Current Bulletin - Friendship Mennonite Church


Current Bulletin - Friendship Mennonite Church
Church Life Meeting
Sunday, January 18, 2015
12:15 pm
Mennonite Church
Please join us for our annual church life meeting. We
will share details concerning Pastor Kevin and Pastor
Nan’s upcoming sabbatical as well as discuss the
budget plans for 2015.
December 28, 2014
Happy Birthday!
Keep these people in your prayers as they celebrate another year of life!
*Contact the church office for a
list of upcoming birthdays*
Opening Song
Call to Worship
Advent Candlelighting
Songs of Praise
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:22-40
Sermon: Kevin Kanagy
Responding Song
Congregational Prayer
Madi Kanagy, Piano
Sending Song
Visiting this week?
Welcome to Friendship Mennonite Church!
We are so glad you've joined us for worship! We hope you
find a place to belong and consider joining us in God's
mission. We are looking for people to join us who are
interested in learning more about Jesus, becoming a disciple
and finding out God's purpose in life!
Serving Our Church Today
Time to make your summer plans! It may be Christmas time, but
summer will be here before we know it. Mennonite Central
Committee's Sharing With Appalachian People (SWAP) program
is seeking summer staff to help with coordination of construction
volunteers, meals, materials and job sites for their home repair
projects in Kentucky and West Virginia. Summer staff are a
critical component of SWAP's successful ministry, as they help
facilitate the weekly SWAP service groups working on housing
repair for low-income persons. Summer staff vary in age from 19
to 70+, and they receive meals, lodging and a weekly stipend for
their service. For more information go to or call
Colettia at (606) 633-5065.
Worship Leader: Nan Kanagy
Song Leader: Jonathan Witmer-Rich
Piano: Rhonda Savage
Usher: Melvin Honsaker
Sunday School Nursery: None
Greeter: Jerrald Covington
Worship Nursery: Maria Witmer-Rich
A/V Team: Nate Arn
Sunday Building Trustee: Rudy Coblentz
FMC Giving: Thank you for designating funds in the offering to
go towards our love fund to help people in need this time of year.
Looking Ahead
Canned Goods! Looking for a way to give this season? We are
always receiving calls at the church for people who are in need
this season. Please bring canned goods to restock our food
pantry. You may also donate gift cards for the pastors to give out
to those who may need additional groceries this season.
MC USA Convention This summer, MC USA’s Convention will
take place in Kansas City. From June 30-July 5, Mennonites will
gather to encounter Jesus together. Visit for details!
Additional Giving for Last Sunday:
Serving Next Sunday
Worship Leader: TBA
Usher: TBA
SS Nursery: TBA
A/V Team: TBA
Sunday, January 18
Song Leader: TBA
Greeter: TBA
Worship Nursery: TBA
Sunday Building Trustee: TBA
Fellowship Time during Sunday School
Church Life Meeting after Worship
Giving for Last Sunday
Church Offering:
Weekly Budget:
Friendship Mennonite Church
21881 Libby Road
Bedford Heights, Oh 441416
Co-Pastors: Kevin Kanagy ( Cell: (440)591-4072
Nan Kanagy (
Secretary: Cara Speros (