Program of Studies 2015-2016


Program of Studies 2015-2016
Hillside Consu
Avenue School - Orange Avenue School
Middle School Information ................................................................................................. 4
Board of Education Personnel ........................................................................................... 4
Central Office Personnel ................................................................................................... 4
Supervisors/Facilitators ..................................................................................................... 5
Message from Principals ................................................................................................... 6
Curriculum Overview ......................................................................................................... 7
Sixth Grade Program......................................................................................................... 8
Typical Sixth Grade Schedule ........................................................................................... 9
Grade 6 Course Description
Language Arts ....................................................................................................... 10
Mathematics ........................................................................................................... 10
Science .................................................................................................................. 10
Social Studies ......................................................................................................... 11
World Language ................................................................................................... 11
Physical Education/Health ...................................................................................... 11
Exploratory Subjects............................................................................................... 12
Applied Technology ................................................................................................ 12
Art ........................................................................................................................... 12
Family and Consumer Sciences ............................................................................. 12
The Ways We Learn ............................................................................................... 13
Music ...................................................................................................................... 13
Chorus .................................................................................................................... 13
Instrumental/String Music ....................................................................................... 13
Seventh Grade Program ................................................................................................... 14
Typical Seventh Grade Schedule ...................................................................................... 15
Grade 7 Course Description
Language Arts ....................................................................................................... 16
Pre-Algebra ............................................................................................................ 16
Pre-Algebra Advanced ........................................................................................... 16
Science ................................................................................................................... 17
Social Studies ......................................................................................................... 17
World Language ................................................................................................... 17
Physical Education/Health ...................................................................................... 17
Elective Courses ..................................................................................................... 18
Applied Technology ................................................................................................ 18
Art ........................................................................................................................... 18
Computers .............................................................................................................. 19
Family and Consumer Sciences ............................................................................. 19
Art of Media ............................................................................................................ 19
Music Cycle ............................................................................................................ 19
Band, Chorus and Orchestra .................................................................................. 20
Jazz Band ............................................................................................................... 20
Instrumental Music Lessons (Strings and Band) .................................................... 20
Eighth Grade Program ...................................................................................................... 21
Typical Eighth Grade Schedule ......................................................................................... 22
Grade 8 Course Description
Algebra ................................................................................................................... 23
Algebra 1-A ............................................................................................................ 23
Algebra Advanced .................................................................................................. 23
English ................................................................................................................... 24
English Advanced ................................................................................................... 24
Literature/Process Writing ...................................................................................... 24
Physical Science .................................................................................................... 24
Physical Science Advanced ................................................................................... 25
Social Studies ......................................................................................................... 25
Social Studies Advanced ........................................................................................ 25
World Language ................................................................................................... 26
Physical Education/Health ...................................................................................... 26
Elective Courses ..................................................................................................... 26
Applied Technology ................................................................................................ 27
Art .......................................................................................................................... 27
Family and Consumer Sciences ............................................................................. 27
The World (OAS) .................................................................................................... 28
Art of Media 2 (HAS) .............................................................................................. 28
Choral Workshop/Instrumental Workshop .............................................................. 28
Special Education ............................................................................................................. 28
Pathways to Excellence ................................................................................................... 29
Co-Curricular Activities ..................................................................................................... 29
The Cranford Public Schools promotes Pre K – Grade 12 education as a shared responsibility among students, educators, administrators,
parents and community. The Cranford Public Schools strives to create a safe, caring, and rigorous learning environment responsive to the
individual needs and interests of our students offering programs of studies consistent with the Common Core State Standards, New Jersey
Core Curriculum Content Standards and 21st Century College and Career Readiness. Central to our programs are relevant, real-world
learning experiences that stimulate and encourage curiosity, effective communication, goal setting and problem-solving skills while
providing opportunities that promote creativity, self-expression, physical/emotional wellness and an appreciation of diversity. All
students are provided with personalized learning experiences and critical thinking skills needed to become thoughtful, responsible and
productive citizens making contributions in local and global contexts fostering respect and accountability in all of their actions.
Hillside Avenue School
Orange Avenue School
Principal – Curt M. Fogas Ed.D
Principal – Michelle Vella
Assistant Principal – Celine McNally
Assistant Principal – Kevin Deacon
Main: 908-709-6229
Guidance: 908-709-6239
Main: 908-709-6257
Guidance: 908-709-6267
Mary Venditti, President
Jill Brown
Lisa Carbone
Daniel DeMarco
Cathy Morgese
/ Jo Ann Boyle, Vice President
Lisa Patella
Kurt Petschow
Camille Widdows
Superintendent of Schools
Gayle Carrick, Ed.D.
Interim Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Rose Macaluso, Ed.D.
Director of Human Resources
Paul E. Ward, Ed.D.
