March 1, 2015 - Holy Family Parish


March 1, 2015 - Holy Family Parish
A Catholic faith community called to serve God and others
through Eucharist, prayer, education, and daily living of the Gospel values.
(513) 422-0602
10:30 AM
March 1, 2015
MONDAY- FRIDAY 12:30 - 4:30 PM
2nd Sunday of Lent
Welcome Back, Fr. Derick!
Fr. Derick is back for a short
visit this weekend. He’ll preside
at all three Masses and then
give the first Lenten talk.
First Lenten Talk TODAY!
St. John Undercroft
After the 10:30 AM Mass - 1 PM
Your Uniqueness - Discovering Who
You Were Meant to Be and more with
Fr. Derick Mawuli. Everyone’s invited!
Daylight Savings Time begins
Sunday, March 8th!
Be sure to set your clocks ahead
one hour so that you won’t be
late for Mass next weekend!
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry .………… Fridays in Lent
Stations of the Cross / Benediction … Fridays in Lent
Community Lenten Lunches ….. Wednesdays in Lent
The Light is ON for You …........…..…....…... Tue Mar 3
RESCHEDULED 8th Gr Confirmation Retreat .. Wed Mar 4
Family Eucharist Workshop .....…..…....…... Sat Mar 7
Daily Scripture Readings
Saturday and Sunday - February 28 and March 1
4:30 PM Mass SJ Bertha Murphy - Birthday Rem.
9:00 AM Mass HT Shirley McLaughlin - Birthday Rem.
10:30 AM Mass SJ Elizabeth & Fred Slezak - Birthday Rem.
Monday, March 2
12:10 PM Mass HT Dale Braun
Tuesday, March 3
8:30 AM Mass J23 Ed Reardon - Birthday Remembrance
12:10 PM Communion Service HT
Wednesday, March 4
12:10 PM Mass HT Roy DePriest
Thursday, March 5
12:10 PM Mass HT Rita Patrick - Birthday Remembrance
Friday, March 6
8:00 AM Mass HT Anthony DiNardo
12:10 PM Communion Service HT
Saturday, March 7
8:00 AM Mass HT Michael Gardner
4:30 PM Mass SJ Mary Scheibert - Anniversary Rem.
Sunday, March 8 3rd Sunday of Lent
9:00 AM Mass HT Dub Lintner - Anniversary Remembrance
10:30 AM Mass SJ Michael Rocco - Birthday Remembrance
Weekly Collections Stewardship
Sunday, February 22nd
Ash Wednesday - Church in Europe $ 1,067
Thank you for your generous stewardship!
Mar 7/8
4:30 PM SAT
Carolyn Kraft 1B
Jennifer James 2B
Marilyn Kowalczyk 3B
John Lyons 1C
Frank Pressler 2C
Linda Weaver 3C
Kathi Mangus 4C
Bob Weaver
Stephanie Burk
John Soppanish
Larry Nichols
David Schul D1
Chloe Hill D1
Fred Cranford
Jim Stabler
Don Schwab
Mike Rossi
9:00 AM SUN
Jim Martz 1B
Mike Klapheke 2B
Marlene Ruwe 3B
John Lyons 1C
Alice Brown 2C
Lorraine Sivy 3C
Jeanne Long 4C
Janet Chase
Ed Combs
Nick Stratton
Katie McCarthy
Kathy Farler D1
Jim Greenwell D2
Tim Blashock D3
10:30 AM SUN
Cari Hellmann 1B
Karen Gregosky 2B
Rick Gregosky 3B
John Lyons 1C
Rhonda Koenig 2C
Sandy Ongkiko 3C
Beth McGuire 4C
Janet Zappia
Joe Zappia
James Cromwell
Regan Hounshell
Sandi Mulligan D1
Jim Mulligan D1
Jim Mulligan
Jim Wagner
Omer Hurlburt III
Fred DeBiasi
Mon: Dn 9:4b-10 / Lk 6:36-38
Tues: Is 1:10,16-20 / Mt 23:1-12
Wed: Jer 18:18-20 / Mt 20:17-28
Thurs: Jer 17:5-10 / Lk 16:19-31
Fri: Gn 37:3-4,12-13a,17b-28a / Mt 21:33-46
Sat: Mi 7:14-15,18-20 / Lk 15:1-3,11-32
Sun: Ex 20:1-17 / 1 Cor 1:22-25 / Jn 2:13-25
Our Prayers and Sympathy are Extended
to the family and friends of Irmgard Szabo, who
died February 19th, and to Tina Yauch in the
death of her husband, John Hudson, who died
February 23rd.
