Apply now - Somalia Stability Fund


Apply now - Somalia Stability Fund
Region: Somalia – South Galkayo, Mudug
Estimated budget: Up to $ 300, 000
Deadline: March 5th, 2015 (Midnight EAT)
Investment Name: Bridging the Gap – Youth engagement in nation-building
Investment ID Number: 15-G.2
The Somalia Stability Fund is a multi-donor fund supporting peace and stability in Somalia. 1 It is
designed to strengthen local stability, improve the co-ordination of international support and
enhance its delivery. The Fund’s objectives are to:
1. Support representative and responsive local governance; and
2. Support the resolution and mitigation of conflicts.
The peace and statebuilding goals (PSGs) of the Federal Government of Somalia, as expressed in
the Somali Compact, place significant emphasis on the need to support youth engagement in
the rebuilding of Somalia.
 PSG 1: Inclusive Politics identifies the need to engage youth in the political process of
establishing a stable and peaceful federal Somalia.
 PSG 3: Security prioritizes the support of disengaged combatants, many of whom are youths.
 PSG 4: Economic Foundations identifies youth employment generation as a major priority.
It is widely acknowledged that the youth of Somalia must play an active role in rebuilding the
country to foster a peaceful and prosperous future. The Stability Fund supports strengthening
youth engagement in Somalia’s political, economic and social life.
The Stability Fund is seeking a Somali-owned and managed, and Somalia-based implementing
partner (or partners in consortium) to develop and implement an initiative over 12 to 18 month
period that will promote youth participation in future economic growth and peace building in
South Galkayo, and in Somalia in general.
The programme will comprise three key components:
 Creation of a youth resource centre;
 Provision of business development and financial literacy services;
 Initiatives to create links and cohesion among the various youth groups in South Galkayo.
The total budget for the investment will be determined through the proposal evaluation
process, but applicants should be aware that the Stability Fund’s financial contribution will be
subject to an upper limit of US$ 300,000.
Applicants are not expected to submit detailed programme designs and budgets at this stage.
We are interested in finding a suitably qualified partner with whom we can work closely to
design an innovative programme that strikes an appropriate balance between a robust and
progressive youth programme, whilst ensuring relevance to the specific circumstances of the
youth in South Galkayo. The programme must be tailored to the local context and designed to
deliver tangible results despite the challenges.
The Stability Fund is funded by Denmark, the E.U., Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UAE and the UK.
At this stage we are particularly interested in:
 Your experience of implementing youth programmes and/or related social enterprise
initiatives in South Galkayo and in Somalia, and understanding of lessons learnt from youth
 Your creative, innovative ideas for approaching youth issues which are tailored to the South
Galkayo context;
 Your initial assessment of the main risks that might affect implementation of the youth
programme in South Galkayo and suggestions on how these risks might be mitigated;
 Your vision for the sustainability for the various components of the youth programme. This
should include how you intend to involve relevant stakeholders (i.e. government, community
leadership, partners, universities, businesses, etc.) in the planning, design and
implementation of the programme; and,
 Your knowledge of implemented (and ongoing) youth-focused programmes and how you
might link this programme to other ongoing programmes.
Annex I provides more details of our requirements in relation to the application documents.
Applicants must abide by these format and content requirements and must abide strictly to the
specified word count limits.
All partners must abide by the Stability Fund’s investment objectives and principles. The Stability
Fund encourages applicants to visit for more information.
Applicants should note that detailed programme designs and budgets should not be
submitted at this stage. Applicants must abide by the format and content requirements
(including word count limits) set out in Annex I.
An independent evaluation panel, including Stability Fund staff and external experts, will
score concept notes solely based on the below criteria. Only shortlisted applicants will be
Evaluation criteria
Submission of
Concept Notes
Call for
9 - 20
Due Diligence
& Contracting
PLEASE NOTE: The Stability Fund reserves the right to alter this timeline as deemed
necessary and at its sole discretion, except that the deadline for Submission of
Concept Notes is fixed at midnight (EAT) on March 5th, 2015.
Concept Notes must be submitted by March 5th, 2015 via our website or via e-mail to: No exceptions will
be made for late entries. Please note, only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Applicants are encouraged to consult our website for more general background information
regarding the Stability Fund. If you have any questions regarding the evaluation and
contracting process, please contact us at:
Introduction (200 words)
A short introductory statement giving any context that you feel is particularly important to
bring to the attention of the Stability Fund related to your organisation’s suitability as its
partner in designing and implementing the youth programme in South Galkayo.
Operations: Proven ability to manage the project, operate effectively (500 Words)
Confirm explicitly that you have a solid, evidenced basis for believing that you will be able
to operate (and are currently or have been previously based) in South Galkayo and you
are not aware of any issues specific to your organization that might hamper your ability to
operate there.
Provide an analysis of the main risks to effective implementation of a youth programme in
South Galkayo along with suggested approaches for risk mitigation. In the interests of
brevity and clarity, we recommend providing this information in a tabular format,
distinguishing between different categories of risk. Please ensure your analysis includes
financial risks and how you propose to manage them in order to deliver value for money.
Give details of any existing relationships that your organisation or team has with local
stakeholders (including beneficiaries, government officials, political actors, community
groups, private businesses, etc.) that you believe may be valuable in enhancing the design
and implementation of the programme.
Creativity and innovation: Credible approaches to youth programming contextualized to
South Galkayo (1,000 Words)
Summarize your current understanding of youth programming in relation to your
experience, the local context and youth focused programs that are being implemented or
have been implemented in South Galkayo in the past.
Describe your proposed initiative (in accordance with the key programme components
identified above) and clarify how it will support youth engagement in economic growth,
enhancing youth cohesion and peace building.
Clearly indicate how you would measure the success of the initiative, based on realistic,
objective and independently verifiable indicators. Discuss in brief how you would work
with relevant stakeholders (i.e. universities, businesses, government, community leaders,
existing youth groups, etc.) in the design, implementation and oversight of this initiative.
Extent of impact in South Galkayo (600 Words)
Explain how the youth programme will benefit the locals in South Galkayo, summarizing
which sets of youth and in which localities within South Galkayo the direct beneficiaries
they are to be expected from.
Further describe, your organization’s previous working experience (albeit successfully)
with youth and communities in South Galkayo and how it positively impacts your
credibility in working with them.
Briefly explain how your initiative will impact South Galkayo in general, and how, in
particular, it will bring about positive changes for young people, and how this can
culminate in a better appreciation throughout society of their importance in the
process of building a better future for all Somalis
Sustainability Plans and Vision (500 Words)
Explain the plans you will put in place to sustain this initiative and ensure key activities
identified under the youth programme are self-sufficient. What steps and/or measures have
you put in place for this purpose? How do you expect to attain these measures?
Contact information
Provide the name, position and full contact details of your chief executive, or a
designate who is authorised to make funding requests.