Business Administrator
Robert Carfagno
Supervisor of Student Services
Ariadis Charles
Computer Systems Manager
Michael Mangini
Applied Technology/
Lisa Hayeck
Business Management /
Social Studies
Judith Podbelski
Family and Consumer Science/
World Language
Annamaria Bellino
Fine Arts/
Music and Performing Arts
Lynn Berry
Health/Physical Education
Athletic Director
Darren Torsone
Language Arts
Susan Ritter
Gregg Caverly
Special Education
Yasmin Burrell
March 2, 2015
The middle school program of studies will provide you with information about the middle
school program in the Cranford Public School District. The world of the middle school
learner is filled with constant change. Young adolescents mature physically in so many
ways and much of their energy is spent growing. Their ability to reason and problem solve
evolves from a very concrete base to one that is extended by their developing ability to think
both abstractly and critically.
We focus our energy and resources on developing effective learning communities. Each grade
level consists of teams that work collaboratively and is organized to promote the intellectual,
physical, social, and emotional growth of each child. The team approach allows teachers to
integrate the curriculum and to equip sixth, seventh and eighth graders for subsequent academic
experiences and responsible decision-making; and to address the physical, social, emotional and
intellectual developmental milestones that confront this particular age group. We strive to provide
our students with the opportunity to explore and discover themselves, including vocational and life
goals. Parents are welcome to schedule meetings with team teachers for any reason.
a comprehensive program consisting of core academic subjects, practical and fine arts, careerrelated subjects and extracurricular activities. Our curriculum emphasizes scientific thought,
quantitative reasoning, the arts, a world language, thoughtful reading and competent expression.
This affords students with the opportunity to further strengthen subject area skills already
developed in elementary school. Your child will be able to explore areas such as art, family and
consumer sciences, technology and computers. In addition, he or she will also have the
opportunity to participate in various co-curricular activities and interscholastic sports.
We encourage you to read this program of studies and discuss it with your child. Together
you can plan a worthwhile educational experience. We wish your child much success and
happiness during his or her years in middle school.
Curt M. Fogas,, Ed.D..
Michelle Vella
Hillside Avenue School
Hillside Avenue School Web Page:
Orange Avenue School
Orange Avenue School Web Page:
Grades six through eight are organized to reflect a middle school philosophy. The central
feature of the middle school model is the interdisciplinary teaching team. Teachers
representing different subject disciplines (language arts, social studies, mathematics and
science) are given the responsibility for the academic and social progress of the students on
their team. Teachers meet on a regular basis to plan instruction, discuss student concerns,
organize class time, share instructional strategies and, when necessary, meet with students
and/or parents. Teachers plan lessons/activities that integrate their subject areas and
provide students with interdisciplinary experiences. Course Placement recommendations
are determined through a combination of a student's grades, standardized test score, in
house assessment, and teacher recommendation. This process begins during the second
marking period and is revisited at the end of the school year. Additionally, students are
introduced to a variety of life skills through a series of cycle/elective programs.
The curricular program in sixth grade consists of the following courses:
Full-year Courses
Language Arts Block
Social Studies
World Language
Physical Education/Health
Exploratory Courses
Family and Consumer Sciences
Applied Technology
The Ways We Learn
HAS Grade 6
OAS Grade 6
Period 1 (45) 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Social Studies
Period 1 (43) 8:15 a.m. - 8:58 a.m
Social Studies
Period 2 (43) 9:03 a.m. - 9:46 a.m.
World Language
Period 2 (45) 9:01 a.m. - 9:46 a.m.
World Language
Period 3 (43) 9:49 a.m. - 10:32 a.m.
Physical Education/ Cycles
Period 3 (43) 9:49 a.m. - 10:32 a.m.
Period 4 (43) 10:35 a.m. - 11:18 a.m.
Physical Education/ Cycles
Period 4 (43) 10:35 a.m. - 11:18 a.m.
Period 5 (43) 11:21 a.m. - 12:04 p.m.
Language Arts
Period 5 (43) 11:21 a.m. - 12:04 p.m.
Language Arts
Period 6 (43) 12:07 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
Language Arts
Period 6 (43) 12:07 p.m. - 12:50 p.m
Language Arts
LUNCH (25) 12:53 p.m. - 1:18 p.m.
*LUNCH (25) 12:53 p.m. - 1:18 p.m.
Period 7 (43) 1:21 p.m. - 2:04 p.m.
Period 7 (43) 1:21 p.m. - 2:04 p.m.
