
October 12, 2014
In preparation for worship, please take time to silence all electronic devices, and quiet our thoughts,
so that we all may focus our hearts and minds on the Lord.
Praise the Lord, Who Reigns Triumphant
Welcome and Concerns of the Church
Call To Worship
Hymn #
All Glory Be To God on High
Mit Freuden Zart
Prayer of Invocation
Tribute to Cream of the Crop
Isabel Lally,
Parish Visitor
Scripture Reading
Psalm 1
Reader: This is the word of the Lord.
All the people: Thanks be to God!
(p. 843)
9:00am Bing Hewlings
10:45am Eleanor Vadala
Prayer of Confession – Unison
Sovereign God, you are the Lord of eternity, and you are Lord of this very
moment. In love you create, call, and command us, and you provide what we need
to respond to you in faithful obedience. Forgive us, for we do not always listen for
your voice. We do not always answer when we hear you call. We do not always
obey when you command, and we do not always trust your provision or your love.
Faithful God, forgive us for our infidelity to you. Merciful God, re-orient us to
faithfulness to you throughout our lives, so that all who meet us, and all who come
after us, might look at our lives and be drawn to you. We pray in the name of Jesus,
who embodies your faithfulness and forgiveness, amen.
Silent Prayer of Confession and Assurance of Pardon
The Greeting
Worship Song
Worship Song
Hymn #523
He Is Exalted
Take My Life
He Is Exalted
Trust And Obey
During the 9:00am service, children up to grade 6 may be dismissed to Children’s Sunday School.
During the 10:45am service, children in K through 6th grades may be dismissed to the gym for Lighthouse
Kids children’s church after the hymn/worship song.
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Brint Nicolai,
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Passing of Friendship Pads
Find Us Faithful
John Deaton, Tenor
Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Scripture Reading
Philippians 2:19-30
One Thing That Never Gets Old
Dr. Deborah Watson,
Assistant to the Pastor
Hymn #651
O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee
Prayer Ministry
9:00am John Kennedy
10:45am John Furlong
The altar flowers today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of
Betty Savage, by her daughter, Barbara Mandes.
NEW 6-week Explorers’ Class will continue next week, Oct 20, 12:15-2:30pm.
Lunch and childcare provided. Our focus will be to consider our relationship with
God and possible membership at NPC.
CDs of today’s sermon are available shortly after the service in the Chapel.
Previous weeks’ sermons are also available
Large print versions of the bulletin and today’s scriptures are available from the
ushers as you come in.
4D Ministries – Hank Paulson
Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Center
Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. – North Ireland
Chosen People Ministries (formerly Messiah Now)
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Corrymeela Community – North Ireland
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) - Darwin
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) - Hall
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) – Brindley
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) - Shenk
Esperanza Health Center
Fellowship International Mission/Jos Seminary - Tushima
Global Mapping International - Todd
Greater Europe Mission- Loeffler
Habitat for Humanity - Camden
Habitat for Humanity – N. Central Philadelphia
House of His Creation
Interserve-USA - Kennedy
Intervarsity – Kathleen Thomas
Intervarsity – Emma Shaw
Kingdom Connect - Duffy
Kirkwood Camp (Presbytery of Philadelphia)
Neighborhood Crusades Inc.
Presby’s Inspired Life
Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International
Presbyterians for Renewal (Wee Kirk)
Presbytery of Philadelphia General Mission
SIM USA - Jewell
The Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota (Standing Rock)
The Philadelphia Project
The Welcome Church – Steinnagel
Timothy Academy
United World Mission (formerly Latin American Mission) Woodbury
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Shannon
Young Life (Western Philadelphia Suburbs)
Bill & Gerri Wismer
Alice Antonelli
Terry Weyant
Bill & Gerri Wismer
Joyce Lewis
Lally / Hartsock
Kathy McLean
Bob Moore
Joe Sun
Corinna Bowser
Greg Esterhai
Joe Sun
Susan Hurst
Helga Sauter
Linda Behmke
Linda Behmke
Melissa Esterhai
Susan Adams
The Barr Family
Meg McKinley
Ken & Sally Kapner
Curt Haring
Helga Sauter
Steve Weed
Scott Todd
Helga Sauter
Susan Adams
Sharon Shallow
Jane Murray
Georgia Ward
Helga Sauter
Carol Heller
Barbara Montgomery
Sunday Morning Schedule:
(See Family Ministry Guide for full details of classes and other opportunities for children, youth
and parents.)
