newsltr Mar 2015 - Franklin County Baptist Association`s
newsltr Mar 2015 - Franklin County Baptist Association`s
FRANKLIN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION S EMI-ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 23 FRANKLIN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 785 Butterfield Dr., Union, MO 63084 THE CHALLENGER Franklin Baptist Association PO Box 310 Union, MO 63084 Email: March Newsletter Issue Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Union, MO Permit No. 1 An association-wide prep aration and in formational meeting will be held each Monday at 6:00 p.m. at the Ministry Center. Each church is asked to send at least one representative. Everyone is welcomed. Dated M aterial Request in home service by February 26 Postmaster Address service requested March 27-29, 2015 St. Clair High School Complex 4:30-5:00 p.m. — Registration 5:00 p.m. — Dinner “TRUTH” and the Outdoors Expo Evening Session begins at 5:55 p.m. 3............ Good Friday—Offi ce Closed 5............ Easter 6............ Ministers’ Mtg., 10:30 a.m., Ministry Center 7............ WOM Council Meeting 10-11.....Mission Celebration/Annual Meeting, St. Charles, FBC 11.......... Camp Clean-Up Day 11.......... Sew Easy Class, 8-5, Ministry Center 12.......... Cooperative Program Sunday 14.......... Associational Bible Drill (tentative) 14.......... Youth Leaders Mtg., 7:00 p.m., Ministry Center 17-18 ....RA Congress 18.......... Celebrate Children Conference, Parkway Baptist Church 21.......... WMU Council Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Ministry Center 22.......... Secretaries Day 23.......... Associational Semi-Annual Meeting, 5:55 p.m. (dinner at 5:00 p.m.), Ministry Center 25.......... State Children’s Bible Drill Message by Bro. Fred Broome Pastor of Faith Baptist Church 1............ Associational Spring Rally, 6:00 p.m., St. Clair High School Theater 1-7.........Youth Week 1-8.........Week of Prayer for North American Missions Emphasis and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering 2............ Ministers’ Mtg., 10:30 a.m., Ministry Center 2............ TATO MEETING, 6:00 p.m., Ministry Center 8............ Time Change—Set clocks ahead one hour 9............ TATO MEETING, 6:00 p.m., Ministry Center 10.......... WMU Council Mtg., rescheduled for April 21 10.......... Youth Leaders Mtg., 7:00 p.m., Ministry Center 14.......... Sew Easy Class, 9:00 a.m., Ministry Center 16.......... TATO MEETING, 6:00 p.m., Ministry Center 21.......... VBS Clinic, 8:30-12:30, St. Clair, FBC (reservations due 3/19/15) NEW LOCATION & TIME 24-26.....DOM Winter Conferen ce, Branson 26.......... TATO Expo Set-up, 3:00-9:00 p.m., St. Clair High School 27-29.....TRUTH and the Outdoors Expo, St. Clair High School complex 29.......... Palm Sunday The Challenger Franklin Baptist Association Union, Missouri Webpage: (636) 583-2639 office James E. Pl ymale (636) 629- 5600 home Vol. XXXIIV Director of Missions E- mail: j amespl y@ No. 395 March 2015 ASSOCIATION-WIDE CHURCHES & MISSIONS ALLENTON HEIGHTS, FBC ANACONDA* CALVARY CALVEY CHARRETTE COMPASS MINISTRIES* CROSSROADS DULY EVERGREEN FAITH FRIENDSHIP SOUTHERN GERALD, FBC GRACE GRAY SUMMIT, FBC GREAT COMMISSION* GREEN MOUND LESLIE LIGHTHOUSE MEMORIAL MT. CALVARY NEW CHAPEL HILL NEW FRIENDSHIP NEW HOPE OAK GROVE OUTREACH FELLOWSHIP P ACIFIC P ROSPECT ROSE HILL MISSIONARY ST. CLAIR, FBC ST. CLAIR SOUTHERN SHILOH SP RING BLUFF TEMP LE TRUE VINE UNION, FBC VILLA RIDGE, FBC VIRGINIA MINES WASHINGTON, FBC WOODLAND LAKES* EVANGELISM & PRAYER RALLY MARCH 1, 6:00 P.M. Featuring: Music, Testimonies, Evangelistic Challenge and Prayer Held at S t. Clair High S chool Theater 1044 High S chool Dr., S t. Clair, MO 63077 Following the prayer rally, all who are able will be asked to take some time to prayer-wal k the school campus. Please come to participate in a time of praising God and seeking God in united prayer fo r personal and church revival and asking God’s anointing on efforts to reach our area with the gospel through the Expo and other Church Ministries. THE “TRUTH” & THE OUTDOORS WILDLIFE EXPO MARCH 27, 28 and 29 Held at St. Clair High School Complex This is a major outreach and evangelism effort sponsored by our Association Missions, Evangelism and Baptist Men’s Departments. T he goal is to bring 10,00015,000 outdoors enthusiasts for an outdoors sporting expo which will have multiple ways of sharing the “Truth” of the gospel with unsaved people who attend. We believe hundreds could come to know