General Contractor - GLR Construction, Inc.


General Contractor - GLR Construction, Inc.
2370 Skyway Drive, #104
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Phone: 805.347.7860
Fax: 805.456.0248
DUNS NO. 79-0996875
Contractors License No.
891245, Class “B” General
Building Contractor
NAICS Codes (not all inclusive):
 236210 Industrial Building Construction
 236220 Commercial &
Institutional Building Construction
 237110 Water, Sewer
Line & Related Structures
 237120 Oil, Gas Pipeline
& Related Structures
 237130 Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction
 237310 Highway, Street
& Bridge Construction
 237990 Other Heavy and
Civil Engineering Construction
 237110 Poured Concrete
Foundation and Structure
 238130 Framing Contractors
 238160 Roofing Contractors
 238190 Other Foundation, Structure and Building Exterior Contractors
 238310 Drywall & Insulation Contractors
 $4M Single Job
 $10M Aggregate
For more information,
please contact our Corporate Office 805.347.7860
February 2015
Company History
Barbara Ramirez founded GLR
Construction in 2007 and later
incorporated in 2010. She has
more than 22 years of project
management experience and is
highly knowledgeable in all aspects of construction. Her team
of employees have more than 40
years of experience in public,
private and federal construction
projects. GLR’s Texas-Arkansas
office was established in April
2014 and the Electrical Division
opened in October 2014.
GLR Construction, Inc. specializes in building new structures,
remodeling existing structures,
and performing all necessary site
work. The primary focus of work
is federal, state and public projects. GLR Construction is an EPA
Lead-Safe Certified Firm. GLR is
also certified as a Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprise,
SBA Certified 8(a) Company;
Minority Woman-Owned Small
Business; Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small
Business (EDWOSB); California
Certified Small Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise (formerly
known as UDBE); and EPA LeadSafe Certified Firm.
We self-perform the following
 Site Safety
 Quality Control
 Project Management
 Carpentry
 Drywall
 Wood and metal framing
 Concrete
 Site work
All other trades are subcontracted with local licensed professional contractors.
Sample Completed Projects with References
 Repair Sewer Laterals, Vandenberg AFB, $3,386,852, Contract No.
FA4610-14-C-0040, 30th CONS, William Davis (805) 605-0496,
 NRO HVAC, Bldg. 1728 and 2506, Vandenberg AFB, $825,684, Contract
No. W912PL-13-D-0006_0003, US Army Corps of Engineers, Damon
Durham, (805) 734-4670,
 FCA Interior Finishes, Bldg, 126, Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital
Long Beach CA, $1,994,184.34, Contract No. W912PL-11-D-0062 (US
Army Corps of Engineers, Thien Vu , (626) 401-4095,
 Monterey Bldg. 704 & Bldg. 436, Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey
CA, $654,000, Contract No. N62473-11-R-1014, Task Order 0001 (Dept
of the Navy, Andrew Chan (831) 656-6229,
 Bldg. 150 Replace SCI Shower Doors, VA Hospital Long Beach CA,
$629,738, Contract No. W912PL-11-D-0042 (Army Corp of Engineers,
Thien Vu - (626) 401-4095,
 Replace Switches at Substations and Switching Station, Vandenberg AFB,
CA, $3,789,000, Contract No. W912PL-D-0024, Task Order 0001 (US
Army Corps of Engineers, Nicholas Cugini (805) 606-3590,
 Replace Floor Coating System, Vandenberg AFB, CA, $163,889, Contract
No. FA4610-12-C-0016 (30th CONS, Frank Vitelli (805) 605-4658,
 Repair/Upgrade Rooms, Facility 8401, Vandenberg AFB, CA, $220,442,
Contract No. FA4610-12-C-0021 (30th CONS, Hilton MacDonald (805)
 Install Access Ramp, Fort Hunter Liggett CA, $44,828, Contract No.
W9124N-13-C-0013 (Fort Hunter Liggett Army Base, Cliff Skinner, Engineer Tech,, (831) 386-2422)
 United Launch Alliance (ULA) SLC3 Floor Ground Level Rm 106, Vandenberg AFB CA, $75,356, Contract No. 4500040417 (United Launch Alliance Contracting, Nick Sehgal, CO (805) 605-5315,
 ULA SLC6 B399 Remodel, Vandenberg AFB CA, $64,068, Contract No.
