Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
A. Applying for the Western Australian Anaesthetic Training Program
Is my job accredited for training?
What is the WA Anaesthetic Rotational Training Program?
What can I do to improve my chances of getting a position on the WA rotational training
I have an anaesthetic registrar job in a hospital accredited with ANZCA for training but am not
on the WA Rotational Training Scheme. Do I have to apply to get on it?
I am not currently on the WA rotational training program. What is the process for applying for a
training position?
I have already completed part of my ANZCA training outside of WA and now wish to enter the
WA rotational training program can I do so?
I am already in the WA rotational training program, do I have to reapply each year?
I am an overseas trained doctor wanting to join the WA ANZCA Rotational Training Program.
Am I eligible for a position?
I have completed part of my anaesthetic training overseas can this be counted towards my
Australian training?
10. I am currently a junior registrar on an overseas training program not affiliated with the
ANZCA. Can I get a job on the WA rotational training program, to gain further experience
for a year or two?
B. Other Training Issues
I need time in an Extended training position – what happens to me?
I am already in the WA anaesthetic training program, do I need to reapply each year?
I am currently on leave from the WA rotational anaesthetic training program and expect to
return to training in the following 12 months, do I have to reapply?
I will complete my ATY2 time before the end of next year and only need part of the year in the
training program, do I still need to reapply?
I want to take some time off the training program, what is the process and are there any
Are there other training implications with the ANZCA if I take time off from anaesthetic training?
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Frequently Asked Questions
A. Applying for the Western Australian Anaesthetic Training Program
Is my job accredited for training?
All anaesthesia registrar positions in accredited hospitals are accredited for training with ANZCA.
Hospitals which are accredited for training in Anaesthesia in WA include: Bunbury Regional
Hospital, Fremantle Hospital, Hollywood Private Hospital, Joondalup Hospital, Kaleeya Hospital,
King Edward Memorial Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, Rockingham General Hospital,
Royal Perth Hospital, Swan Districts Hospital and Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital.
It is expected that Fiona Stanley Hospital will be accredited for training upon opening in 2014.
What is the WA Anaesthetic Rotational Training Program?
This is a coordinated training program, run on behalf of all of the WA anaesthetic training hospitals,
for trainees in Initial training, Basic training and Advanced training years 1 and 2. It allocates
hospital placements to enable completion of ANZCA training requirements in the core units (CU)
and the specialised study units (SSUs) and provides support for trainees through the training
program including exam preparation courses.
There is a single competitive entry process to this program with positions advertised in June each
What can I do to improve my chances of getting a position on the WA rotational training
Selection to a training position in anaesthesia in Western Australia is very competitive, with the
number of applicants usually far exceeding positions available. Therefore you should aim to improve
the quality of your Curriculum Vitae, and ensure that you meet all the selection criteria.
ANZCA requires a minimum of 24 months working in prevocational medical education and training.
Of this 24 months there must be a minimum of 12 months working in areas outside of
Clinical Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine.
You should aim for broad medical and surgical experience as well as some critical care experience
such as Intensive Care, Coronary Care or Emergency Medicine. Anaesthesia experience is not a
specific pre-requisite for entry to the training program, however gaining some experience in
anaesthesia is advisable to ensure that this is the right career choice for you.
It is important that you use your application and the interview to explain how the skills you have
gained so far in your career will contribute to your training and future career as an anaesthetist.
Efforts to become involved in areas outside clinical performance are also recognised by the
selection committee, such as teaching, audit and research. We also encourage you to find out as
much information about the training program as possible by speaking to registrars and consultants
in anaesthesia positions in WA.
I have an anaesthetic registrar job in a hospital accredited with ANZCA for training but
am not on the WA rotational training scheme. Do I have to apply to get on it?
Any doctor appointed directly to an anaesthetic department outside of the WA rotational training
scheme appointment process, for example to positions created to fill short term service
requirements, who wish to obtain a position on the WA rotational training program, will be required
to apply in the next available selection process.
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Frequently Asked Questions
I am not currently on the WA rotational training program. What is the process for
applying for a training position?
We have a single advertisement for all registrar positions on the WA Anaesthetic Rotational Training
Program. Positions are advertised in June each year in the Weekend Australian Newspaper and on
the Health Department of Western Australia employment website. For short listed candidates the
interviews, simulations and presentations will be conducted in late August or early September.
