in the Narthex for newcomers. 2 TODAY: Amnion Luncheon/presentation: Join us after the 2nd service for a time of empowering and encouraging conversation about healthy life/relationship choices. Designed to provide a framework that empowers young people to think through their own values and morals and make healthy decisions about relationships, the team from Amnion will present to us a slice of RealEd program. This fast-paced and fun presentation, will give students (and adults) the tools to make quality, Christ –centered decisions about their relationships and their lives. Location: Gym Lent officially begins this week with Ash Wednesday on February 18. We will hold both morning and evening services, at 7:00am and 7:00pm. The 7:00am will be shorter, while the evening service will be a full worship service. This special service of the year provides an opportunity to receive ashes on the forehead as a sign of our humility, repentance, and dependence on God. CDs of today’s sermon are available in the Chapel within 15 minutes after the service. Previous Sundays’ sermons are available by date in the bin on the small table. Sermons are also available online at our website www.narberthpres.org or podcast through iTunes. 3 FAMILY MINISTRY: CHILDREN, YOUTH & PARENTS Sunday Morning Schedule: Infants and Toddlers 9:00am-12:15pm: Nursery provided in the Nursery Room downstairs near the restrooms, and a separate crying/changing room is directly across from the bottom of the stairs. 2 Year Olds: 9:00-10:30am: Hands On Bible, Blue Door Room downstairs. 10:45am-12:15pm: Spinners! class, Red Door Room downstairs. 3 Years-Kindergarten: 9:00-10:30am: The Atrium Red Door Room downstairs. 10:45am-12:15pm: Spinners! class, Red Door Room downstairs. (Kindergarten students may attend Lighthouse Kids, see below) Grades 1-3: These children attend the first part of the worship service with parents and are dismissed half-way through to attend: 9:30-10:30am: Rotation Sunday School, Brown Door Room downstairs. 10:45am-12:15pm: Lighthouse Kids, downstairs in the Gym. Grades 4-6: These children attend the first part of the worship service with parents and are dismissed half-way through to attend: 9:30-10:30am: F.B.I. (Faith Builders Inc.), downstairs in the Gym. 10:45am-12:15pm: Lighthouse Kids, downstairs in the Gym. Youth: Grades 7-12 Youth Sunday School, 9:30-10:30am (grades 7-12): We are looking at the scripture passages that Pastor Steve is preaching on today and discussing how we can apply them to our lives as Middle and High School students. (Upstairs in the Youth Room) NO High School Youth Group Today (resumes next Sunday, February 22) We are attending the Amnion “Real Ed” luncheon in place of HSYG today. 4 FAMILY MINISTRY: CHILDREN, YOUTH & PARENTS Please grab a copy of our Family Ministry Guide for full details of classes and other opportunities for children, youth and parents. Did you know? The CDC reports that just under 50% of all high school students have engaged in intercourse, but this is down about 8% in the last 20 years, due at least in part to parents having more conversations with their children about sex. Source: Jonathan McKee’s article “Are Teenagers Really Having Less Sex?”: http://www.thesource4ym.com/youthculturewindow/article.aspx?ID=202 TODAY: Luncheon with Amnion and “Real Ed” Presentation Teens hear a lot of conflicting information about romantic relationships and sex, much of it false. Wouldn’t it be nice to get the “Real” scoop on these things? Middle and High School students and parents are invited to a luncheon to hear a presentation on how to make wise choices for healthy relationships. NO Wednesday Youth Fellowship this week, but we will have dinner together as normal and attend the Ash Wednesday service in the Sanctuary at 7pm Mark your calendars for The Philadelphia Project: July 26-31 This is an amazing week to serve folks who live just a handful of miles away geographically, but often miles away experientially. The trip is open to current 8th-12th graders and the cost is usually covered by the various fundraisers we do to prepare for the trip. More details will be coming soon, but for now we just wanted to get on everyone’s radar and hopefully on everyone’s calendars as well! A personal note from Allie & Clay: Allie is visiting her mother in Savannah this weekend with her brother as they commemorate the one-year anniversary of the passing of her father on Sunday. We are grateful for your prayers and support during what has been an emotional year for us, filled with joy at the birth of Carissa (who turns one on Saturday!), coupled with the grief of losing Michael the very next day. We are so thankful to God that we have such a loving church family! Questions? Need Pastoral Support? Children: Terry (P.T.) - tweyant@narberthpres.org, ext. 120 Junior High: Clay - cbrisbois@narberthpres.org, ext. 112 High School: Allie - abrisbois@narberthpres.org, ext. 122 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS Wed Night Dinner: Ash Wednesday Supper: Soup and bread, salad, fruit, dessert. Lent officially begins this week with Ash Wednesday on February 18. We will hold both morning and evening services, at 7:00am and 7:00pm. The 7:00am will be shorter, while the evening service will be a full worship service. This special service of the year provides an opportunity to receive ashes on the forehead as a sign of our humility, repentance, and dependence on God. TODAY: Amnion Luncheon/presentation: Join us on after the 2nd service for a time of empowering and encouraging conversation about healthy life/relationship choices. Designed to provide a framework that empowers young people to think through their own values and morals and make healthy decisions about relationships, the team from Amnion will present to us a slice of RealEd program. This