February - MaxFund


February - MaxFund
Volume XX VII Number II
By Phil McPeck
May 18, 2013, was a warm day and Leah Peer was tending
to things around the southeast Aurora home she shares
with her husband, Jeff, and three cats. Sometime during the
day she drew blinds against the sun, and at the same time
blocked out an awareness that the screen door was open.
Tango, a purebred Abyssinian that the Peers moved with
them from Buffalo, N.Y., was aware of the open door, though.
And in a minute of inattention, he slipped outside into a
world of lawns, fences, neighborhood traffic, and not too far
away the always-busy South Parker Road, the state highway
that borders the east side of Cherry Creek State Park. The
park’s 4,200 acres of wilds conceal myriad threats to domestic
cats, from coyotes to snakes, if Tango dared venture that far.
Leah Peer did all of the right things when Tango went on
the lam. “We looked high and low, all over the place
around here. We put up posters on light poles,” she said.
She checked with neighbors and local animal control.
“I even had a friend who called a pet psychic, which I didn’t
put much stock in,” Peer said. The psychic said Tango had
been hit by a car, she said.
Early on Peer also registered Tango with a lost pets website.
There are many with both free and paid features, such as
lostmykitty.com, petamberalert.com, tabbytracker.com and
petkey.org. “I followed that for over a year,” she said.
Additionally there are sites created for specificMugzie
geographical areas,
such as the Facebook page called “coloradolostfoundpets.”
Fast forward to December 2013, seven months after Tango
disappeared, and to MaxFund Animal Adoption Center on
the edge of downtown Denver. A visitor there fell for a cat
named Copper and took him home. That adoption didn’t
work out, though; Copper was not as cuddly and compatible with his new family as they had envisioned. Around the
end of May 2014, he was returned to the MaxFund shelter.
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
Maxfund, as Denver’s premier no-kill animal shelter, prides
itself on two things: giving its “residents” the health care
they need through its public, low-cost veterinary practice
— MaxFund Wellness Center, 1000 Inca St. — and giving
them whatever time they need to find a permanent home.
Copper got the first when MaxFund veterinarians identified
him as a special-needs cat who required a prescription diet
for a sensitive stomach.
In fall, Copper again caught the eye of a MaxFund visitor
and was adopted. But forever in his next “forever home”
lasted only a month. Again Copper found himself in the
“shy cats” room at MaxFund, with co-founder Nanci Suro
fulfilling the promise of unlimited time at the shelter.
The multi-windowed shy cats room is a few steps from the
large, glassed-in Ol’ Barn Cat room and its twin, Janet’s
Room, just off the cat shelter lobby. Those bright, airy
rooms for the no-kill shelter’s most social cats also feature
enclosed areas in which cats can roam perches in the outdoor
air, bask in the sun and interact with passersby. Residents
of the shy cats room are just as curious, playful, “talkative”
and adoptable as other cats and make fine pets, but they’re
a little more skittish. They’re not as wary of humans as
residents of the feral cat room, but don’t expect them to be
lap cats, as one MaxFund worker puts it.
Soon after Copper was returned to MaxFund for the second
time, Leah Peer received a Facebook message: “Someone
has reported a cat that meets your description in a no-kill
shelter.” Peer said she figured it was a scam stemming from
the registering of Tango’s disappearance on the Internet
about 18 months earlier. Nonetheless she followed up.
In a picture of Copper, “The coat looked a little too bright and
the eyes looked a little too green,” Peer said. But Copper wasn’t
a lap cat and neither was Tango. Peer said she called Tango her
“puppy cat” for his penchant to follow her everywhere. But
“He didn’t like to be picked up,” she said.
Continued on page 2
Wayward Cat continued from page 1
Husband Jeff Peer and their son went to MaxFund for what
turned into a most-memorable scene for MaxFund employee
Brittney Hernandez and other cat shelter staffers. “They
were able to come in say ‘That’s my cat,’” Hernandez said.
“We were all shocked. They put him on their laps and were
loving on him and he didn’t do anything about it.”
A couple of weeks before Christmas, Copper, aka
Tango, left MaxFund for a third time, but this time in
the care of his true owners, Leah and Jeff Peer. As all
MaxFund animals are, he was microchipped before his
first adoption from there.
By Gus Suro
Snow! The word makes all two-leggers’ faces get pale
and their fingers clench. The word probably makes
their toes curl up too, but you can’t tell because they
always cover their feet. They must think their hind toes
are really something special. Personally I prefer feet
with a little fur on them, don’t you?
But I didn’t mean to talk about ugly feet. Snow is much
more interesting. Gypsy and I just love it. We love it in
all its stages. When it is coming down, snow is beautiful
and it makes everything it touches seem like a fairy
land. The same yard with the same trees changes into
something else. It’s magic!
When the snow starts to cover the grass, it makes it much
more fun when we get let out. It’s the same route: out the
back door, across the porch, down the back steps, and
across the yard to Squirrel Corner. But it is different because
the snow flies up around us. It reminds me of running
through the puddles of standing water back when we lived
on the farm in South Carolina. Coming back from a walk
down to the lake, Gypsy had to be on a leash to keep her
from taking off and running all over the county, but I was
free to choose my own route. On the way to the lake we
both stuck to the path (unless some wild thing would
appear) because we were in a hurry to get there. Coming
home I would crash through the woods on either side of
the trail, both to make Gypsy jealous and to just have fun.
But if there were puddles, I would splash through every
one of them. That would make Dad shout at me. I think
he didn’t want to bring all the mud and water into the
house. What can you do? I don’t want Dad to be mad at
me, but he usually laughed it off. And you can’t let an
opportunity like that go by.
Today Tango is on his home-made, grain-free diet for
the sensitive stomach and at age 13 is readjusting to his
rightful place. During his time away, the Peers lost one
of their other cats to cancer and adopted a new one
from the Denver Dumb Friends League, Leah Peer said.
She said she wasn’t surprised that neither of two adoptions from MaxFund worked out for Tango, in the first
case because he wasn’t getting along with anyone. She
said Tango knew that life wasn’t right, or at least it
wasn’t the life he had known before his escape.
“He’s a really, really smart cat,” Peer said. And now
“There’s no question he knows he’s home.”
Blue Moose and MaxFund thank
Joseph and Linda Vumbaco for their
generosity. Blue Moose is also thankful to
Robin for bailing him out.
You love us...
We know you appreciate
what we do for the animals.
Make sure we will always
be there – include us in your will.
Sorry I got off track today. The truth is that Gypsy and
I love snow. That’s the TROOF!
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
by Snoopy & Gizmo
Hello Everyone! Did you enjoy the very cold weather we had? I for one don’t mind it too much but then I do
not go out in it. Gizmo, however, is fun to watch. He gets on the window sill and paces back and forth waiting
for the window to be opened and then he sits at the opening and sniffs and sniffs. First checking for critters
bigger than he is who might eat him. We have foxes and coyotes in our neighborhood. Then he has to worry
about the neighborhood cat he does not like in his yard. Third, what is the temperature and does he really
want to be shut out in the window well for a while? When it is very cold Mom and Dad won’t leave the
window open for him to go back and forth. He has to scratch at the window to let them know he is ready to
come back inside. Then there are the times when they open the window, and he takes a couple of sniffs,
jumps in the air, turns and runs down the couch and back up stairs. You would think someone set off a
firecracker the way he jumps and runs.
Mom says just plain old window wells are not very inviting (whatever that means). So to make ours look nice
she has a picture of a garden all the way around. She also decorates it for the different holidays and some
things just stay there all the time. One of the “stay all the time things” is a statue of “Grumpy” holding a
lantern that really lights up at night. Well, when we get snow coming from the west, Grumpy gets a snowdrift
on his nose. Yes, his nose is big enough to hold one. Anyway, Mom took a picture and sent it to her sister
who lives in Florida. I have been there and it is hot! That is also where I got my first and only case of fleas.
How embarrassing! Her sister sent back a note saying everyone had a good laugh and that it was 79 degrees
there. I must admit that I am getting ready for the warm sun to shine in on the back porch. The cold sun just
does not do much for a cat.
Well, guess that’s all for now. Here is “Wishing you warm sun soon”.
Your Cat Reporter, Snoopy
Visit us on the web at:
Editor & Layout
Carolyn Venard
Contributing Writers
Bill Suro, VMD
Phil McPeck
Angel Ireson
Ilene Johnson
Heidi Hahn and Tami Tanoue
3,953 Unaudited Circulation
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
Published monthly by MaxFund
Animal Adoption Center, a true no-kill
shelter to provide medical care for
injured dogs and cats with no known
owners, and to find new homes for
these animals once they are recovered.
The MaxFund is committed to the
following goals:
–Develop and implement educational programs pertaining to animal
care, with emphasis on the importance of
–Disseminate information on
spay/neuter facilities and conduct
spay/neuter clinics for low-income families.
–Be a spokesperson for the animals
on issues of animal welfare.
–Cooperate with other animal
facilities/shelters in the accomplishment
of the above goals.
Contributions for this newsletter are
welcome. Please check the back page
of newsletter for each month’s deadline.
We especially enjoy letters and photos
from animals adopted from our shelter.
MaxFund Animal Adoption Center
720 West 10th Avenue | Denver, Colorado 80204
Phone (720) 266-6081
Wellness Clinic (303) 595-0532
Adopt a Lifelong
and a Friend Forever
Baby is a young Lab mix girl. Her
golden eyes and bright smile will
dazzle you. She wants to play.
Coconut is medium-small lab mix
girl. She is a bit shy and unsure but
she would make a great companion.
