December 2010 - Archdale United Methodist Church


December 2010 - Archdale United Methodist Church
PO BOX 4096
Office Phone: 336-431-7111
Parsonage Phone: 336-431-1929
Office Fax: 336-431-8661
Archdale United Methodist Church
11543 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 4096
Archdale, NC 27263
8:30 am
Sunday Worship
9:30 am
Sunday School
10:45 am
Sunday Worship
The Congregation
Stuart Noell
The church’s financial institution (bank) has asked that all checks deposited be written in either blue or
black ink. In the event you should happen to use another colored pen, we will write above the numerical
amount, the same amount, in blue or black ink. We would appreciate your honoring this request.
Where We Were in November
Budget Amount
Budget Amount
Needed to Date
Rec'd to Date
Week #
8:30 / 10:45
55 / 211
56 / 203
72 / 176
58 / 210
Minister of Congregational
Dianne Catlett
(336) 861-2299
Director of Youth &
Children's Ministries
Tim Kennedy
Office Administrator
Wendy Bowman
November giving:
Account Balance:
Minister of Visitation
Harold Shives
(336) 434-6348
Just a reminder that the last day to
make 2010 monetary gifts to the church
is Dec. 30th. They must be received in
the church office by 4:00pm that day.
Any giving received after that time will
be credited in 2011.
Gwen Taylor
Organist/Choir Director
Director of Discipleship
Cheryl Traylor
Denise Warren
Russ & Carol Carr
The Extraordinary Meets the Ordinary
The Gospel of John offers the briefest account of the birth of Jesus. John
introduces Jesus as the Word and then succinctly writes, “And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling with us” (John 1:14). That’s as simple as you
can put it. Yet, what an experience! The God of the whole universe gave up the
beauty and perfection of heaven in order to come and live with us. What an
expression of God’s love for us! Think of both what He was giving up and what
He would endure. He did that because He loves us that much.
God’s love for us is that extraordinary. This Advent season we want to
rejoice in the extraordinary love of God by celebrating Christmas as that time in
human history when “The Extraordinary Meets the Ordinary.” Actually, we
kicked things off last Sunday as we looked at Bethlehem as “An Ordinary Town.”
This Sunday the choir is going to remind us that the music of Christmas is “An
Ordinary Song.” In the weeks to come, we’re going to explore other ways that
Christmas is about the extraordinary love of God meeting ordinary people just
like you and me. This will include:
“An Ordinary Couple”
“Ordinary Shepherds”
“Ordinary Servants”
December 12
December 19
December 26
Of course, this theme has many of you asking one important question:
Why should we look at Christmas as a time when “The Extraordinary Meets the
Ordinary”? The answer is as simple as the theme itself. Part of the joy of
Christmas is that God worked through ordinary places, ordinary events and ordinary people to accomplish his special plan. That should be such an inspiration
to everyone of us. God still has a plan that He wants to work out in this world.
And just like the characters of the original story, He wants to use common ordinary people just like you and me to complete His plan.
Get ready for a very special Christmas celebration. Yet as we do, relive
the whole story with the joy that God also wants to do a great work through
you and all of us at Archdale United Methodist Church.
Boy Scout Troop 19 News!!
Cub Scout Pack 19 News!!
Troop 19 has gone camping at Hagan-Stone Park in
November. The boys had a great weekend of fishing,
camping, hiking, and working on Scout skills. The boys
are not going camping in December. They are having
their Christmas dinner on 12/21 at Camp Keyauwee.
We are having a BLAST in Pack 19! We had
a great time camping Halloween weekend with
some great activities for our boys. In November
we went on a Night Hike and had a Sparky Party
– if you don’t know what that is you can ask us!
We also continued to work on our advancements. Some of the things the dens have worked
on include knot tying (including ties), citizenship, map reading, and of course some funny
skits! In December we are planning to visit a
local nursing home to spread some Christmas
cheer and hope to have a special
visitor to our Christmas party –wonder who that
might be???
We are always looking for new young men 11 to 17 years
old to join in on the fun. If you know a boy that would
enjoy these types of adventures and would like to join
Boy Scouts please contact me at 336-404-1929 or
Yours in Scouting,
We now have a Daisy troop & a
Brownie troop meeting here at
AUMC every other Tuesday
night at 6:30pm. If you know
of a girl in Kindergarten thru
3rd Grade who is interested
in Girl scouting, contact
Jennifer McClure at 491-3079
As always we are looking for boys in 1st - 5th
grade to join us in the fun! If you know of a boy
that is in the 1st - 5th grade this school year,
please have them give me a call at 434434-4179.