Physical Education/ Cycles
Period 8 (43) 2:07 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Period 8 (43) 2:07 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Physical Education/ Cycles
*6th grade students may have lunch A or
lunch C (Lunch C is shown)
6th Grade Exploratory Classes Include:
Applied Technology, Art, Computer Applications,
Family & Consumer Sciences, Music, The Ways We Learn
Grade 6 Course Description
In grade six, the core academic courses include language arts (double period),
mathematics, science, social studies and world language. The following skills are
introduced in each area:
Grade 6 introduces middle school students to the study of language arts on a secondary
level with emphasis on increasing students’ understanding and appreciation of literature and
informational texts. Students will continue the development of their ability to write creatively,
critically and argumentatively. The sixth grade program continues to teach reading,
vocabulary, spelling and grammar skills, but the emphasis is on students’ ability to
effectively use these skills to read and write critically. At this level, students will read and
analyze more complex works of fiction including poetry and short stories. In addition,
students will read and analyze more complex informational texts. Students were introduced
to the writing process in the elementary grades, and they will continue to use this process in
the middle school.
Previous math knowledge is expanded while also continuing to develop and apply problemsolving techniques. Areas of study include:
Operations with fractions
Multi-digit numbers, factors, and multiples
Rational number system
Algebraic expressions
One-variable equations and inequalities
Relationships between dependent and independent variables
Area, surface area, and volume
Statistical distributions
SCIENCE - Earth Science
The study of science continues in the sixth grade with a year-long intensive investigation of
the systems of Earth. The course will be guided by four key concepts:
1. Earth is dynamic and has evolved over 4.5 billion years.
2. The geological evolution of the Earth has left a record of history.
3. We depend upon Earth’s resources.
4. Earth is part of a vast universe.
Topics include:
1. Fossils
2. Dynamic planet (layers of the earth)
3. Water as a resource
4. Oceans
5. Atmosphere
6. Space
Students in the 6th grade study American history, beginning with the writing of the United
States Constitution in the new republic. In this course, the students study the problems
faced by the new nation, westward expansion, sectionalism, the events leading to the Civil
War, the fighting of the war and reconstruction. The geography of the United States is
emphasized throughout the course. Primary sources are utilized to enable students to
interpret and analyze American history from a first-hand account, and subsequently write
about it. The inclusion of current events as an on-going assignment is used to keep the
students informed, and when appropriate, to make content relevant to students’ lives.
Students are challenged with both project- and problem-based activities in order to gain an
enduring understanding of the concepts being taught.
The Middle School world language program offers sixth grade students the opportunity to
continue the study of Spanish or to begin the study of Latin, French, German or Japanese
(pending Board approval). Once students select a language of study in grade 6, they
continue to study the language in grades 7 and 8. The three-year sequence affords students
the opportunity to reach higher levels of proficiency through consistent exposure to the
same language and prepares students for further study in the high school. The
departmental goal of increased communicative proficiency is supported through practice in
listening, speaking, reading and writing in the target language.
Physical education will be required of all students unless there is a medical reason for nonparticipation. The physical education program for students in grades 6, 7 and 8 is a coeducational program in which students participate in activities that stress fitness, skill
development and basic game-play concepts. Students in these grades participate in three
marking periods of physical education and one marking period of health education.
Health and physical education classes meet five days per week. Middle school students are
required to change into proper gym attire for physical education classes.
Health is required of all students in grades 6-8. The course of study at each grade level is
designed to present comprehensive coverage of health topics presented in ways that relate
directly to students’ own experiences. Emphasis is placed on acquiring the knowledge,
attitudes and skills necessary to a healthful life and teaching students to take responsibility
for their own health. Study of HIV/AIDS is included in the grades 6-8 health curriculum.
The middle school provides a variety of learning experiences through the
exploratory/electives courses. Through these courses, students have opportunities to
develop new interests and discover new abilities with the specialized staff and facilities of
the middle school. Students in grade six will participate in a variety of exploratory courses
(cycles) during the course of the year including:
Applied Technology, Art, Family & Consumer Sciences, Computers, Music and The Ways
We Learn.
APPLIED TECHNOLOGY - Introduction to Applied Technology
This course offers the sixth grade student an introduction to the world of applied technology.
They will be introduced to the concept of a design loop and learn to apply what they have
learned to solve a variety of foundation level problems. Working as individuals and in teams
they will explore concepts related to electricity, computer-aided design, and mechanical
Developing students’ understanding of technology applications and their role in our lives is
the focus of this course. In addition, activities and studies in this course will strengthen
students’ computer, math, and writing skills. This course will prepare students for continued
study of applied technology in seventh grade.
Students will explore the visual arts primarily through art making that incorporates the study
of art history, art criticism, and aesthetics. Studio experiences may include, but are not
limited to, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, and computer graphics.
