S.S.S I Assignment
GEOGRPHY WEEK ONE ; Location, position, size, and political division of Nigeria. WEEK TWO; Lowlands in Nigeria ; Areas of lowlands in Nigeria ;Importance of lowlands in Nigeria; Disadvantages of lowlands in Nigeria. WEEK THREE; Highlands in Nigeria; Areas of highlands in Nigeria; Importance of highlands in Nigeria; Disadvantages of highlands in Nigeria. ASSIGNMENT Discuss environmental pollution under the following heading 1 Meaning 2 Types 3 Causes 4 Effects 5 Control. BOOK KEEPING ASSIGNMENT 1. Explain the following term in two different meaning (1) Trading Account (2) Profit Account (3) Balance sheet 2. Draw two formats of question one above in (1), (2) and (3) CHEMISTRY 1. Carbon & its compounds 2. Hydrogen & its compounds 3. Oxygen & its compounds 4. Nitrogen & its compounds 5. Air & Air pollution 6. Mass-Volume Relationships in Reactions ASSIGNMENT 1. What is Allotropy? Give 3 elements that exhibit allotropy. 2. What is Polymorphisms? Give 3 substances that exhibit polymorphism. 3. Write the electronic configuration of carbon both in ground state and excited state. 4. Briefly explain the uniqueness of carbon 5. Differentiate between crystalline and amorphous form of carbon with 3 examples each. 6. Differentiate between organic and inorganic chemistry with respect to carbon. 7. List 3 examples of mineral deposits of carbon. 8. List 3 compounds of carbon and write short note on them which must include their chemical and physical properties. 9. What are hydrides? Give 5 examples of hydrides. 10. Write the electronic configuration of (a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen. PHYSICS SCHEME OF WORK Week One: Electrostatics- Distribution and storage of charges Week Two: Electric field- Production of current, Potential difference between two points in an current. Week Three: Defects of a simple cell and its prevention. Assignment 1.Explain briefly the storage of charges using electrophorus. 2. Describe how a lightning conductor protects a building from lightning. COMPUTER STUDIES INSTRUCTION: BUY A 2A EXERCISE BOOK AND USE IT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION DATE: Monday, April 27th, 2015 – 8am. 1. Write a program in BASIC to Calculate the Volume of a pyramid with rectangular base. 2. Write a program in BASIC to find the roots of quadratic equation using the formular electric 3. Outline the steps for cold booting of a computer 4.(a) State the full-meaning of ICT (b) Discuss five (5) applications of ICT 5(a) Discuss briefly three (3) types of Broadcasting (b) Discuss briefly any two (2) types of telecommunications 6(a) State at least five common features of word processors (b) List the steps involved in running or loading Microsoft Word Package (c) State five(5) basic operations that can be carried out using word processor. 7.(a) List five distinguishing features of a named presentation package. (b) State at least six steps you will take to create a presentation of “the merits of ICT in our society today”. REFERENCES 1. Welcome to Computer studies for SSS1 by Dele Kelani and Boye Jokotoye 2. Online with Computers for SSS 1 for Adedapo F.O. , Mitchell A.S. , Agunbiade D.A. BIOLOGY This assignment should be done in your biology school note book. This should be submitted on the first week of resumption. 1a.Define the term ecology. ai.Explain the two branches of ecology ii.Explain the following ecological concepts iiia. Environment b. Biosphere c. Lithosphere d. Hydrosphere e. Habitat f. Atmosphere g. Ecological niche h. Population i. Ecosystem j. Biome or biotic community iv.Explain the components of ecosystem and their various make ups. b. In a population study, explain the following terms i. Types of organisms ii. Dominance iii. Population characteristics iv. List the factors affecting population ci. List the procedures in which a population study can be carried out. ii. Write a short note on the following a. Quadrat sampling b. Transect method c. Frequency d. Density e. Percentage cover