New Vision.indd - Pioneer Drive Baptist Church


New Vision.indd - Pioneer Drive Baptist Church
Prayer Walking for Pageant
Sunday, March 22, there will be no evening
activities on our campus. This will give all the
opportunity to participate in our praying over the
Civic Center, choir, cast and media
in preparation for pageant.
Meet Eddy Curry in the foyer of the auditorium
between 6-8 p.m. He will have a prayer guide
available to lead you through your prayer time.
Tickets are now available in the Church Office.
Presentation times are
Saturday, March 28
7:30 p.m.
Sunday, March 29
3 p.m.
Thursday, April 2
7:30 p.m.
Friday, April 3
7:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 4
3 p.m.
Easter Experience
This is a self guided journey of reflection and restoration!
The Pioneer Drive College Leadership Team has worked
hard to prepare this experience for you, and we look
forward to how God will move in each participants
life. There are 10 rooms available to explore from a
prayer labyrinth, to continuous worship, water rooms,
to a place of solitude and journaling, and other special
rooms. We pray that each room will offer you a new way
to experience the Lord’s presence. Come join us upstairs
in the Activities area from 5-9 p. m. on March 31.
“Worship Alive” Capital Campaign
will continue through May 3.
This campaign is to raise funds to replace and
update our media systems in the Sanctuary
and Conference Center. If you feel led to
give, you can make a donation on-line at
or put “Worship Alive”
on your check or envelope.
From the Pastor’s Heart
Boy-Oh-Boy is this a busy time around Pioneer Drive! Our
travel group just returned from Israel and we hit the ground
running. Pageant preparations are in full swing and Easter
Celebration is just around the corner. It’s an “all hands on
deck” time of year.
Men – we need you Friday evening and Saturday morning
at the Civic Center to help unload and assemble the Pageant
set. Here’s the schedule:
Friday 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Unload the trailers
7 - 10 p.m. - Begin building set
Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Complete building set
Danny has asked the staff to come at 7 p.m. Friday because
we usually lose a lot of workers after we eat at 6:45 p.m. So,
if you can stay and help after 7 p.m. – or come then, please
do. The point is, we need lots of helpers at both times. And,
I would encourage you to bring a pair of work gloves. On
Saturday morning, the more helpers we have, the quicker
we complete the job! It’s a fun time working side by side
with our brothers. You will enjoy it and be amazed at how
smoothly the set goes up. See you Friday and Saturday at
the Civic Center!
I am grateful to Fourth and Fifth Grade choirs that led
worship when I was in Israel, Sunday morning March 8.
I have heard wonderful reports regarding their musical
“In the Big Inning”. Thank you Betsy Colwell and all your
choir workers who helped prepare our students. And boys
and girls-bless you for using your talents to point others to
Jesus. You guys and gals are the best!
I am thrilled to see that in the first two weeks of the
“Worship Alive” campaign, the church has received over
$28,000. This is a grand beginning to our two month
campaign to help pay for audio, lighting and video upgrades
in the Worship Center and Conference Center. Pray about
your contribution to this project and then give with a joyful
Grace to you,
Our lost and found is filling up.
Have you misplaced your Bible,
sunglasses, keys, etc??
Come take a look to see if we might have
some of your lost treasures. The lost and
found is located in the Church Office.
REVOLUTION ... is coming to the Primetimers on
Tuesday, April 14! Yes, this group of 13 violinist, 2 violist, 2
guitarists, 1 cellist and 1 bass player, ages 14-18, will entertain
us at the Abilene Country Club. These talented musicians
from Abilene and Cooper High Schools will provide an
entertaining and energetic evening. This weekend they are
playing for the National School Board Association National
Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. Along with this
inspiring musical evening, we will dine on a tasty buffet of
your favorite foods. Since 2006, Primetimers have traveled
to the Country Club for an evening to remember. The cost is
$20 per Primetimer and sign-up begins this Sunday, March
SAVE-THE-DATES ... April 2, Primetime Live welcomes
the PDBC “Legacy Five” music group ... April 17 - Volunteers
needed for the World’s Largest Garage Sale (contact Jeff
April 16-19
Freedom 14 Camp
Wimberley, Texas
Sign-up on-line at or find gray
sheets in various locations of the church if you do not
wish to do on-line registration. The cost is $185.
Email for more details.
Preparations are underway
for this year’s World’s Largest
Garage Sale. This fundraising
event plays a large part in
sending our youth on their
annual mission trip. This
year, the High School Choir
will be traveling to Boston and
You may drop off your treasures at the sale location in the
Old Winn Dixie building (next to K-Mart) on Pioneer Drive.
For large item pick-ups, call the hotline at 695-8336. Drop
off dates and times are below.
Upcoming Drop Off Days
March 19, 6-8 p.m.
March 24, 6-8 p.m.
We appreciate your donations!