Please note that the positions are advertised as part of the WA teaching hospitals combined
advertisement for junior medical staff; they are not advertised individually. The selection process is
conducted through Human Resources at Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, following WA Public Sector
The following process is for new applicants to the WA rotational training program and for trainees
who have previously left the program and wish to return, (see note 1) applying for positions in Initial
Training (IT), Basic (BTY), and Advanced Training (ATY1 and 2) (see note 2).
Applicants will need to complete two (2) separate online applications providing a CV, a statement
addressing the selection criteria, covering letter and three (3) referees. From this information
candidates will be shortlisted for further assessment.
For shortlisted applicants the interview process will involve a face-to-face interview including a short
presentation (the topic will be emailed to the candidates 48 hours before the interview). In addition
there will be a number of short Objective Clinical Examinations. Applicants therefore need to be
present in Perth for this part of the assessment process.
Please note:
This application process is for new candidates to the WA rotational training scheme and those
who have left the WA Training program and are returning to it, except for the following
circumstances: WA rotational program Trainees who have had time out of the program for
parental leave, extended sick leave, compassionate leave and trainees who have formally
taken leave without pay to undertake training outside the WA rotational scheme. (See other
training issues Q3 and 5).
There is no entry into ATY2E, ATY3 or PFY positions via the rotational training program. These
positions are available on application to individual hospitals.
From 2013 onwards, the process for trainees applying for initial, basic and advanced training
will be the same.
Any inquiries should be made directly to:
Dr Kevin Hartley
Deputy Education Officer
WA Anaesthesia Rotational Training Program
or if unavailable contact:
Dr Steve Myles
Rotational Officer
WA Anaesthesia Rotational Training Program
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Frequently Asked Questions
I have already completed part of my ANZCA training outside of WA and now wish to
enter the WA rotational training program can I do so?
Yes. You are eligible to enter the WA rotational training scheme. Please note that registrars who
commence training in Western Australia in IT are given priority access to certain modules such as
cardiac, neuro and paediatric anaesthesia. Access to these modules is not assured for trainees who
commence training in WA at a later stage of training, however all attempts will be made to facilitate
this if possible.
I am already in the WA rotational training program, do I have to reapply each year?
Yes. All WA teaching hospital appointments are for 12 months. It is a WA Health Department
Requirement that all registrars currently on the WA Rotational Anaesthetic Training Scheme reapply
to the program each year for IT, ITE, BT, BTE and ATY1 and 2 positions. Reapplication will require
completion of the written application (there are 2 different online applications required), and
submission of your current CV. Details of the application process will be in the application package
available when the jobs are advertised, usually in June each year.
I am an overseas trained doctor wanting to join the WA ANZCA Rotational Training
Program. Am I eligible for a position?
Any Overseas trained doctor (International Medical Graduate) who is eligible for registration by the
Medical Board of Australia, currently working in Australia as a medical practitioner is eligible to
(If on a 457 Visa preference will be given to those with a Permanent Residency application in
I have completed part of my anaesthetic training overseas can this be counted towards
my Australian training?
Yes. You need to apply directly to the ANZCA assessor who will review your training so far and
decide how it relates to the FANZCA curriculum requirements, and which components of the
curriculum will still need to be completed. This process is separate from the application to the WA
Rotational Anaesthetic Training Program.
If available, please provide the results of this process in you application to ensure that you will be
able to be placed in appropriate training positions.
10. I am currently a junior registrar on an overseas training program not affiliated with the
ANZCA. Can I get a job on the WA rotational training program, to gain further experience
for a year or two?
No. The WA Anaesthetic Rotational Training Program is strictly for registrars who wish to complete
the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetist’s training program to gain their FANZCA.
For senior registrars on overseas training programs, who wish to do a fellowship in WA, positions
are organised by individual anaesthetic departments. You will need to contact the department
directly at the hospital in which you wish to work. It is very unusual for there to be similar positions
available for junior registrars.
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Frequently Asked Questions
B. Other Training Issues
I need time in an Extended training position – what happens to me?