The continued development of the individual’s creativity and an understanding of the visual
arts are the main focus of this course. Careers in the visual arts and related fields are also
“Life Skills “ is a thirty day introductory course designed to help students become
responsible and productive family members as they learn practical skills and gain insights
that are both fun and functional. This course introduces students to practical life skills and
knowledge in three main areas: sewing, child care, and food preparation/nutrition. The
students learn hand sewing skills by sewing a button and using the running stitch to create a
“locker pocket” or “door knob dangler.” They gain a better understanding of child growth
and development, the importance of play, and gain valuable babysitting skills as they study
the behavior of younger children. Lastly, the 6th grade students are introduced to nutrition
and simple food preparation skills as they learn about the new Food Pyramid, examine food
labels and make nutritious food choices. Students will explore microwave cooking, use of
the blender, and learn how to prepare nutritious snacks. In all areas studied, students will
employ technology, problem solving, and hands-on activities as they are encouraged to use
skills learned in “Life Skills” at home.
In this course, students will discover their unique learning preferences and become familiar
with the techniques that will enable them to learn and study more effectively. A blend of
learning styles, study skills and test-taking strategies will make our students more effective,
flexible and confident learners.
The Grade 6 music cycle will immerse students into the world of music making and creating
using technology. Students will learn basic techniques of audio recording and editing as
they explore and create original Raps, create original melodies and soundscapes to
accompany a poem or short story. The class is all about "hands-on" activities which will
require an application of the music skills students have been building on through the
elementary music program.
All students are invited to participate in our chorus program. Students will rehearse before
school and perform in assemblies and concerts.
Pull-out lessons will continue for students in our instrumental music program. Rehearsals
will continue before school, and students will perform in assemblies and concert.
The curricular program in seventh grade consists of the following courses:
Full-year Courses
Language Arts Block
Pre-Algebra Advanced
Social Studies
World Language
Physical Education/Health
Elective Courses
Family and Consumer Sciences
Applied Technology
Art of Media
HAS Grade 7
OAS Grade 7
Period 1 (45) 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Physical Education/ Electives
Period 1 (43) 8:15 a.m. - 8:58 a.m.
Physical Education/ Electives
Period 2 (43) 9:03 a.m. - 9:46 a.m.
Physical Education/ Electives
Period 2 (45) 9:01 a.m. - 9:46 a.m.
Physical Education/ Electives
Period 3 (43) 9:49 a.m. - 10:32 a.m.
World Language
Period 3 (43) 9:49 a.m. - 10:32 a.m.
Period 4 (43) 10:35 a.m. - 11:18 a.m.
Social Studies
Period 4 (43) 10:35 a.m. - 11:18 a.m.
Period 5 (43) 11:21 a.m. - 12:04 p.m.
Language Arts
LUNCH (25) 11:21 a.m. -11:46 a.m.
Period 5 (43) 11:49 a.m. - 12:32 p.m.
Language Arts
Period 6 (43) 12:07 p.m. - 12:50 p.m
Language Arts
LUNCH (25) 12:53 p.m. - 1:18 p.m.
Period 6 (43) 12:35 p.m. - 1:18 p.m.
Language Arts
Period 7 (43) 1:21 p.m. - 2:04 p.m.
.Period 7 (43) 1:21 p.m. - 2:04 p.m.
World Language
Period 8 (43) 2:07 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Period 8 (43) 2:07 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Social Studies.
7th Grade Elective Classes Include:
Applied Technology, Art, Computers,
Family & Consumer Sciences, Music, Art of Media
Grade 7 Course Description
In grade seven, the core academic courses include language arts (block), mathematics,
science, social studies and world language.
The Language Arts program in the seventh grade expands the sixth grade program in the
areas of reading and writing. Students are exposed to increasingly challenging poetry,
informational texts, and prose. In addition, students are required to write both creatively and
critically about these works. Skills in the areas of reading, vocabulary and grammar are
emphasized with an increased focus on the students’ ability to read independently, to write
effectively and to speak clearly and logically about literature and nonfiction. More
sophisticated modes of writing are introduced, including the argumentative essay, the memoir
and the explanatory/informative essay. Furthermore, students will begin more concentrated
work on writing style, literary analysis and persuasive speech preparation.
The primary objective of the study of pre-algebra is to develop algebraic skills and concepts
and to become familiar with algebraic notation. Pre-algebra links math skills and concepts
taught in earlier grades to basic algebra skills. Students will extend their skills and begin to
learn algebra concepts that serve as a transition into formal algebra and geometry. The
focus is on using a wide variety of activities and tasks to prepare students for Algebra 1. The
scientific calculator is used as a tool to assist in problem solving.
Topics include:
1. Fluency with fractions, decimals, and percents
2. Operations with rational numbers, including negative numbers
3. One variable expressions and equations
4. Linear equations
5. Graphing linear equations
6. Compare data distributions
7. Data sets and sampling
8. Geometry-area, surface area, volume, congruence, scale drawing, informal
constructions, three-dimensional figures, transformations
This course is for students who have mastered the rational number concepts and operations,
who have shown exceptional ability in problem solving, and who have demonstrated a high
level of abstraction.