In Your Prayers Remember John Jester
at Atrium and Scott Bruggeman at Christ Hosp.
Anointing of Catechumens
10:30 AM Mass Today!
During the Period of the Catechumenate, a Rite
of Anointing the catechumens is celebrated.
The oil of the catechumens is ointment for those
preparing for baptism. It brings wisdom and
strength. The anointing with oil symbolizes their
need for God’s help and strength so that they can
understand the Gospel and accept the challenge
of living a Christian life and professing their faith.
Health Ministry:
Think You Can Beat the Odds?
Having a blood test to check your
long term blood sugar levels? Thinking about
cleaning up your diet in advance? Forget this
tactic. Won't work! It would take 2 to 3 months
of healthy eating to see any meaningful changes.
The A1c is a measure of the sugar level in your
blood over the past three months. This test
measures how much glucose (sugar) is attached
to the hemoglobin in the RBCs (Red Blood Cells).
This test does not require fasting and will make it
more convenient for more people to be tested
and hopefully decrease the number of persons
with undiagnosed diabetes or pre-diabetes. A
person with diabetes has an increased chance of:
*Stroke *Heart attack *Vision changes
*Kidney disease *Nerve damage *Slow wound
healing *Frequent infections. Deceiving ourselves
is seldom a good idea, especially when involving
our health. WebMD/
Nursery Available During 10:30 AM Mass
Introductions to Sunday Readings
Take advantage of our Nursery, located
in the St. John Center.
by Bishop Ken Untener, in collaboration
with Catherine Haven and Fr. Bill Taylor
First Reading - Genesis 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
Events in today’s reading took place approximately 1800
years before Christ. In that pagan culture, child sacrifice
was common. That's why Abraham believed God wanted
him to sacrifice his only son Isaac. Later generations
constantly looked back to this event as an example of
Abraham’s great faith.
Second Reading - Romans 8: 31b-34
Today’s reading is part of a hymn that celebrates God’s
love and which concludes the eighth chapter of Paul’s
letter to the Romans. In our first reading, we heard how
God spared Abraham’s only son; in this passage we will
hear how, out of love for us, God did not spare his only son.
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting
The monthly SVDP meeting is schedule
for this Monday, March 2nd at 7:00 p.m.
in the Holy Trinity Center.
Gathering of Widows
Join other widows of the parish for
support and community every first
Tuesday morning of the month - this March 3rd at 11:00 a.m. in the Holy Trinity Center. Please call
Carol Bishop (937) 746-9090 for more information.
Knights of Columbus Council 1610 Meeting
The K of C Council 1610 monthly meeting
is set for this Wednesday, March 4th at
7:00 p.m. in the Knights Council Hall.
8th Grade Confirmation Retreat
Rescheduled - Wednesday March 4th
5-9 PM Our Lady of Sorrows
Questions or concerns, please contact Dee
422-0602 or
Family Eucharist Workshop
2nd Gr Students & Their Parents
Saturday, March 7th
9 AM - 12 Noon St. John Church
Prayer Partners!
Don’t miss this opportunity to share your faith
with your 2nd Grade Prayer Partner! You could
send them a note letting them know that you are
following their journey as they prepare to receive
the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, including their
participation in this Family Eucharist Workshop.
A New Strategy this Lent!
I have a new strategy for the black books.
This year I have placed the black book
near the remote control for my television - so far
I've kept the TV off for a few minutes and done
some reflecting! Maybe my students could place
their black books next to their smart phones…
Matt Mulligan
Parishioner & BFHS Social Studies Teacher
The Heart of Holy Family
Volunteer Photographer Extraordinaire Rob McCulley
We struck volunteer gold in 2011 when Rob answered
the call for help with our new parish photo directory.
And the rest is history! Rob’s talent for
taking pictures is topped only by his
willingness to show up wherever,
whenever, with camera in hand,
a smile on his face, and a kind, happy
word for everyone! We often include
his work in the bulletin and you can
find thousands of his photos at our parish website.
