March 10-20 - Federated Fellowship Church


March 10-20 - Federated Fellowship Church
March 10-20
In This Issue
Page 1:
• Daylight Saving Time
• Night of Worship
Page 2:
• Easter Drama
• Puerto Rico Mission Trip
• Women’s Retreat
• Easter Service
• Federated’s Newsletter
• Prayer Meeting
Page 3:
• Our Community
Page 4:
• Serving Schedules
• Calendar
Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 13.
Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead before you to come to
church on Sunday!
Save the date:
Saturday, April 2 @ 6pm we will have a Night of Worship led by the Federated Worship Band.
in our church
Our Easter Drama this year will be on Saturday, March 19 @ 7pm. We love to serve families
with young children by providing childcare during the performance. If you would like to help
with childcare this evening please sign up in the foyer or contact Denise Rodwell.
Puerto Rico Missions Trip
Probable dates: June 4-11, 2016
Service projects:
-roof on WBMJ AM radio tower building and grounds work
-help a local church with several projects, including building mini gardens, painting, install signage
Informational meetings:
-March 20 and April 3
Save the date: Spring Women’s Retreat
Where: Stoney Point Barn in Reasnor
When: Saturday, April 30 (8am-4pm)
Cost: $25 until March 27
$30 March 28-April 30
Space is limited! Sign up and pay to reserve
your spot. The Women’s Ministry team will
be at the table on Sunday if you have any
The spring issue of Federated’s
Quarterly Newsletter, The Rock, is
fresh off the press! Pick up your copy
at the Welcome Center or at the
table by the office. Read about some
of our new ministries and other
exciting church news!
Join us for our weekly PRAYER MEETING. On Wednesdays at 6pm in Pastor Bryan's office, we
will gather together for a time of prayer. Join us Wednesday!
our community
Tribute Quartet will be in concert on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 6:30 pm, at the Pella
Christian High School Vermeer Auditorium, Pella, IA. This Southern Gospel quartet in just nine
years become one of the country’s most dynamic and beloved male quartets in all of
Gospel Music. This group also has one of the best pianists! Reserved seating tickets are $16 in
advance, $18 after March 5, $6 for children ages 2-12, $14 each for groups 10 or more. Call
Cindy at 641-660-0443 to order tickets. For more information:
Benjamin Morelock is coming to Calvary Bible Church on Sunday, March 13 @ 6:30pm. He is
a Southern Gospel Soloist who shares his life changing testimony through music. Don’t miss
this young man’s Southern Gospel Music ministry! A free will offering will be taken to support
the artist.
Join the fun and be part the 9th Annual Gene Van Wyk 5k Run, Saturday, March 26, 2016.
Registration costs are $15 for students, $20 for adults, and $70 for families if you register by
March 14. Fees increase by $5 per event after March 14. Families are encouraged to
participate. All proceeds for the Gene Van Wyk Memorial fund are donated to the Pella
Christian High School. Register online at or pick up a form at the high
school office or at Home Realty located at 1212 Washington Street in Pella.
We are looking for 100 (or more) MEN who will join us on a MISSION! Will you join us?
We are excited to gather a group of one hundred or more men in the Lake Red Rock and
surrounding area for the purpose of helping those in need.
In 2006, Karen Dunigan, a dynamic and community minded woman in Jackson, MI, formed
an alliance of women with the intent to streamline fundraising help for local agencies. Since
2006, the original group has been duplicated more than 360 times throughout the United
States, Canada & internationally.
This is how it can work in our communities:
We encourage 100 or more men to commit to our group. Commitment involves attending four meetings a
year, pledging $100 per meeting ($400 per year). At each meeting, an opportunity is provided for three
members of the group to present a local charity/non-profit /worthy cause in need. A vote is taken and the
winner is announced. Following the meeting the chosen organization or cause will be notified and presented
with at least $10,000!
That is powerful! That is making a difference! Together, 100 or more men in our area can
significantly impact the many local organizations and agencies devoted to improving lives.
Please bring your friends and help us launch this project in the Red Rock area.