Infants and Toddlers
 9:00am-12:15pm: Nursery provided in the Nursery Room downstairs near
the restrooms, and a separate crying/changing room is directly across
from the bottom of the stairs.
2 Year Olds:
 9:00-10:30am: Hands On Bible, Blue Door Room downstairs.
 10:45am-12:15pm: Spinners! class, Red Door Room downstairs.
3 Years-Kindergarten:
 9:00-10:30am: The Atrium Red Door Room downstairs.
 10:45am-12:15pm: Spinners! class, Red Door Room downstairs.
(Kindergarten students may attend Lighthouse Kids, see below)
Grades 1-3:
These children attend the first part of the worship service with parents and are
dismissed half-way through to attend:
 9:30-10:30am: Rotation Sunday School, Brown Door Room downstairs.
 10:45am-12:15pm: Lighthouse Kids, downstairs in the Gym.
Grades 4-6:
These children attend the first part of the worship service with parents and are
dismissed half-way through to attend:
 9:30-10:30am: F.B.I. (Faith Builders Inc.), Choir Room upstairs.
 10:45am-12:15pm: Lighthouse Kids, downstairs in the Gym.
Grades 7-12:
 9:30-10:30am: Youth Sunday School, Youth Room upstairs.
We are going through financial guru Dave’ Ramsey’s Generation Change.
Today’s topic is: “Do the Details” – What is the one thing you can do
every month to take control of your money? Did you know that your
money has a name other than “Benjamin”?
Sunday Afternoons:
High School Youth Group (Grades 9-12)
Get together with your peers to eat, play, laugh and look into the Bible for what
God says about life. This year we are going through the Gospel of Luke and seeing
both what God has done for us and how He calls us to respond.
4:00-6:00pm in the Youth Room
Did you know? Children need a lot of sleep. In her book Toxic Childhood, Sue
Palmer recommends the following amounts of sleep for children:
 Babies, 3-11 months: 14 to 15 hours
 Toddlers, 12 to 35 months: 12 to 14 hours
 Younger Children, 3 to 6 years old: 11-13 hours
 Older Children, 7 to 11 years old: 10 to 11 hours
The Parenting Teenagers Course: Sundays from 4:15-5:45pm
Today’s Topic: Effective Communication. Join a group of other parents for
fellowship and practical tools for survival during this challenging season of
parenthood. Sample parent guide in the Chapel.
Friday, October 17: Teen Fun Night (6:30-9:00pm)
On the third Friday of each month Middle and High School students from our
church and community are invited to gather in the Gym for a fun night of
games, music and more. At 8pm we’ll head over to Village Treats for ice
cream and to hang out.
Friday, October 31: Trunk or Treat (6:00-8:00pm)
Each year on Halloween our church provides a safe and fun experience for the
children of our church and community by decorating the trunks of our cars in
the church parking lot and filling them with candy! We also have a variety of
indoor games and a gospel message from Pastor T.
Sr. High Reality Conference: November 7-9
Registration now open! Enjoy a weekend away with your Youth Group
friends and leaders as you meet other teenagers and grow together through
worship, fellowship, fun and prayer. Register online and use code
EARLYBIRD for a $25 discount: http://bit.ly/1tjZCYE
Friday, November 7: Parents’ Night Out (6:30-9:00pm)
On the first Friday of each month your kids enjoy a night of food, fun, and
frolic while you and your spouse can enjoy a night on the town! We’ll serve
them a meal, play games and watch a kid-friendly movie.
Questions? Need Pastoral Support?
