File - Council for the Arts
File - Council for the Arts
February 2015 Monthly publication of the Council for the Arts (JaxARTS) Gallery hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday Our Mission – “The Council for the Arts Jacksonville Onslow in partnership with the community connects the arts to all socio-economic groups of all ages.” February Exhibit “Part of the Journey: Images by BF Reed” “Throughout any journey one makes discoveries. The discovery that I made during this part of the journey was not that I like water. I have loved water from the beginning. It's something about the rhythm and the vibe of water that is in tune with my rhythm and vibe. The discovery I made was that after twenty years in this region, I lived a short driving distance from great marshes in the Swansboro area. I was hooked. I have found my Giverny!! I hope you enjoy my recent discovery from this part of my journey.” BF Reed B.F. Reed is a Philadelphia artist who attended the prestigious Moore College of Art and Tyler School of Art. She began her career as a Medical Illustrator and has spent many years working as an art educator. Extensive travel has afforded her an opportunity to exhibit in galleries along the east coast of the United States as well as in Japan and in South Korea. B.F. has been recognized twice by the National Watercolor Society and three times by the Watercolor Society of North Carolina. One of her prints was presented to then First Lady Hillary Rodham-Clinton during a Presidential visit to Seoul, Korea. Her work can be found in many private and corporate collections. You are invited to the opening reception to meet this fascinating artist on Sunday, Feb. 8th from 6pm – 8pm in the Main Gallery of the Arts Council. We are located at 826 New Bridge St. in Jacksonville. Please call (910) 455-9840 or visit our web site: for further information. . L-R Connie Wenner, Executive Director; Oliver Hill; Charlotte Rodriguez, Board Chair; Leigh Ann Wilder, NC Arts Council; Bernie Rosage, Jr; Ellie McIntosh, Brenda Johnson, Board Treasurer; Major McNair; Stephen Greer, Board Treasurer. Not pictured: Judith Tyrance, Board Vice Chair, John Currie and Sara Gant. 826 New Bridge Street P.O. Box 34 Jacksonville, NC 28541-0034 Phone 910/455-9840 Twitter: JaxartsNC Healing Arts…. is a way to reach out to those in our community who are battling an illness, chronic condition, mental health or developmental issues. The Healing Art concept is catching fire, is awakening in people's spirits. Artists, musicians and dancers are realizing their imagery has meaning—that their imagery heals them and others. This is also the vision of JaxArts as we continue our research and search for partners in the health field. We are not yet ready to unveil our Healing Arts program but are looking for volunteers whether artists or health professionals or other volunteers with a desire to see this program to fruition. Contact JaxArts if you are interested and have a passion for this program. Have you checked out our new website? It was time for a facelift for our web, our logo, and our facebook and we just did it! Thanks to Ellie McIntosh and Bernie Rosage, Jr for their talents and time to improving our look! And we are not finished! We want to update the appearance of the Gallery to make it more attractive as folks pass by! Change is coming! Art is not what you see but what you make others see. Edgar DeGas February Feb Exhibition: “Part of a Journey: Photos by BF Reed” Feb 14 Kids Art 10:00am – 12:00pm Feb 18 Homeschooled Art Class 10:00am – 12:00pm Feb 21 Writers Workshop – Michael White UNC-W March March 1-28 exhibition: 37th Annual Middle & High School Art Show Presenting a Poetry Workshop Saturday February 21, 2015………... “The Edgy Poem" with Michael White This class is limited to 12 students maximum and each must be 18 years or older. The fee is $20.00. For more info or to register contact JaxArts (910)455-9840 Let’s talk about an edgy subject matter! How do we find poetry in trauma, in our most difficult experiences? High-risk poetry, through which we glimpse essential truths about ourselves, can make for some of the most essential and high-reward poetry as well. Bring to this workshop your most edgy poem, regardless how raw and unfinished. We will focus on peer review of your edgy poem, as well as incorporate exercises to help channel difficult material into music and image. The class will be at the