They can also visit our
website at
Need a Pick-Me-Up??
Please pray for those serving our country.
Robbie Auman - US Military
Chris Bordoni - US Navy, Afghanistan (friend of the Holthams)
Chris Clark - US Military (Rick & Karen Dietz’ son-in-law)
Kasey Hawley - USAir Force, Doha, Qatar (friend of Joanne Carter)
Carlton Idol - US Military (friend of Steve & Wanda Stutts)
Dylan Jones - US Army, Afghanistan (Steve & Nita Coltrane’s grandson)
Jake Lawrence - US Army (friend of Rebecca Kidd)
Marcus McKeregan - US Navy (Gayle Rearwin’s cousin)
Rory O’Connor - US Military
Aaron Parker - US Coast Guard (friend of the Grimmetts)
Zachary Saunders - US Marines, Afghanistan (Beulah Darr’s grandson)
Rusty Sexton - US Military, Iraq (friend of Sharon Crist)
Andrew Smith - US Military
Joel Summerlin - International Guard, Iraq (Jill Connor’s brother)
Alex Jordan Trent - US Military (friend of Wanda Stutts)
Jonathan Welborn - US Marines (Bill Welborn’s great-nephew)
Zach Willey - US Army (friend of Liza Liebscher)
Please Pray For Our Homebound Members:
Eula Allred, Virginia Baynard, Ollie Bouldin, Violet Bouldin, Debbie Dean, Ruby Elder, Susan Forrester,
Mildred Giles, Minnie Hawkins, Mary Lou Hines, Doris Ingold, Susie Knotts, Annie Loflin,
Thelma Rimmer, Joe Stone, Mary Louise Sullivan, Mae Warren, Pika Winslow
Visit the drink machine outside the Community Room.
December 5th at 3:00pm
Canned drinks are only 75¢.
All profits go to local missions.
Everyone is encouraged to bring canned
food items to be donated to COAT.
As a reminder, we ask that you not bring any
drinks in to our beautiful sanctuary in an effort to
keep it clean.
We have had several exterior doors left unlocked
lately. Please make sure
all doors are locked
“The Son of God became a man to
all lights are off
enable men to become sons of God.”
before leaving the building.
C.S. Lewis
Open Hearts…Open Minds…Open Doors
♥ December 14 - The Morning & Evening Circles will join together for their annual Christmas Party.
The dinner will begin at 6:30pm in the Community Room.
**REMEMBER to bring labeled & individually wrapped items for the 12 shut-in bags we prepare each year.
(There will be no Morning Circle meeting on Dec. 13th)
The UMW has been asked to put together 100 treat bags for our children to receive after their
Christmas music on Sunday, Dec 12. If you would be able to help bag the fruits, nuts and candy
on Saturday, Dec 11, at 11:00 AM in the Community Room, please let Peggy Johnson know.
The more ladies we have helping, the shorter the job.
We have Apple Pies available in the
church office for $9 each
(pies made w/ Splenda are $10).
We also have knives available.
Small Knives - $3.50 Medium Knives - $4.00
Tomato Knives - $4.00 Large Knives - $5.00
Interested in becoming a United Methodist Woman?
All ladies of the church are invited to attend the monthly meetings of either of the two circles:
(1) the morning circle meets on the second Monday of each month at 10:30am; and (2) the evening circle
meets at 7:00pm on the second Tuesday. Our mission supports women, youth and children locally and world-wide.
Come see how you can make a difference in the lives of others.
The George Elder Class will serve
at the Open Door Ministry
on Sunday, December 12th.
Next meeting will be Jan. 23, 2011
(No meeting in December)
A big THANK YOU to all who worked in making the BBQ successful.
We’ve had many compliments on how DELICIOUS everything was.
Below are the results as of 11/14/10:
Gross receipts: ........... $5,667
Expenses: ................. $1,541
Net: ....................... $4,126
“He was created of
a mother whom he
created. He was
carried by hands
that he formed.”
--Augustine of Hippo--
Winter Outer Wear
With the arrival of the winter season, we ask that all who use the Fellowship Hall,
Community Room, Kitchen, etc. use the available coat rack or closets when they are
not wearing their coats. There is a coat closet in the Fellowship Hall foyer and also
in the Community Room. There is a coat rack on the wall between the Kitchen and
Community Room for your use also. We ask that you not place your coats in the
kitchen where food is prepared and served. THANKS!!!
A Gift Worthy of a King
Christmas time is here! Of course, when I think Christmas, I think of music. Two of
my favorite Christmas hymns reminisce about the people and animals that were at the
manger. They both have the theme of “what would YOU give” if you were a character
in the Nativity. The third verse of “In the Bleak Midwinter” is especially poignant to
me. The words are “What can I give Him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would
give a lamb. If I were a wise man, I would do my part. Yet what I can, I give Him –
give Him my heart.”
