Weekly Notice Sheet - Altrincham Methodist Church


Weekly Notice Sheet - Altrincham Methodist Church
Ministry Team
Rev Kevin Johnson: 0161 928 2429
Rev Ros Watson: 07923 044709
Rachel Foster: 07736 276861
Jackie Davies: 07754 275075
Altrincham Office: amc.office@btconnect.com 0161 928 0022
Bowdon Vale: bowdonmethodist@gmail.com
Handsworth: home.bow@mha.org.uk
Timperley Office: admin@timperleymethodist.org.uk 0161 903 8188
The Vine (Hale): bookingthevine@gmail.com
Sunday 15 February 2015
A Prayer you may like to use as you prepare for worship
Heavenly Father, we praise you for your greatness and Your love for all Your people everywhere. We thank you that Your
love is given unconditionally and that we don’t have to earn it. Help us to understand what it means to be kept and loved
by you, so that we may learn to trust you for all things and praise you each day of our lives.
Please remember in your prayers
our elderly and housebound’
Irene Whittaker
Vera Pinder
June Jones
Mavis Turner
‘also remember
Sunday’s Collection last week
Altrincham £1117.53
Bowdon Vale (3 weeks ) £375.16
Edith Berry
Eunice Evans
Margaret Ledger (now back home)
Connie Williams
Sunday 15 February
Circuit Bible Teaching Series
at Altrincham 6.30pm
Morning Service with Holy
Communion 10.30am
Led by Rev Kevin Johnson
Morning Service 10.45am
Led by Rev Ros Watson
Morning Service 10.30am
Led by Rob Bee
Morning Service 10.30am
Led by Kevin Jaquiss, Charlotte
Clowes & Joy Walton
Thursday 19 February 6.00pm
Led by Rev Catherine Preece
Sunday 22 February
Circuit Engage Service at
Altrincham 6.30pm
Morning Service 10.30am
Led by Rev Kevin Johnson
Morning Service 10.45am
Led by Nick Harding
Morning Service 10.30am
Led by the Worship Team
Morning Service 10.30am
Led by Rob Bee
Thursday 19 February 11.00am
Led by Rev Jim Bridgman
Church Office in Altrincham, Bowdon Vale, Timperley & The Vine (Hale)
Altrincham (A) 928 0022 amc.office@btconnect.com
Timperley (T) 903 8188 admin@timperleymethodist.org.uk
Monday 10.00am – 12.00noon (T) & 9.00am – 12.00noon (A)
Tuesday 9.00am – 12.00noon (A)
Wednesday 10.00am – 12.00 noon (T)
Thursday 11.00am – 3.00pm
Friday 10.00am – 12.00noon (T) & 12.00noon – 2.00pm (A)
If you would like anything included in the notice sheet
please send or email to either office by Thursday (1pm) of
each week. If you would like to receive a copy of notice
sheet via email please send your email address to
Please note the Admin Team will working reduced hour’s
week of 16 February due to holidays. Please leave us a
message and we will get back to you on Friday
20 February.
Websites: http://www.altrincham-methodist.org.uk/
The Vine Monday 16 February
12.30 pm Luncheon Club
2.15 pm Monday Fellowship
The Vine (Hale Methodist) Church Council Meeting
Sunday 1 March – within morning service
To raise funds for her Love Russia trip in Summer 2015, Alison
Smart (Altrincham) has been making scarves. They are colourful
and light and in many different tones and colours. If you would
like to see them for yourself please ask - available every week at
Altrincham Methodist Church or call Alison 929 9329
1st Timperley Girls' Brigade.
Our company will be collecting the Sainsbury Active
Kids Vouchers, from 28th January to 5th May. The
collection box for these vouchers will placed in
Cornerstone (at Timperley). We would be grateful of
your support.
Many thanks. Officers, Leaders and Girls.
Lent 2015
Timperley Churches Together are again holding Lent Lunches at
Timperley Methodist Church to discuss the York Course "Praise
Him" songs of praise in the New Testament.
CTinH Lent 2015
You are invited to an ecumenical discussion group –
which runs through Lent and uses the York Course
Praise Him.