Council for the Arts Building from 10am to 3pm with a lunch break. Bring your lunch, writing materials, and your edgy poem. Michael White has taught at UNCW since 1994, where he currently serves as Chair of the Creative Writing Department. His books are the poetry collections: The Island, Palma Cathedral (winner of the Colorado Prize), Re-entry (winner of the Vassar Miller Prize), and Vermeer in Hell (winner of the Lexi Rudnitsky Editors Prize). He also has a memoir, Travels in Vermeer, forthcoming from Persea Books. He has published poetry and prose in The Paris Review, The New Republic, The Kenyon Review, The Best American Poetry, and dozens of other magazines and anthologies. 826 New Bridge Street P.O. Box 34 Jacksonville, NC 28541-0034 Phone 910/455-9840 Twitter: JaxartsNC 2. We’re looking for….. Do you have some time to give back to our community? We are looking for some volunteers! We have short term projects as well as special event projects such as Art Block 2015. Please contact the Gallery (910-455-9840) to find out how you can be an active part of making the Arts more accessible to all socioeconomic groups in Onslow County. There is a place for you with us in the Arts! We are an approved agency for SAT hours for high school students! Lots of work for students! If we did everything we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. ~Thomas Edison Art Block 2015 Sponsorships Available! Sponsorships of businesses and individuals will ensure we provide an even better quality program for our community. We invite you to be a part of this inaugural event through sponsorships which added to our scarce resources will ensure we reach more people in the community with exposure to the Arts. Contact the Gallery (910455-9840) to request a sponsorship package. Dear Council Member, We are so excited to partner with the City of Jacksonville to present what we believe is a unique event for the community. Art Block 2015 scheduled for April 18 will showcase artists of multiple media. As members of the Council for the Arts, we encourage you to be a major part of this event! This is YOUR event! First, we want you to plan to attend the event which will kick off with a fantastic reception on Friday evening, April 17, with a chance to meet our artists and community leaders. Second, we need your financial support—your sponsorship of this event will allow us to present quality artists and entertainers from outside the area. Last, we need you to volunteer to help with planning and carrying out this event which we believe will become an annual event! Lenard D. Moore, a Jacksonville native and winner of the 2014 N.C. Literature Award shows one of the favorite poems he wrote, Breaking Ground. Photo by John Althouse/The Daily News We’re New Members!! Recently we joined the Chamber of Commerce to better connect with local businesses. Don’t wait, call or visit the Gallery today to let us know that you truly support the Arts for our community and let us knowhow we can count on you! 826 New Bridge Street P.O. Box 34 Jacksonville, NC 28541-0034 Phone 910/455-9840 Twitter: JaxartsNC 3. Apri l 18, 201 Fun s tarts 5 10am at Looking for a few artists and artisans to be a part of this fantastic event that is sure to become an annual affair! Arts should be for everyone and Art Block 2015 will bring a wide variety of artists to our area! Because of generous sponsorships and a partnership with the City of Jacksonville, this event will be free to the public. Are you an artist? Art Block 2015 will provide a venue for you to display, demonstrate and sell your work. Space for vendors is limited but still available. Contact the Gallery (910-4559840) for more info and to reserve your space. Chair-ity why not decorate a chair and donate The entire 800 block of Jacksonit to the Council! Decorating chairs in a fun, ville will be blocked for artists and art vendors from 10am until creative way will provide an opportunity for folks to see your work and also to help us to raise 4pm! funds as we sell the chairs! Council for the Arts ~ Jacksonville · Onslow 826 New Bridge Street P. O. Box 34 Jacksonville, NC 28541-0034 NONPROFIT ORG. US POSAGE PAID JACKSONVILLE, NC PERMIT NO. 45 Address Service Requested Established in 1976 February 2015 ART SCENE Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm and by appointment. (910) 455-9840 Blog: Facebook: JaxartsNC
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