The other song that I love is not sung very often. I vaguely remember being in a
church play when I was four or five. We were dressed in animal costumes and sang
“The Friendly Beasts”. We entered the manger scene when our verse was sung. Each
verse tells what that particular animal did for Jesus. The donkey, shaggy and brown,
carried His mother to Bethlehem town. The cow, white and red, gave Him the manger
for His bed. The sheep, with curly horn, gave Him his wool for a blanket warm. The
dove, from the rafters high, cooed Him to sleep so He would not cry. The last verse
says, “Thus all the beasts, by some good spell, in the stable dark were glad to tell of
the gifts they gave Emmanuel.”
What will you give the Christ child this Christmas? One gift I hope you will give Him
is your presence at church in 2011. Being present at worship services lets Him know
how thankful you are for all of the blessings He has given you. We can let Him know
of our love by renewing our membership vows to uphold Archdale United Methodist
Church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service. This would be a gift
that Jesus would love. It is a gift “worthy of a King”.
Please make 2011 be the year that you go to church every Sunday that you are at
home and well enough to attend. Do not wake up and decide whether or not to go to
church. Just do it! Make it a family event, and your children will know that church is
important to you. They will remember this when they are adults, with children of
their own.
We would not imagine going to see a newborn baby without a gift! Even the animals
in the stable gave gifts to Jesus, and they were “glad to tell of the gifts they gave Emmanuel”. What will YOU give Him this Christmas?
I’ll see you in church. Keep the faith. Merry Christmas!
We extend our deepest sympathy
to the families of:
4 - Youth & Children’s Ensemble Rehearsal
5 - Christmas shopping for needy family
11 - Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
12 - Youth and Children’s Ensemble
19 - Decorate for Interfaith Guests
24 - Christmas NEW BIRTH Celebration
26 - No Youth Event
Char Bivens (friend of Karen Dietz)
Phyllis Coltrane (mother of Steve Coltrane)
Danny Luther (friend of Henry & Kathy Stuart)
Coming December 12, 2010 at
Archdale Trinity Middle
Wade Allen - A/B Honor Roll
Susannah Burley - A/B Honor Roll
Kayla Dabbs - A Honor Roll
Shay Felder - A Honor Roll
Savannah Hyder - A Honor Roll
Megan Smith - A Honor Roll
Carly Tickle - A/B Honor Roll
Shelley Wilkes - A/B Honor Roll
Braxton Craven
Hayden Webb - A Honor Roll
Hopewell Elementary
Jewell Caputa - A Honor Roll
Zachary Krpejs - A Honor Roll
Erin Rainwater - A/B Honor Roll
Sydnie Stewart - A Honor Roll
Bryant Walker - A Honor Roll
John Lawrence Elementary
Alexa Fulcher - A/B Honor Roll
Charlotte Hicks - A Honor Roll
Southwood Elementary
Jordan Rose - A/B Honor Roll
Justin Rose - A/B Honor Roll
Trindale Elementary
Austin Roberts - A/B Honor Roll
Lauren Roberts - A/B Honor Roll
Trinity Elementary
Madelyn Dabbs - A Honor Roll
Trinity High
Lindsay Grimmett - A/B Honor Roll
Courtney Hunt - A/B Honor Roll
Brooke Johnson - A/B Honor Roll
Wheatmore High
Abbey Cates - A/B Honor Roll
Ben Henderson - A Honor Roll
Jessica Krpejs - A Honor Roll
Mallory Lowe - A Honor Roll
David Warren - A/B Honor Roll
Claire Webb - A Honor Roll
* Alexa Fulcher had perfect attendance for the first 9 weeks at
John Lawrence Elementary.
hard working students!
Hark the Special Angels Sing
The Senior Lunch will be
Wednesday, December 15th at 11:30.
The program will be music by
Ed Renn.
To our Church Friends,
Our entire family could never thank you
enough for all you did for us during Janice’s illness
and death. The food, prayers, cards, phone calls,
visits to see her meant so much. Please continue to
pray for all our family coping with this sadness.
Love & God Bless,
The Hunters, The Kennedys and The Hales
“ B ack Pack ” food items will be
collected for COAT.
