Making Connections 10 Looking at the Past and Planning


Making Connections 10 Looking at the Past and Planning
Professional Development – February 20, 2015
Making Connections 10
Looking at the Past and Planning for the Future
George Elliot Secondary School
10241 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country
Parking is Limited - Please carpool
Lunch Provided: 12:30 pm – 1 pm
Note: Other Locations
Keynote I
Keynote II
Keynote III
8:30 am
9:30 am
1:00 pm
Chief Dr. Robert Joseph
Candy Palmater
Dr. Art Hister
Participating Locals (# 22, 23, 58) - - NO Charge
SD #23 Support Staff - - $35 invoiced to your Pro D Account
Other Districts - - $90 full/part day (cash or cheque paid at the door)
Contact the COTA office 250-860-3866 or email
Special thanks to our February Professional Development Day Planning Committee
Keynote Speakers
8:30 am – 9:30 am
Keynote 1: Chief Dr. Robert Joseph - Reconciliation Canada Ambassador
Please Register for Keynote
Chief Dr. Robert Joseph is a Hereditary Chief of the Gwawaenuk First Nation who upholds a life
dedicated to bridging the differences brought about by intolerance, lack of understanding, and racism at
home and abroad. His insights into the destructive impacts these forces can have on peoples’ lives,
families and cultures were shaped by his experience with the Canadian Indian Residential School system.
In this talk, Chief Joseph shares his journey of reconciliation, including his childhood experience at St.
Michael’s Residential School. He speaks about the important role of reconciliation in moving forward
through trauma and will address the reconciliation work that is being done across Canada to build
meaningful relationships among Aboriginal peoples and all Canadians.
9:30 am – 10:30 am
Keynote 2: Candy Palmater
Please Register for Keynote
Candy is a powerful keynote speaker both internationally and nationally, with the ability to captivate the
audience with both humour and solemn emotion. As one of Canada’s keynote speakers, her unique
ability to deliver a powerful keynote speech is one of a kind. Candy can speak about Gay Rights, Native
Rights, Power of Language, and Diversity. Currently, Candy has been on a campaign speaking to high
schools and junior high schools about Anti-Bullying and the power of Language. She receives emails
from parents, young people, teachers, and Principals weekly about Candy’s mission to help young people
stay in school message.
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Keynote 3: Dr. Art Hister
Please Register for Keynote
If laughter is the best medicine, then Dr. Art Hister is here to make your house call.
Over the years, Art has become an expert on providing a human, and humorous, face to the mysteries of
medical science and the health industry. Combining humour, common sense and plain language, he helps
to make the often frightening and confusing world of medicine understandable to all and accessible to
Currently, Dr. Hister is a daily health analyst on the Morning News on Global TV in BC and on
CKNW’s Morning News, and he is the resident health analyst for Up All Night on BBC 5 as well as
Global TV’s Noon News and Weekend News.
To underline his passion about the importance of health prevention, Dr. Hister has become a member of
the Leadership Council of ActNowBC, a government initiative whose mandate is to make British
Columbia the healthiest jurisdiction to ever host the Olympic Games. Dr. Hister appears regularly at
meetings and on radio and TV on behalf of Act NowBC. He is also actively involved with local and
national charities.
Accomplished radio, television and live host, moderator and speaker
Authored two bestsellers, Midlife Man and Dr. Art Hister’s Guide to a Longer and Healthier Life,
as well as numerous articles for publications
Knowledgeable on a variety of medical topics including men’s health, and health in children
ALL Day Sessions: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
(Lunch Break 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm)
Visible Learning Training
Presenter: Ainsley Rose
This is the second of our three sessions. If you registered for the first session in February 2014, please do not register again.
A third session to complete the training will be offered at our Summer Institute 2015.
If you did not attend our first session in February 2014 on Visible Learning you may still take this session. It is recommended
that you read the Foundation Book prior to this session. Contact for a copy. Two other books that
you may want to read are Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning; and Visible Learning: A Synthesis
of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement. Both books are available through Indigo Books and
Visible Learningplus is an in-depth school change model of professional learning and development. This professional
development series has been designed for school-based teams to systematically examine effective instructional practice in
order to determine the "impact" on student achievement and learning. By considering the effects of the practices of teachers
and leaders, schools will be able to make substantial gains in student achievement.