George is a wonderful shorthair
boy. He is very handsome. Very
sweet and shy.
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
Sampson is a handsome Terrier
mix boy. He is a friendly and
easygoing guy.
Vicky is a little brown tabby with
white socks and beautiful green
eyes. She loves to climb.
Penguin is a sweet girl. She is
looking for a nice home with
people who love her.
Taz is a Rottweiler-Shepherd mix
girl. She is a loyal Shepherd with
the loving nature of a Rottweiler.
Frankenstein is one of the sweetest
cats at the shelter. He loves to play.
Come see him!
Niven loves people. He is FIV+
but don’t let that scare you. He
just needs to be an only cat.
By Ilene Johnson
The first thing you notice
when you meet Tobias is
his beautiful color - he
looks like a little fawn. His
color is officially listed on
MaxFund’s website as
“red/brown,” but I still
think “fawn” color is a
better description!
Annie (short for
Lady Anne) is a
very beautiful
Border Collie mix
who is a year old.
She is a very
special girl. When
you meet her, and
look into her
gorgeous brown eyes, you see trust, love, and a
potential soul mate.
If you are looking for companion for hiking, walking,
running, and visiting the dog park, she is your girl. If
you are looking for a friend to cuddle with, she is also
your girl. Annie is energetic, gentle, joyful, and loving.
She loves everybody, children, cats, other dogs, and
mankind in general. And she also loves getting her
tummy rubbed.
Tobias is a Chihuahua short coated mix. This little guy
was born in July, 2011, so he is an adorable three years
old. Tobias is a bit shy, but warms up quickly once he
gets to know you. And once he gets to know you, he is
a very loyal little boy. He loves going for walks, getting
belly rubs, and playing with his toys. Tobias gets along
well with most other small dogs.
You can see Tobias running and playing, and being
adorable in general, in the video that is posted on
MaxFund’s website. Just click on his bio, and then on
the video tab. What a cutie!
Annie is a very smart girl. She learns quickly, and
strives to please. She knows leash manners, and other
commands, and can learn anything you wish to teach
her. She is a great trail dog. She runs back and forth on
the trail, and never strays; making sure everyone stays
together and safe, true to her genetic heritage.
Tobias is available for either foster care or adoption.
The office staff at MaxFund can tell you all about the
wonders of being a foster parent. Either way, he would
love to meet you and charm his way into your heart!
Annie loves going for rides in the car, and is very well
behaved when she travels with you. She is also comfortable
being kenneled if you need to leave her at home.
Annie needs just a bit of extra effort, because she has
seizures, which are mostly controlled with medication.
She needs a pill twice a day, but readily takes them
with peanut butter, which she just loves. Annie needs
periodic blood tests to make sure that her medication
dosage remains accurate. Finally, she needs you to hold
her head and comfort her when she has an occasional
seizure. All so worth the love and wonderful things
that she gives you in return!
This beautiful, sweet girl is also available for foster care
where her medical needs will be taken care of by
MaxFund. If you are active, have a yard, and can spend
time with her, she will give you her heart forever in
exchange. Sounds like a perfect deal! Contact
MaxFund Wellness Clinic at 303-595-0532 to meet the
wonderful Annie and let her capture your heart.
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
Alex Campbell
Vice President
for your generous donation!
OtterCares Foundation
for your generous donation!
Dear Friends of MaxFund,
After having dogs my entire life I found myself dog-less after
moving to Lone Tree, Colorado. My dog of 16 years had
passed on in my arms. I was devastated and decided never to
get another dog. It took me a few months before I missed
feeding some member of the family and I found myself
putting a ring of Cheerios out in the garage, surrounding a
bottle cap of fresh water every night. I was feeding a mouse
for a couple of months, and then I realized I need a dog. I was
drawn to MaxFund because I had heard they were a “no kill”
adoption center. Early in May 2004 I decided to find what I
would refer to as a very needy dog that needed a forever
home. I have always known that dogs thrive on routine. I
went to visit that dog at the same time of day for three days
bringing a small treat for him that I could give him through
the c age. The third day I offered to take him for a walk. We
walked around the block together and when the steps to
MaxFund were in view he hustled to get up those steps and in
to his cage where he felt protected and at home. I hadn’t realized that that had been his home for the past seven weeks. He
had looked so forlorn and I honestly thought he had only one
eye as his fur had grown over one of his eyes and his hair
down to the ground.
After filling out the papers I adopted him. I called my groomer
and asked if I could bring a dog to her for a bath. The dog was
bathed and completely sheared right down to his little pink and
grey skin. He had two of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen
and in a short time his fur grew in beautifully. Originally the dear
ones at MaxFund had named him Smokey, but I changed his
name to “Murphy”. His face just looked like a Murphy.
This coming May 10th, Murphy and I will have been together
eleven years. He is healthy and happy as he gets two good walks a
day plus a few quick “out to the tree” breaks plus routine feeding
times. Murphy constantly shows his appreciation for his “forever”
home but I never cease to be grateful for his love and for
MaxFund for giving him a temporary home until I found him.
MaxFund has a robust program
for fostering dogs and cats
awaiting adoption (contact
Erica Jenkins, 303-595-0532).
On his website, NatGeoWild
TV host and dog trainer Cesar Milan offers some tips
on dealing with the eventuality of giving up a foster pet:
 Pick a dog to foster that you wouldn’t think of as a
long-term pet. Foster one that may not be the cutest or
youngest, or in some way is a special-needs pet, such as
being blind, deaf or missing a limb.
 Assist in the adoption process. Eagerly share the dog's
behavior and personality with potential adopters.
 Focus on the positive of the dog finding a permanent
home, not on surrendering the pet. Celebrate.
 Foster again.
Three canine massage therapists are suing Arizona,
claiming the state is wrong to classify pet massage
as veterinary care that can be performed only by
licensed veterinarians. Arizona is one of about 20
states that limits pet massage to veterinarians; about
20 others require referral or supervision by a
veterinarian, the American Animal Hospital
Association reports on its website: aahanet.org.
Colorado law says any person may perform massage
on an animal if the person does not prescribe drugs,
perform surgery or diagnose medical conditions. But
as of 2010 the state required pet massage therapists to
hold a degree or certificate in animal massage from
an approved school.
Cat Fancy and Dog Fancy magazines are ceasing
publication in favor of two new magazines modeled
on their publisher's cat- and dog-oriented websites.
Irvine, Calif.-based I-5 Publishing said it will debut
the bimonthly magazines beginning with "Dogster"
on Feb. 24 and "Catster" on March 24. I-5 said the
new magazines are descendants of dogster.com and
catster.com and promise "360-degree coverage and
support to pet owners," with news, features, humor,
expert advice, products, health, diet, travel and more.
— Compiled by Phil McPeck
With sincere love, Patricia Gerling
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
By Heidi Hahn and Tami Tanoue
Editor’s note: Shorty’s fundraising page is at
http://www.petcaring.com/helpshorty. Checks may also
be sent to: MaxFund, 720 W. 10th Ave., Denver, CO
80204, attn.: Help Shorty.
Shorty is a gorgeous Black Lab mix girl born in March,
2014. She arrived at the MaxFund with a physique that
is startling…shocking, really. Her rear half is twisted in
a most improbable way, which makes standing and
walking quite a challenge.
There are typically two reactions that people experience upon meeting her for the first time.
First, pity. You’ll compare Shorty to the “able-bodied”
dogs you know. You’ll imagine how daunting her
challenges must be. Shorty’s appearance may bring
tears to your eyes. Take a look at Shorty’s video at
Second, AMAZEMENT. You’ll be drawn to Shorty’s
happy, smiling face, and her enthusiasm, charisma and
charm will wash over you. There is no way you can
have that first reaction for long. You’ll know from her
playful ways and her indomitable spirit that there’s no
room or need for pity in her life!
Shorty came to MaxFund on August 29, 2014. She
was relinquished because her primary caregiver
passed away. The family had multiple dogs in the
home and realized that caring for Shorty was an
enormous undertaking. The relinquishing paperwork
stated that the family had had her since birth.
There’s no mention on what happened, when it
happened, or how it happened: “She has always
been like this,” is what we were told.
Shorty’s had x-rays taken, and they’re pretty shocking.
One vet we consulted described what she saw as
“hemivertebrae (deformed spinal bones) on steroids
with nuclear waste and zombie venom.” There’s shock
that she’s even alive, much less thriving. You hear
moans, groans, and just disbelief in general.
So can Shorty be “fixed”? Well, Shorty will be the
first to point out she’s not “broken”! What she
needs is your help to be the very best Shorty she
can be. Professional physical therapy will allow her
to build her strength, balance, and endurance. We
have started working with the fine folks at CRCG
Canine Rehabilitation Group, and have consulted
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
with the professionals at Ortho Pets as well as CSU’s
therapy group.
All this is very expensive, of course. But with your
help, Shorty can get the assistance she needs. Shorty is
full of life and spirit and joy. Although her body has
improvised a way to get around, physical therapy will
greatly improve her mobility. We hope the therapy can
also assist in dealing with the incontinence issues that
are associated with her condition. Ultimately, we’d love
for her to be able to find a great forever home. But
until and unless that happens, she will always have
a place at MaxFund.
We’ve set up a fundraising page at http://www.petcaring.com/helpshorty, with a goal of $10,000. This
amount will allow her to get several months of
intensive physical therapy at CRCG to strengthen
her muscles and improve her mobility and balance.
We plan to train volunteers to assist her with
additional exercises, too.