We will be collecting food items to help COAT with
their “ Back Pack ” program. This provides children with food to eat
while they are not in school ( such as weekends & during the Christmas holiday ) . Items needed are:
Juice Boxes
Cup o’ Soups
Pop Tarts
Fruit Cups
Cereal Bars
Pudding Cups
Cans Vienna Sausages
Microwave Meal Cups
Lance Crackers (6/pk)
AUMC Youth will be
“Bell Ringing”
in front of
Lowe’s Foods in Archdale
Saturday, December 11th
10am - 8pm (1 hour increments)
If you would like to be a part of this ministry,
see Tim Kennedy before all the times are
Do all the good you can,
by all the means you can,
in all the ways you can,
in all the places you can,
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as you ever can.
~~ John Wesley ~~
12/01 Sandi Beck
12/01 Maxine Sechrest
12/02 Laynie Jo McCall
12/02 Lloyd Roberts
12/04 Miles Talbert
12/04 Virginia Washburn
12/05 Matt Watson
12/06 Kendall Rainwater
12/07 Kip Johnson
12/07 Elizabeth McGavic
12/07 Hoyt Nichols
12/07 Megan Smith
12/08 Mary Lou Hines
12/08 Corrina Talbert
12/09 Abbey Cates
12/09 Anna Lee Edwards
12/09 Courtney Page
12/09 Sandra Sanders
12/10 Mike Allred
12/10 Jay Aspley
12/10 Wayne Huthmaker
12/10 John Lynch
12/10 Erin Simpson
12/11 Debbie Gaskey
12/11 Luke Johnson
12/11 Lyn Smith
12/12 Jennifer Bryant
12/12 Debbie Dean
12/13 Dan Smith
12/13 Charlotte Snead
12/13 Lindsay Wilson
12/14 Ethan Paschal
12/14 Lynn Welborn
In Memory of Janice Hunter
Made by:
Adult Fellowship Class
Mike & Rosa Allred
Roger & Bethe Bryant
Rodney, Amy, Kayla & Madelyn Dabbs
Ruby Elder
Chuck & Marsha Gentry
George Elder Class
Gary & Marcia Guffey
James & Lib Harris
Joe, Sharon & Misty Hoover
Gary, Cathy, Jonathan & Matthew Hunt
Rick & Kay Hunt
Kennedy Oil Co., Inc.
Leslie & Carol Lowe
Joyce Merritt
Hoyt & Kay Nichols
Kevin, Melinda, Daniel & Bryan Peele
Search & Reflect Class
Larry & Maxine Sechrest
Leonard & Jackie Stroud
Lewis Stroud
Bill & Lois Welborn
In Honor of Catherine Cole
Made by:
Gary & Cathy Hunt
Ernestine Wilkes
12/15 Laura Burns
12/15 Jewell Caputa
12/15 Stephen White
12/16 Peter Stevens
12/16 Penny Stewart
12/16 Brian Tickle
12/17 Karen Dietz
12/17 Madelyn Henson
12/17 Lora Krpejs
12/18 Christopher Colclough
12/19 Deborah Coltrane
12/19 Wayne Harris
12/19 Lori Lyons
12/20 Mike Felder
12/20 Gary Haithcock
12/21 Evan Gallimore
12/22 Zach Thompson
12/23 Aaron McKim
12/23 Doug Williams
12/24 Angie Britt
12/24 Amy Caputa
12/24 Keith Gallimore
12/26 Richard Lambert
12/26 John Todd
12/27 Robert Miller
12/28 Matthew Boles
12/29 Adonna Paschal
12/29 Laurie Smith
12/29 Phyllis Wilson
12/30 Ashley Boyle
12/30 Doris Ingold
12/31 Trip Hale
12/31 Cathy Hunt
12/31 Elizabeth Ritter
The Nurture Worship Area and United Methodist Women
are planning a church family night for Sunday, March 20.
The theme will be "Hobby Night"
If you have a hobby or a special collection, you are invited to bring your items for
display for others to see and talk about.
There will be no charge and light refreshments will be provided.
Church groups (Scouts, Choir, UMW, UMM, etc.) are also invited to have a table to
display information about their group for potential members to view.
If your group has items for sale, there will be a $5 table charge.
You are encouraged to participate.
At this time, we need to know how much interest we have from church members and groups for
this event. Please let Peggy Johnson (472-2990) know by Dec. 12 if you would like to participate.
This will be a fun time to get to know each other and share our hobbies with others.
The churches and pastors of the area are glad
to invite the Archdale/Trinity
community to a
I wish to order _________ Poinsettias at $12.00 each.
Attached is my payment in the amount of $__________.
NEW BIRTH Celebration
A Love Offering
December 5th
8:30am & 10:45am
“Gift to the Christ Child” Offering
is being collected for the staff of our church
through the Sunday School classrooms. If you are
not a member of a Sunday School Class and you
wish to make a contribution, please designate love
offering/staff on your donation or contact SPRC
Chairman, Ed Renn at 431-3443.