4500040454 (United Launch Alliance Contracting, Alan Kruthers, CO
(805) 605-6340,
 ULA Safety Improvements Design-Build, Vandenberg AFB, CA, $491,101,
Hensel Phelps Construction Contract No. 7101305-0330100 (Hensel
Phelps Construction, David Milford, CO (571) 921-5873,
 NRO Replace Roofing Building 2500, Vandenberg AFB CA, $257,595,
Contract No. W912PL-13-D-0006, Task Order 0002 (US Army Corps of
Engineers, Shannon Cossa (213) 452-3240,
Key Personnel
Barbara Ramirez: Barbara founded GLR Construction in 2007. She has more than 22 years of project
management experience with general contractors
throughout California. Barbara has experience in all
aspects of construction from administration and
submittal processing to billings and subcontract
management, from purchasing materials and supplies to serving as a field superintendent. She is
highly knowledgeable in construction and has also
served as a building permit technician for a local
city ensuring she has knowledge of client requirements for building projects and required permits.
John Close, Superintendent: John has been in the
construction industry since 1978, advancing from a
Michael “Mike” Stickler, Operations Manager: Mike
laborer, an apprentice carpenter, journeyman carhas nearly 40 years experience in the construction
penter, foreman and now currently a superintenfield as a carpenter and Superintendent. He is redent . John is qualified as a Site Safety & Health
sponsible for supervising and coordinating projects
Officer as well as a Quality Control Manager. He is
at the field level and has been with GLR since 2008.
experienced in the areas of: safety, quality control,
Mike is skilled in concrete form work, structural and
planning and scheduling, submittals, and customer
non-structural cement finish work, metal and wood
relations. John has completed the 40-hour EM 385stud framing, drywall, installation of doors, hard1-1 course.
ware, windows, computer floors, and dropped ceilBob Burrow, Superintendent: Bob has served as a
ings, and finish carpentry.
superintendent since 1998 for companies throughJames “Jim” Sparks, Project Manager /Senior Estiout California. He joined the GLR team in 2014 as a
mator: Jim has worked in construction since 1978
superintendent and carpenter. Bob specializes in
as a carpenter, superintendent and project managdoors and hardware, and is experienced in all areas
er. He has worked on a wide range of projects inof carpentry, building construction and remodeling.
cluding high density residential condominiums, high
rise office buildings, hospital and medical facilities, Jennifer Jamison, Accounting Department: Jennifer
educational facilities, and military facilities. He has has been in the financial industry for more than 18
years. She is highly proficient in all aspects of Conskillfully managed and laid out projects that are
struction Accounting and Human Resources, spearchitecturally detailed and others that are highly
cializing in Job Costing. She oversees all business
technical mechanical and electrical projects. He is
and financial duties within GLR Construction, Inc.
skilled in quality control and documentation, planning and CPM scheduling, customer relations and
Danita Seyer, Operations Administrator: Danita
the submittal process.
serves as the company’s operations administrator
Bobby Bergner , Electrical Division: Bobby manages and has more than 11 years of experience in project
scheduling, subcontract administration, project
GLR’s electrical construction workforce and has
more than 25 years’ experience in the construction management and information technology. She is
industry with a solid history of managing large-scale responsible for project planning and execution,
scheduling, managing projects, administering the
projects. He joined the GLR team in October 2014
after serving as vice president of electrical divisions company submittals process, writing technical bid
and electrical superintendent at three previous em- proposals, writing administrative plans and preparing all marketing materials.
ployers. His expertise in electrical estimating, contracting and project management is renowned.
Christopher “Chris” Torres, Program Coordinator /
Matt Campbell, Electrical Division: Matt is a licensed Estimator: Chris has been in the construction induselectrical contractor (California license no. 791989) try for more than 7 years. He prepares cost estiwith more than 32 years in the industry. He worked mates and proposals, conceptual models and budgets, and performs quantitative analysis of construcfor a major electrical utility in California for more
tion document and project program requirements.
than 20 years culminating in directing and coordinating a technical substation workforce of 65 elec- He also prepares and reviews submittals for their
compliance with contract documentation.
tricians and technicians. Since leaving the major
utility in 2008, Matt has owned a company that
Nadsya Efseaff, Administrative Assistant: Nadsya
provides electrical transmission and distribution
has been with GLR Construction since 2013 assistconsulting, testing and inspection services to utility
ing Jennifer with accounting and Chris with preparcompanies in the electrical generation, substation
ing bids for client review. In addition, she is responand line industries across the country. Matt joined
sible for preparing, checking and submitting all comthe GLR team in June 2014.
pany and subcontractor certified payrolls.
February 2015