So please go to http://www.petcaring.com/helpshorty
and help if you can. Checks are also welcome, and may
be sent to: MaxFund, 720 W. 10th Ave., Denver, CO
80204, attn.: Help Shorty.
Shorty is the embodiment of MaxFund’s mission, and
we depend on your generosity and support to fulfill
that mission. THANK YOU for helping Shorty.
In memory of Bo - Joseph Davis
In memory of Sundance - Leslie Young
In memory of Ann Bersi’s beloved cat, Shellie - Audrey Simpson
In memory of Adrian Bank’s beloved, Maggie - Jen, Rachel, & Dylan Banks
In memory of Biscuits - S. E. Obrien
In memory of Dozer - Jeff VanDemark
In memory of our wonderful Perreywinkel—friend, family member, counselor
extraordinaire! - Donald Mares
In memory of Neissie, beloved pet of John & Karen Zollars - Susan Dalton
In memory of Jenna, beloved lab and walking buddy of Corinne, Kevin &
Matthew Henkelman - Erich Magruder & Amy Larrison
In memory of Zane Vanderburg-Reynolds - Kerry White
In memory and tribute to our sweet Chocolate Lab Bart. He never met a
BALL he did not love - Linda Safstrom
In memory of April - Paul Villanueva
In memory of Joe & Arlene Crystal’s beloved cat, Max - Judy Rubin
In memory of our Grandog, Chuy, the best dog ever! - John Ellis
In memory of Shelby, the best little bear cub we could have ever loved - Rebecca Schroeder
In memory of Noel - Sharon Loyd
In memory of David & Frances Mackey Youngstrom’s beloved, Sadie - Joan Ringel
Remembering Oliver, and wishing comfort to your special people-Jan, Roger,
Bryce and Alyssa. You were always well loved and now, greatly missed.
Love, Laurie Hamilton
In memory of Teri Nolin’s beloved dog, Joey - Vicki Romeo-Mullen
In memory of dear Missy Gatto, owned and loved by Crispin Sargent - Joan Ringel
In memory of Buffy - Donna Ludwig
In memory of Jeb - Rebecca Thompson
In memory of Skittles & Stella - Jeff & Bev Ruud
In memory of Jake the wonder dog - Dana Kobold
In memory of Savana - Sue Zimmer
In memory of Jax - Mark & Marilyn Kessler
In memory of Magic, Mikey, & Cooper - Kevin Noll
In memory of Buffy, Daisy, Kali, Gabe, Cami,& Kierkie - Helen Mann
In memory of Prima - Carolyn & Jeff Riggs
In memory of Angel - Angela Yadon
In memory of Barkley & Maird - The Hissett Family
In memory of Bailey - Dann Milne
In memory of Tucker - Vicki Jenings
In memory of Daisy - Amy Siegel
In memory of Fred - Linda Skinner
In memory of Buddy, Cisco, & Mickey - Britta & Warren Rodie
In memory of Ani - Suneeta Hazra
In memory of Toby Comelia - Danett Stewart
In memory of Jack Daniels - Donna Franklin
In memory of Corey - Gail Corle
In memory of Hat Trick - Kayla & Gary Berg
In memory of Casey - Graham Kolb
In memory of Dudley & Rhoda - Liz Scott
In memory of Ice - Sharon Balzano
In memory of Sam - Kathleen Jacobsen
In memory of Max, Daisy, & Brody - Jodi Music
In memory of Chrissy Barry’s beloved, Obi - Barbara Williams
In memory of Danae Kranski’s beloved, Annie - Barbara Williams
In memory of MauraHeidi Henderson’s beloved, Portia - Barbara Williams
In memory of Robin Lee’s beloved, Ford & Lucky - Barbara Williams
To our beloved Kong. We miss you so much. You were such a beautiful and
devoted cat. Thank you for the love and joy you brought to our lives - Cindy Roegner
In honor of Moose, Bones, Simon and Murray. Our adopted family members
who always live in our hearts. We love you, J & Y Horan
In memory of Luna, special furry friend of Dr. Jeannette MacDonald and
Fred Lewis, Esq - Rev Sandra Daniel
I miss you, Zeke - Lynn Holtzman
In memory of Daisy - Maureen Lienau
In memory of all of our pet family members - Larry & Mary Ann Meyers
In memory of Bonnie & Clyde - Keith & Kathie Finger
In memory of Frannie - Peggy Hoerner
In memory of Maya, Popsicle, & Ray Charles - Barbara Weller
In memory of Mack - Julie Campbell
In memory of Jacob & Stella - Christa & Charles Bergeron
In memory of Athena Connolley Araya - Brenda Rivers
In memory of Krystal Dellinger, A precious canine companion to Cathy and
Denver Dellinger. She will be missed dearly - Bret LaFonte
In memory of Bogie, Mae, & Lucy - Susan Graim
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
In memory of Sophie, a very special feline companion to my dear friend
Helen Baldwin - Terry Zamell
In memory of Annie Murray-McDonald, a very special girl - Andra Cody
In memory of Galen & Riley - Ron Schmiermund & Bev Kahn
In memory of Blue - Tom Ori
In memory of Bags - Paul Simon
In memory of Jewel, gone but not forgotten - Jackie & Larry Lumley
In memory of our little Lucy - Mark & Ann Wellington
In memory of Karen Watts’ beloved, Pete - Jack & Diane King
In memory of John Wade’s beloved, Bizzy - Jack & Diane King
In memory of Jerry & Tazi - Monte Pickett
In memory of my beloved daughter, Susan Unger - Joseph Davis
In memory of Barb Anschutz - Janice Podoll
In memory of Madalyn Runge - Jane Reredich, Kelley Roach, Rosemary Brown
In memory of Virginia Potter - Patricia O’Connor
In memory of Hans Kommert - Donald & Providence Pruden, Billie, Scott,
& Yvonne Yates, Robert Buergisser
In memory of Theresa Mead - Shawna Gustin
In memory of Mrs. Dean Falkner Wells - Sandra Moore
In memory of Jean Camblin - Julie Sena, Ida Casagranda
In memory of David Effers - Colorado Department of Labor
In loving memory of Jerry Tilton Poston - Steve Ormiston
In memory of Max Roger - Dr. & Mrs. Jon Cram
In honor of Barbara Anschutz - Martha Cox
In memory of Jean - Virginia Guerra Lewis
In memory of Ned B. & Virginia Kain - Elizabeth Kain
In memory of Emily Berkeley - Terry & Roy Berkeley
In memory of Reg Griebling - Autumn Moran
In memory of Rachel - Roxanne Kochevar
In memory of my Dad - Donna Wise
In memory of Frank Tapp - Linda & Bill Tietjen
In memory of Kathy Einboden - Sherry Pixler
In memory of Catherine Christenson - Mary Christenson
In memory of Marie Powers - Sharon Powers
In memory of Anne Leftin - Dr. Max & Dita Wohlauer
In memory of Fran Johnson - Don Taylor
In memory of Lynn Walker - Wayne Walker, Patrick & Pamela McDavitt
In memory of Brando Olson - Michelle Olson
In memory of Lynn Witzen - Darci Nielsen
In memory of Madison Conner - Cathy Van Tassel
In memory of Ryan English - Jo English
In memory of our beloved Daughter, Vanessa Zirakzadeh - Cyrus & Barbara
In memory of Leigh Anne Bell - Christa Bell
In memory of Ellie & Luke Wienski - Chandra Hartman
In memory of Abby Rogers - Jeanne Hind
In memory of Frank Tapp - Jan Marquardt
In memory of Brian Jackson - Margaret King
In memory of Mike Townsend - Linda Czarny
In memory of my Father, Bill, Sister, Judy, Mother, Leone, and Brother,
Mark - Tim Heldenbrand
In memory of Jane Ann Roberts Aronson - Art & Lynette Crum
In memory of Eileen Farr - Patricia A. Farr
In memory of Merrill Berger - Noel Berger
In memory of my daughter, Kathleen Paser - Sandra Paser
In memory of Donald Okray - John Pringle
In memory of Al & Pat Ursetta - Arvada Excavating Co.
In memory of Donna Moore & Harriet Roman - Ivan & Maxine Woolf
In memory of Leslie Champion - Marc Champion
In memory of Rianan - Arden Rossi
In honor of Kerry Kavanagh - Kristen, Mike, & Matt Kavanagh
On behalf of Chris Becker & Quentin Tatro for the Holidays
- Al & Pat Bauernfeind
In honor of Sandy Scherer - Helen O’Donovan
In honor of Sarita Patel’s birthday - Megan Eliassen, Audrey Keeley
In honor of Ed & Paul Hutchinson - Sue Hurwitz
In honor of the Skubanelli Family - Trish & Joe Campanelli
Continued on page 12
Thanks to the following
people and businesses whose
generous contributions help
all the animals.
Ackley, Megan
Adkisson, Jessica
Aiu, Zorie
Albee Family
Albin, Richard and Donna
Alexander, Jim & Laurie
Ampe, Peter
Anderson, Carol
Anderson, Melissa
Anderson, Susan & Chuck
Anderson, Suzanne
Arbuckle, Cynthia
Archuleta, Lisa
Armour, Lauren
Arnold-Marsh, Carolyn
The Eugene C & Florence
Armstrong Family Foundation
The Silver Lining Foundation
The Reel Family Foundation
Network Marketing Associates Inc.