At the conclusion of the worship service on
December. 19th, we will be receiving a special offering above
and beyond our regular giving. This offering will go toward
Advent is a season of preparation not only for
our General Budget. Please be praying now about the special
the celebration of Jesus’ earthly birth but for
gift that you will offer the Christ Child this Christmas.
his promised return. Each candle on the
Advent wreath has a special meaning.
Christmas Love
The Christ Candle (5)
Candle of
Candle of
Candle of
Candle of
the Way (2)
(No telephone orders)
( ) IN HONOR OF ___________________________________
( ) IN MEMORY OF _________________________________
GIVEN BY __________________________________________
NAME ______________________________________________
TELEPHONE # ______________________________________
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY - This form and money
must be returned to the church office NO LATER than
noon ON Tuesday, December 7th (make checks payable to AUMC with “Poinsettias” on the memo line).
The flowers will be placed in the Sanctuary on Sunday,
December 12th and 19th. You may pick up the plants
immediately following the 10:45 worship service on
December 19th. A listing of the Honorariums & Memorials
will appear as an insert in the bulletin on those Sundays.
Crossover Community Church
Friday, December 24, 2010
12:00 Noon
Our Christmas NEW BIRTH Celebration will be a
Christmas Eve worship service for the needy of the
High Point/Archdale/Trinity area. This year’s celebration will be at Crossover Community Church. Events
will begin at 12:00 noon with a worship service. A full
Christmas dinner will follow worship.
Volunteers from all area churches are needed. These
volunteer opportunities include: van drivers, ushers,
greeters, parking lot attendants, set up/cleanup, food
servers. Also, area churches are encouraged to receive
donations of winter clothing (coats, gloves, headwear,
etc.) that will be distributed after the meal.
Please be in prayer about this important outreach
event. If you would like to serve, please contact Stuart at 431-7111.
Christmas Eve
December 24, 2010
December 31, 2010
Meals on Wheels is looking for
volunteers who are
able to deliver hot lunches to
local senior citizens. Meals are
delivered Monday-Friday. Volunteers may deliver
one day a week or
one day a month.
Volunteers are also needed to
serve as alternates.
For additional information, or
to volunteer, call the Archdale
Senior Center at 431-1938.
We are grateful to First Citizens Bank for allowing us to park in their lot on
Sunday mornings. As a courtesy, please do not park in the ATM lane
as this lane needs to be left open for bank customers.
A Christmas Message
Christmas holds the mystery
Of how God touched the earth
By giving us the Christ child
In a newborn baby’s birth.
Great awe was in young Mary’s hear,
And in the shepherds’ pace
As they ran quickly to the town
And found that special place.
These humble shepherds knelt before
This tiny newborn king;
And as they did so, they could hear
The lovely angels sing:
“Fear not, for unto you this day,
The Prince of Peace has come
To share God’s love throughout
the world.
Rejoice now, everyone!”
By: Peggy Ferrell
Dates to Remember
December 5 - Cantata
December 5 - Archdale Parade
December 12 - Youth & Children’s Ensemble
December 15 - Senior Lunch
December 19 - Love Feast
December 19-26 - Interfaith Families Visiting
December 24 - NEW BIRTH Celebration
(Crossover Community Church)
December 24 - Christmas Eve Service
December 25 - Happy Birthday, Jesus!
December 31 - New Year’s Prayer Service
Lord Jesus”
are available for viewing on the AUMC
website at
Interested in becoming a
Stephen Minister?
All good coaches will tell you that teamwork is
important to win a game.
All who serve as Stephen Ministers
become part of a team that help people
win life's toughest battles.
Our victory parties are great.
God may have a place for you on our
care giving team!
To learn more about this exciting
opportunity, contact
Peggy Johnson at 472-2990.
Guilford Interfaith Hospitality will hold
a Christmas party for all families who
have been in the program this year. We
will be collecting gift cards for the
families (someone will shop for
presents with the gift cards). If you are able to
donate gift cards, please contact Carolyn
Lawrence or drop them off by the church office.
Carolyn Lawrence
The Interfaith families will be here
December 19-26.
Please help us provide a Merry Christmas
for these families.
Please sign up on the door
outside the Wesley Room.
The Three Trees
According to legend, three trees grew near Jesus’
manger: an olive tree, a palm tree and a fir tree. The
olive offered its fruit to the newborn King, and the
palm tree gave its dates.
The poor fir, having nothing to give but worship,
raised its boughs in adoration, and the angels hung
stars on its branches. So the fir became the first