International High School Programme 2014


International High School Programme 2014
International High School Programme
2014 – 2015
Application Form
Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS
Please ensure you attach the following to your completed application:
Personal Statement
Translated school report, Kings Entrance Test and Kings Maths Test (if required)
We will be able to give you an offer within 48 hours of receiving your application, provided it is complete.
Student details
Family name:
Given names:
Date of birth: d d / m m / y y Male
Country of birth:
Own language:
Where do you currently live?:
Home address:
Postcode: Country:
Telephone (including country code): Mobile phone:
Skype address:
Passport number:
Passport expiry date: m m / y y
Health and medical information
Please tell us if you have any disabilities or special educational needs:
Please tell us if you have any special requirements regarding health, diet or religion:
Parent/Guardian/Fee payer contact details
(to be completed for all students under 18)
Name of fee payer:
Name of parent/guardian:
Home address:
Postcode: Telephone:
Mobile phone:
Emergency contact details
(if different from above)
Relationship to student:
Home address:
Postcode: Telephone:
Mobile phone:
Please note: all students under 16 must have a UK-based guardian. Kings recommends the services of Oxford Guardians (
Continued over.
Course of study
Number of terms:
1 term
Start date:
15 September 2014
2 terms
3 terms
5 January 2015
14 September 2015
Subject preferences
Please select up to 4 preferred subjects from the list below. Under 16s must include at least one science in their selection.
English is part of the curriculum for all students; the amount will depend on individual needs and entry level. Physical Education, Mathematics and Information
Technology are compulsory for under 16s and may also form part of the curriculum for students of 16+ subject to individual needs and ability.
The final number and combination of subjects will depend on your length of study, personal aptitude, chosen Kings location and availability.
General Sciences
Creative Arts
Global Perspectives
Drama History
Accommodation and transfers
Homestay Half-board — single
/ twin
Student residence (Half-board)
Homestay Extra (available at London and Bournemouth)
Bournemouth: Kings Charminster (minimum age 16) — single
/ twin
Oxford: Chapel Street (minimum age 17) — single
Airport transfer service required: Arrival only
Departure only
Arrival and departure
(Compulsory for all students on this programme travelling alone)
Tick if you would like to book the weekly excursion option
Tick if you would like full-board accommodation supplement
Tick if you would like guardianship services provided by Oxford Guardians (guardianship is compulsory for under 16s)
Student insurance
You must have appropriate accident and medical insurance before you can travel to study at any of the Kings Colleges. We recommend Kings Student Insurance.
Details of cover and policy are available at Please tick if you require Kings Student Insurance
Current level of English
To apply for a Tier 4 Child Student Visa please complete the Kings English Test.
Previous education
Country of main education:
Number of years of full-time education completed:
Please list all the schools you have attended with dates (use a separate sheet if necessary).
Name and address of school (including country)
Academic qualifications
Please provide a translated copy of your latest academic results.
Personal statement
Please provide a typed personal statement as part of your application. Include your reasons for wanting to take the course for which you are applying.
Other awards, hobbies, etc.
Please list any awards (e.g. for sport, music etc). Provide details of what you like to do in your spare time (use a separate sheet if necessary):
Future educational plans
Please say what you hope to do after the International High School Programme at Kings.
Follow A-level or Foundation course at Kings
Transfer to a UK boarding school
Return home to complete school education
Not yet sure
If you hope to go to university, please say where you would like to study and what subject(s) interest you:
Continued over.
Payment information
Payment for fees will become liable once you have confirmed your acceptance of an offer of a place by signing and returning your offer documents.
Fees are payable in advance and must be paid in full within four weeks of the course start date.
Intended means of payment
Payment online
Payment by credit card
Payment by bank transfer/wire
Payment by UK cheque
Payment by cash
Payment notes
Credit card payments
We can take credit and debit card payments online or over the telephone.
If paying online, this will be through our partner Uni-Pay. Uni-Pay enables you to make a payment in your own currency, so can save money on bank or card
charges. For more information please go to
Full details will be provided once the offer of a place has been confirmed.
Please be aware that a 2% surcharge applies to credit card bookings (3.5% for AMEX). Please also note that debit cards issued in some countries outside the UK will
be treated as credit cards and will require us to apply the relevant surcharge.
