Scoutlook Apr15 - Altrincham & District Scouts


Scoutlook Apr15 - Altrincham & District Scouts
Altrincham & District Scout Council
April 2015
Web Site:
From the District Chairman:
St George’s Day Parade. The instructions for this year’s
parade will be distributed with this issue of Scoutlook. The
parade will be held on Sunday 26th April at St Mary’s
Church Bowdon, assembling in the car park of the Jubilee
Rooms just off St Mary’s Road at 2-30pm. The parade
normally finishes by 4-15pm, parents are very welcome to
I would encourage all sections of all groups to support
this event as it is now the only time the District meet
together as one Scouting Family. This is also the
occasion that the District has an opportunity to recognise
the service that has been given by individuals and
present them with an award.
The new badge scheme. I have included with this issue
of Scoutlook the transition arrangements Maria has
received from the current badge scheme to the new
badge scheme. Since we have received the information
the transition period has been extended to October 15 th.
Members starting in January should complete the
appropriate Chief Scout’s Award under the new scheme.
Anyone currently part way through the scheme should
complete the appropriate Chief Scout’s Award under the
old scheme. Anyone on the old scheme who fails to
complete the appropriate Chief Scout’s Award by October
15th should transfer to the new scheme using the
transition arrangements. Any leader experiencing
problems should contact their appropriate Assistant
District Commissioner in the first instance.
The District is currently holding stocks of badges for the
old scheme which will be scrapped after October 15th to a
value of £1000. Maria will try to minimise the write off of
old stock whilst meeting leaders needs to have the
badges for both schemes. Please be patient. We are
advised the old badges will be available up to and slightly
beyond October 15th.
Leases Three groups are currently at various stages of
renegotiating their leases; !st Timperley, 2nd Timperley,
and 1st Hale Barns. The District is currently directly
involved with the negotiations for 2nd Timperley. It is most
important that the remaining groups keep the District
Secretary informed and up to date. All groups will have to
register their new lease with the Land registry, at a cost of
approximately £750. Their legal costs should be
budgeted at £2000. The District Solicitor may need to be
Scoutlook April 2015
Be aware that some negotiating landlords have
insisted on being provided with a copy of their AGM
minutes and reports which must include a full set of
audited accounts.
Failure to be able to provide the above is not only
contrary to POR, but may affect their relationship with the
charity commission and their ability to gain council tax
Sponsoring Authorities There are several groups who
are sponsored by either a church or a school. I have been
approached by more that one sponsoring authority who
feel that the interest and involvement in the recruitment
and approval of new adults to take on a leadership role
has not been taking place. I have to agree as Chairman
of the appointments sub committee it is a long time since
the signature appeared on the warrant application form. I
have explained that the new application procedure
whether using forms or directly using the electronic
system does not give a sponsoring authority the option to
signify their approval. One of the reasons is to enable the
CRB/DSB clearance to be completed at the earliest
opportunity to ensure good safeguarding. I would
recommend those groups keep their sponsoring
authorities informed of any new leaders by forwarding to
them the details of new adults. This would then give
church committees or governing bodies of schools the
opportunity to approve the adults. It would also give
sponsoring authorities the chance to be involved in the
recruitment process and sustained growth of groups.
Hugh Davies - District Chairman
From your DC:
St Georges Day
As detailed in last month’s Scoutlook PLEASE could
you let me have names of all achievers of the following
awards:- Chief Scout Award – Bronze (Beavers), Silver
(Cubs), Gold (Scouts), Platinum or Diamond
(Explorers / Scout Network), Duke of Edinburgh
(Bronze / Silver / Gold), Explorer Belt Award or ’The
Queen’s Scout Award before St Georges day which is
26th April 2015. Those eligible are the young achievers
who will have earned their award between 31st March
2014 and 1st April 2015. So far I have received only
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2 sets of information. Don’t let your young people miss
out on this opportunity to be recognized for their
few difficult months with Compass.
Polish Visit
Email re Community Space at Tesco Altrincham:
My thanks to all those Leaders who helped out on the
recent visit of our Partners in Scouting from Poland.
Everyone else missed a great opportunity to hear
firsthand Scouting opportunities with them and hear
about the facilities they have in their District and
“Drop in Poland 2016”. This is a chance to visit Poland
with Explorers/Network from Altrincham.
