4K Registration Packet - Marshfield School District
4K Registration Packet - Marshfield School District
School Year REGISTRATION CARDMARSHFIELD SCHOOLS School Grade Name of Student Age PLEASE PRINT Sex: M F Date of Birth (last) (first) (middle name) Address (street) (city) (mo.) (day) (year) Phone (township) Race: (check all that apply) ___American Indian/Alaskan Native ___Asian __Black/African American___Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander __White Is this student Hispanic or Latino? (choose only one) ____No, not Hispanic or Latino ____Yes, Hispanic or Latino Birth City County State Father Address Mother Address Father’s Email Address Country Phone Phone Mother’sEmailAddress (list emails only if can be used for school use) Occupation of Father Employer Occupation of Mother Employer Is your child covered by any type of health insurance? Yes___ No ___This information will be shared with the appropriate school personnel. Today’s Date Signature of Parent The School District of Marshfield does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability or handicap in its education programs or activities, and complies with all requirements and regulations pursuant to law. Student directory data (student name, address, phone number, email, and name of parent or guardian) may be released unless the parent or guardian notifies the Principal in writing that all or part of the data may not be released. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MARSHFIELDREGISTRATION STUDENT'S NAME Last First Middle Name Record verifying birth: _____ Birth Certificate _____ Baptismal Certificate OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Birth Month Day Male Female Circle One Year Place of Birth City State Father County Country Mother Number of children in family Name Student lives with: Both parents Date of Birth Mother Father Other If your child is called by a nickname, please spell it: Though we realize that parents prefer the neighborhood location, there are some situations where placement may occur at another 4K location in order to achieve equitable class size. 1st Preference 4K Site Session: AM or PM or Either 2nd Preference 4K Site Session: AM or PM or Either Will your child be requiring transportation to or from school? Yes or NO *If you live within city limits or outside of the district please contact: Marshfield Bus Service. There is no fee If you live in the country, or your child attends Head Start 4K.* Every effort will be made to honor requests, but this preference is not a guarantee. Neighborhood Schools Session Times ABC Child Care Center – Lincoln 7:45AM – 10:50 AM Bright Horizons – Grant 11:40 AM – 2:45 PM Child Care Centers of Marshfield – Madison Grace Lutheran – Nasonville (4K AM session only) Tiny Tiger Intergenerational Center – Madison YMCA – Pied Piper Child Development Center – Grant (No child care offered) Wood County Head Start- (Prequalification Required) SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MARSHFIELD, MARSHFIELD, WISCONSIN SPECIAL NEEDS DATA To enable us to identify and more immediately service students with possible special needs, please provide the following information at the time of registration. Child's name Birth date School 1. Has your child ever been referred for a disability? 2. Does your child have a disability? yes yes Grade no If yes, when no If yes, what 3. Has your child ever received special education services? a) Age yes no If yes, please indicate which one(s): Early Childhood (EC) b) Learning Disabilities (LD) c) Emotionally/Behavioral Disability (ED/EBD) d) Cognitive Disabilities e) Speech Therapy f) Occupational Therapy (OT) g) Physical Therapy (PT) h) Adaptive Physical Education (Specially Designed Physical Education) i) Hearing Impaired j) Vision Impaired k) Physically Disabled l) Other(s): Please list and explain 4. Has your child been diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)? 5. Has your child had the service of a School Guidance Counselor? 6. Has your child received school social work services? 7. Has your child received Chapter I (Title I) services? yes yes yes yes no no no no 8. Has your child received any alcohol and drug services through the schools? yes no If yes, please explain 9. Has your child required/received special services/treatment/assessment (not special education) of any kind from the school? yes no If yes, please explain Signature of Parent/Guardian Date HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY - SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MARSHFIELD TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL STUDENTS NEW TO THE DISTRICT Student’s Name Grade Relationship of Person Completing Survey Assigned School (circle one) Mother Father Child’s Country of Birth Guardian Other G L M N W 4K Site (circle one) Number of years in U.S. MS HS Has child been enrolled in US schools for 3 consecutive years? ABC BH CCCM CCFK Please list the date student first enrolled in US school. HS PP TT Directions: 1. 2. Check the correct response for each of the following questions and indicate other languages, if appropriate. English Language(s) Spoken Dialect What language does the child speak to her/his friends most of the time? What language do family members or extended family members speak most of the time? 3. What language do family members read? 4. In what language do the parents/guardians request oral and/or written communication from the school? STOP HERE IF ENGLISH IS THE PRIMARY LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY THE CHILD English 5. 6. 7. 8. Language(s) Spoken What language did the child learn when she or he first began to talk? In what language do the parent(s) speak to this child most of the time? What language does the child hear and understand in the home? What language does the child speak to her/his brothers/sisters most of the time? Dialect Send original to Director of Instruction, Central Office, as soon as new student registers. Keep one copy for Principal’s file. ESL File Opened Yes No ESL Evaluator FOR STAFF COMPLETION ESL Test Date Today’s Date Test ESL Level Placement GL HEALTH GUIDANCE RECORD Name Address Telephone Sex: School Birth Date Male Female Physician Dentist Mother's Name Occupation Father's Name Occupation Brothers: Ages Sisters: Ages MEDICAL HISTORY (State years in which each occurred. If current problems, please note) Allergy (Specify) ___ Asthma Bronchitis or Pneumonia Diabetic Ear Infections Enuresis (bed wetting/daytime dryness) Speech concerns Bowel problems Kidney Infection Whooping Cough Heart Conditions Frequent cold or sore throats Chickenpox Epilepsy-seizures Vision or hearing concerns Frequent nose bleeds Other injuries, illnesses or operations (Specify) Is your child on medications? Yes No If yes, which medications? COMMENTS: Date Signed Parent or Guardian Children of Divorced/Separated Parents Enrollment Form Student Name Name of Enrolling Parent or Guardian Address Email address City State Work Number Telephone Number Cell Number Please check one: I have full custody and primary physical placement of the student. I have joint custody and shared physical placement of the student as described in the most recent Court Order of custody and placement (attach Court Order). I have joint custody and primary placement of the student as described in the most recent Court Order of custody and placement (attach Court Order). I do not have any of the above arrangements. Please see the most recent Court Order of custody and placement for details (attach Court Order). Name of Court having jurisdiction over the above student Full Name of Court City State List the other party to the action affecting the student: Name Address Telephone Number City State Does the most recent Court Order curtail or restrict the rights and privileges of the other parent to be kept advised of the student’s school progress and school activities or participation? Yes (attach Court Order) No Does the most recent Court Order definitely prohibit the school to release the student to the other parent? Yes (attach Court Order) No Parent/Guardian Signature Date *If no current court orders are provided, the school will assume both parents have full parental rights and responsibilities.
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