Christ. We need representatives from each church to attend weekly planning meetings and to volunteer during the expo. Donations are needed also. Preparation meetings are on Monday evenings, March 2, 9, 16 & 23 at 6:00 p.m. at the Ministry Center. For more information go to: Or call Rick Thomas at 636-629-5059 or 314-420-7541 or Mark Bay at 314-808-2783 From the Director of Missions... Believe it or not, spring begins this month! It is the favorite time of year for me and for many others. With spring comes the consistent and predictable annual renewal of nature, a beautiful and powerful testimony of God's design and power. Like nature all around us, we also go through cycles of personal spiritual renewal. There are times when we draw back and quiet down and then times to renew spiritually. However, spiritual renewal is not as predictable and automatic as the renewal in nature. In fact it can even be illusive to us. It requires our focus and effort to seek God’s refreshing in our lives and ultimately we are dependent on God’ s grace and work in our lives to bring it about. I hear many Christian leaders speaking about the need for revival in America, and that certainly includes the Franklin County area. I want to urge you to make it a top priority this spring to experience spiritual renewal and growth, personally and as a church. God gives us His conditions for experiencing this renewal in our lives. He promises if we humble ourselves, seek Him, confess our sins and call on Him, that He will answer with His refreshing and mighty blessings. Experiencing Him in a fresh and genuine way will always lead to real spiritual renewal and revival! I know I said this many times in the past, but it has been and is still true. Let us seek that together!! In response to this need, we are planning some special events these next couple months that may help us with both our walk with God and our sharing of the gospel. One of those events is on March 1 when we will be having our spring Evangelism/P rayer Rally at the theater of the St. Clair High School. We will not have an outside speaker, or a formal message. We will instead emphasize gathering together to praise God and praying together to seek God’ s fresh moving and anointing on our lives, churches and evangelism e fforts in our association. We are planning personal, small group and corporate prayer times. P lease make it a priority to come and to bring as many of your folks as you can, so we can pray and seek God together. Then March 27-29, we will be hosting our fourth “ Truth and the Outdoors” Expo evangelistic outreach. This fa mily friendly event is geared to drawing and witnessing to as many as 12,000-15,000 outdoor enthusiasts. We will need all the volunteer help we can get to accommodate this large crowd and to conserve the results of our witness! Also, with Easter in April we will again have the special opportunity to proclaim the greatest story in all the world, the only message that can make a difference for eternity in a person’ s life. We can also join in “ God’ s Plan for Sharing” the gospel by making plans to join with other Baptist across our state and nation to share the light of God’s Word by distributing New Testaments to the unchurched in our community. We also have the privilege of praying for and giving to our efforts to take the gospel to North America through the Annie Armstrong North American Missions emphasis and offering. Wow, what an exciting next couple months is ahead for us! Don’ t miss this opportunity to make an eternal impact in the lives of others. If you sense a need for revival and reaching people with the gospel, please make it a priority to pray for and to participate in these events and be more intentional about walking with God and evangelizing the lost. You can read more details about these in this newsletter and other publicity. Until all have heard His story, Bro. Jim FINANCIAL UPDATE We want to thank you for your regular finan cial support for our association missions. If your chu rch ch anges its association giving, up or down, please report that in formation to our offi ce, so we can plan accordingly. ***************************************** JANUARY FINANCE REPO RT Monthly Budget Requirement: $13,925 Monthly Building Debt payment: 3,850 Total Monthly Requirements: $17,775 January Budget Contributions $11,985 January Building Fund Receipts: 2,339 Total Receipts f or January: $14,324 Designated Fund Balance: $7,605 General Fund Balance: 1,775 Ending Checking B alance, 1/31/15: $ 