These are all at 12.30pm on five Fridays during Lent and
commence on 20th February. Each will be led by one of the
clergy from Timperley and after a light lunch will be followed by
discussion of the week's theme. Donations for the lunch this year
will go to Christian Aid Ebola Crisis Fund. In addition there will
be three united Sunday evening services related to the York
course. These will be :22nd February at Altrincham United Reformed Church at
1st March at Christ Church
8th March at Timperley Congregational Church.
All services start at 6.30pm.
Monday morning sessions begin on February 23rd at
10.15 am at Peter House. Those on Wednesday
evenings (8.00pm) take place in participants’ homes
from February 25th.
Bowdon House Group
Our next meeting is on Thursday 26th February, 7.30pm at Jan &
Bob Stewarts', 27 New Forest Road, Brooklands. (Our next Coffee
Bar duty is on Sunday February 22nd.)
If you have a Mission Box, please would you hand it to
me to be counted? I will then replace it with a more
modern, up to date one. Thank you!
Catherine Merrell (Altrincham)
Margaret Plumb, a member at Bowdon Vale recently passed
away, her funeral arrangements are as follows
Tuesday Feb 17th
Committal at Altrincham Crematorium at 10:20.
Followed by a Thanksgiving Service at Bowdon Vale at 11:00.
Rev Wesley Loane will be leading the funeral.
Jumble Sale At Timperley Methodist Church
Saturday March 7th 11am - 1pm
Please speak to Margaret Ledger Tel: 980 8340 by
February 8th so that booklets (£5.00) can be ordered.
The Link are holding a Jumble Sale.
Any Jumble may be left in the Colonnade (at
Timperley) on Friday night, March 6th or Saturday
morning, 9am till 10am.
Please contact Joyce Hiett 928 0619 as she is willing to
pick up jumble.
The KNITTING CIRCLE meet every Wednesday at 1.30pm at Timperley Methodist. Last week they welcomed a
guest – Eddie Fazackerley - who brought along a suitcase! Eddie came to collect 50 baby vests – all knitted by
members of the group – to pack into the suitcases that he took with him when he flew out with a group of
volunteers from Altrincham on 9th February to UGANDA. He took the opportunity to talk to the ladies about his
reaction to the conditions he found last year - his first visit - which spurred him on to sign up for a second trip!
New members are always welcome to join the KNITTING CIRCLE as they knit, sew, crochet or just natter!!
Messy Church at Timperley
On Monday 16th February
11am to 1pm, we are going to
hold our second Messy Church.
This is aimed at 3 - 11 year olds
and their families, where they
will enjoy crafts, a story and a
light lunch. Helpers are still
needed, especially with preparing sandwiches for lunch. Any
offers or queries, please ring Jacky - 07714260053.
Sainsbury's Vouchers for Schools.
If you are not collecting the vouchers for your own
family please accept the vouchers and put them on
the notice board at Altrincham Methodist Church.
They will be donated to Brentwood Special School,
Timperley. Thank you.
Helen Lamerton.
Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
The drama group at Timperley are planning a performance of Joseph on the afternoon of
Sunday 10th May. We are hoping to welcome children from Altrincham, Bowdon Vale, The Vine
& Timperley to join us and to take the main parts. Also, it is going to be a sing-a-long event, so
we intend the chorus to be mostly adults, who would like to join us. Rehearsals are on
Thursdays from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. (If you cannot commit to practices, then we will be
encouraging audience participation on the day.)
If you are tempted, please turn up to any rehearsal. If you have any queries, speak to Jacky at
Timperley - 07714260053 or Liz Harwood at Altrincham - 07939931017. We would love you
to join us!
Altrincham Christians Together Lent Course
St Alban’s Church of England, Broadheath
Tuesday evenings at 8pm, starting on 24th February for 5 weeks.
Friday afternoons at 2pm, starting on 27th February for 5 weeks
Contact Helen Scarisbrick 0161 928 4820
Altrincham Baptist Church
Tuesday afternoons at 2pm starting on 24 February for 5 weeks
At The Hub, Pownall Road, Altrincham (Café will be open beforehand)
Contact Mike or Liz Partridge at The Hub 0161 941 2018
All three courses will use the York Courses material ‘PRAISE HIM’ in which each week is a self-contained unit.