Jewell, Donna
Hare, Craig & Jama
Hogarth, Dennis & Fran
Blair, Judy
O’Connell, Wally
Brenton, Matthew
& Katharine Bernuth
Kessler, Amy
Catalucci, Brian & Lise
Carmack, Donna
Rodgers, Rosemary
Brand, Norman & Linda
Farr, Rennell
Irgens, Kelli
Taylor, John & Debra
Stanton, Donna Lee
Strayer, Janice
Franceschi, John & Ruth
King, David & Janet
Oberdorfer, Kathryn
& Joel Cohen
Hoffman, Shelley
Binford, Bridgette & Brian
Stevenson, Howard & Tracey
Sirpolaidis, Vassilios & Lynne
Gresh, Heather & John
Bjorndal, Patricia
Black Dog Foundation Inc.
Akers, Raymond & Deborah
Hayward, Ivan
Hirsch, Robert & Janice
Hickey, Karen
Staebell, Dennis & Carolyn
Rouder, Wendy
Excel Energy
Hale Pet Door
Richman, Michael
Ward, Lindsey
Muller, Patricia
Richardson, Steven
Latshaw, Rhonda
Thomas, James
Wilson, Sandra K.
Boettcher Foundation
The Soule Family Foundation
Renner, Kelsi
Joyce, Michael
Levy, Jeffrey
Benak, Michael
Kelly, Sue
Stribling, Mary
Narum, Sara
Kinkennon, Shane
Weltman, Harriet
Kishorekumar, Gopal
Beach, Amber
Ganger, Sharon
Smith-Dickens, Lori
Moonan, Michael
Rabolt, Robert
Clark, Kathleen
Pandher, Karamjeet
& Sukhi Khera
Sinnett, Barb
Folk, MD, Stacey
Boehler, Nancy
McBride, M. S.
Wilson, Janis
Hutka, Charles
Hall, Vicki
Peper, Julie
McGehee, Brenda
Kotowski, Linda
Haraguci, Erika
Gudvangen, Renae
Lain, Joyce
Tschirgi, Carol
Ebert, Leslie
Perkin, Linda
Ali, Keiko
Bush, Brian
Rappucci, Lori
Iagelska, Olena
Verspoor, Renee
Hoeck, Darrow
Athmann, Cara
Bacon, Penny
Bagga, Satpreet
Baier-Barnes, DeAnna
Coleman, Bill
Somers, Steven
Longman, Mark
Stanton, Nancy
Loudenburg, Eric
Reznik, Mark
Batts, Jacqueline
Mondrow, Jamie
Pappano, Richard
Tenney, Martha
Wolf, Adam
Anson, Rich & Doni
Mclean, Sandra
June, Mary
Wong, Ye Ye
Baird, Lisa
Baker, Jetta
Baker, Sue
Baron, Katharine
Barry, DeDe
Basanez, Jeanne
Bassity, Erin & Charlie Nilan
Baxter, Michelle
Bearman, Mary
Beaudoin, Marc
Beaver, Tricia
Becker, Susan
Bell, Creta & Norma
Bell, John
Bell, Mary
Bell, Nancy
Bennett, Barbara
Bergin, Denise
Berkowitz, Sue
Berringer, Ulla
Bershof, Shelley & Jim
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
Biggs, Stephen & Lola
Bill Bass Concerts
Binford, Deborah
Birkenbeul, Darci
Blanchard, Andrea
Bleyle, Kari
Bolton, Colleen
Bomber, Mark
Boswell, Linda
Botts, McKenna
Bower, Rebecca
Bradfield, Heidi
Bradley, Seth
Braun, Craig
Breckley, Bob & Marilyn
Brennan, Kerrie
Brenner, Janice
Broughton, Marilyn & Jack
Brown, Isabelle
Burek, Nancy
Burrows, Patricia
Burshtan, John
Busby, Julie
Bush, Brian
Butler, D. L.
Butler, J.
Byrne, Rachel & Greg Tamkin
Byrne, Vicki
Caffrey, Ann
Caley, Randall & Nora
Call, Cris
Candelaria Family
Carlile, Meridith, Kirsten,
Larry & Arturo
Carosella, Marilyn
Carrara, Paul
Carter, Barbara
Cause4Paws Pet Sitting Maureen McHale Fish
Cervantes, Julie
Chase, Aaron
Chavous, Joan
Chilman, Brenda
Chrisco, Jamie
Chrisman, Kimberly
Christiansen, Amy
Ciarallo, Christopher
Cinci Lee & Associates, Inc.
Citron, Christiane
Claar, Lynn & Suzanne
Clark, Kara
Clark, Kristan & Kimberly
Clark, Laurel
Clarke, Letha
Clemm, Maribeth
Clover, Cindy & Lee Clark
Cochran, Nadine
Coco, Aleta
Collins, Rachelle
Connell, Dave & Susanne
Cook, Ashley
Coombe, Skip
Cooper, Bobbie
Cooper, Kara
Corley, Teresa
Craig, Eric & Melissa
Craine, Daniel & Kristen
Crews, Bob & Lee
Crouch, John & Rosemary
Crow Jane Jewelry
Crowell, Julie
Cuchiara, Alyssa
Cunningham, Robin & John
Cuprisin, Nancy,
Currans, Anthony & Lauren
Curfman, Debra
Curtis, Linda
D & D Roberts, LLC
Daftary, Kirit & Pramila
Dakins, Doug
Damsgaard, Virginia
Daniels, Michael
Daniels, Warren
Das, Richela
de Jong, Barbara
de Jong, Pam
deCardenas , Oscar
Decker, Pamela
Decredico, Tina
deHart, Ray & Jocelyn
DeNeui, Vince & Sharma
DePetris, Carey
Desgalier, Debi & Marc
Dharbal, Oksana
Diggs, Marshal
DiLeo, Jody
Dimarco, Carol & Anthony
Dionese, Marla
Dixon, Rick & Robbie
Doherty, Shawn
Donnelly, Jody
Dore, Amy
Dowd, Jacqueline
Doyle, Meghan
Drake, Barb
Driscoll, Alana
Drussel, Douglas & Jeannette
DuBrucq, Virginia
Duemling, Deb
Duff, Barbara & Andrew Flack
Dunn, Patricia
Earnest, Cheryl
Eckert, Amy
Eckley, Stephen
Egert, Kae
Eichman, Linda
Ela, Kim
Emerson, Diana Yee
Emrich, Wendy
Enander, Jerilyn
Eno, Graham & Jenny
Ensign, Patricia
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Enyart, Jean
Erica Marshall & Associates Inc.
Erlandson Family
Escape Velocity Systems
Espinoza, Elsa
Ewing, Nancy
Failing, Dee Ann
Farr, Zabeth
Ferguson, Amanda
Ferguson, Beth
Fields, Vicki
Finesilver, Beth
Fisher, Karen A.
Dunn, Shana Colbin
Kuni, Ellen & Christopher
Riederer, Mike
Tyler, Tane
Decker, Kristin
Zweig, Albert
Fields, Sarah
Evans, Darlene
Welsh, Kathleen
Joseph, David
Snyder, Barbara
Wittrock, Catherine
Schmitzer, Tessa
Fitzgerald, Kathleen
Fleck, Beverly
Foley, Erin
Foothills Foundation
For the Love of Dog Daycare
& Spa - Dana Hood
Forman, Janet Giselle
Forney, Ryan
Foster, Cynthia
Frantz, George
Frederick, Jenai
Friends of the Holiday Spirit
Fullerton, Walter
Furman, Mary
Gaasch, Donna
Galles, John
Garner, Erna
Gasparovich, Julianne
Gasparovich, Mary
Gass, Sarah & Ryan
Geist, Donald
Gelaude, Lisa
Geller, Larry
Gerling, Patricia
Giardullo, Gerry
Gibson, Scott
Gieck, Thomas
Giles, Donna
Gillespie, Shirley & Eugene
Glenn, John & Karen
Glickman, Monica
Glover, Danielle
Godfrey, Kimberly
Goding, Elsa & Terrance
Goebel, Kourtney
Goetsch, Ivy
Goldman, Cindy
Goldstein, Marcia & Jeff
Goodloe, Barbara
Gordon, Susann
Goss, Tate & Connie
Granley, Brad
Grant, Cecily
Grant, Will & Amy
Grant, Zoe
Greenmeyer, Sandra
Gress, Todd
Grice, Barrie & Elizabeth
Grimmett, Renee
Gubrud, Gary
Gumeson, Chuck and Lynda
Gunter, Kim
Gurule, Dusti
Hagedorn, Curtis, Dylan,
Cammie, & Reid
Hall, Shirley
Halpenny, James
Hamilton-Fieldman, Lisa
Hammer, Jon
Hammons, Glenn
Hancock Family
Hansen, Karen F. & Mary Lou
Harbert, James
Hardwick, Sally
Harkin, Karen & Thomas
Harris, Jonathan
Harris-Molin, Brandi
Harvey, Paula
Hastings, Jessica
Haugland, Robin & Ted
Hayward, Meredith
Hazzard, Charlotte
Heaton, David
Continued on page 10
Continued from page 9
Heider, Carolyn
Helfer, Diane & Lee
Herman, Mary K.
Herron, Kim
Hildenbrand, Simon
Hill, Jerome
Hill, Nancy & Stan
Hill, Sharon
Hirschfeld, Jill
Hoddinott, Mary
Hoffman, William ,
Judith, & Michael
Hoffner, Brad
Hoffner, Brad
Hohn, Tamara & Daniel
Holabird, Katy
Hollands, Doug
Holm, Kathryn
Hooks, Sally
Hopkins, Allison
Hopkins, Lew
Hornick, Diana
Horwitz, Jami
Hover, Donna & Noel
Howard, Jr., Joe
Huff, Adam & Laura
Hunt, William
Hunter, Robert & Nancy
Ireson, Angel
Jacobs, Kathleen
Jacoby, Denise
Jankousky, Stephen
Jeffries, R. Dale & Dianne
Jennings, Dr. Beverly
Jennings, Linda
Johnson Bryan
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Don & Irma Schell
Johnson, Kristin
Johnson, Leslie
Johnson, Terri
Johnston, Peg
Johnston, Tracy
Jones, Amanda
Jones, Catherine
Joyce B. Alexander Trust
Julie C Johnson, Inc.