SCIENCE - Life Science
This course is designed to provide students with a background in the scientific methods,
techniques, laboratory experiences, and concepts of life science. Students practice proper
laboratory safety practices. Topics include:
Exploring life, microscopes & cells
Cell processes
Heredity and genetics
Evolution & Classification of living things
Classification of living things
Viruses and bacteria
Systems of the human body
SOCIAL STUDIES – Ancient Civilizations
Students in the 7th grade study the ancient history and cultures of early humans and the
civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, India, China and Greece. Students work
chronologically to examine how culture withstands the test of time and the impact of early
civilizations on modern society. They will be introduced to world geography, incorporating
prior knowledge and understanding of map and geography skills. Students work towards
proficiency in interpreting, analyzing, and writing about history and historical events using
primary source materials and document-based questions. The inclusion of current events is
utilized to teach the students the role of the United States at home and in the world, with
emphasis placed on global affairs to encourage global citizenship. Both project- and
problem-based activities are incorporated into the content to challenge the students and
provide for enduring understanding of the content.
The second year of the three-year sequence affords students the opportunity to continue to
study the language chosen in grade 6. Students are supported in reaching higher levels of
proficiency in the target language. Increased communicative proficiency is the departmental
goal at the seventh grade level as students further develop their skills in listening, speaking,
reading and writing in the target language. At this level students begin using previously
learned vocabulary and expressions to communicate with others and to negotiate meaning
while beginning to understand the importance of grammar for message clarity.
Physical education is required for all students unless there is a medical reason for nonparticipation. The physical education program for students in grade 7 is a coeducational
program in which students participate in activities which stress fitness, skill development and
basic game-play concepts. Students in these grades participate in three marking periods of
physical education and one marking period of health education. All seventh grade students
have a period each day of health/physical education.
Health is required of all students in seventh grade. The course of study at each grade level is
designed to present comprehensive coverage of health topics presented in ways that relate
directly to students’ own experience. Emphasis is placed on acquiring the knowledge,
attitudes and skills necessary to a healthful life and teaching students to take responsibility
for their own health. Study of HIV/AIDS is included in the grades 6-8 health curriculum.
Students in grade seven will have an opportunity to choose four of the six offered elective
courses. The elective based cycles program provides our students with a choice of their
preferred courses which supports our district goal of personalized instruction.
These courses increase instructional time from 30 days of instruction in grade six to 45 days
in grade seven. This provides a better opportunity for articulation between middle school
programs and electives offered at Cranford High School.
Students may choose four electives out of the six course offerings:
Applied Technology
Family Consumer Sciences
Art of Media
APPLIED TECHNOLOGY - Exploring the Designed World
This course offers students the opportunity to continue their exploration of applied
technology. Students will engage in engineering and design challenges including, but not
limited to, vehicle design and Lego “Mindstorm.” These experiences actively involve students
in manufacturing, construction, transportation and robotics technologies. Developing
students’ understanding of technology and its application and impact on society is the focus
of this course. In addition, activities and studies in this course will strengthen students’
computer, math, and writing skills. This course will prepare students for continued study of
applied technology.
The seventh grade art curriculum provides opportunities for exploration in the visual arts
through art history, art criticism, aesthetics and art making. Studio experiences may include
drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts and computer graphics.
Developing individual creativity and an understanding of the visual arts are the main focus of
this course. Careers in the visual arts and related fields are also investigated. This course
builds upon previously learned art skills and understandings and prepares the student for
future art classes.
COMPUTERS - Presentations and Hypermedia
The focus of the seventh grade computer cycle will be presentations and hypermedia.
Students will learn how to effectively create presentations using PowerPoint and Publisher
software. Students will also learn the basics of designing a webpage. Hypermedia tools
including video, sound and hyperlinks will be integrated into curriculum-based presentations.
This 45 day cycle introduces new skills while building on the basics learned in sixth grade.
The students learn how to safely thread and operate the sewing machine by creating an
attractive square pillow. The seventh grade foods portion of the course covers kitchen safety,
equipment, measurement and a brief study of the new dietary guidelines and the food
pyramid. In all areas explored, students will be taught how to make and take responsibility
for their everyday decisions, choices and actions.
ART of MEDIA (formerly Information Literacy)
Today’s students live in an increasingly information-rich world. It is critically important that
students be able to find, verify and evaluate information from multiple sources, then
synthesize and present the information to an audience using an appropriate format. In this
course, students will learn to analyze and evaluate media messages and demonstrate
understanding through activities such as creating newspapers, commercials, print ads, and
debunking deceptive advertising and websites.
The Grade 7 music cycle will immerse students into the world of music making and creating
using technology. Students will learn basic techniques of audio recording and editing as they
explore and create electronic sound collages, develop a Podcast and learn how to write an
original blues composition. The class is all about "hands-on" activities which will require an
application of the music skills students have been building on through the elementary music
All grades 7 and 8 band, chorus and orchestra students will meet two times a week for a
rehearsal that will take place in a zero period (7:25-8:05 a.m.). Students will perform at
assemblies and evening concerts.
