Week of March 1st, 2015 - St. Christopher`s Anglican Church


Week of March 1st, 2015 - St. Christopher`s Anglican Church
It’s Winter!
Week of March 1st, 2015
The Flowers in the Sanctuary today are to the Glory of
God and in Loving Memory of:
•Donald Hicks, held in loving memory by Helen, their
children and grandchildren.
•Verna Patterson, lovingly remembered by her husband Pat,
her children Mark and Andrea, and her sister Margaret Parsons.
•Nancy Evely, lovingly remembered by her Godparents, Edna
& Gord Russell.
•Bill & Lois McLelland, parents of Mark and Cheryl.
Remembered with love.
Vestry Meeting
Our annual Vestry meeting is Sunday, March 1st following the
10am service. Reports are available in the Narthex. Baptized
Christians of the full age of sixteen years, who for at least six
months preceding this Vestry meeting, have been identifiably
involved with this congregation, through worship, fellowship
and financial support are eligible to vote.
Being Christian: Growing in Faith
This Lent we will be reflecting on what it means for us to be
followers of Jesus. On Wednesday evenings (Feb. 25, Mar 4,
11, 18, 25) we will meet at 7:30 pm and work from Bishop
Bird’s recommended Lent book “Being Christian: Baptism,
Bible, Eucharist, Prayer”. Please join us!
Ginger Group will meet on March 9th at 11:45am for lunch,
The winter weather is very hard
on our floors. Please help us keep
the parish centre safe and looking
warm and welcoming by wiping
your feet well on the mats in the
entryway when you come in from
the snow and salt.
For confidentiality
reasons the prayer list no
longer appears online.
PWRDF Lenten Resources
are available this morning in the
Narthex. Please be sure to have a
look and take anything of interest
to you home.
Food Donations are always
welcome for our Satellite
Food Bank. Please place your
donations in the blue bin beside
the doors into the Narthex.
Toiletries and baby products are
also appreciated.
Allergy/Safety Alert Please remember that many of the
spaces in the Parish Centre are used by children in various
programs. To maintain a safe environment please be sure to
clean up/remove any and all food (including off the floors)
after your gathering.
Parish Spring Fling!
It’s going to be fun! Parish Council is sponsoring
a parish event on Saturday, March 21st
beginning at 5:30 pm. The staff will provide a
pasta bar as a main dish with pot luck salads
and desserts. There will be entertainment too! Visit the sign
-up sheet in the Narthex this morning and mark your calendar!
fellowship and a presentation by Malcolm Ramsay entitled
“Adventures Down Under”. All retired and semiretired
gentlemen of the parish and guests are welcome. Contacts:
Winston Campbell, 905.336.1397 and George Beadle,
905.637.8640. In April, on a date to be announced, there
will be a visit to the Toyota Plant in Cambridge. If you
are interested, please let your caller know when you are
Bring a brown bag lunch and plan to stay after the 11:15
service if you would like to talk about the future format of the
11:15 service. We’ll meet on March 8th, 15th and 22nd.
If you are a Facebook user be sure to “like” us and check
in frequently for news. You will find us if you enter “St.
Christopher’s Anglican Church” in the “search for people,
places and things” box.
Monday, March 2nd at 9.30am in the Family Room.
We will discuss articles by Canadian and international
journalists who offer different perspectives about the Paris
terrorist attacks. The articles reflect Christian, Muslim, Jewish
and other backgrounds. Handouts are available in the Open
Enders box in the Narthex. All are welcome.
Youth Groups
Join us this Sunday from 6-8pm for De-Stress Night, the
yoga and sport version! There is no cost as we have a very
generous special guest, massage therapist and yoga teacher
Judi who has offered to lead us in some yoga, plus we’ll have
some fun trying our hand at Hand Ping Pong. Plus: Stress
reducing snacks!
Open Enders
Have you considered a flower memorial
to remember loved ones gone? If you’d like
more information, Maryann Lennox would
be happy to explain how the memorials are
handled. Call or email her at 905.335.6946
or mlennox3@cogeco.ca
We are looking for a volunteer to assume the role of Treasurer of
the parish and to overlap with Debra Peroune before she retires
from the position. The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of
the Parish, responsible for the management of the parish’s financial
resources and the interpretation of financial information to the
parish. An accounting designation is highly desirable. The full job
description is available in the office or you can speak to Tom Nicol
if you are interested.
Nametags are a great way to get to know one
another better! Please try to remember to wear
yours. If you are new to the parish we will
automatically create a nametag for you when
we receive a blue form (which you will find on
the Welcome Table). If you need a new nametag,
please contact the church office and we would be
happy to make one for you!
Where is...?
You are the eyes and ears of our parish! Please be sure to let us
know if you are aware that someone is ill, facing other difficulties
or you just haven’t seen them in a while. Let the clergy or the office
know - we’d like to follow up.
Birthdays this week
Chris Galante Rachel Rector Alide Camilleri
Andy Frame Joyce Landers Diana Bishop Gord Archbell Pat Isbister
Tanya Ruthven
Norma Clarke Stuart Grant Wilf Darby
Brandon Lloyd
Gord Russell Mary Ayliffe Graham Nicolls
Phil Jones
Megan Burton
Ted Morris
Norma MacRae
Bill Tannyan
Jensen Maunder
Dylan Ford-Jones
Hollis Hiscock
Joan Turpin
Jeremy Rutka
Graeme McKelvie
Denise Novak
Kieran Curtis
Mary Neil
Lesley Landers
Chris Demopolis & Nancy Botting
Services This Week
11:00am Holy Eucharist
Good Reads!
Check out the book trolley in the Narthex on Sunday mornings. If you
find a book you’d like to take home, drop a toonie in the coin box
on the end. Donations of current, popular books are also welcome.
Services Next Sunday, March 8th
8:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:30 am Holy Eucharist
11:15 am Holy Eucharist
Scent Sensitivity
Child Care provided at the 10:00 Service
Please be considerate of those in our parish who suffer
from allergies and refrain from using perfumes, aftershave
lotion, or scented hair spray.
We are still looking for volunteers for rEcess, our new Open Doors
respite program for children who have barriers to care. If you have
a valid vulnerable sector police check and are interested in making
a difference in the life of a child and their family please contact
Sara in the office or at scollyer@stchristophersburlington.com for
more details.
Items Needed
Our youth groups are gearing up for our Mother’s Day Flower
Arrangement Sale and are now accepting donations of small vases,
mugs, and tea cups (without chips), as well as any floral accents
(butterflies, artificial flowers, ribbons etc.). Last year we were able
to raise $900 thanks to the wonderful supplies you offered! We are
grateful for your contributions to our ministry. Please bring your
donations to the office or give them to Ilona.
Email Blast
Please be sure to give your email address to the office if you would
like to receive the weekly News Blast. If you do not have an email
address, you will find hard copies of the Blast on the Welcome Table
in the Narthex.
Meetings & Activities This Week:
Vestry Meeting
Youth Groups
Fitness Class & Coffee Break
Band Practice
Open Enders
Seniors’ Afternoon Social
Free Clothing Store
Kids’ Club/Tween Club
Food Bank
Community Dinner
Calling All Parents
Wednesday 9:30am
Fitness Class & Coffee Break
Being Christian: Growing in Faith
Thursday 10:15am
Coffee & Bible Study
Seniors Lunch
Food Bank
Guitar Group
Senior Choir Practice
Fitness Class & Coffee Break
Food Bank
Free Clothing Store