Extension of Initial and Basic training periods:
The WA rotational training program will support trainees with employment, training and exam
preparation for a period of up to 3 years in any combination of IT, ITE, BT and BTE positions,
from the time the trainee commences on the WA training program, as long as the trainee meets the
ongoing ANZCA training requirements.
This includes trainees who have completed 6 months of IT but have not yet achieved their IAAC
(initial assessment of anaesthetic competence) and trainees in BTE positions for any reason
including needing more time to pass the first part exam.
Please note:
The ANZCA training program allows a maximum period of 52 weeks to complete initial training.
A trainee undertaking ITE in the first 6 months of a Hospital employment year (HEY) will be
issued with 2 six month contracts, the second six month contract being conditional on
progression to BT.
Trainees who are due to complete the 3 year supported period for IT/BT within the first 6
months of the HEY, will be issued with 2 six month contracts, the second six month contract
being conditional on progression to AT.
The selection process for positions in the following HEY may be completed before the date of
the second sitting of the Primary Viva Examination (August/September). As such, BTYE
trainees in their 3rd year of training with the WA anaesthetic training scheme and who intend to
sit this primary exam, should reapply for the training scheme prior to sitting the exam. Offers of
positions will be subject to the successful completion of the exam and the conditions stated
Further details regarding ITE and BTYE are available on the ANZCA website (
Extension of the Advanced Training Period:
The WA rotational training program will support trainees with employment and training and exam
preparation for trainees in ATY 1 and 2 years.
Trainees in ATY2E, ATY3 and PFY years are responsible for finding training positions directly with
individual anaesthetic departments. The WA training scheme will continue to support the trainee
with training and college issues and exam preparation.
I am already in the WA anaesthetic training program, do I need to reapply each year?
Yes. (Please see the above section on applying to the training program: Question 7.)
I am currently on leave from the WA rotational anaesthetic training program and expect
to return to training in the following 12 months, do I have to reapply?
Yes. You will need to reapply to the training program if you are currently on parental leave,
extended sick leave, compassionate leave or leave without pay for the purpose of undertaking
training outside the WA rotational scheme, (either in an ANZCA training position outside of the state
or for dual trainees in their alternative college’s training program,) and wish to re-enter the program
next year.
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Frequently Asked Questions
I will complete my ATY2 time before the end of next year and only need part of the year
in the training program, do I still need to reapply?
Yes. You will need to apply to the training program for the time you will need as an ATY2 trainee,
the application document includes information regarding your progress in training please give
relevant details in this section.
I want to take some time off the training program, what is the process and are there any
Please notify the EO team of your intentions as far in advance as possible to allow planning of
allocations both for yourself and other trainees.
From 2013 onwards anyone wishing to take time off from the WA rotational training program there
are three (3) different processes depending on the reason for leave.
A. For trainees who wish to take extended leave from the WA Anaesthetic Rotational Training
Program for the purposes of temporarily continuing their anaesthetic training in another area or
for dual trainees who wish to complete components of their training in the other specialty:
Please follow the following process:
Reapply for the WA training program for the year in which they will be away.
Having been offered a place on the anaesthetic training program you then need to apply for
leave without pay, giving proof that they are on leave for the purposes of continued training,
(letter from the relevant college that their position is an approved training position and a letter
from their employer confirming the job position).
Reapply to the WA training program for a place the following year, you will be treated as a
current trainee in that application process.
If you have been working in a position outside of the Health department of WA, upon returning to
the WA training program your leave entitlements will be reinstated.
B. Trainees who take extended leave from the program for parental leave, sick leave or
compassionate leave can do so under the conditions of the relevant AMA award.
If you are expecting to return to work at any time in the following year you should reapply for the
training program and are considered in the same manner as current trainees.
C. Trainees who wish to take extended leave from the WA training program for any other reason
will be deemed to have completed their contract and no longer be part of the WA rotational
training program.
Their accrued leave entitlements will be paid out/lost depending on the type of leave.
To be readmitted to the WA anaesthetic training program they will have to reapply for the training
program and will be considered in the same manner as any other applicant who is not currently on
the training program.
Are there other training implications with the ANZCA if I take time off from anaesthetic
Yes. Any period of leave that is longer than normal leave is considered interrupted training by
ANZCA. This includes parental leave and extended sick leave. ANZCA must be advised of any
interruptions to training. Please see ANZCA regulation 37.5.6.
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