Bank transfer/wire payments
You can also pay via bank transfer either online via our partner Uni-Pay (see above) or by direct bank transfer.
Payment must be sent to the bank of the College you have selected (see below for bank details). Bank/wire transfers take up to 2 weeks to arrive.
Full payment must be received four weeks before the date of arrival. Please include all bank charges in your payment and quote the student’s full name on the
transfer. Please email a copy of the bank/wire transfer to Kings on acceptance of the offer and give the student a copy of the transfer to take to College with
College Bank Details
Kings Bournemouth
Kings London
Kings Oxford
Account name
Kings Colleges Ltd, T/A Kings Bournemouth
United Language Schools Ltd. T/A Kings London
Touchload Ltd. T/A Kings Oxford
Telephone number
+44 (0) 1202 293535
+44 (0) 20 8650 5891
+44 (0) 1865 711829
Bank name/details
Allied Irish Bank, 22 Marlborough Place, Brighton, Sussex BN1 1UB (applies to all UK colleges)
Account number
GB43 AIBK 2385 8900 4370 09
GB21 AIBK 2385 8900 4390 54
GB32 AIBK 2385 8900 4380 80
Bank Swift Code
I hereby apply for a course at my designated Kings College.
Signature of student:
Signature of student’s parent/guardian (for students under 18):
Date: d d / m m / y y
Once complete, please email this application form to your chosen college location, together with all required supporting documents.
Contact details are printed on the cover of this document.
For Kings Colleges Terms and Conditions, please visit:
Once your application has been accepted, we will send you a hard copy of our Terms and Conditions to sign as part of your full offer documents.
Continued over.
Terms & Conditions
Kings reserves the right to change prices/course timetables
etc at any time prior to registration and to make additions or
amendments to these terms and conditions by giving one
month’s written notice to all affected parties
Offer of a place
This includes a study plan outlining the most appropriate
course for your academic goals based on your academic
ability and English language level and will detail costs for
tuition and your selected accommodation option. Your
place on the course or in accommodation is not held until
we have received your payment to accept the place.
Acceptance of a place
To accept your place you will need to make an Acceptance
Payment and return a signed copy of this document. Once
this payment is received we will hold your place on the
course and in accommodation until the balance of fees
becomes due. (Your place may become at risk if we do not
receive your first term’s fees on time). The Acceptance
Payment comprises: Registration Fee £75, and the relevant
insurance fee (if you already have insurance, please include
proof of cover with your acceptance payment). If you are a
visa national, then there will be a charge of £14 for a
Certificate of Acceptance to Study (CAS) which you will
need to provide to obtain a visa.
Visa documentation
Once we have received your Acceptance Payment we will
hold a place on the course and in accommodation and send
all relevant visa documentation including a CAS. Please
advise us as soon as your visa is granted. If your visa is
refused, the Advance Fee and Deposit will be refunded to
the fee payer on production of the via refusal letter.
Payment of fees
All fees are due one month prior to the start of your course.
Your place may be at risk if we do not receive payment on
time. Payment by termly installment is available on request
for bookings of minimum 3 terms, payable one month prior
to the start of each term. Fees generally increase by
inflation annually so payments by installment may be
subject to fee increases. Fees can be paid by cheque, credit
card, sterling bank draft or telegraphic transfer. If paying
online, this will be through our partner Uni-Pay. Uni-Pay
enables you to make a payment in your own currency, so
can save money on bank or card charges. For more
information please go to
Bank charges for both sending and receiving banks are
payable by the sender. Payment by credit card is subject to
a surcharge of 2%. AMEX 3.5%.
In the event of late payment monthly interest charge of 2%
will be applied. You will not be allowed to attend classes as
long as fees are outstanding. You may be required to leave
the course.
If you cancel fewer than 4 weeks before the beginning of
the course, a full term’s tuition and accommodation fees will
be retained and any balance refunded. Cancellations must
be given in writing to the Principal of the College. We are
obliged to notify UKBA if a student holding a current UK visa
cancels a course at one of our Colleges. We strongly
recommend you have an insurance policy in place which
covers cancellation fees. Details of the reasons for
cancellation covered by our recommended insurance policy
are available on request.
If you wish to withdraw from a course after it has started,
you must give a term’s notice in writing to the Principal.