Instrumental students in grades 7 and 8 will have the opportunity to audition for the Middle
School Jazz Band. Jazz Band will meet after school once a week beginning in January and
perform on the Spring Concert.
Students will receive small group lessons on a “release-time” basis. Students are placed into
groups that will best promote continued skill development on their instrument, continued
growth in the area of musicianship and the development of appropriate repertoire for solo and
large ensemble performances. Students are expected to participate in the school’s band or
orchestra. Rehearsals for these groups are held before school and there will be several
school assemblies and evening performances required of the students.
The curricular program in eighth grade consists of the following courses:
Full-year Courses
Algebra 1-A (part 1 of a 2 year sequence)
Algebra - Advanced
English Advanced
Literature/Process Writing
Physical Science
Physical Science - Advanced
Social Studies
Social Studies Advanced
World Language
Physical Education/Health
Elective Courses
Applied Technology
Family and Consumer Sciences
Fine Arts
The World (offered at OAS) or Art of Media 2 (offered at HAS)
Choral/Instrumental Workshop*
*Chorus, band and string orchestra meet every other day; students who elect one of these
music programs participate in their electives on the opposite day.
HAS Grade 8
OAS Grade 8
Period 1 (45) 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Period 1 (43) 8:15 a.m. - 8:58 a.m.
Period 2 (43) 9:03 a.m. - 9:46 a.m.
Literature/Process Writing
Period 2 (45) 9:01 a.m. - 9:46 a.m.
Literature/Process Writing
Period 3 (43) 9:49 a.m. - 10:32 a.m.
World Language
Period 3 (43) 9:49 a.m. - 10:32 a.m.
Physical Education/Health
Period 4 (43) 10:35 a.m. - 11:18 a.m.
Social Studies
LUNCH (25) 11:21 a.m. -11:46 a.m.
Period 4 (43) 10:35 a.m. - 11:18 a.m.
Physical Education/Health
Period 5 (43) 11:49 a.m. - 12:32 p.m.
Literature/Process Writing
Period 5 (43) 11:21 a.m. - 12:04 p.m.
Social Studies
Period 6 (43) 12:07 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
Period 6 (43) 12:35 p.m. - 1:18 p.m.
Literature/Process Writing
Period 7 (43) 1:21 p.m. - 2:04 p.m.
Physical Education/Health
LUNCH (25) 12:53 p.m. - 1:18 p.m.
Period 7 (43) 1:21 p.m. - 2:04 p.m.
World Language
Period 8 (43) 2:07 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Period 8 (43) 2:07 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Grade 8 Course Description
In grade eight, the core academic courses include English, literature/process
writing, mathematics, science, social studies and world language.
Many of the algebraic topics studied are abstract extensions of work done in the
seventh grade. Algebra is the study of patterns and functions. The focus of the
Algebra I course is to understand the big ideas of equivalence and linearity and
to develop fluency and accuracy in working with linear equations. Students will
extend their experience and knowledge with tables, graphs, and equations and
use what was learned previously about geometry, measurement, data analysis,
probability and discrete mathematics as applications of algebra. The scientific
calculator is used as a tool to assist in problem solving.
Topics include:
1.) Real numbers, including integers, rational and irrational numbers,
properties of real numbers, all operations, exponents, absolute value,
roots and radicals
2.) Solving equations and inequalities
3.) Coordinate graphing, including relations, functions, graphing linear
equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations and inequalities
4.) Polynomials, including all operations, factoring and solving quadratic
5.) Problem solving
6.) Data, statistics and probability
ALGEBRA 1-A (part 1 of a 2 year sequence)
This course is designed to cover the same Algebra 1 curriculum but over a two
year time period. This will allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the
concepts and to further explore applications of Algebra in the real world. The
second part of this class will be completed during freshman year at Cranford
High School.
This course follows the same curriculum as the Algebra 1 but progresses at a
faster pace and in greater depth and emphasis is placed on problem solving.
Grade 8 in the language arts department offers students the opportunity to explore
more complex novels with an emphasis on a deep understanding of the work as
evidenced in oral discussion and written analysis. Students will learn how to cite
textual evidence to support inferences drawn from the text. Vocabulary, syntax and
principles of good writing continue to be studied and emphasized in the course.
English in grade 8 is closely linked to the literature/process writing course that
students are also required to take this year. Essays are derived from the works
studied in class and are frequently connected to other subject areas.
English on the advanced level in grade 8 focuses more intensely on critical and
analytical writing and more complex literature modes. The additional literature
selections will be from master short story writers and poets and nonfiction and
fiction classic authors. Students will cite textual evidence to support inferences
drawn from the text. Discussion will synthesize information from the various texts
and connect ideas to other disciplines such as history and science.