Terry (P.T.) - tweyant@narberthpres.org, ext. 120
Junior High: Clay - cbrisbois@narberthpres.org, ext. 112
High School: Allie - abrisbois@narberthpres.org, ext. 122
 YOUNG LIFE BANQUET: Please join us for the annual area
fundraising banquet for Young Life in the Western Philadelphia Suburbs. It
will be held on October 14th, 6:45pm at the Merion Golf Club's new
Pavilion. This is a great way to hear all the good work this ministry is doing in
the local high schools. Please contact Greg & Tricia Hein if you are interested
in attending at trmm1211@msn.com or call us at 610-642-4437
 The staff of InterserveUSA invites you to join with them for a special
evening dessert and program in celebration of their 50th Anniversary. The
event will be held on Tuesday, October 14 from 7-9pm at: The Conference
Center at Valley Forge, (formerly The National Christian Conference Center),
1485 Valley Forge Road, Phoenixville PA 19460. There will be special
presentations by field Partners and Rev. Carroll Wynne of Tenth Presbyterian
Church. For more information or to let us know you will be attending, please
contact Joan Krayer 267-408-8540,
 The Orphan Care Ministry is participating in the Orphan Day 5K (Run or
Walk) on Oct 25 at 9am at Ridley Creek State Park. This 5K is sponsored by
Compassion Corps and the goal is to raise awareness and funding for school
scholarships for orphan children in Liberia and Uganda. Learn more and
register at www.OrphanDay5K.com. Contact Valerie Foley
(valerie@vfoley.com) or Jessica Gaffga (jessicagaffga@yahoo.com) with any
questions. All are welcome!
 Amnion Crisis Pregnancy Fall Banquet: Abby Johnson, a former Planned
Parenthood Clinic Director, speaker and author of “Unplanned,” will be
speaking at the Amnion Banquet this fall. Abby Johnson has a heart for
helping women in need, which led her to a career with Planned Parenthood.
After eight years she chose to leave that organization and become an advocate
for the pro-life movement. Come hear her story at the Amnion Fall Banquet,
which will be held on Friday November 7. Please contact Alice Antonelli
(203.233.8133) if you would like to attend or if you would like more
 Career Navigators Group: Mondays at 7:00pm
The purpose of the Career Navigators Group (CNG) at Narberth Presbyterian
is to bring the love of Jesus Christ and caring support to people who are facing
the challenges of job transition and career change. Everyone is welcome to
attend CNG meetings, which are held weekly on Mondays from 7-9pm, in
Steve’s Office, facilitated by Chris Mengel.
 A NEW 6-week Explorers’ Class started last week. The class continues next
week, October 20th, 12:15-2:30pm. Lunch and childcare provided. Our focus
will be to consider our relationship with God and possible membership at
 Come visit the Resource Center Book Cart in the Chapel for music CDs,
DVDs, Children’s books, and various selections for everyone! Just sign out
whatever you wish and return it to the same spot when done. Thanks!
 Bethany and Roman are getting married today at 4:00pm! They have
opted to have a small wedding on the beach in the Outer Banks. To celebrate
with loved ones near Philadelphia and everyone at NPC, they invite you all to
attend an afternoon tea reception in the Parlor on October 25th, 2:004:30pm.
 Welcome Bags are now available at the Welcome Table in our narthex
following both services each Sunday morning. The Welcome Bags hold
information about NPC, a cd of one of Pastor Steve's sermons, and some small
welcome gifts. Please encourage all new people to stop by the Welcome Table
to receive their bag. Visitors can also ask the knowledgeable people staffing the
table questions about NPC that they might have. Thank you to the Greeting
Ministry for offering this service to our visitors!
 Thank you for your generous giving! If you have NPC envelopes, we
encourage you to use them, and in any case to please note the number on your
check. It is a great help to our volunteer counters.
 All Sr. Adults are invited to a slide show of Diane Chen’s trip to Hong Kong
and Tai Pei this past August. Bring a friend and join us on Friday, October
24th at 1:30pm in the Parlor. Refreshments to follow.