Karg, Edward & Richard Kress
Karpowich, Elizabeth
Kattari, Shanna
Katz, Joanne
Kawulok, Kim
Kazmierczak, Leslie
Kellogg, George & Yvonne
Kelly, Bernadette
Kennedy, Chris & Katie
Kennedy, Rand
Kennerly, Linda
Kettunen, Shaun
Kilbourne, Judith
Kim, Joyce
Kimbrough, Mary Ann
Kincaid, Kelly
King, Wesley
Kinney, Ross
Kintzele Family
Kirkpatrick, Jill & Juna Orr
Kiser, Rona
Kitta, Jan
Kleess, Eileen Mary
Knappe, Justin
Knipple, Catherine
Kobey, Renee
Koch, Sarabeth
Koehn, Gail
Koerner, Jessica
Kokesh, Patricia
Kominek, Tamara
Korte, Diane
Kortman, Donna
Kouba, Melody
Kraer, T. A. & Scott
Kreft, LaRene & Hercules
Kreinbring, Alice
Kresock, Colin & Jana
Krohn, Neil
Krol, Kathryn
Krupa, Matt
Kuehn, Cynthia
Lahey, Tami
Lambert, Stephen
Lampman, Don & Paula
Landis, Marlene
Laney, Diane
Lang, David
Lange, Chris
Lantz, Bart
Larosa, Carla
Latshaw, Rhonda
Laviana, Donna
Lawfield, Sharon
Le, Audrey
Lee, Jr., Warren W.
Leigh, Tracy
Leinz, Al & Helen
Leinz, Sylvia
Lenherr, Marilyn
Leon, Celia
Lewis, Pamela
Leyba, Gloria
Lindsey, Robert
Lindvall, Marie
Lingo, Leonard
Littlepage, Wendy
Lockwood, Daniel & Pamela
Long, Henry
Lopez, Melissa
Loughhead Family
Loving Driscoll, Mary
Lueders, David
Luedtke, Kay
Luke, Leilani
Lutz, MD, Kevin
Lyons, Susan & Tom
MacDonald, Jedeane
MacKinnon, Dawn
Macy, Jennifer
Mader, Darlene
Madsen, Karen
Magruder, Erich
& Amy Larrison
Mahmalji, Kevin
Malaby, Barbara
Maly, Meghan
Mancinelli, Cyndi
Mangino, Barbara
Marnette, Patricia
Marolda, Jane
Martin, Brian
Martin, E Dee
Martinez, David
Martinez, David
Martinez, Dianna
Martinez, Julia
Martinson, Sheryl
Mary Elizabeth Bates
Maslanik, Anne
Mathews, Denis & Jennie
Mattila, Eugeer & Geralyn
Maurer, James & Jacqueline
McCorry, K.J.
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
McCorry, Renee
McCoy, Melissa
McCrea, Molly
McCready, John & Mary
McDaniel, Chad
McDaniel, Gary & Gail
McDaniel, SRA, D. Becky
McGee, Nancy
McGinnis, Cathleen
McKay, Ann
McKelvey, Liza
McKim, Patrick
McKinley, Richard
McKinney, Deb
McKune, Kathy
McLeod, Tyler
McMahan, Christopher
Meadows, Ann
Meglemre, Randy & Linda
Mendralla, Martine
Mercado, Tony and Kathleen
Middel, Dr. Marcia
Mierau, Gary
Miller, Brad & Margi
Miller, Colleen
Miller, Susan
Milligan, Bill & Susan
Minich, Christine
Moisson, Jesse
Moon, S.
Moore, Michael & Donnis
Moran, Beth
Moran, Jan
Moredock, Duane & Dorothy
Morgan, Toni
Morrell, Johanna
Morton, Deborah
Morton, Pat
Mountain West Medical, Inc. Megan Kemp
Mulligan, Molly
Murdock, Pamela
Muzzio, Joe
Myers, Cynthia
Myers, Katharine E.
Myerson, Dean
Nelson, Cornelia
Nguyen, Nikki
Niesent, Jacque
Ninness, Pamela
Nobel, Lori
Noriega, Abbie
Norman, Martha & Marshall
Notgarnie, Karen
Noto, John
Nyholm, Diane
O’Brien, Linda
O’Donnell, Penelope
Ogle, Margo Foster
Oja, Maureen
Olson, Stephanie
Oneil, Sandra
Orcutt, Patricia
O'Reilly, Kathy
Ormesher, Kelly
Oswald, Jan
Pajon, Anita
Palazzo, John
Palmer, Shane
Pandora Jewelry
Paolini, Sandra
Parr, Krysta
Parr, Marti
Payne, Lisa
PDC Energy
Peak 360 Insurance Group Gary Friedman
Pelepchan, Leanne
Peppetti, Jon
Percy, Dorothy
Perkins, Kathryn
Peterson, Judith
Petrozzo-Graf, Diane
Peyer, Pam
Phelps, Elisa
Phillips, Caroline
Pickett, RoxAnne
Piety, Lisa
Pilkington, Pamela
Pistora, Byron
Plemel, M. J.
Potter, Eva
Prince, Erin
Pring, Pascale
Pronsati, Nancee
Pujol, Michelle
Pulliam, Candice
Pulte Mortgage
Purdy, Donna
Quinteros, Melissa
Raab, Ronald & Mary Ann
Radetsky, Dana
Ramelow, Jo Ann
Ramsey, Marilyn & Danny
Rawlings, Patricia
Rec Family
Rector, Andrea
Regehr, Jamie
Reilly, Mary
Reinecke, Jennifer
Reinstein Kaplan, Arnold
and Linda
Renquist, Maria
Resendez, Andrea
Restrepo Botero, Marcela
Riddle, Lorinda
Riedel, Paul & Dee
Riedel, Thomas
Riggs, Glenn
Ritacco, Ann
Roberts, Sarah
Robinson, Dawn
Roccaforte, Michael
& Merrit Bachman
Rockefeller Philanthropy
Roeber, Chad & Tuck
Roehling, Sandra
Roesch, Elma & Edmond
Rose, Charles
Rose, Storme
Rosenberg, Janie & Gary
Rosenblum, Arthur
Ross, Jennifer M.
Routa, Sarah
Ruder, Frances L.
Rudl, Annette & Frank
Runge, C.
Russell, William
Rydin, Carrie
Saly, Joy
Sampson, John
Sanchez Family
Sanderman, Shelley
Sanders, Sandy
Sarah Barkley LCSW
Sarmiento, Cynthia
Savage, Holly
Savier, Carol
Sayers, Virginia
Sbrockey, Karen
Schell-Varkony, Pamela
Scheufler/Middendorf, John
& Sheila
Schildt, Victoria
Schiola, Barbara
Schmidt, Theresa-Anne
Schmidt, William
Schmied, Jeb
Schneider, Sherwayn & Patricia
Schuck, Doug
Schulman, Suzy
Schultz, Paige
Schurman, Stacy
Scott, Jessica
Scott, Linda
Seeton, Tom & Cheri
Sekich, Dominick
& Scott Van Vleet
Seng, Stephanie
Serendipity Clergy Stoles
Sessions, Larry & Marlene
Shermack, Susan
Shideler, Emily P.
Shin, Sharon
Shirazi, James
Shum, Anna
Silverglade, Rhoda
Simpson, Andrew
Sinclair, Deborah
Singeils, Jack
Sippel, Martha
Skufca, John & Mary Lou
Slason, Linda
Sloan, Edna & Martin
Smith, Allison
Smith, Karen
Soule Family Foundation
Spita, Walter & Joyce
St. Francis, Melisa
St. John, Cheryl
Staffelbach, Heather, Matt & B.
Star, Julia
Stearns, Carla
Steeples, Constance
Steeples, Dana
Steinberg, Ed
Stelzer, Christina
Stephens, Thomas
Stephenson, Maggie
Stevens, Shirley
Stillman, Nancy & Ty
Stowers, Anne & Ahmed
Strada Advertising, LLC
Strickland, Sean
Sturek, Jim
Sugden, Keely
Surfas, Geri & Joe
Swann, Decker
Swanson, Lynn
Sweeney, Gregory
Sweet Action Ice Cream Samantha Kopicko
Szymanski, Lynda
Tanoue, Tami
Terrazas, Susan
Terry, Nicole
Thangasamy, Andrew
The Import Mechanics
The Visser Family
Thesing, Jodi
Thiel, Jack & Marilee
Thompson, Sondra
Tizon, Valentia
Tobias, Monica
Tomlinson, Linda
Torbet & Tuft, LLC
Tordoff, Mary
Tramaloni, Robert
Continued on page 11
Continued from page 10
Trexel, Edward
Trubey, Bill & Linda
Trujillo, Lopez Lee
Trujillo, Rita
Tunnell, Mark
Turner, Melanie & Bill
United Way of San Diego County
Ursery, Leia
Valentine, Cindy
Van Bladeren, Kris
Van Cleve, Joel
Van Dusseldorp, Emily
Van Vleet, Mija
Vancil, Rozanne
Vanderbrook, Caron & Mark
Varga, Virginia
Vest, Pamela
Vetter, Judith
Vickery, Sangmin Kim
Vincent, Ricki
Vincent, Nancy
Von Sprecken, Cheryl
Waite, Ann
Wakefield, Cindy
Walker, Cynthia & Rodney
Walker, Nancy & Willis
Wallace, John
Wallace, Patricia
Walley, Elizabeth
Wamser, Sharon
Ward, Elizabeth
Warkentin, Bill & Judi
Watts, Marsha
Weadon, John
Webb, Kelly
Weber, Danielle
Webley, Elizabeth
Weinstein, Andrey
Wentzel, Philip & Carol
White, Lauren
White, Lexie
White, Mark
White, William & Debra
Whiting, Jo Lynne
Whitlow, Brenda & Peter Hecht
Widmayer, Trudy
Wiebke, Scott
Wilkerson, Mary
Wilvert, Audrey
Winslow, Colette
Wischmeyer, Gerald & Sandra
Wolf, Bonnie
Wood, Patricia
Woodall, Gay C.
