Technical Meeting on Safety Analysis and Safety Documents for


Technical Meeting on Safety Analysis and Safety Documents for
 Technical Meeting on
Safety Analysis and Safety Documents for
Fuel Cycle Facilities
IAEA Headquarters
Vienna, Austria
4–8 May 2015
Ref. No: J7-TM-49613
Information Sheet
A. Introduction
The safety standards issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) require that a
comprehensive and systematic safety analysis and a safety analysis report (SAR) be prepared by the
operating organization before the construction and commissioning of a fuel cycle facility (FCF). Also
necessary are safety reviews at appropriate intervals throughout the lifetime of a facility, including
reviews of ageing effects, modifications, changes in utilization, and incorporating the feedback from
operating experience. The SAR and supporting documents, including the operational limits and
conditions (OLCs), are reviewed and assessed by the regulatory body within the framework of the
licensing process.
Feedback from various IAEA activities on the safety of FCFs indicates that guidance is needed by
many Member States with such facilities on performing safety analysis and the preparation, update
and assessment of safety documents. This also includes addressing the implications of the accident at
the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (NPP) for the safety of FCFs. In addition, there is a need in
many Member States to develop the regulatory body’s capabilities to review and assess safety
documents. Up-to-date and comprehensive safety documents are essential to the safe operation and
effective regulatory supervision of FCFs.
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During the past few years, the IAEA has published several safety standards on FCFs. These include
the Safety Requirements publication Safety of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (IAEA Safety Standards
Series No. NS-R-5 (Rev. 1)) and Safety Guides that provide guidance to help meet the requirements
established by that Safety Requirements publication for several types of FCFs. The participants of
IAEA workshops on various technical areas related to the safety of FCFs have expressed the need for
an IAEA technical publication on safety analysis and preparation of the SAR for such facilities taking
into account the application of a graded approach that is commensurate with the potential hazards of
the facilities.
For these reasons, the IAEA is organizing this Technical Meeting on Safety Analysis and Safety
Documents for Fuel Cycle Facilities at its Headquarters in Vienna, Austria, from 4 to 8 May 2015.
B. Objectives
The purpose of the meeting is to provide the participating Member States with practical information
on performing safety analyses for FCFs as well as on the preparation, updating and reviewing of safety
documents for such facilities. The meeting will also serve as a forum at which the participating
Member States can exchange knowledge and experience related to these topics, as well as share
international good practices for enhancing safety at FCFs.
The meeting will also discuss and develop the outlines of an IAEA document addressing safety
analysis and safety documentation for FCFs.
C. Target Audience
This meeting is intended for individuals from operating organizations and technical support
organizations that are responsible for safety analysis and for the preparation and maintenance of safety
documentation for FCFs, as well as from regulatory bodies that are responsible for the review and
assessment of such documents. Participants should be familiar with the safety considerations and
issues involved in the operation and regulation of FCFs in their respective countries.
D. Working Language
The working language of the meeting will be English.
E. Topics
This meeting will be relevant to the following types of FCFs: uranium and thorium processing
facilities; fuel (including mixed oxide (MOX) fuel) refining, conversion, enrichment and fabrication
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facilities; spent fuel storage, reprocessing and associated waste conditioning/storage and research and
development facilities.
Presentations by the IAEA representatives, followed by discussions with participants, on the
relevant IAEA safety standards for the performance of safety analyses and the preparation,
updating, review and assessment of SARs and OLCs. This part of the meeting will also include
presentations by the participants on their respective national practices and experience. The
presentations by the IAEA representatives and by the Member States should cover the following
IAEA safety standards for FCFs;
Developments and trends in national regulations with respect to safety analysis and safety
Review and assessment of safety analysis documentation;
Performing safety analyses and methods for the identification and selection of initiating
Evaluation of hazards and derivation of the source term;
Safety analysis methods and acceptability criteria;
Use of a graded approach in application of the safety requirements to safety analysis and
safety documentation for FCFs;
Safety reassessment of FCFs in the light of feedback from the accident at the Fukushima
Daiichi NPP;
Format and technical content of licensing documentation, with particular emphasis on the
SAR and OLCs;
Practices of Member States in performing periodic safety reviews for FCFs;
Use of the results of safety analysis in the establishment of OLCs; and
Regulatory review and assessment of safety documents for FCFs.
The meeting will include working sessions on the preparation, review, and assessment of safety
documents for FCFs, and on the development of the outlines of an IAEA publication on safety
analysis and safety documents for such facilities.
F. Visas
Participants who require a visa to enter Austria should submit the necessary application to the nearest
diplomatic or consular representative of the Austrian government as soon as possible.
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G. Application Procedure
Nominations should be submitted on the attached Participation Form (Form A). Completed forms
should be endorsed by the competent national authority and returned through the established official
channels. They must be received by the IAEA not later than 31 March 2015. Nominations received
after that date or applications sent directly by individuals or by private institutions cannot be
considered. Nominating Governments will be informed in due course of the names of the selected
candidates and at that time full details will be given on the procedures to be followed with regard to
administrative and financial matters.
H. Organization
Scientific Secretary:
Mr Ramon Gater
Division of Nuclear Installation Safety
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 100
Tel.: +43 1 2600 22013
Fax: +43 1 26007
Administrative Secretary:
Ms Iris Barrientos de Salomon
Division of Nuclear Installation Safety
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 100
Tel.: +43 1 2600 26076
Fax: +43 1 26007
Subsequent correspondence on scientific matters should be sent to the Scientific Secretary and
correspondence on other matters related to the meeting to the Administrative Secretary.
Form A
International Atomic Energy Agency
Participation Form
Technical Meeting on Safety Analysis and Safety Documents for Fuel Cycle
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
4–8 May 2015
To be completed by the participant and sent to the competent official authority (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Permanent Mission to the IAEA, or National Atomic Energy Authority) of his/her country for subsequent
transmission to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100,
1400 Vienna, Austria, either electronically by email to: or by fax to: +43 1 26007 (no
hard copies needed).
Participants who are members of an invited organization can submit this form to their organization for
subsequent transmission to the IAEA.
Deadline for receipt by IAEA through official channels: 31 March 2015
Family name:
Given name(s):
Full address:
For urgent
communications please
Nominating Government or organization:
Mailing address (if different from address indicated above):
Do you intend to give a presentation?
Title of presentation: