Working Women`s Wednesday - Marshfield Area Chamber of


Working Women`s Wednesday - Marshfield Area Chamber of
Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry
and Mid-State Technical College presents
Working Women’s
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Registration & Marketplace: 11:00 - 11:30 am
Lunch, with door prize drawings: 11:40 am - 12:10 pm
Program: 12:15 - 1:15 pm
Marketplace: open after program until 1:30 p.m.
Hotel Marshfield
2700 South Central Avenue, Marshfield
Tasha Schuh presents “Little is Huge” and will inspire, motivate and encourage
you to find life in your story by embracing the little things. Tasha’s message is
geared around her story about how she learned purpose, attitude, and hope in her
journey of being a quadriplegic. Each person will be motivated and challenged to
know that they can live life to the fullest, and overcome any circumstance or
difficulty that they may encounter in life. Plan to attend and realize your
purpose to move forward with a renewed spirit of excitement for your future.
This networking luncheon offers a marketplace of booths, an educational experience, door prize drawings, and fabulous
lunch. Marketplace will be open after the program until 1:30 p.m.
Working Women’s Wednesday is sponsored by Marshfield Clinic.
Working Women’s Wednesday Reservation Form
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Name ______________________________________________ Email ____________________________________
Business ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________City ____________________________ Zip ______________
Check menu option:
____ Philly Cheese Steak sandwich on a toasted hoagie served with house made chips and house salad.
____ Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad sandwich on ciabetta bread with house made chips and house salad.
____ Pasta Primavera with Alfredo sauce and fresh seasonal veggies served with breadstick and house salad.
Cost: $23/per person. Enclosed $_______ Make check payable and send to: MACCI, 700 S. Central Ave, Marshfield, WI 54449
Credit card (Master Card, Visa, Discover accepted)_________________________________________________ Exp. date______Vcode_____
Signature ___________________________________Credit card billing address ___________________________________________
Please RSVP by Thursday, April 16. Reservations after that date will be at $33 per person.