Visible Learningplus is based on the principles of Visible Learning that have developed from John Hattie’s research and his
two books: Visible Learning (2009) and Visible Learning for Teachers (2012). It takes the theory of this research and puts it
into a practical inquiry model for schools to ask questions of themselves about the impact they are having on student
What you will learn:
• Educators utilize time more effectively in order to differentiate instruction through the Visible Learning Framework.
• Leaders have increased clarity in what to look for in terms of effective classrooms and instruction, and offer feedback with
the tools of strong instructional leadership.
• Teachers have more efficacy, as they utilize effect size calculations to understand what is, and is not working, and make
adjustments with students to focus on what works best.
• Educators can leverage Visible Learning principles and strategies to make better use of collaboration time and PLC
• Students are more engaged with reduced behavioral issues and have an improved ownership of learning, as they know where
they’ve been, where they are, and where they’re going in their learning.
• Student achievement will soar as learning is made visible for leaders, teachers, and students.
Target Audience: all teachers and administrators
ALL Day Sessions: 10:35 am – 2:30 pm
(Lunch Break 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm)
Demystification of ADHD and Classroom Accommodations for ADHD Students
Presenters: Dr. Don Duncan, members of the Vernon ADHD taskforce and teachers of SD22
The incidence on ADHD in classrooms and schools in BC is increasing every year. This workshop will give the classroom
teacher as well as special needs teachers and EA's an understanding of the importance of diagnosis, common misconceptions
and the co-morbidity with other disorders.
Participants will learn practical tools on how to deal with ADHD students in a way that will benefit the whole class and the
collaborative problem solving process will be explored.
Target Audience: classroom teachers, special needs teachers and CEA's
ALL Day Sessions: 10:35 am – 2:30 pm
(Lunch Break 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm)
Social Media
Presenter: Robin Tosczak
The social media workshop is designed to educate teachers about the professional and ethical use of social media tools like
Facebook and Twitter. The workshop reviews the wide - ranging landscape of social media through the lens of appropriate
boundaries and professional conduct. Participants will learn about the value of engaging online as an educator, best practices,
and appropriate privacy settings.
Target Audience: all teachers
Morning Sessions: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Principles of the Thinking Classroom
Presenters: Warren Woytuck and Usha James
Throughout the years you’ve undoubtedly explored many new ideas. Some learning may have been prompted by school or
district initiatives, others by your own curiosity and interests. These various motivations along with the numerous dimensions
of educational change pose a challenge: how can educators make sense of and realistically respond to the significant number
of new ideas, initiatives and policies? Designed for educators with little or much experience with the TC2 approach to critical
thinking, this session will explore how ‘the five principles of a thinking classroom’ can serve as a way of organizing and
making sense of all types and topics of professional learning. During this session we will examine practical examples and
frameworks to help teachers and education leaders affirm, refine and aspire in their teaching practice.
Target Audience: all teachers
Mid-Morning Sessions: 10:35 am – 12:30 pm
Teaching about Residential Schools - Panel Discussion, Group Break-Out
Presenters: Robert Joseph, Candy Palmater, James Miles
This session focuses on discussing issues and introducing resources for teaching about Residential Schools. The first half of
the session will feature a panel discussion where participants will be invited to ask questions of keynote speakers Chief Dr.
Robert Joseph, Candy Palmater, and other special guests about issues in teaching about Residential Schools. The second half
of the session will feature breakout sessions where participants will be introduced to a variety of resources for teaching about
Residential Schools to different age students.
Target Audience: all teachers
Teaching Labour History
Presenter: Wayne Axford
NOTE: Bring your own Device
This session will examine the work of the Labour History Project and the learning materials that have been developed around
the Knowledge Network Series Working People; A History of British Columbia. Participants will receive lesson materials and
teaching strategies for incorporating Labour History Themes into their curriculum. A DVD of the Working People will be
provided to each of the participating schools.