Wright, Cassie
Wyllie, Jill
Yaroush, Rita
Young, Kathryn
Young, Sally
Young, Adrienne
Zawisza, Anna
Zimbleman, Stayce
Zimmerman, Daphne,
Victor & Falicia
Albu, Hope
Baum, Karen
Beck, Ann
Buckner, Sandra
Carle, Jonathan
Carmany, Jeanette
Curran, Nancy
Daugherty, Katherine
Eiland, Denise
Falasco-Hatter, Nancy
Freese, Lynae
Hand, Jayna
Hannum, Marcia
Hartbarger, Hazel
Hartman, Mary
Hidalgo, Mark
Hull, Naomi
Jacobsen, Ellen
Janisch, Gloria
Johnston, Karen
Kearns, John
Kinsey, Jennifer
Kohl, Mary J.
Lentsch-Richter, Margy & Josh
Levin, Gail
Lutz, Catherine
Malaby, Carolyn
Martinson, Sheryl
Matheis, Emily
McDonald, Todd S.
Murphy, Jr., Paul J.
Obeslo, Joan
Pace, Angela
Patrick, Bettye
Pearson, Sharron
Ready, Nancy & Dwight
Rossitto, Janie
Rotgers, Allan
Ryan, Scott
Saalwaechter, Joan
Serkes, Nanette
Sims, Jeff
Sinclair, Penny
Smith, Janice
Suro, Anne
Trehern, Lanita G.
Wall, William
Allen, III, Mr. & Mrs. James
Allen, Jonathan
Arlen, Marnie
Barnes, Lin
Barrow, Jennifer
Bartalot, Sally
Berig, Susan
Bourke, Charlotte
Bradley, Susan
Bricker, Sharon
Bronstein, Alvin
Brookes, Debra
Brown, Mary & Ron
Campbell, Catherine
Chandler, Norman
Cleaver, Kay & Ros
Conti, Richard & Nancy
Coulter, Jeremy
Cuprisin, Carey
Duggan, Tradd
Dwyer, Ann
Edwards, Julie
Eisner, Dave
Elsasser, Michelle
Ernstsen, Rob
Faragher, David & Robert Parsons
Fritschel, John
Funk, Naomi
Galvez, Stacey
Gioia, Cindy
Guidrey, Lindsey
Guire, Amy
Gutfeld, Deborah
Hagan, Susan
Hanes, Karen
Haskins, Tania
Hettinger, Miriam Ann
Hill, Steven & Marlene
Iakovakis, Ross
Idler, Katy
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
Jarboe, Dennis
Johnston, Jeff
Jones, Joan L.
June, Eric & Jaclyn
Katz, Lee & Marian
Kelly, William J.
Kerbs, Lynda
Klein, Amy
Knop, Holly
Koda, Grace
Krieser, Carol
Le Bet, Deane
Lemen, Jr., Charles & Cecile
Lenherr, Marilyn
Linneman, Kelly
Long, Stephanie
Lyons, Patrick
Maeder, Deanna
Magruder, Erich & Amy Larrison
Mahoney, Paul
Marshall, Skuylar
Mason, Julie
McCready, John & Mary
McVay, Deborah
Meeker, Michele
Middleton, Galen & Mary L.
Miller, General George D.
Mills, Karen
Moore, Jeanne
Moore, John
Nelson, Gene & Doris
Newell, Gary & Katherine
Nguyen, Phuonglan
Nicholson, David
Nixon, Leah A.
Nowak, April
Oughtred, Darlene
Pendleton, Bonnie
Persichitte, Nicholas
Pilkington, Pamela
Primo, Katie
Ramsey, Marilyn & Danny
Ranta-Curran, Karin
Robertson, Betty
Rohrbaugh, Sharon
Rollner, James Matthew
Roob, Reynolee
Ryan, Peggy
Schwarz, Mary & Barry
Seeman, Darlene
Sishc, Linda & Norm
Stephens, Sandra
Talberg, Gloria
Teltsch, Kathy
Temple, Laura
Trent, Judy
Turner, Jeanelle
Wagner, Richard R.
Wait, Jonathan & Laura
Ware, Judy
Wellington, Ann & Mark
White, Cathy & Stan
White, Heather
Yu, Daofu
Zimmer, Sue
Albu, Hope
Allee, Susan
Andrews, Nancy
Arnold, Elizabeth
Beck, Anne
Bishop, Marcia Hewitt
Burridge, Linda
Call, Cris
Clark, Charlene
Cloyd, Toni
Cohron, Steve & Melissa
Collins, Cristy
Emerich, Monica
Everding, Fred & Josephine
Foraker, Peggy & Danny Stacy
Fredricey, Donald & Michelle
Gilmore, Joan
Goldberg, Carol
Hand, Jesse
Hartbarger, Hazel
Heiberg, Beth & Elvin
Hildenbrand, Maggie
Hlewko, Lauren
Houle, Stephen
Jacobsen, Ellen
Joseph, David
Lentsch-Richter, Margy & Josh
Levin, Gail
Long, Linda
Louvado, Michelle
McLerran, Russ, Monica & Lynn
Meyers, Larry & Mary Ann
Mostow, Susan
Murdock, Bob
Perrault, Michael
Quinn, Sharon
Renaud, Ann
Sajbel, Mia & Tom
Saly, Joy
Sammons, Susanna, Jim Lykins
& Della & Kona
Selvaggi, Lara
Sewald, Susan & Mark
Shifers, Ron
Slomczewski, Laura & John
Smith, Janice
Stanwood, Grant
Tanoue, Tami
Whitaker, Andrea
Williamson, Cindy & JimJim
Thank you to the following
people who generously send n
a donation every month. WE
Adams, McCrystie
Adamson, Leonard
Allee, Susan
Baker, Jetta
Banks, Jen
Bell, Margaret
Bernal, Bonnie
Bostrom, Lauren
Brennen, Kerrie
Brown, Jeff
Carlisle, Courtney
Caruso, Steve
Corle, Gail
Curley, Kimberly
Davis, Joseph
DeShazer, Vince
Dougherty, Nicholas
Driscoll, Alana
Driver, Nancy
Duncan, Lanette
Eackles, David
Endicott, John
Faircloth, Harry & Sharon
Furnas, Katherine
Gillespie, Shirley & Eugene
Goolsby, John
Haber, Judith
Hamilton-Fieldman, Lisa
Hardwick, Dr. Sally
Harrison, Teddy
Heaton, David & Jennifer
Helmrath, Laurie
Hlewko, Lauren
Hoffman, Patricia
Hoffman, William, Judith, & Michael
Houle, Stephen
Howe, Robert
Jacobs, Kathleen
Kammerer, Annika & Kersti
Kaumeier, Rick
Kelly, Bernadette
Kellogg, George & Yvonne
Kern, Betty
Kirshner, Naomi
Kiser, Rona
Kokesh, Patricia
Krinsky, Joshua
Kval, Ellen
Lambert, Stephen
Lampman, Paula & Donald
Lane, Brianne
Latshaw, Rhonda L.
Leo, Jan
Levine, Amy & Gemma
Lines, Michael
Louvado, Michelle
Lucas, Valerie
Lucero, Kristen
Luedke, Joan
Maddoux, Leisa
Marsh, Susan
Maslanik, Anne M.
McCorry, K.J.
McKelvey, Elizabeth
Mile Hi Classified
Miller, James
Miller, Susan
Motykowski, Brian
Murdock, Bob
Ognibene, Todd
Ortiz, Ivy
Patterson, Mary J.
Pelphrey, Darrin
Perrault, Michael
Phan, Chi Phuong
Ramelow, Jo Ann
Rather, Joan
Raymond, Sue
Renquist, Maria E.
Rioux, Trish
Rodgers, Rosemary
Roesch, Elma & Edmond
Rubinowitz, Martin & Marsha
Russell, Fae
Sammons, Susanna & Jim
Lykins & Della & Kona
Sanders, Sandy
Schantz, Michelle
Schmied, Jeb
Schuck, Doug
Selvaggi, Lara
Sewald, Susan
Shaffer, Kathleen
Shelton, John & Donna
Shifers, Ron
Sims, Jeff
Smith, Ardy
Sorrentino, Helen & Robert
Spita, Joyce & Walter
Stevens, Shirley
Straley, Janis
The Serenity Shoppe
Thomas, James
Tom’s Home Cookin’, Inc.
Valdez, Alex
Vancil, Rozanne
Vermilio, Ryan & Robyn
Vickery, Sangmin Kim
Voras, Gerry & Christina
Waite, Ann
Walker, Tom
Whitaker, Andrea
Williams, Lee
Wiscamb, Merrie
Yergler, Cynthia
Yoho, Kristi
Zanabria, Sasha
Memorials (Cont.)