Hello Everyone,
My name is Charlene Lysaght, I am the Community
Champion at Tesco Extra in Altrincham. In October of
2014 we opened our Community Space instore, for local
community groups to use free of charge.
Cub Leaders
Please read the recent emails from Anthony Roberts
If you think of any group or person that might be able to
make use of the space please contact myself of my
colleague Hannah Collier on 07724682755.
about the 2nd and 3rd May at Cub Warren. A fantastic
way for Cubs to learn basic Scouting skills.
News from the Sections:
Simon Gould
Sylvia Cornish.
At the moment we have groups like tiny talk which is baby
signing class, pilates, yoga and Arts and crafts groups
and lots more.
3rd Timperley Beavers
Orienteering Sun 22nd March 2015
County Information:
We have not received the County Buzz_e Newsletter this
month. However, GMW County are calling for Adult
volunteers to help on their campsites. A flyer giving more
information is attached to this issue of Scoutlook.
District and Group Information and News:
Disclosure & Barring Service (CRB) Five Year
3rd Timperley beavers went orienteering in Wythenshawe
park. It was our first time orienteering with the Beavers
and they loved it. It was a lovely sunny day. The Beavers
arrived and were given a quick pep talk on what
orienteering was ie using compass and map skills (they
had been learning these over the past two weeks in their
meeting in preparation for this) to find different posts. The
Beavers were split into three team’s two leaders had
teams and a parent helpers team.
In Team one, One Beaver lost a shoe in a sticky mud
puddle, Beavers love puddles,
they seems to have time for
lots of breaks from the photos
in team one.
The plans put in place to process DBS checks while
Compass is offline are now working well. I have been
sent a list of those leaders and committee members in
Altrincham District who need a renewal check, and this
list is updated weekly as more renewals are needed.
I have notified all Groups with someone requiring a
renewal, but at the time of writing there are still 14
outstanding. Please will you complete the Disclosure
Applications as soon as possible ( –
members – disclosures – disclosure application).
Leaders should have received log-in details so that they
can access the Atlantic Data (Disclosure) system – if you
require them to be resent please contact or call 0208498 5494.
The Groups with outstanding renewals at present are 3 rd
Timperley, lst West Timperley, 1st Hale Barns, 3rd
Altrincham, lst Timperley, 4th Hale, 1st Broadheath and 4th
I would be very happy to help any Group where there is a
problem completing a renewal, so please contact me on
980 2140 or
In team two, three Beavers
took good compass bearings
and an extra Beaver helper.
Most were interested in
looking at the map when
looking for the next marker so
they knew which direction to
head off in.
Team three, everyone had a
go at map reading some seems to like using the map
more than others. Not much compass work but they all
seems to know their compass points and the general
direction to head in.
Fun was had by all and team two were our winners with
30 posts found. Team three had 21 posts and team one
had 20 posts.
Dee Hazell - BSL
Thank you very much for all your patience during the last
Scoutlook April 2015
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Dates for your diary:
Easter Egg Decorating
St Peters
Friday 27th March 6.00 - 7.15
Cubs Scientist Badge.
I have been in touch with Loreto School, but they are
finding it difficult to do this badge for us at the moment.
St Georges Day Parade
Sunday 26 April
Freda Clarke
Fun Day Japan 3rd Alt/St Peters
Saturday 20 June – Sunday 21 June
Day of Excellence
Dunham Bronze
Friday 23 October
Cubs Chess
At the end of the fifth session for the season of inter pack
chess, two teams were neck and neck: 1st Timperley and
3rd Altrincham. There was everything to play for.
Unfortunately the last session at the beginning of
February clashed with a visiting speaker at 1st Timperley,
so none of their players turned up to play. The 3 rd
Altrincham team were able to stamp their authority on the
matches. They were proud to win the wolf cub trophy
away from the previous winners, and constant rivals, 1st
Timperley. The winner of the Most Improved Player this
season was Dominic Gibson and the player with the
highest aggregate score was Daniel Mitchell. Well done.
Saturday 11th July
St Peters
Panto Snow White
Garrick 1.30
Saturday 19th December
The Potters Barn
Contact details
During the six sessions all of the cubs who came along
seemed to have progressed with their chess. Obviously
not all of them could win every time, but they all had a go
at playing and received some excellent tips from Richard
White on openings and end games.