Target Audience: Social Studies 10-11 and Social Justice 12 teachers. Some materials can be adapted for Grades 4-5
Mid-Morning Sessions: 10:35 am – 12:30 pm
Nature Interpretation in the Central Okanagan
Presenter: Joey Chisholm
Joey will: outline the Regional District’s interpretation programs, available to all teachers and classrooms, K-12; go through
techniques for teaching students about the environment; highlight some specific activities and themes, which will help
teachers connect their students with the natural world.
Target Audience: all teachers
Supporting Autism Friendly Classrooms
Presenter: Stephanie Jull
In this session, teachers will learn:
- What is autism, and ideas for talking about autism in their classroom with students
- Strategies for supporting inclusion and participation of students with autism in their classroom
- What is Canucks Autism Network and the We Can Be Friends program
Target Audience: teachers and CEAs
Yoga with Action Schools
Presenter: Megan Payne
This session will share ideas for integrating yoga into the classroom and school through techniques such as visualization and
storytelling. Yoga develops body awareness and improves flexibility, strength, balance and mental focus. Complimentary
resources including the new DPA Pages! on Yoga Connections - Aboriginal Wellness will be provided.
Target Audience: K to 7 and middle school
ADHD: Misdiagnosed, Misunderstood, Misdemeanors
Presenter: Dan Duncan
ADHD exists, persists, and somehow resists all of the most common forms of “guidance” offered by even the most caring of
individuals. This seminar will begin with a brief and clear explanation of the ADHD diagnostic criteria and process (ADHD
exists). From there, Dan will explain what is really going on inside the mind of a child with ADHD (ADHD persists). With
that foundation, it will be easy to describe why the most common forms of guidance fail to help the ADHD child find a way
forward (ADHD resists). The entire seminar will make room for discussion and real life examples to the extent that they
contribute to the forward momentum of the seminar. The final part of the discussion will provide guided brainstorming for
educators to review their own knowledge about ADHD and their common responses to both the Hyperactive and Inattentive
student, as well as to help them create strategies that are tailored for the ADHD student. (for a better sense of Dan's
presentation style/content watch this two minute clip... )
Target Audience: teachers, CEA’s
Get Up And Dance
Presenters: Melissa Jacobs, Sarah Christine Smith, Sareena Sharma Nickoli
Workshop participants will learn three different styles of dance vocabulary, technique, and choreographies from three teachers
who want to share their experience, knowledge, and passion. Please wear comfortable clothes and running shoes. All levels of
experience welcome!
Target Audience: Fine Arts and PE specialists
Mid-Morning Sessions: 10:35 am – 12:30 pm
Interpreting A Work Of Art
Presenter: Wanda Lock
Intro: We will take a look at Miro's Dutch interior paintings (1928) and compare Miro's paintings to the original works by
Hendrick Martensz and Jan Steen (Dutch/Flemish painters from the 1600s). We will discuss Miro's surrealism approach to
interpreting the Dutch master’s paintings.
Project: Participants will be given their choice a of famous art piece and be asked to reinterpret the work in their own 'words'
using collage and mixed media (paint, drawing materials, found objects and images). The finish project will display the two
pieces side by side (the original and the participants (student) version).
Target Audience: elementary-middle school teachers
Art Lessons For The Elementary/Middle School Teacher
Presenters: Rena Warren, Farah Canuel
This hands-on workshop will focus on fun and economical ways to teach basic elements and principles of art and design using
recycled materials. Participants will learn:
•printmaking using recycled materials including styrofoam plates or meat trays
•basic construction of 3-D polyhedrons using recycled paper and cards (math/science connections)
•homemade scratch art (with oil pastel and heavy bond paper)
•simple bookbinding techniques (great use of recycled materials and builds fine motor skills) *time permitting
Participants will also receive lesson plans to accompany each activity.
Target Audience: elementary-middle school teachers
Basic Math Facts and the Power of 10
Presenter: Diane Bennet
A comprehensive program to teach basic +, -, x and ÷ facts using a variety of strategies, including the power of 10, beat the
teacher, cards and speed drills. Problem solving strategies are also introduced and practiced.