In the name of Cornelia Moore - Christiane Citron
A Holiday present for Cindy Johnson, that does not have to fit, be stored,
or dusted - Love, Aunt Laurene
In honor of Jeff Portlock for Christmas - Robyn Portlock
In honor of our 2012 adoption of Precious aka Thumbelina. She is the
MOST loving dog we could have ever asked for! Special thanks to Heidi
and her foster parents, Tami and Roger. Without your love and care, she
would not be here for us to cherish - Jim & Marla Myers
In honor of Christmas - John & Deb Durenberger
In honor of Celesta Miracle - Martin Wigley
In the name of Norbert Steinbock for Christmas - Chen-Pin Hu
Merry Christmas Rusty, Deborah, & Bode - Em & Mem
In honor of Max - Dawn Gustafson
In honor of Jeri Freiberger’s Reggie - Leona Lawrence
In honor of Sarah & Eric Armstrong - Judy Myers
In honor of Fred Chambers - Roberta Chambers
In honor of Gatchet - Mike Kravitz
On behalf of Wiley - Mario Burstein
Merry Christmas Mom - the lover of all animals & care giver of your kitties,
Bug, Scootch & Clarrisa. In loving memory of Sumo. Love, Heather & Raleigh
Merry Christmas, Laura! Donating to this important cause to keep poor,
scared and helpless animals safe and loved is the true reason for this season.
Makes me happy to donate on your behalf. XO, The 2nd Laura Gillan
On behalf of the Davis/Sundby families and the special pet(s) we have
adopted from various organizations that have permanently changed our lives,
thank you - Corey Davis
Merry Christmas, Judy - Joan Clayton
Merry Christmas, Amy Jennings - Gary Basham
In honor of Nancy Rome and Lucia - Laurie Rome
In honor of Carol Younghans - Susan Orlan
Merry Christmas to the doggies at MaxFund. We hope you find your forever
families soon!- Beenie & Izzi in Chicago
Merry Christmas, Gloria Talber - A. Ginger Ketz
In honor of Maggie Schneider’s 11th birthday - Timothy & Emily Conklin,
Cathleen Coffey
Merry Christmas, Guy & Danette LaGuardia - Jay & Jo Ann O’Niel
Merry Christmas, Guertin Family - Jay & Jo Ann O’Niel
In honor of Heidi Baker for Christmas - Caroline Zaw-Mon
For William Madden for Christmas - Elizabeth Madden
Merry Christmas, Kathy Tennyson - Love, Sheila Tennyson
In honor of Victor Lombardi - Brent Shepherd
For Mr. & Mrs. Gary Webster for Christmas - Barbara Maligas
In honor of Joshua Fink - Danielle Hendricks
In honor of William Lewis - Brian Sinnott
In honor of all of our past adopted babies - Janice Marie King
In honor of Keiko - June Inuzuka
In honor of Tami Tanoue - Kathryn Kanda
In honor of Donna Kortman - Pamela Kortman
In honor of Jasmine Dog - Stuart Jordon, Marian & Jim Jordan
In honor of Sio Glotfelty - Carolyn Rasmussen
In honor of Luna - Glenn Bodnar & Grace Madden
In honor of Kailey Madden - Juliana Madden
In honor of Sprockette - Jeanne Tucker
In honor of Betty Caruso - Anita Zonker
In honor of Marcia Cottle - Kelly Van Hook
In honor of Regger & Louie - Linda Long
In honor of Phyllis McGuire - Joan Lund
In honor of Jennifer Malcolm - Maureen Malcolm
In honor of Marsha Marrier - Jenna Ricci
In honor of Jenn & Rhett Simpson-Buckley - Sylvia DeJong-Sipson
In honor of Deb Schissel - Pamela Bowry
In honor of Dexter Dowd - The Dowd Family
In honor of Laury Temple - Kim Norton
In honor of Nicole Barnes - Jennifer Forbes
In honor of Mary Gasparovich - Karen Keafer
In honor of Sassy - Erin Devitt
In honor of Blu - Susan Carrick
In honor of Kay Gilchrist - Margaret Mohan
In honor of Jordan Leonard - Susan Leonard
In honor of Jessica Leonard - Susan Leonard
In honor of Terry Bell - Alix Joseph
In honor of Poppy & Checkers - Jeanne Henderson
In honor of Caldonia - Kirsten Schatz
In honor of Phoebe, the wonder dog - Lucy Sieber
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
In honor of Valaire Brega - Heidi Aggeler
For Gizmo - Johanna Hendricks
In honor of Keenan Hill - David Joseph
A Christmas donation in honor of our loved ones, Matt, Carrie, Helen and
our three grand dogs who are the luckiest dogs ever! - Terry & Jane Glaser
In honor of Leah Nicole Harris - Steven Harris
In honor of our dear friend, Kitty, who is truly a gift to us - Lennie Singer
Merry Christmas donation in the name of Kevin & Sue Dean - Gregg Dean
Merry Christmas donation in name of Steve & Sherri Dean - Christine Stanton
In honor of a family member, Miriam DeShasier, whose heart and generosity
reached Denver - Bryan DeShasier
In honor of Cynthia Zimmerman - Alisa Zimmerman
In honor of Ruth Zimmerman - Alisa Zimmerman
In honor of Karen Zimmerman - Alisa Zimmerman
For Riley - a good dog - John Noto
In honor of Sara Plampin - Cynthia Plampin
In honor of Vinny & Weepy Fweger - Pat Weger & Sylvia Milanese
For Pat & Al Bauernfeind - Claudia Bourks
In the name of Mary & David Murrin - Eleanor McGrath
For Carol Anderson for Christmas and for her birthday - Renee McCorry
In honor of Nancy Myers - Rachel L. Pidgeon
In the name of Jeff & Wendy Helton - Jeanie Helton & Eric & Jenny Wheeler
In honor of Tom & Linda Sippel Lemmer - Sally & Joe Lemmer
Christmas donation for Scott Allensworth & Anne Keil - Laura Carter
In honor of Daryl & Wendy Brady’s 25th Anniversary - Kelly Eisentraut
On behalf of G. Chapman - Yvonne Shrum
In the name of Mary Yeager - Mimi Howard
In honor of our son Miles who loves puppies - James & Bethany Therrien
Happy Holidays to Sandy Kramer - Love, Kelly & Shelli Reed
Christmas donation in honor of Annette Newland - Katherine Lovgren
In honor of Ara Darakjian, Merry Christmas - John Murphy
In honor of Heather Williams - Kathryn Gould
In honor of Nancy Rome & Lucia - Susan Rome
Merry Christmas, Mom. Thanks for all you do! - Aaron Duncan
Merry Christmas for Mary K! - Molly Smith-Weber
For Emilee & Noah Cunningham - Sharlene Piatak
In honor of Ginger Ketz, Anne & Luke Dutka, and Walter Chartier
- Gloria Talberg
In honor of Daisy - Kathy Teltsch
In honor of Jasmine - June Garlich
In honor of Sundance & Freedom - Nancy Driver
In honor of adopting Millie 3 years ago - Carol Mark
In honor of Peaches - Sally Bartalot
For Doug Camilli for Christmas - Bob & Kathy Camilli
In honor of Karen Bacon - Jan & M. D. Bacon
In the name of Emily Perry, Tom Perry, and Susie Matsui - Andrew Perry
In honor of Peanut - Bea & Bruce Nahon
In honor of Annie - Karen Starkins
In honor of Rene Concialdi - Susie Martin
For Ryann - Nikki Kuosman
In honor of Cheryl Nobel - Jane Price
In honor of Pallie - Jack Mills
For Shahram Razaghnia & Bahram Razaghnia for Christmas - Patricia Pluta
In honor of Chris Evans & Skye - Linda M. Maich
Christmas gift for Senator Michael Bennet and his wife Susan Daggett
Bennet - Jesse Daggett
In honor of our dear kitties, Lily & Nicholas- Diane Edes
Salmonella, the bacteria responsible for recent recalls of
some pet treats, was named for Daniel Elmer Salmon, a
veterinary pathologist and the first person in the United
States to earn a DVM degree. Salmon (1850-1914) spent
his career studying animal diseases for the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, according to Wikipedia, the
free, public-based Internet encyclopedia.
AT (720) 266-6081
by William N. Britton
This thoughtful book is the Native American story of what happens
to our pets when they die. It was written by the Director of the
Companion Golden Retriever Rescue Program in West Jordan,
Utah. This story makes a perfect gift for anyone who has lost a pet.
You can order your copy from the MaxFund for a $10.00 donation for
each book ordered. Pawnote: This book can be sent as a memorial.
Please sent me_____copy(s) of The Legend of Rainbow Bridge.
Enclose a $10.00 donation for each book ordered, plus S/H charge
of $1.00 for the first book, .50 for each additional book. Please
make checks payable to The MaxFund.
I am enclosing a check for_____________.
Name: _______________________________________________
Street: _______________________________________________
City:____________________________State:_____Zip: ________
Phone #: (_______)_____________________________________
Purina One Dry Cat Food (Salmon & Tuna)
Purina One Kitten Food Dry and Canned
Friskies Canned Food • Iams for Dogs
(Chicken & Rice or Lamb & Rice)
Large Milk Bones• Cat Litter
KMR Milk Replacement for nursing
Kittens and Puppies
Windex • Stamps
Long Choke Chains • Sturdy Leashes
All sizes dog harnesses
Toys for Dogs and Cats • Cat/dog traps
Packages of Raw Hot Dogs
(dogs are given medication with them)
Bleach • Paper Towels • Toilet Paper Facial
Tissues • Dish Soap • Fans
Whiskas Cat Milk • Large Blankets
(no comforters, please)
Acreage for a Sanctuary—Our Dream
Gift Cards for Petco and PetsMart
ipad and laptops for adoptions
Vist the MaxFund Wish List under
“Find a Gift” on Amazon.com!