The Light in ON for You
This Archdiocesan initiative offers
anyone the opportunity for private
confession from 7 - 9 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 3rd which we’ll have at St. John Church.
Our parish Communal Lenten Penance Services
are scheduled for Thursday, March 26th after the
12:10 PM Mass and at 7PM - Holy Trinity Church.
Singers Needed
Holy Family Bereavement Choir is
looking for singers for Funeral Masses.
Anyone can join! Funeral Masses are
usually at 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. The songs that are
chosen are familiar to every Catholic. The blending
of voices along with the celebration of the funeral
Mass comfort the bereaved in many ways. The
families are so appreciative and the fact that we
are there for them speaks very highly of our parish.
We have a wonderful, caring bereavement choir
with truly dedicated volunteers, but more singers
are needed! Call the parish office 422-0602 to join
this wonderful ministry.
The Ladies Auxiliary congratulates PAUL PRESTA
- winner of the 50/50 Raffle at the first Fish Fry!
Look for your chance to win a 50/50 raffle or one of our
lovely Easter baskets at the rest of the Lenten Fish Fries!
John XXIII’s 4th Annual Team Trivia Night
Hosted by Last Call Trivia
Saturday, March 14th
John XXIII Catholic School
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Trivia from 7:30 - 10:00 p.m.
Admission $15 per person – 8 to 10 people per team
$3 from each admission goes to the winning pot.
Major Raffle, Silent Auction and Basket Raffles too!
Have a party at your team table! You can bring your own
appetizers and we’ll provide chips, pretzels, cookies and
soft drinks! Beer and wine cash bar! No coolers allowed.
No one under 21 admitted. Call John XXIII 424-1196 or go
to to reserve your table!
John XXIII 4th Annual Team Trivia Night
2 Tickets to the NCAA Men’s Basketball
Championship Game April 6th at Lucas Oil Stadium, Indy
Help Wanted!
Tuesday, March 10 9:30 AM
We’re planning a seasonal cleaning in
St. John Church and hope to test the old adage
“Many hands make light work!” Please join us!
1 chance/$5 5 chances/$20
Please contact Becky Lankheit in the school office
424-1196, extension 11 to purchase raffle chances.
The winner will be drawn at the Team Trivia Night,
Saturday, March 14th! Winner need not be present.
Scouts Receive the Religious Award
Parvuli Dei at Last Week’s
Scout Sunday
First row: Isaiah Nichols
Jack Kodros
Grant Huber
Dominic Kodros
Second row: Dempsey Ptaszkiewicz
Brendon Rowe
Aidan Schneider
Find this and more Rob McCulley
photos - in COLOR - at our website
Just click on the photos link to view more
pictures from the Scout Sunday Celebration.
Congratulations to these RCIA Candidates and Catechumens!
Rob McCulley Photo
Last Sunday our RCIA candidates and catechumens celebrated the Rites of Sending and Election
and the Call to Continuing Conversion. Seated: Andy Lindon, Amy Lindon, Carla Nicely, Shayna Estep, and
Helena Januszki Standing: Claire Moore, Todd Moore, Paul Rasper, Biff Turner, Haley Arlinghaus, Stephanie
Januszki, Elizabeth Bunnell, Ronnie Januszki, Brittany Shields, Ron Januszki, Carol Shields, Todd Miller, Tammy
Tribbey, Ben Thaeler, and Jared McFarland. Not pictured: Jordan Bunnell, Chyanne Denhart, and Lana Ernst
A Letter from Sister Annie Klapheke!
Dear Parishioners of Holy Family Parish,
I am writing to update you on my formation journey with the
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. In the beginning of January,
I moved from Anthony, New Mexico to Cincinnati to begin
Novitiate, which is the next step in my formation process.
This time of Novitiate is focused on prayer, study, and
deepening my awareness of the Spirit moving in my life.