Target Audience: Grade 4, 5, 6
Second Language Sharing Session
Presenter: Monica Davidson
Teachers will share resources, games, activities, or ideas that they feel were successful in their classrooms. If you have
something to share please bring it on a memory stick so that we can collate and offer.
Feel free to register and attend the afternoon session M 29 as each will be different.
Target Audience: second language teachers
Afternoon Sessions 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
The People Connection: Human Geography in Social Studies
Presenter: Jozsef Budai
Explore human population trends, natural resource use and land use patterns in this interdisciplinary workshop sponsored by
Population Education.
Teachers of secondary social studies, especially Socials 11, will come away with numerous ideas and techniques for engaging
students with hands-on activities that make human geography come alive. The activities address several human geography
topics including population dynamics, migration trends, environmental impacts of industrialization and land use patterns.
The activities presented in this workshop are designed to build understanding of global demographics, land use patterns and
supply-and-demand of natural resources.
Target Audience: Secondary Social Studies, especially Socials 11
Afternoon Sessions 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Rwanda & Reconciliation – 20 Years After The Genocide
Presenter: Ryan Holly
In 1994 Rwanda was embroiled in a catastrophic genocide. Twenty years later Ryan Holly travelled to the country with a
group of teachers from across Canada. In this session he will describe his trip, give a brief overview of the genocide, offer
classroom ideas for teaching about this modern tragedy, and discuss the process of reconciliation that has been happening in
the country since 1994.
Target Audience: This session will be geared towards Social Studies teachers, but all are welcome to attend.
There’s More To It Than Money
Presenter: Arnie Lambert
This workshop covers the non-financial aspects of retirement planning, including: what to look forward to in retirement,
meeting the challenges and risks of retirement, working after full time teaching, planning with my partner, building a preretirement action plan. The session encourages both group and class discussion on a range of retirement issues.
Retirement case studies are presented to help participants gain a better insight into what may lie ahead.
Target Audience: Teachers with less than 10 years to their anticipated retirement - Open to members of the Municipal
Pension Plan (non-teaching staff)
Shake The Sugary Drinks
Presenter: Megan Payne
This session focuses on activities and lessons in the Action Schools BC Healthy Eating Action Resource that highlight sugary
drinks and features Sip Smart BC. Resources will be provided and upon participating in the workshop, schools will be eligible
for the Action Schools! BC Healthy Eating School Food Grant and Healthy Eating Action Packs filled with resources and
equipment to implement the activities learned.
Target Audience: K to 7
Learning to Think Before Learning to Read - TC2
Presenters: Usha James, Warren Woytuck
Play-based learning, inquiry, self-regulation, foundational literacy and numeracy skills – there are a lot of demands on
kindergarten teachers in the 21st century! How can we make sense of the expectations of kindergarten teachers and develop
rich opportunities and feasible programs for very young children just beginning their educational journey? In this session, we
will explore practical ways we can engage young children in thinking and nurture their ability to think while they are learning
the fundamentals. We will examine concrete examples used by teachers in kindergarten classrooms, along with corresponding
student responses. We will consider a framework for thinking about kindergarten programs that might help guide our planning
and decision making.
Target Audience: kindergarten teachers
Leader In Me & Common Language of the 7 Habits
Presenter: Rob Zoppi
This session is an overview that focuses on strength-based pedagogy where educators inspire "greatness" one child at a time.
By promoting a leadership culture, students become more active in giving back to their classrooms, schools and beyond. In
addition, discover the possibilities to implement a common schoolwide language to support character development and
personal resiliency
Target Audience: teachers, CEA's, administrators
Brain Health and Meditation
Presenter: Dan Curtis
Learning about the current research of brain health and using meditation in the classroom to enhance learning.
Target Audience: all teachers
Afternoon Sessions 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Mental Skills Training for Children and Youth: Lessons from Canada's Top Athletes
Presenter: Dr. Shaunna Taylor
The field of sport psychology has become a robust and critical performance partner in Canada's elite athlete development
world. Athletes with superior mental and stress control skills have a performance edge on the competition and this session will
share techniques and lessons from one of Canada's national team and Olympic/Paralympic performance consultants and coChair of the Canadian Sport Psychology Association on ways to integrate mental skills training in your classroom. Dr.