Contact: Stephen Marr
Telephone: 01270 884080
Fax: 08717 143898
We would like to thank Richard for adjudicating and
teaching and John Nattrass for adjudicating and
managing the administration of the sessions. We’d also
like to thank the cub leaders who have encouraged the
cubs to take part. After all, chess is a game for life and is
played all over the world. We look forward to another
season of six sessions of cubs chess starting at the end
of September.
Andy Haines
Workshop Coordinator
07429 826 053
Dylan Hicks
Cubs Chess Inter-District Tournament
Dylan's Reptile Time
07951 042247
Just mention my name and that I am in Hale and they will
know who you are talking about
Forty cubs convened on 14th March for the fourth annual
Inter District competition. Excitement levels were high
with cubs from Altrincham, Ellesmere, Urmston and
Swinton and Pendelbury Districts playing six matches
over the course of the afternoon. Altrincham fielded a
strong team of 10 players with representatives from 3 rd
Altrincham, 1st Timperley, 8th Altrincham and 3rd
YOGA ????
Brookside Garden Centre
County Cooking Competition.
Our 2 packs 3rd Timperley and 6th Altrincham took part in it
but unfortunately were beaten by a pack from Swinton
and Pendlebury. However they did Altrincham proud and
produced some delicious pancakes. Well done Cubs and
many thanks to their leaders.
Camping Skills for Cubs.
Please get your numbers to Simon Gould as soon as you
can as places are limited.
Scoutlook April 2015
The intrepid match managers, Norman Jones and his son
Tim, numbered the cubs, grouped them into teams of
four, adjudicated, planned their next opponents and kept
detailed records. 5th Urmston scout hut proved an
excellent venue with a big room for the matches upstairs,
a play area with drinks and snacks downstairs and
access to a field to the side. Players who had finished
playing could go downstairs and into the fresh air.
Although tensions were sometimes high, good humour
and good manners prevailed. We were delighted when
we learned that two Altrincham teams of four had won
second and third places with Urmston at the top. Many
congratulations to all who took part.
Lucy Nattrass (ADC Development)
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Scouts, Explorers and Network:
No Specific Information this month
Leader Training:
Following some discussions at County the delivery of
training by the County is being amended. With immediate
effect the day courses of Getting Programmed (initial
training) and Getting Further are being stopped. These
will be replaced by a weekend course running Friday to
Sunday covering these modules. At the same time
Safeguarding training will also be delivered. The weekend
course will run 3 times a year with one in June,
September and February/March.
At the same time as the courses in June and September
the Nights away weekend will be run, however you can
not attend nights away and leader training on the same
weekend. Alongside the February/March course the
Getting in the Lead (modules for managers) will be run as
There are no changes to the delivery of First Response in
the county, and the deadline of 2 weeks before the course
for getting applications in.
Safeguarding - the County now has some people trained
to deliver this and Safeguarding will be delivered on the
weekend course and at locally arranged District events.
The first 2 weekends have been announced and are:
1. Friday 26th June to Sunday 28th June 2015
2. Friday 18th September to Sunday 20th September
These will be on the County website shortly.
A key to determining if attendance at the weekend will be
discussions with your Training Advisor and your Personal
Learning Plan.
If you do not have a personal learning plan or do not
know who your training advisor is please contact myself.
Scoutlook April 2015
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District Diary
County Day of Excellence
Sat 11th July
Dunham Scout Camp
Back to Basics (Tentative)
2-3 May
Cub Warren
County Day of Excellence
Sat 11th July
Dunham Scout Camp
Cub Centenary Year
trip to Gulliver's World
12th or 19th March 2016
Cub Centenary Camp
1st w/e July 2016 (tentative)
Lord Derby Competition 9.30am Saturday 11th April
Dunham Camp Site
Camping and Backwoods
Cooking Competition 15/17 May
Bispham Hall Camp Site
County Day of Excellence
Sat 11th July
Dunham Scout Camp
County Day of Excellence
Sat 11th July
Dunham Scout Camp
County Day of Excellence
Sat 11th July
Dunham Scout Camp
Highland Games
Fri 26th June 18.00-21.30
Bispham Hall
Exec Meetings:
Sun 26th April –
St George's Day
Exec Meetings:
Tues 19th May
Tabletop sale
18th April
4th Hale HQ
Scoutlook April 2015
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Exec Meetings:
TBA 2nd week July – AGM
8th Alt HQ
Tues 15th Sept