Mail to: The MaxFund, 720 W. 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204
If you would like to make a contribution to The MaxFund Animal Adoption Center to recognize an outstanding achievement or service, to commemorate an occasion, in memory of an individual or pet, or to sponsor a Pet Pal, please complete the following and mail it to The MaxFund, 720
West 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204 or call 720-266-6081 for more information.
This gift is
[ ] In Memory of (Animal Friend) __________________________(Human Friend)______________________
[ ] In Honor of (Animal Friend) ____________________________(Human Friend)______________________
[ ] For the special occasion of _______________________________
[ ] To sponsor a pet pal ($15 a month). Cat_____Dog_____Either_____Enclosed is_____for_____months.
[ ] Enclosed is my monthly Pledge. Amount__________
[ ] Please contact me to volunteer.
[ ] MaxFund is in my will.
This donation was made by:
Please send an acknowledgement of this gift to:
Name: ___________________________________
Name: ______________________________________
Street: ___________________________________
City: ________________________________________
State:____________________Zip: _____________
State:_______________________Zip: _____________
Phone: ___________________________________
Email: ___________________________________
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
MaxFund appreciates our dog run and cat colony sponsors!
Support from the following sponsors helps to cover the cost of food, vaccinations and
medical care for the animals at MaxFund. Our sponsors appreciate your business!
Robert Gratiot
Pet Paintings
(click on “Good Dogs”)
CRCG (Canine Rehabilitation
And Conditioning Group)
Alex B. Campbell, Vice President
Enduring Resources, LLC
Proud Sponsor of Olivia
Proud Sponsor of Sampson
Proud Sponsor of Mugzie
small earth vintage
vintage clothing for the
modern person
Lawrence P. Hartlaub
Attorney at Law
Performance Construction
Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Painting
& other construction related services
Proud Sponsor of Tempest
Proud Sponsor of Chango
Proud Sponsor of Roxi
Would you like to do more to help the animals at MaxFund?
Become a dog run or cat colony sponsor today! As a MaxFund
sponsor you’ll receive a 5 x 7 ad space in the lobby of the dog
shelter or cat room wall and you’ll be featured on this page of the
Paw Prints Newsletter! Your monthly donation will help to provide
the necessities for the deserving and appreciative cats and dogs
at MaxFund. For more information call Pam at
719 210-3338 or email pam@maxfund.org.
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
Sponsors appearing below either pay $30.00 per
month or they contribute a significant amount of
in-kind donations. If you would like to be listed on
this directory, please contact the MaxFund offices
at (720) 266-6081.
Robert D. Colwell, CPA
5728 S. Gallup St. | Littleton, CO 80120
(303) 347-9402
Victoriana Antique & Fine Jewelry
1417 Larimer Square, Denver, CO 80202
303.573.5049 | www.victorianajewelry.com
They will donate 10% of all sales purchased on
the 9th for “Canine” & cats having “9” lives.
Katie Reardon
MyApartmentMap, LLC
PO Box 1102 | Rye, NH 03870-1102
Phone: (603)-319-1712
MyApartmentMap is a housing search website,
we have pet friendly listings all over the USA.
Canine Rehabilitation & Conditioning Group
(CRCG) is 100% dedicated to enhancing and/or
improving a dog’s life and physical abilities
through exercise, recreation, and rehabilitation.
Englewood | Broomfield | Longmont
One number - 303-762-SWIM (7946)
www.dog-swim.com | info@dog-swim.com
Teaching in an Effective and Loving Way
Group Classes: Beginning through
Specialized. Behavior Counseling. Boarding
with Training, Reiki, Yoga (with your dog),
Intuitive Readings—10% off any service for
dogs adopted through MaxFund.
The Misha May Foundation, mutts in safe homes always
Executive Director–Lorraine May 303-239-0382
Sierra Locksmith—Louis Chavez, Owner
7347 W. Kentucky Dr. “B”
Lakewood, CO 80226 (720) 435-7518
Commercial, Residential and Vehicles
Michaela Phillips | America’s Mortgage
1942 Broadway St. Ste 314
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 443-6292
Mention the MaxFund and Michaela will
donate $250 upon closing.
Uncle Dan’s Pet Grooming
Dan Goracke & Kerry Malloy
1440 Carr St., Lakewood, CO 80214
(303) 205-1586 Tues-Sat 7am to 5pm
PAW PRINTS | February 2015
Waggin’ Tails “The Gentle Touch”
Grooming • 21 Years Experience
4223 S. Broadway, Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 781-9961
CIJI’S Natural Pet Supplies
2260 Kearney St. | Denver, CO 80207
(303) 322-8000
Bonnie Simpson, Owner/Mgr.
Paws Up Pet Supply
Promotional offer: When you enter “MAXFUND” in
the coupon area of the checkout you will receive 10%
off your entire order and we will donate 10% or your
order total to MaxFund as well. Your #1 Source For
Anything Pets! http://www.pawsuppetsupply.com
K-Canine Wellness
Rehab, massage, acupressure, reiki, nutrition
and behavior (303) 324-3911
Angelique Moyer | U Lucky Dog
Denver’s top of the town best doggie daycare
and kennel-free boarding facility
4040 Fox Street | Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 720-328-8179 | Fax: 720-292-1817
Energy healing for animals and people
Linda Jennings 303-883-8476
Paulette Goemmer, Broker Associate
Keller Williams Real Estate
(720) 313-2176 Mention the MaxFund and
Paulette will donate $250 upon the success of
any Real Estate contract.
Greg Christian, Broker Associate
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
(303) 972-8900 $250 Contribution to
MaxFund on any closed contract.
Performance Construction
Locally owned by animal lovers
303-761-7663 | info@performancecostruction.com
Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Painting and other
construction related services. Mention this ad
and we will make a donation to MaxFund for
every job completed.
Strait Line Roofing Services
Your choice for residential and commercial roofing;
including asphalt, tile, metal, E.P.D.M. and
repairs. Insurance specialists. A+ BBB member.
Donation to MaxFund made in your name.
(720) 331-1803 or www.strailineroofingcolo.com
Colorado Custom Sheds | Nathan Bray
Cell: (650) 208-3885 • Landline: (303) 670-3396
Cats or Dogs – Pain Inflamation Healing –
Back, Neck, Ears, Bladder, etc.
Dr. Bill Suro | MaxFund Wellness Center
(303) 595-0532
Christina M. Bara, NCMT
(303) 750-5458
Massage Heals More Than the Body...
MaxFund Wellness Center
1000 Inca St., Denver, CO | (303) 595-0532
Dr. Bill Suro, Dr. David O’Brien, Dr. Jamie Charlie
Low Cost Veterinary Services and Laser Therapy
Open to the public
VCA Douglas County Animal Hospital
531 Jerry, Castle Rock (303) 688-2480
Dr. Eppard & Associates
Aspen Commons Animal Hospital
1842 S. Parker Rd., Denver, CO 80231
Dr. Bob James (303) 368-4171
Empeyer Renovations, LLC
Bill Peyer (303) 681-1981
Licensed and Insured
Cutting-Edge Energy Therapy Institute
Pet Communication • Trauma Release Therapy
Pat Pattison, CMT CHT PEC
(303) 722-0272 E-mail: patenergy02@aol.com
Tom’s Home Cookin’
Tom Unterwagner and Steve Jankousky
800 E. 26th Ave. (26th Ave. at Clarkson St.)
Denver, CO 80205 (303) 388-8035
www.milehiclassified.com They give 40% of
each ad placed on their webpage to the
MaxFund. Place your ad on-line. $29.99 for
30 days. Add photo for $1.00.
Emerald Isle—Famous for Mexican Food and
Sunsets on our Deck Overlooking the Cherry
Creek Reservoir 4385 S. Parker Rd., Aurora, CO
(303) 690-3722
Beginning in February, 2015, St.
Francis of Assisi in Denver
(556 East Jersey) will be offering pet
friendly Masses/ blessings of the
pets the third Saturday of each
month. Our first service will be
February 21st. St. Francis loves animals
just as much as the MaxFund does.
They are part of the family.
The CelticTavern
1801 Blake St, Denver, CO 80202
Ph: 303-308-1795 • Fax: 303-308-1576
Pizza Republica
5375 Landmark Pl., Greenwood Village, CO 80111
(720) 489-2030
MaxFund Animal Adoption Center
720 W. 10th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80204
Inside This Issue!
Third Time’s a Charm...
Meet Two MaxFund Dogs
Shorty Needs Your Help!
Denver, CO
page 1
page 5
page 7
page 8
9th Consecutive Year We’ve Earned The Public Trust
“Only 2% of the charities we rate have received at least 7 consecutive 4-star
evaluations, indicating that MaxFund consistently executes its mission in a
fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America.”
I would like to become a member of MaxFund and help give injured animals with no known owners a
second leash on life. I understand that by becoming a member, I will receive a monthly newsletter.
(Membership is renewable annually and is tax deductible.)
Name: __________________________________________
City:_____________________________________________State:____________Zip: __________
Home Phone Number ______________________________
Work Phone Number (Optional) _____________________
Email Address ___________________________________
MAIL TO: MaxFund Animal Adoption Center • 720 W. 10th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80204 • Phone (720) 266-6081