d. Write on the following ecological factors common to all habitats i. Temperature ii. Rainfall. iii. Wind. iv. Light v. Pressure vi. Hydrogen ion concentration e. Write on the following ecological factors common to aquatic habitats i. Salinity ii. Turbidity iii. Density iv. Currents or water flow v. Tidal movement and waves vi. Dissolved gases f. Write on the following ecological factors common to terrestrial habitat i. Relative humidity ii. Edaphic or soil factors iii. Topographic factors or land surface g. Write on the measurement of the following ecological factors i. Temperature ii. Rainfall iii. Wind iv. Pressure v. Relative humidity vi. Light intensity vii. Turbidity Wishing you a very happy holiday and Easter celebration AGRICULTURAL Read and write on Respiratory and Nervous system of Farm Animals. Note: It should be done inside your Agric. Sci. notebook Reference Book: Essential Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary Schools by O. A. IWENA ECONOMICS ASSIGNMENT 1. (a) Differentiate between a Firm and Industry. (b) Define an industry. 2. State and explain 5 facctors to consider before siting an industry. 3. Define localization of industry Reference textbooks: Fundamentals of Economics, by R. A. I . Anyanwuocha, LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT 1. Examine the major concerns of Kofi Awoonor in “The Anvil and the Hammer” 2. Read Lonely Days by Bayo Adebowale and summaries the plot. (Note: To be done inside your Literature note, and to be submitted on 27th April, 2015) ENGLISH LANGUAGE ASSIGNMENT A. (i). What is pronoun? (ii) Mention types of pronouns. (iii) Explain any two of them with examples. B. (i) What are punctuation marks? (ii) List out types of punctuation marks (iii) Explain any two of them with correct examples. (Note: To be done inside your note, and to be submitted on 27th April, 2015) Have a blissful Easter holiday. Mrs Akindoyin FINE ART ASSIGNMENT 1. Briefly describe the word “Art” 2. List any three great masters of High Renaissance and discuss them extensively. 3. Discuss in details how to start local craft business. (Note: To be done inside your note, and to be submitted on 27th April, 2015) YORUBA ASSIGNMENT 1. Kini eyan? 2. Salaye orisirisi eyan to wa C.R.S SCHEME OF WORK Week One: The Message of God a. Jonah as the messenger b. The Message Week Two: Faith in God a. Faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego b. Faith and courage of Daniel. Week Three: Social Justice and True Religion 1. Social Justice- Amos, Amos versus Amaziah 2. True religion. ASSIGNMENT 1. Give an account of the dedication ceremony of the golden image, pointing out the highlight of Nebuchadnezzar’s address to the people. 2. Racial discrimination is not a necessary condition for the true worship of God. Explain this statement with reference to Jonah’s attitude to the people of Nineveh. 3. a. Do social and religious evil of Amos time still exist today in our country? b. Suggest ways in which Christians can contribute to their eradication CIVIC EDUCATION 1. List and explain the functions of the following Organs of Government : A. Legislature B. Executive C. Judiciary 2. Trace the history of Nationalism in Nigeria with reference to the roles of two (2) notable heroes in the struggle for independence. (Note : To be done inside a new notebook). Submission date: 27th April by 8am. MATHEMATICS Assignment Exercise 15b No 7 (NGM: SSS1) Exercise 8d No 8d (NGM SSS1) Exercise 15b No 6 (NGM SSS1) Exercise 15b No 9 ( NGM SSS1) Submission date: 27th April by 8am. FURTHER MATHEMATICS Assignment New Further Mathematics Project by Tuttuh–Adegun Book 1, Ex 6B, NO: 1a, b; no11a,b, Ex.7A, no 1a, b, c, d. GOVERNMENT ASSIGNMENT Instruction: Do all inside 2A exercise book and not class note 1. What are the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria? 2. How are powers shared in Nigeria federalism? Enjoy your holiday and I wish you happy Easter …Famoroti A. A
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