fast-paced and fun presentation, will give students (and adults) the tools to make quality, Christ –centered decisions about their relationships and their lives. Baby bottles are available to be taken home, filled with loose change and returned to NPC by Sunday, February 15, 2015. Donation of disposable diapers, size 3, 4, or 5, and baby wipes will also be collected. All donations may be dropped off in the chapel or church office. Any questions, contact Alice Antonelli at arichardson1@gmail.com The movie, The Drop Box, tells the story of South Korean pastor Lee Jongrak and his heroic efforts to embrace and protect the most vulnerable members of society. It is a heart-wrenching exploration of the physical, emotional and financial toll associated with providing refuge to orphans that would otherwise be abandoned on the streets. But The Drop Box movie is also a story of hope—a reminder that every human life is sacred and worthy of love. http://www.thedropboxfilm.com/church-resources/ 6 ANNOUNCEMENTS All Senior Adults are reminded that this Friday, February 20th, at 11:30am, we will gather here at NPC, and go to The Tavern in Bala Cynwyd for lunch and friendly conversation! There is a sign up in the Chapel, so please let us know (for planning purposes) if you would like to join us! NPC’s Red Cross Blood Drive: Monday, March 23rd 2 to 7 PM in Gym— Sign Up at: www.narberthpres.org Once again, the opportunity will be ours to participate in the annual life-giving experience NPC provides its members and friends in sponsoring a Red Cross blood donor drive on Monday, March 23, 2015, in our Gym. An email was sent to all NPC members and friends offering electronic means to sign up to participate in NPC’s Blood Drive. Please mark it, and if you are willing, sign up soon to get the most convenient time. The great need for donated blood is ever present. Injury victims, those fighting certain types of diseases, and persons undergoing elective surgeries all require blood. Spending an hour of your time donating blood will save lives. Thank you for your outstanding support both now and in the past! Volunteer at Cornerstone Christian Academy to Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day– Friday, February 27th, 9:000 am - 2:30 pm. Sign up for half an hour or more to read Dr. Seuss books with a small group of K-5th grade students in Cornerstone's library! Contact Alaina Dobkowski, adobkowski@cornerstonephiladelphia.com or (215) 724-6858 ext. 233 to participate. Host a Family. Many individuals and families visiting Philadelphia in September 2015 for the World Meeting of Families and the Pope’s visit will travel great distances. Hotel accommodations will be limited so the Philadelphia Archdiocese has invited us to host families in exchange for a nightly fee. Visitors will be directed to search available housing options on Homestay.com. Please refer to http://bit.ly/16YMLaa for more information and watch the Host a Family Program video. This is a chance to be a blessing to others as God has blessed you. On the Web: www.narberthpres.org twitter.com/narberthpres facebook.com/narberthpresbyterian 7 BUILDING DISCIPLES IN THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST Sunday, February 15 8:00am Sunday School, Parlor 9:00am Worship Service 9:30am Sunday School, Parlor 10:30am Sunday School, Parlor 10:45am Worship Service 12:15pm Amnion RealEd Presentation/Luncheon, Gym Monday, February 16 Office closed for Presidents’ Day 6:30pm Bell Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Career Navigators, Steve’s Office 7:00pm Prayer Group, Chapel 7:30pm Men’s Bible Study, Prayer Room Tuesday, February 17 6:30am Men’s small group, meet at Bill Wismer’s house weekly, all welcome 7:00am Men-Sponsored Prayer Breakfast, Ardmore IHOP (every week) 10:00am Women’s study of Romans, Chapel, led by Harriet Segal (weekly) 7:00pm Session Meeting, Parlor Wednesday, February 18 7:00am Ash Wednesday Service with Imposition of Ashes, Sanctuary 5:45pm Wednesday Night Dinner at the Fellowship Café (Gym) Menu for Ash Wednesday: Soup and bread, salad, fruit dessert 6:30pm Children’s classes (up to grade 6) All adults and HS Youth and MS Youth will attend the service. 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Service with Imposition of Ashes, Sanctuary Thursday, February 19 4:00pm Kickball with the Pastor, Gym 7-9:00pm New Testament DISCIPLE Study, Parlor 7:30pm Worship Band Rehearsal Friday, February 20 9:00am Moms’ Bible Study, Parlor 10:00am Women’s Bible Study, Chapel 6:30pm Teen Fun Night 6:30pm Congregational Game Night Saturday, February 21 Sunday, February 22 8:00am Sunday School, Parlor 9:00am Worship Service 9:30am Sunday School, Parlor 10:30am Sunday School, Parlor 10:45am Worship Service 4:00pm HS Youth Group Each Week Christian Nursery School – Jennifer Addy, Director, 610-664-8890 2, 3 & 5 Day Programs 9:00am to 11:30am & 11:30am to 3:30pm Extended Day Program, Sept.-May AA meets 12:30pm, Monday–Friday. Also, Saturday & Sunday at 4:30pm; Location: Choir Room Planning ahead Feb 24 Feb 26 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 3 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 10 Mar 12,26 Mar 17 Mar 20 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 24 8 Information and calendar updates 24/7 at www.narberthpres.org 9:45am Staff Meeting, Parlor 9:30am Quilts for Comfort, Parlor (Extended session) 6:30pm Bell Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Knitting Group, Chapel 7:30pm Deacons’ Meeting, Parlor Wedding Rehearsal 4:00pm Wedding of Rebecca McNeal and Chris Beck 7:00pm Elder Training, Parlor 9:30am Quilts for Comfort, Parlor 7:00pm Session Meeting, Parlor 1:30pm Sr. Video: “A Man Called Norman”, Parlor 2-7pm Red Cross Blood Drive, Gym 9:45am Staff Meeting, Parlor 7:00pm Missions Committee Meeting, Bill Wismer’s House