Mount Merrion Parish Newsletter
Mount Merrion Parish Newsletter
8TH MARCH 2015 . Cong Mount Merrion Parish Newsletter WWW.MOUNTMERRIONPARISH.IE MASS INTENTIONS Saturday 7th March 10.00 Noreen O’Connell [M.M.] Lil Cronin [A] 6.00 Eamon Bailey [A] Lar & Letitia O’Donoghue [A] Michael Kelly [A] Ina Moore [A] Sunday 8th March 10.00 Nora Finlay [A] Desmond Browne [A] Kathleen O’Brien [A] Richard & Ailish Hayes [A] 11.15 Brenda Dempsey [A] Peter Ewing [R.D.] 7.30 Baby Emma Lyons [A] John Donnellan [A] Rory O Connallain [A] Terry Connellan [A] Tony Kennedy [A] Monday 9th March 10.00 For all who are ill 7.30 Tuesday 10th March 10.00 Wednesday 11th March 10.00 Robert O’Connor [A] 7.30 Patrick Scally [A] Thursday 12th March 10.00 Friday 13th March 10.00 Saturday 14th March 10.00 6.00 Daniel & Rosemary Kelly [A] Sunday 15th March 10.00 Jo Newton [R.D.] Mel Healy [A] Eileen McCann [A] Catherine Flack [A] Aisling Crown [A] James Cathcart [A] 11.15 David Power [A] 7.30 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT Last October an extraordinary synod on the family took place in Rome. Following several days of discussion those present with the guidance of Pope Francis produced a document called Relatio Synod. The Pope has asked that there is discussion on this document in parishes throughout the world before the Ordinary Synod convenes in October 2015. In Kilmacud/Mount Merrion Parish we are making the document available on both parish websites and in booklet form. Please have your voice heard and read the document and come to an assembly on Monday March 23rd 2015 at 7.30pm in the Stillorgan Park Hotel. Our submissions from group discussion will then be sent to the Dublin Diocese before being dispatched to Rome. APOSTOLATE OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our A.G.M will be held in the Community Centre on Tuesday 10th March at 8.00pm. We would be grateful if all our members could attend. Please think of spending one hour per week with Jesus during Lent. LENTEN SCRATCH CALENDAR Some copies are still available in the bookshop at a cost of €1.00 each. 70 cent from each sale will go to Trócaire. Thanks to everyone for their generosity so far. All are welcome to visit the Bookshop and see our new range of gifts: rosaries, religious goods, books and cards. All at reasonable prices. DIVINE MERCY AGM Monday 16th March 8.00pm in Community Centre MASSES FOR ST. PATRICK’S DAY Our sympathies to the families, friends and neighbours of Eithne Lee Patrick Cooke Moira Reddy whose funerals took place here this week. are as follows: Mount Merrion Mon. 16th: 7.30 p.m. Tues. 17th: 10.00 a.m. Kilmacud Tues. 17th: 11.30 a.m. 8TH MARCH 2015 PARISH TEAM JOY BOOK CLUBS Fr. Tony Coote Administrator 79 The Rise Tel. 2889879 Fr. Brian O’Reilly Tel. 2109563 Caroline Kehoe Parish Catechist Tel. 2881271 E. Fr. Conleth Meehan Kilmacud Tel. 2880545 Fr. Paddy O’Byrne Kilmacud Sr. Catherine Greene Kilmacud PARISH OFFICE Many thanks once again to those who hosted a ‘Joy of the Gospel’ Book Club and to everyone who attended. As most are drawing to a close now, we ask that the responses to the questions posed at the outset, plus any other comments, be forwarded via email attachment (if possible) to the Parish Office: by Monday 9th March. SAVE THE DATE: The follow-up PARISH JOY ASSEMBLY is arranged for Sunday Afternoon 26th April in the Community Centre commencing @ 2pm. We look forward to exploring the thoughts and ideas about the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ and its impact on us and on our parish on that date. The format, agenda and all details of THE PARISH JOY ASSEMBLY will be confirmed closer to the date. MONDAY – FRIDAY 9am – 11.30am PARISH SECRETARY Rosemary Dempsey Tel. 2881271 E.mountmerrionparishoffic COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel. 2884485 E.mountmerrioncommu SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Helpline 086 6009857 Follow us on our Parish Facebook page CARMELITE SISTERS, DELGANY, CO. WICKLOW invite you to join them on Saturday 14th March at 3.00 p.m. to celebrate 500th Anniversary of the birth of ST. TERESA OF AVILA Fr. Vincent O’Hara O.C.D. Prior of Avila, will give a talk on St. Teresa of Avila. Not to be missed! All welcome Refreshments afterwards. GOLFERS! A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY 51st Mount Merrion Ecumenical Golf Outing Elm Park Golf Club 22nd May 2015 ALTAR SERVERS ON TOUR A group of altar servers, parents together with Fr. Conleth, a total of 49 from the Parish, will travel next weekend to Paris on the biennial fiveday trip. The group will attend Mass on St. Patrick's Day in the Irish College, Sunday Mass in the Church of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in the Rue du Bac and a reception with the Irish Ambassador. The group will also visit the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Versailles, Notre Dame, Montmartre, Musee D'Orsay and Disneyland. Sincere thanks to all who have supported this trip. Please keep us all in your prayers during this time. 7.30pm Mass on Mondays & Wednesdays during Lent. FREE LEGAL ADVICE (FLAC) AND OTHER SERVICES on offer in Stillorgan Citizens’ Information Centre St. Laurence’s Parish Centre, Lower Kilmacud Rd. The volunteers at Stillorgan Citizens’ Information Centre (CIC) are pleased to announce that we shall be able to offer you a Free Legal Advice Clinic, starting in March, staffed by a volunteer solicitor. The solicitor will not take on your case for you, but will give you expert advice on how to go about solving your problem. We also have a highly qualified Tax Consultant who holds a free Tax Clinic, giving advice and information on the more common Tax, Universal Social Charge and PRSI issues. Both of these clinics are by appointment only. Phone us at 0761 077 440 Opening hours are: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. Monday and Thursday, 2p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Parish Chil d Safeguardi ng – receipt of the Archdioces e of Dublin poli cy by all member s was a cknowledg ed. T here wa s an initi al dis cussion on the pos sibility of a Fa mily Ministry Group. Lente n Scrat ch Off Calendar – a cale ndar wit h a task for ea ch day of Le nt will be on sal e in ai d of Trocaire at masse s duri ng the w eeke nd of 14 /15 Fe bruary at a cost of E uro 1. 00 Year of Conse crated Life – a mass to cele brate the Religi ous of the Pari sh will be celebrate d on 1st Mar ch at 10 .00 am by Ar chbishop Martin to be followed by a rece ption. or observations.