Literature and Process Writing in grade 8 is a writing intensive course that is
designed to prepare the student for high school-level writing. Students use the
writing process to develop various types of expository essays that expand
students’ proficiency in writing. The skills of brainstorming, drafting, revising and
editing are emphasized, and students are encouraged to develop their own styles
that reflect their individuality. Students will be required to learn proper MLA
format and use it effectively in both critical and research-based essays. While the
English course primarily studies the novel, the literature portion of this course
examines short stories, poetry and non-fiction selections that serve as a
springboard for writing.
PHYSICAL SCIENCE IPS Introduction to Physical Science
The grade eight science course is devoted to the study of physical science.
Scientific concepts from chemistry and physics are learned through laboratory
experiences and teacher-guided activities. Students practice proper laboratory
safety practices. Topics include:
1. The basics of physical science
2. The physics of motion: energy, acceleration, momentum
3. The nature, interaction, and chemical composition of matter: atomic
structure, periodic table, chemical bonds, chemical reactions, acids and
4. Electricity
PHYSICAL SCIENCE ADVANCED- IPS Introduction to Physical Science Advanced
The grade eight science program is devoted to the study of Physical Science
concepts from chemistry and physics. Inquiry-based laboratory investigations
are an integral part of the course. Students practice proper laboratory safety
practices. Topics include:
The basics of physical science
The physics of motion: energy, acceleration, momentum
The nature, interaction, and chemical composition of matter: atomic
structure, periodic table, elements and their properties, chemical bonds,
organic and biological compounds, chemical reactions, acids and bases
5. Electricity and energy
Students in the 8th grade study the Dark and Middle Ages. Themes or concepts
will be identified and the students will learn how they apply to both Europe and
Asia. For example, feudalism will be taught as it existed in Europe, but feudal
Japan will also be included as part of the theme; additionally, religion,
government, and history of these areas are included. Reading for historical
accuracy, analyzing, and synthesizing primary source materials will be taught in
order to provide the students with the basis for responding to Document Based
Questions (DBQs). The inclusion of current events is utilized throughout the
course to ensure student understanding of the United States both at home and in
the global world. To provide for enduring understanding and demonstrate their
command of the content, students will be challenged with project-and problembased activities
The 8th grade advanced social studies class will focus more intensely on reading
and writing. Additional primary source materials will be utilized and research
skills will be addressed in more depth. Selective readings will be incorporated
into the course material and students will be encouraged to read for historical
content and accuracy. Students will analyze materials and be able to synthesize
the information in order to respond to Document Based Questions (DBQ’s)
The third year of the middle school world language sequence provides students
the opportunity to reach higher levels of proficiency in the target language with
increased focus on accuracy when communicating. Eighth grade students further
develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the target language while
developing an understanding of how language works. Students apply previously
learned vocabulary and expressions to communicate with others and to negotiate
meaning with increased accuracy. During the second semester, all eighth grade
students are formally assessed to provide teachers with an additional component
to the high school language recommendation process. Recommendations for
placement are determined by proficiency as evidenced through class
participation and performance.
All eighth grade students have a period each day of health/physical education at
HAS and alternate block at OAS.
Health is required of all students in grades 6-8. The course of study at each
grade level is designed to present comprehensive coverage of health topics
presented in ways that relate directly to students’ own experiences. Emphasis is
placed on acquiring the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to a healthful
life and teaching students to take responsibility for their own health. Study of
HIV/AIDS is included in the grades 6-8 health curriculum.
Students in grade 8 have the opportunity to elect three courses from a choice of
four. These are trimester (60 day) elective programs of study which provide
students with more in-depth units of study.
The following are the electives offered:
• Applied Technology
• Art
• Family and Consumer Sciences
• The World (offered at OAS) or Art of Media 2 (offered at HAS)
• Choral/Instrumental Workshop*
*Students who elect to take the Choral/Instrumental Workshop offering will have
a schedule that allows them to stay in the Choral/Instrumental Workshop for the
entire school year while alternating with 3 of the electives of their choice.
Ninety days of music on alternate days
Thirty days of Elective 1
Thirty days of Elective 2
Thirty days of Elective 3
APPLIED TECHNOLOGY - Engineering and Design Challenges
This course offers students the opportunity to continue their exploration of
applied technology. Students will engage in engineering and design challenges
including, but not limited to, bridge building, airfoil design, vehicle design, and
rocketry. These experiences actively involve students in manufacturing,
construction, transportation, and aerospace technologies.
Developing students’ creative problem solving skills, as well as their
understanding of both the scientific method and the technology design cycle, is
the focus of this course. In addition, activities and studies in this course will
strengthen students’ computer, math, and writing skills. This course will prepare
students for continued study of applied technology and pre-engineering.