9,380 Outstanding B uilding Debt: $560,002 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS MARCH 1-8, 2015 ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING FOR NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS NATIONAL GOAL - $60,000,000 Truth and the Outdoors Expo Entry Tickets Are availabl e in bulk quantities at discounted prices to reach your community. (Please email to order tickets.) These single day expo entry tickets, will only be sold in advance and in increments of 10 tickets. For each 10 tickets bought by your church, you will receive 2 free tickets! We encourage your chu rch to place your church’s info rmation on the back of the tickets and invite lost friends, coworkers, and members o f your community to be your guest at the Truth and the Outdoors Expo. (Reminder…Parking & Kids 12 and under are FREE.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * For the most up to date T.A.T.O. Volunteer Information, please go to and sign up for the T.A.T.O. Volunteer Newsletter. (Click on the Event Info tab and then the Volunteer tab.) For more information, call: Mark Bay 314-808-2783 or Rick Thomas 636-629-5059 CAMP RESERVATIONS – Churches please call the association office as soon as possible if you would like to schedule a date(s) to use our Retreat Center this year. After M arch 1 we will start allowing individuals to schedule dates. Church News PASTORLESS CHURCHES: Crossroads, Lighthouse, Oak Grove, Rose Hill and Spring Bluff. Please remember these churches in your special prayer as they seek pastors. DULY — Has called Andre Washington as their pas- CAMP DATES tor. We welcome Andre and Crystal to our association. BOYS’ C AMP – JULY 6-10* GIRLS’ CAMP – JULY 13-17* SR. HIGH RETREAT—JULY 17 JR. HIGH YOUTH CAMP - JULY 19-22 DAY CAMP – AUGUST 3-6 (New Dates) OAK GROVE — Glenn Hammond’s last Sunday as *Note Boys and Girls have traded weeks. Registration packets will be mailed in late May. pastor will be March 1. Glenn is retiring and moving to the Hannibal area. Thank you for your service Glenn and God’s blessing in retirement. ROS E HILL — Is accepting resumes for pastor until March 31. Send resume to Pastor Search Committee, PO Box 297, Villa Ridge, MO 63089. S T. CLAIR, FBC — Will have George and Cathy Chinn of the Mississippi River Ministry on March 15 at 6:00 p.m. T heir ministry covers eight states. Block Party Trailer available to churches. Our association is working with the state convention to keep and handle rentals of a block party trailers for this region of the state. The convention has set a fee of $150 to rent the trailer. However, our association M issions Council has voted to help our association churches that use it for an evangelistic outreach by offsetting half of this cost. The trailer has a bounce house, popcorn and snow cone machines, PA system and various games. It is rented first come, first served, through our office. "S EW EAS Y" Classes March 14, 9:00 at Ministry Cente r Project of the month “TAT O or Open Sewing”. A donation for building use will be taken. The next “ Sew Easy” class will be on April 11. The April project will be “ Double Irish Chain Quilt in a Day”. TRUE VIN E — Is seeking someone to lead worship music. Contact the association office for more information or to recommend someone. GREAT COMMISS ION BAPTIS T CHURCH Bro. Joe Murray is the church planting pastor. It is hoped to build a core group to start a new church in the east part of Washington. T hey have worship service at 3:00 p.m. on Sundays at FBC of Washington. If you are interested in helping Great Commission financially or with volunteers, please contact Bro. Joe at 636 -667-8084, or the association office. VBS INFORMATION VBS Director/Pastor Planning Clinic & VBS Age Group Training March 21, 8:30-12:00 8:00 refreshments & 12:00 lunch (registration requested by March 19) Location: St. Clair, FBC 450 E. Springfield Rd., St. Clair, MO 63077 OPEN FOR WALKERS Ministry Center Gym 10:00 to 3:00, Monday-Thursday NOTE: Calendar, Updates, additions and other announcements may be heard on KLPW radio (1220 AM) on Sundays at 8:00 a.m. Weather related cancellations and closings will be available on our offi ce phone answering system, ext. 411. For more information contact Dawn at 636-629-2407 or LifeWay will return to the association 15% of gross sales receipts of VBS literature ordered through the association, to be used for local missions. Also, saves shipping charges. Please consider this. ORDER EARLY TO INSURE SUPPLY! Call our office for info.