Shaunna Taylor has worked with some of Canada's top athletes, nurturing relaxation, stress control, focussing and other
positive life skills, and has helped nurture these same skills in school classroom settings.
Target Audience: all teachers; Phys Ed teachers; coaches
Bricks 4 Kidz Introduction to STEM using LEGO® bricks
Presenters: Kim Small, Greg Host
This will be an experienced based educational class focused on introducing participants to principles of science, technology,
engineering and architecture using LEGO®. There will be a power point presentation on the windmill followed by Q & A, an
explanation of our specialty kits and then participants will work in pairs to build their models. Participants will then modify
their builds – make them go faster, make them go slower or just redesign their model. When everyone is finished we will
build a wind farm. After coffee there will be another power point presentation on simple machines followed up with Q & A.
Once again participants will build in pairs, there will be a variety of simple machine models built.
We learn....We build....We play....with LEGO® bricks.
Target Audience: elementary teachers
Second Language Sharing Session
Presenter: Monica Davidson
Note: This is not a repeat of the morning session.
Teachers will share resources, games, activities, or ideas that they feel were successful in their classrooms. If you have
something to share please bring it on a memory stick so that we can collate and offer.
Target Audience: second language teachers
Cybersafe BC
Presenter: Bonny Lalach
Note: The session length would be approximately one hour
Cybersafe BC is an online course with certification offered through the Justice Education Society. The course is geared
towards youths aged 10 - 16. The course teaches the students the dangers of the digital world including cyberbullying, cyber
safety, posting online, sending messages, identity theft and online predators.
Target Audience: Grade 6, 7, 8
Dig and Discover
Presenter: Christine Kashuba, Mackie Lake House Foundation Manager
This “Dig and Discover” workshop will provide you with activities and links to HeritageBC resources that will make teaching
fun and help students engage in learning. Did you know that there is a HeritageBC Passpost online just waiting to be
discovered? A couple of learning outcomes for the day will be how to create a “Heritage Minute” video and how your
students can become Amateur Anthropologists as they learn about themselves and their past. So join this interactive workshop
and take away some practical and fun learning activities for your students.
Target Audience: all teachers
OFF – SITE Workshops
OS 1
FEEL the RHYTHM, MOVE the BEAT and EXPLORE the Magic of Music
Presenter: Debra Giebelhaus‐Maloney
Only Available to SD 23 Employees
Location: Shannon Lake Elementary
Time: 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
Lunch: Provided
What to Bring: Participants are asked to bring a soprano recorder along if possible.
For all children, imagination, learning and the physical go hand in hand! Engage in the Orff‐Schulwerk process and explore
elements of children’s literature, singing games, listening and movement activities for Kindergarten – Grade 3 music
classrooms. Discover the endless possibilities for our Grade 4 – 6 students, while we take simple rhythm patterns, transfer
them to melody, mix up the melodic sequences, and throw in an Ostinato, canon, a little movement, improvisation, some
creativity and a whole lot of imagination and poof . . . This full day Music
Workshop will include hands‐on activities and material that use chant, body, voice, body percussion, nonpitched and pitched
instruments to develop student growth as creative, confident, and competent musicians. Come ‘Orff’ with us and get ready to
Target Audience: K – Grade 6
OS 2
Below Zero and Get Outdoors
Presenter: Jennifer French
Location: Munsen Pond in Kelowna for the morning session - (map & directions will be emailed to you)
Time: 8:30 am
Lunch: Please bring a brown bag lunch
What to Bring: Workshop participants will need snow proof /waterproof boots and gear – layered clothing wool or
cotton or pile if you prefer. Good footwear suitable for the weather of the day and wetland explorations is essential.
Must wear hat or have something warm and weatherproof available (your choice). Ecoart processes will be a topic for
discussion and if weather permits will be undertaken on site.