Individually or in cooperative groups, students will engage daily in creative
activities that require problem solving, critical thinking and individual expression.
Through advanced studio experiences in drawing, painting, sculpture,
printmaking, design, crafts and computer graphics, students will develop their
understanding of the visual arts, aesthetics, art history and art criticism.
The main focus of this course is to acquire a deeper understanding of the visual
arts and to develop individual creativity and more sophisticated art making skills.
The art cycle course prepares the student for a lifelong appreciation of art as a
producer, consumer and/or advocate. In addition, it provides a solid foundation
for continued studies in the visual arts.
This 8th grade foods cycle allows the students to become more proficient in food
preparation and more knowledgeable about good nutrition. Kitchen safety,
sanitation and a unit on quick breads emphasizing breakfast as a healthy start to
the day cover the first three weeks of the course. Yeast breads and grains of the
world add variety and a multicultural focus. Students will learn how to prepare
nutritious foods with an emphasis on main meals. They share their knowledge of
nutrients and the importance of making wise food choices by creating a nutrition
lesson for younger children. Project-based learning and technology are
necessary parts of the students’ research and presentations. This course was
developed with the intention to teach young teens how to become more
independent and responsible.
In this trimester cycle class, students will have the opportunity to explore their
role as a citizen of our community, our state, our country and our world.
Students will go beyond current events to investigate the role of responsible
citizenship, both local and global, and to recognize the challenges such
responsibility represents. Using hands-on activities and individual inquiry,
students will examine the issues of today and explore the implications and
possible resolutions of these issues. Students will be challenged to recognize
the relationships between countries and the problems facing these countries, and
the role of the individual in both the creation and solution of these problems.
Areas covered will range from politics to exonomics to the environment and
The World I a fast-paced student centered class that will allow students to
prepare themselves to take their place as a citizen of the world.
Today’s students live in an increasingly information-rich world and are
encountering mass media daily in various types and formats – newspapers,
motion pictures, radio, television, and magazines - all of which have the technical
capacity to deliver information to millions of people. The course objective is to
educate students about the media resources that are available to them and how
to best use them. Students will perform daily research-based tasks focusing on
evaluating information, plagiarism and citing sources, as well as completing a
research project.
This course consists of all grade 8 choral/instrumental students. Students will
meet as a class on a rotating basis with the cycle classes to develop technical
and musicianship skills. This class will serve as lessons for choral/instrumental
students. Students will learn basic theory, sight reading skills and continue their
skill development as well as rehearse the music that will be performed at
concerts. Students may participate in both the choral and instrumental program,
as all groups will meet during the same period and students are shared between
rehearsals. This eighth grade group will be part of the sixth, seventh and eighth
grade performing groups. Students will be required to attend before school
rehearsals and they will perform at assemblies and evening concerts.
Our middle schools offer a full continuum of programs and services to meet the
individual needs of students with disabilities as determined by the Individualized
Education Program (IEP) team. We are committed to the success of special
education students and providing them with an appropriate education in the least
restrictive environment.
Students with disabilities are scheduled in classes which are developed to meet
individual student needs, as prescribed in their IEP's. Some students with
disabilities are served in Resource Center Programs for specific, small group
subject instruction. These courses are taught by special education teachers.
Other students with disabilities may be served using an in-class support model
for instruction. These students are provided the assistance of an in-class support
special education teacher who works collaboratively with the general education
teacher, in a specific course of study offered to all students. Determinations
regarding the appropriate schedule of classes to meet each student's individual
needs are made by the IEP team which includes the student, parents, case
manager, and other district staff members.
The Pathways Program acknowledges the need to provide “specialized” services
for students who are academically and scholastically exceptional. A continuum
of services addresses the learning needs of gifted and talented students in
grades 3 to 8. The Pathways to Excellence (P2E) Program is an ongoing effort
to identify students with exceptional academic/scholastic abilities. The service
include a pull out program staffed by specialized teachers and also specifies
modifications and adaptations to the regular education program to aid students in
exploring and realizing their full potential. Grade 7 and 8 classes are part of the
elective program.
Identified 7th grade Pathways students will meet with an enrichment specialist for
one full marking period (approximately 45 days) and 8th grade Pathways students
will meet for one trimester (approximately 60 days). Lessons are aligned with a
theme that carries throughout the year. Students will continue to develop 21st
century skills of communication, collaboration, creative problem solving, and
critical thinking.
In keeping with the district's philosophy to provide personalized educational
experiences that will meet the needs and potential of every student, the middle
schools provide a variety of interesting club activities. Clubs and activities reflect
student interest and availability, and as a result, may change from time to time
and differ from school to school. Activities are held before and after school and
include our Student Council, PEER, Art Club and Environmental Club. Our
music program holds rehearsals before school for the band, chorus and
orchestra and we have an annual Musical and Drama production which will also
rehearse after school.