I have class three days a week on theology, spirituality,
church history, scripture, and the history and mission of the
Sisters of Charity. One day a week I volunteer at Healthy
Moms and Babes, an organization that provides health and
nutrition education to low income pregnant women. There is
also time built into my weekly schedule for silence, solitude
My family and I at the prayer service for the start of my Novitiate
and reflection. I am living in the Novitiate house community
which includes me, two second year novices, and four other sisters. They have been a warm and welcoming
community in this time of transition. Although the climate change has been a shock, I am happy to be in Cincinnati living next to our Motherhouse and closer to family and friends. The first month of Novitiate has held many
rich experiences, and I look forward to all that is to come. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
All of you remain in my prayers. Peace, Sister Annie Klapheke 5770 Delhi Road Cincinnati, OH 45233
Temple Beth Sholom Presents
Rabbi Michael Cook, Ph.D.
Wednesday, March 11th 7:30 PM
610 Gladys Drive, Middletown
This is open to the public but because of limited space, the
event will not be advertised. Please join us and share this
experience and stay for refreshments afterwards.
"Symbols of Judaism in Famous Christian Art:
Why They are There and What They Mean" - featuring
visuals of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo,
Jan van Eyck, Robert Campin, Roger van der Weyden,
Petrus Christus, among many others. Dr. Michael Cook has
extensive expertise in Jewish-Christian relations and has
keynoted more than 200 Institutes for Christian clergy in
40 states and Canada. Works of famous Renaissance
painters are familiar to many of us, whether or not we
frequent art museums. What may have escaped our
attention is the degree to which symbols of Jews and
Judaism came to punctuate this art - especially in
depictions of important Christian themes. Discovering
these is fascinating. This very ubiquity of Jewish symbols
in Christian Renaissance art well demonstrates the
degree to which Christianity customarily acknowledged
its Jewish rootage. Aside from rendering honor to the
artists in question, this presentation will also significantly
enhance understanding between Christians and Jews,
as well as foster greater appreciation of how religious
traditions originate and customarily become embellished
over time.
American Association of University Women
(AAUW) Annual Used Book Sale
Thursday - Sunday, March 12th- 15th
4481 Marie Drive - Kittyhawk Plaza
We invite you to come to the
Middletown AAUW Annual Used Book Sale where the
proceeds go towards scholarships for area students.
Some of the books included in this year’s collection
are a large selection of Science Fiction, Mysteries,
Biographies, Fiction, forty-five records and puzzles!
Here are the dates and times:
Thursday, March 12th
5 PM - 8 PM
$5 admission for pre-sale
Friday, March 13th
10 AM - 8 PM
Saturday, March 14
10 AM - 6 PM
Sunday, March 15th
12 PM - 5 PM
$6 a bag sale
Details can be found at
or call 424-5458, or 513-242-1120.
Parishioners in the News!
The Kettering Municipal Court
Welcomes Judge James Long
Son of parishioners Frank & Jeanne Long
There is a new Judge in the Kettering
Municipal Court. Long-time Kettering
City prosecutor and former Public
Defender James F. Long was
announced as the choice to fill
the spot of retiring Judge Thomas
Hanna. Judge Long has run his own
law practice and is head coach as
well as assistant program coordinator of the South
Dayton Knights Basketball Club. He has coached and
mentored a number of sports teams in and around
Kettering. Judge Long’s educational background
includes having earned a bachelor of arts in political
science from Ohio Northern University and a juris
doctorate from Ohio State University’s Moritz College
of Law. Judge Long must run again in November to
retain his seat for the rest of the term, which ends in
December 2017. Congratulations Judge Long!
Day of Recollection for Lent at Holy Name
Sunday, March 8th 2 - 4 PM
Young and adults are invited. A free-will donation will
be accepted. The presenters will be the sisters of the
“Children of Mary” - For
questions about the program please call 988-6335.
“Healing a Heart” - A Six Week Grief Support
Group for People Who Have Lost a Loved One
Hospice Care of Middletown, Inc. is proud to sponsor
“Healing a Heart” Spring Grief Support Groups.
These groups focus on peer support, grief education,
and the development of coping skills. These groups
are open to the community and are free of charge.
Thursday Evening Group 6:30 - 8 PM
March 26th - April 30th
Friday Day Group 1 - 2:30 PM
March 27th - May 1st
Both groups meet at the Hospice Care of Middletown
office, 3909 Central Ave located behind the Middletown
Senior Center. Pre-registration is required, so please
call 424-2273. Hospice Care of Middletown knows that
the price of love is the pain of grief. Healing comes
through sharing your grief journey with others.