We want to make sure you
know who works here at
Pioneer Drive. Each week
we will introduce a different
New Members
Aaron Grow - Profession
Averi Wood - Pr0fession
Patr ic ia D itmo r e - R e ce p t i oni s t
Tell us about your family. Gene Ditmore and I were
married by Pastor Jack Ridlehoover 43 years ago. Gene
had 3 young children, David, Debbie and William which we
raised together. They have blessed us with 6 grandchildren
and 4 great-grandchildren. The miracle from God, is that
He sent me to Abilene, not knowing one person, not having
a job nor a place to live. But, the moment I saw the skyline
of Abilene from top of the hill on Hwy. 36 His spirit put on
my heart “this is home”. And it has been to this day. I was
blessed with a ready made family, wonderful friends and
amazing opportunities in the work place.
What are some of your previous jobs? I worked as
a copywriter at KEAN Radio and worked with Greyhound
Lines for 20 years. Retirement didn’t fit my work ethics, so
I went to work with Charlie Jordan at the Ben Richey Boys
Ranch for a couple of years. Then, to The Grace Museum as
assistant to the Director, Judy Godfrey. I worked there for
13 years and retired. I began volunteering as receptionist
at Pioneer Drive Baptist Church when needed. When
Kathryn Williams retired, Linda Benson began working as
receptionist on Monday, Tuesday and I work Wednesday,
Thursday. We both have the perfect work week!
If you could go anywhere or do anything what would
it be? Gene and I love to go to our farm in Coleman and
travel. If we could go anywhere, no restraints it would be
to spend 2 months traveling in the Holy Land and include
Turkey and Greece. I love working in the yard, wood crafts,
ribbon embroidering, helping my older friends and having
my kids and great-grandkids around me.
What do you see your role to be in ministry? I thank
God for sending me to Abilene. He has trained and guided
me through all my life and has blessed me with a ministry
of patience and an understanding when He puts someone
in my path, to give Him the Glory and words to help them.
I love helping the spirit-led staff at Pioneer Drive with any
support I can offer. I thoroughly enjoy getting to know the
members of our church.
Easter will be here soon!
How are you preparing
for this season?
Join us and help build a church this summer June 21-26!
Learn more at
Interested in volunteering with Taylor County
Jail Ministry? Contact for more
Explore the idea of HELPING OTHERS with your
class or small group. Our missions staff will guide
you through a 6 week video series and discussion
based on our experiences and the book “When
Helping Hurts”. Contact or call
the Church Office to schedule a time for us to visit.
Show support for the Alameda Neighborhood by
participating in or volunteering for the Insane
Inflatable 5K Run on April 18. Sign-up or learn more
at The proceeds
from this event go toward the Alameda Park Project.
the gathering
What can God do with Broken People? Join us this week as
we discover hope in God’s work in our world! If you would
like to read ahead, check out Amos 9:11-15.
GREAT GIFT for Easter, Mother’s Day or Just Because!
This retreat will be May 1-3, 2015 at Big Country Baptist
Assembly. Cost is $125.00. Register on Sundays or on-line.
Payment plans are available. Gift certificates also available.
Deadline is April 15. You may also contact Laurie Balch
(325) 665-6623 or email for more
information. We hope to see you there!
This is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends
who have known a feeling of desperation concerning
the destructive behavior of someone very near to them,
whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral
problems. When you come into our rooms you are no
longer alone, but among friends who have experienced
similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged
to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion
of a problem. This group meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
in Room 133.
Easter Sunday Childcare
Easter Sunday, April 5, our services will
be 10 a.m. at the Civic Center. We need
additional volunteers to rock, play and teach
our preschoolers during Easter services.
This is only a one time commitment. If you
would be interested in helping on April 5,
contact Jennifer or Pam.
If you are expecting, our Preschool staff
would love to know. Please contact
Jennifer or Pam so we can begin to pray
for you and your family and prepare for
your child in our ministry.
Pioneer Drive BapƟst Church
701 S. Pioneer Dr.
Abilene, TX 79605
(325) 692-6776
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Schedule Adjustments
Due to pageant preparations, please make
note of the following changes in our regular
schedule for Wednesday evenings.
On March 25 and April 1, there will NOT
be any children’s or preschool activities at
the church. There will NOT be a fellowship
meal served.
The youth activities and prayer meeting
WILL take place at their regularly
scheduled times.
Jennifer -
Pam -
On Campus:
Total SS Enrollment:
Sunday School Attendance:
9:00 a.m. - 537
10:30 a.m. - 382
Small Groups
Total Attendance:
Off Campus:
Shining Star
Care Inn
House of Faith
Alameda CC
Total Off Campus Total:
Total Church Bible Study:
Tithes & Offerings
This Week:
Required this Week: $61,907.20
Required to Date: $1,953,429.60
Received to Date: $2,052,194.87
Arise & Build Phase 2
This Week's Receipts:
Received to Date: $402,902.02
Note Balance:
World Missions
2015 Goal:
This Week's Receipts: $1,649.00
Received to Date:
June 7 - 11
We need volunteers!
We provide VBS from babies-grade 5
and need many hands to make it a success!
Contact Jennifer at or
Brandon at
to volunteer today!
There will be no Fellowship Meal
for the next two weeks.
We will resume on April 8.