Bos Landen Golf Club
2411 Bos Landen Dr.
April 12, 2016
6:00-6:30 pm – Social Time
6:30-7:30 – Business Meeting
Parent Preview Night: Pella Christian High School invites all parents of 8th graders to the
annual Parent Preview Night to be held Tuesday, March 22 at 7:00 pm in the high school
auditorium. Information about high school (academics, extra-curriculars, costs, financial aid,
etc.) will be shared. Refreshments and a time of fellowship and tours of the building will
follow the meeting. Anyone who knows of a family considering PCHS (for any HS aged
student) is encouraged to personally invite them to this meeting.
The Spring Sports Parent Night for parents of Pella Christian High School spring sports
participants is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22 (prior to 8th Grade Parent
Preview Night). Plan to attend to receive important information from your student’s coach
regarding details and expectations for the upcoming season.
Are you ready to do some Spring Cleaning? The annual De Kinderen Kloset Children’s
Consignment Sale will be held on April 1 and 2 and we’re currently looking for quality used
children’s clothing (newborn – Jr.), books, toys, furniture, maternity items, etc. to be
consigned. If you are interested in selling, please visit our website at http://dekinderenkloset.
org to register or find out more information. It’s a great way to clean out closets and support
local ministries!
Christ in the Passover: What do the Jewish Passover and Jesus' last supper have in common?
Eli Birnbaum, with Jews for Jesus, will answer that question as he presents "Christ in the
Passover" at Heartland Reformed Church on Monday, March 21st at 7:00 PM. You'll gain
wonderful insights on how the pieces of God's plan of salvation fit together, and you'll
remember this visual display of the Passover pageantry for years to come.
serving schedule
March 13
March 20
3-4 yr olds:
Matt & Molly W
Preschool &
Wendy S
K-1st Grade: Chris & Liz D
2nd-3rd: Darren & Sonya B
4th-5th: TBA
Lisa Vh, Jeremy S
Fred or Lela DV
Cory & Abbi VK, Jean VW,
Cassidy B
Deana & Amanda S, Morgan B,
Doug & Cole VanD
Gini L, Lexi D, Sadie B,
Jimmy B, Erika VW
Loren & Jean VW
John & Eloise P
Keith & Vicky K
Dennis & Nola J
Brenda B, Jenny S, Lela DV,Vicky K,
Brenda W, Sheri H, Renee D, Krysty H
Denise R, Krystal B, Sheri DN,
Judy N, Pat J, Carol DH, Nola J,
Gwen B
AV Team:
Tim L, Max VZ, RJ VanD,
Brooke DN
Wendy S, Amber G
Greeters: Gini L & family
Bulletins: Shannon & Miranda A
Greeters: Rita VB
Bulletins: TBA
Chair Set-up:
Carroll H, Bruce V, Lloyd U, Zane M,
Randy R, Jason B, Rick N
Carroll H, Bruce V, Lloyd U, Zane M,
Randy R, Jason B, Rick N
Treat Table:
Daylight Saving Time begins
10 AM: Worship Service
6 PM: Financial Peace
Monday, March 14
6 PM: Thrive-College Ministry
2nd-3rd: Shannon & Miranda A
4th-5th: Dan & Amber G
Sunday, March 13
Tuesday, March 15
5:15 PM: Fusion
6:30 PM: Women’s Bible Study
6:30 PM: MOPS and MOMSnext
7 PM: Women’s Bible Study-Osky
Wednesday, March 16
5:30 PM: HYPER
6 PM: Prayer Meeting
7:30 PM: SWAT
7 PM: Men’s Bible Study
Thursday, March 17
5:15 PM: Fusion
Saturday, March 19
7 PM: Easter Drama
Sunday, March 20
10 AM: Worship Service
future events
April 2: Night of Worship
April 30: Women’s Retreat
a 309 Roosevelt Rd
p 641-628-3363
Please have all announcements, prayers, &
important news you’d like the church to know
about to the church by Wednesdays @ noon.
Call 641.628.3363 or email