Designed for educators who want to awaken their learners to an appreciation of the uniqueness of the winter season, plant and
wildlife adaptations, habitat and ecological principles, and responsible human actions, this guide offers 46 activities
appropriate for K-12, youth and adult learners. The Below Zero workshop will take you outside for a close look at how life
survives the Canadian winter in your area. Participants will learn about adaptations of local plant and wildlife species, as well
as winter ecology and responsible human actions, through the fun, interactive activities in the Below Zero Activity Guide. The
workbook and program content for the Get Outdoors program will also be incorporated. Get Outdoors is a guide which
supports teachers in getting their students outside and engaged in experiencing the outdoor classroom. Activities include
hands-on mapping, cultural explorations of special places, values exploration and secondary level projects. This guide
includes “baby steps” for taking students outdoors – easy and powerful sensory awareness activities that help develop
personal connections to nature.
The morning session will be out of doors and start at Munsen Pond in Kelowna at 8:30. Access is from the roundabout at
Burtch and Byrne Road Maps for parking to be sent out shortly. The morning will take participants from the headwaters of
this tiny creek rural and semi wild environment through to Lake Okanagan along intervening sections where the creek has
been impacted to meet human needs. We will visit a project where the creek has been daylighted and a close by location
where the natural habitat of the creek has maintained its incredibly rich beauty and bird life despite being bordered by three
story condos. Environmental consultant, Janice Loukras will be on site during our visit to the KLO Middle School section of
the creek. After lunch the facilitators and teachers will gather to review the resource guide and learn more about how species
of flora and fauna manage the BC interior winters. Location: Regional District – KLO Road
Target Audience: all teachers
OFF – SITE Workshops
OS 3
Virtual Field Trip (full day) - Only Available to SD 23 Employees
Presenter: Mark Hauk
Location: McWilliams Centre - 580 Doyle Ave., (beside Daily Courier newspaper)
Time: 9:30 am
Lunch: 11:45 am - Provided
Please join us for an introduction to Virtual Field Trips for your classroom or library. This session will be of interest to
elementary and secondary teachers & librarians who are interested in using video-conference technology to connect to
scientists, authors, and other experts from around the world to engage your students in a variety of 21st century learning
experiences. We will be connecting live to the Alaska SeaLife Center and Royal Tyrrell Museum among others.
OS 4
Pan with Dan!
Presenter: Dan Hurd
Location: Mount Boucherie Secondary School, Room 159 - 2751 Cameron Road, West Kelowna
Time: 9:00 am – 11:30 am
No Lunch Provided
Have you ever wanted to gold pan? Learn the basics of gold panning, gem sieving, and see demonstrations on small scale
placer mining equipment. No equipment or experience is required. This will be done indoors at Mount Boucherie where we
have recently started a grade 12 course on Gold Mining and Mineral Prospecting.
OS 5
Aspire Fitness
Location: Aspire Health & Performance - #150 – 2233 Leckie Road
Time: 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Lunch: noon - Provided
Welcome and check in at Aspire Health and Performance #150-2233 Leckie Rd. Kelowna
Happy Hips; The Key to Athletic Success
Presenter: Shane Pizzey MKin, CEP,CSCS
In Part 1 of the series, we will examine the role of the hips in successful application of power in a sport context. We
will learn the common injuries and limitations that will negatively impact performance. Finally we will learn how to
properly mobilize the key areas to unlock the body’s true power potential. You will leave with practical skills that
can be implemented in a class or practice setting.
Break (15 min)
Creating a Stable Base Through The Hips
Presenter: Jon Rowe BKin, CSCS, CEP, NCCP
In Part 2 of the series we will learn how to properly activate the musculature of the hips. This sequential and proper
development of stability through the hips and lower core will be the base on which we will be able to add useable
strength & power. You will leave with practical skills that can be implemented in a class or practice setting.
1:15 – 2:30 Coaching the Big 3 Lifts- Squat, Deadlift & Bench
Presenter: Andrew LoCurto BKin, CSCS, CPT, NCCP
In the final part of the series, you will learn to identify and correct technical mistakes made in the Big 3 lifts (Squat,
Deadlift, Bench Press). You will gain a careful eye to catch common mistakes and how to give proper cues to
correct them. This is the final piece in developing applicable power through the hips for all athletic movements.
You will leave with practical skills that can be implemented in a class or practice setting.