 TRUNK OR TREAT! Friday, October 31, from 6-8pm
Trunk or Treat is an alternative to Halloween, a festive time for families to
come and enjoy a meal together, play carnival games, create crafts, and hear a
kid-friendly gospel message and visit the cars in the parking lot for goodies!
We have 20 parking spots to fill. If last year is any indication of participation
level, you should sign up really early! Also, don’t forget to invite your families,
friends and neighbors to this super event which is open to kids of all ages-even
Pastor Steve!
 10/15 Wednesday Night Supper menu: “Italian Night”: Cheese Tortellini,
spaghetti with pesto sauce, bread, salad, fruit, dessert.
On the Web:
Sunday, October 12
8:00am Sunday School, Parlor
9:00am Worship Service
9:30am Sunday School, Parlor
10:30am Sunday School, Parlor
10:45am Worship Service
(No Explorers Class Today)
12:00pm Cream of the Crop Luncheon,
4:00-6:00pm HS Youth Group, Youth Room
4:15-5:45pm Parenting Teens Course, Parlor
Monday, October 13
7:00pm Career Navigators, Steve’s office
7:00pm Men’s Discipleship Group (New),
Resource Rom
7:00pm Prayer Group, Chapel
7:30pm Men’s Bible Study, Prayer Room
Tuesday, October 14
6:30am Men’s small group, meet at Bill
Wismer’s house weekly; all welcome
7:00am Men-Sponsored Prayer Breakfast,
Ardmore IHOP (every week)
10-11:30am Women’s Study of Romans, Parlor,
led by Harriet Segal
Thursday, October 16
4:00pm Kickball with the Pastor
7:00pm Apologetics 101: Knowing What You
Believe, Parlor
7:30pm Worship Band Rehearsal
Friday, October 17
10:00am Women’s Bible Study, Chapel (weekly)
6:30-9:00pm Marriage Course, Chapel
(weekly to 11/21)
6:30-9:00pm Friday Teen Fun Night
6:30-9:00pm Congregational Game Night,
Saturday, October 18
Sunday, October 19
8:00am Sunday School, Parlor
9:00am Worship Service
9:30am Sunday School, Parlor
10:30am Sunday School, Parlor
10:45am Worship Service
12:15pm Explorers’ Class, Parlor (Lunch and
childcare provided)
4:00-6:00pm HS Youth Group, Youth Room
4:15-5:45pm Parenting Teens Course, Parlor
Wednesday, October 15
5:45pm Wednesday Night Dinner at the
Fellowship Café (Gym)
6:30pm Children’s’ classes
7:00-8:00pm Adult Classes: Chapel,
Resource Room (Childcare provided)
7-9pm DivorceCare, meets at Gee’s house,
(6 Hampton Ave. Narberth)
Each Week
Christian Nursery School – Jennifer Addy, Director, 610-664-8890
2, 3 & 5 Day Programs 9:00am to 11:30am & 11:30am to 3:30pm Extended Day Program, Sept.-May
AA meets 12:30pm, Monday–Friday. Also, Saturday & Sunday at 4:30pm; Location: Choir Room
Planning ahead
Oct 20
Oct 23
Oct 23
Oct 24
Oct 24
Oct 25
Information and calendar updates 24/7 at www.narberthpres.org
6:30pm Bell Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Quilts for Comfort, Parlor
7:00pm Communications Team Meeting, Youth Lounge
9:00am Moms’ Bible Study Group, Parlor
1:30pm Sr Slide Show of Diane Chen’s trip to Tai Pei & Hong Kong, Parlor
2:00-4:30pm Bethany Weed and Roman Salcic wedding reception, Parlor
Oct 31
Nov 2
Nov 23
Nov 26
Nov 27-28
6:00-8:00pm Trunk-or-Treat, Gym, Parking lot
12:15pm Congregational Meeting to elect new elders/deacons, Sanctuary
12:00pm Gifts of Hope Gallery, Gym
7:00pm Thanksgiving Eve Service, Sanctuary
Office closed for Thanksgiving holiday