This means you will be liable for the next term’s tuition fees.
Any balance of fees will be refunded. We are obliged to
notify UKBA if a student holding a current UK visa
withdraws from one of our Colleges.
Bank charges: all refunds are paid minus any bank charges
Visa refusal: Advance fees and Deposit refunded to the fee
payer on receipt of a visa refusal letter.
Tuition Fees: any fees paid in excess of one term refunded
to the fee payer if notice has been given to cancel/withdraw.
Deposits: refunded after student’s departure to the fee
payer after deductions for any disbursements or damages.
Late arrivals: no refunds are given for late arrivals.
Exclusions: no refunds are given for students excluded
from school for disciplinary reasons.
Insurance: no refunds are given.
Academic decisions
The Colleges reserve the right to determine the best course
of study for any student and to exclude from class any
student who, for reasons of ability or performance is not
qualified to enter or remain in that class. Students will not
be allowed to start any part of their study plan for which
they have not reached the minimum entry requirement.
If your work, attendance or conduct is unsatisfactory,
you will be subject to the College’s disciplinary procedures.
These procedures may lead ultimately to exclusion. In the
event of exclusion, fees are not refunded. Attendance is
compulsory for all students and is a condition of a UK visa.
Non attendance of visa nationals is reported to UKBA.
Kings acts solely as agents (and not as principals) in the
arranging and providing of homestay accommodation for
students. Prices are per week (7 nights). No refund is given
for early departure but a charge will be made for any extra
nights. We reserve the right to apply a high season late
booking supplement of £20 per week to students who book
less than 10 days prior to arrival. A re-booking fee of £20 will
be charged when accommodation was previously booked
for less than the whole course and may also be charged if a
student requests too many changes to accommodation.
Notice to change accommodation or withdraw from either
homestay or residence is one term. Students who move out
without the proper notice period will be charged one term’s
fees in lieu of notice.
Students wishing to move into private accommodation
must seek approval from the Principal and provide written
authorization from parents. Vacation accommodation is
subject to availability, at an extra charge, usually only in
homestay. Homestay students may have a change of family
for the vacation. For residential accommodation a deposit
will be taken, refunded after departure, provided no
damage has been caused or exceptional cleaning required.
Please note: Children under 16 will be hosted under a private
foster agreement. Accommodation is arranged by Kings
Colleges. The agreement is between the child's parent/
guardian and the host family.
Kings Colleges will not be liable under any circumstances
for any failure to provide services whatsoever if that failure
is caused directly or indirectly by industrial action or by
circumstances beyond the College’s control. Any damage
caused by a student to College property, to the homestay
property or to a residence, whether intentional or not will be
charged to the students responsible. Students in residential
accommodation are jointly and severally liable for shared
facilities and the College reserves the right to recover costs
for damage and exceptional cleaning.
All Kings Colleges students must have appropriate accident
and medical insurance, and insurance to cover personal
property, breakages, loss and damage is strongly
recommended. Kings Colleges recommend Endsleigh
Insurance which will be arranged for you once insurance
fees have been paid unless proof of alternative cover is
Publicity materials
Permission is given for the use of student’s results, student
comment or opinion and images/video of students in Kings
promotional materials by the student, their parents or
guardian with acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Data Protection
Any information provided to Kings may be held on
computer and used by Kings in accordance with its Data
Protection registration and the UK Data Protection law.
Kings is obliged to provide UK contact details and
attendance information to UKBA.
UK universities
By signing these terms and conditions you agree, should
you progress to a UK university, to them releasing data on
your course and progress
Public holidays
Tuition is not given on public holidays. No refund or
compensation is given for lessons missed due to public
In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties
expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts
of England and Wales having jurisdiction in the matter in
Kings Colleges policies
Policies pertaining to admissions, welfare and
safety, discipline, sanctions, promoting good behaviour
and complaints procedures are all available at:
Kings Bournemouth
58 Braidley Road
T +44 (0) 1202 293535
F +44 (0) 1202 293922
Kings London
25 Beckenham Road
T +44 (0) 20 8650 5891
F +44 (0) 20 8663 3224
Kings Oxford
St. Josephs Campus
Temple Road
T +44 (0) 1865 711829
F +44 (0) 1865 747791
0783 11/13
Our colleges