February 2011 - Archdale United Methodist Church


February 2011 - Archdale United Methodist Church
PO BOX 4096
Archdale United Methodist Church
11543 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 4096
Archdale, NC 27263
Website: www.archdaleumc.com
8:30 am
Sunday Worship
9:30 am
Sunday School
10:45 am
Sunday Worship
Office Phone: 336-431-7111
Parsonage Phone: 336-431-1929
Office Fax: 336-431-8661
E-Mail: aumc@northstate.net
High Point District Leadership Conference
The High Point District Leadership Conference is set for Sunday
afternoon, February 13, at 2:00 at First United Methodist Church of
Randleman. This conference will be made up of six classes that will be
helpful to church leaders in fulfilling our mission. Classes being offered
include the following:
The Congregation
Stuart Noell
The church’s financial institution (bank) has asked that all checks deposited be written in either blue or
black ink. In the event you should happen to use another colored pen, we will write above the numerical
amount, the same amount, in blue or black ink. We would appreciate your honoring this request.
Where We Were in January
Budget Amount
Budget Amount
Needed to Date
Rec'd to Date
Week #
8:30 / 10:45
59 / 188
51 / 173
52 / 197
68 / 208
57 / 191
Prepaid for 2011
I'm a Little Groundhog
January giving: $ 2,045.00
Account Balance: $35,347.86
I'm a little groundhog short and stout,
February second I will come out.
If I see my shadow they will shout,
"Six weeks more winter without doubt!"
Minister of Visitation
Harold Shives
(336) 434-6348
Minister of
Congregational Care
Dianne Catlett
(336) 861-2299
Pastor-Parish Relationship Committee
This will be led by our district Superintendent, Dr. C.M. Worthy.
Trustees Committee
Rev. Michelle Foster will lead this workshop.
The Power of 3
Rev. Dana Bunn and Rev. Jill Auman will help interpret this
powerful and useful tool for ministry.
Director of Youth &
Children's Ministries
Tim Kennedy
Finances and Stewardship
Dr. Mark King will be our leader.
Office Administrator
Wendy Bowman
Missions and the High Point District
Rev. Fran Moran and Rev. Sonny Reavis will lead this workshop.
Gwen Taylor
Organist/Choir Director
Director of Discipleship
Cheryl Traylor
Denise Warren
Russ & Carol Carr
Adult Youth Leaders
Rev. Adam Vernon and Ms. Elizabeth Greeson will lead us in conversation.
It would be great to have Archdale UMC well represented at this event as
we pursue our vision of following Jesus, making disciples and transforming the world.
Please pray for those serving our country.
Robbie Auman - US Military
Chris Bordoni - US Navy, Afghanistan (friend of the Holthams)
Chris Clark - US Military (Rick & Karen Dietz’ son-in-law)
Kasey Hawley - USAir Force, Doha, Qatar (friend of Joanne Carter)
Carlton Idol - US Military (friend of Steve & Wanda Stutts)
Richard Ivy - US Military, Germany (Lewis Stroud’s grandson)
Dylan Jones - US Army, Italy (Steve & Nita Coltrane’s grandson)
Jake Lawrence - US Army (friend of Rebecca Kidd)
Marcus McKeregan - US Navy (Gayle Rearwin’s cousin)
Rory O’Connor - US Military
Aaron Parker - US Coast Guard (friend of the Grimmetts)
Zachary Saunders - US Marines, Afghanistan (Beulah Darr’s grandson)
Rusty Sexton - US Military, Iraq (friend of Sharon Crist)
Andrew Smith - US Military
Joel Summerlin - International Guard, Iraq (Jill Connor’s brother)
Alex Jordan Trent - US Military (friend of Wanda Stutts)
Jonathan Welborn - US Marines (Bill Welborn’s great-nephew)
Zach Willey - US Army (Chuck & Jane Liebscher’s son-in-law)
Please Pray For Our Homebound Members:
Eula Allred, Virginia Baynard, Ollie Bouldin, Violet Bouldin, Debbie Dean, Susan Forrester,
Mildred Giles, Minnie Hawkins, Mary Lou Hines, Doris Ingold, Susie Knotts, Annie Loflin,
Thelma Rimmer, Joe Stone, Mary Louise Sullivan, Mae Warren, Pika Winslow
Boy Scout Troop 19 News!!
Cub Scout Pack 19 News!!
I hope that you are well in this New Year. Hi! My
name is Ron Crow; I'm the new Scoutmaster of
Troop 19. My wife, Wendy, has been active in Cub
Scouts at Pack 19 for many years. She serves as a
committee member currently with the troop. My
son, Wayne, is an Eagle Scout from Troop 19. My
daughter, Cheree, is a Girl Scout as a Cadet member.
I have been a Boy Scout for many years. First as a
youth, and for the past 9 Years with the Troop and
Pack here at AUMC.
Troop 19 has been retraining the boys in the positions that they hold in the troop. We have one boy
working on his Eagle Scout Project at Camp Douglas
Long. Angel has worked hard to get were he is t
oday. He is widening and making a new trail used
for nature hikes. It will also let the ranger get someone out of the woods fast if they get hurt on the trail.
The troop is also doing Scout Sunday, and Scouting for food in the area. We will be delivering bags
on February 5 and picking them back up on February 12. The food will go to COAT on the 12th. If you
would like to help, please have food at the Church
by the 12th and we will delivery it then. The troop is
also going camping February 11-13.
Thanks for all you do for us here at AUMC. If
you know any boys, 11-17 years old that would like
to join in the fun you can contact me
at rmcrowjr@yahoo.com or 336-880-6258.
After the Christmas break and then an unplanned
snow break, Pack 19 is back to work! The boys
are really learning a lot and having fun. We are
getting some big plans together for February. On
February 5th and 12th we are participating in Scouting for Food- a canned food drive for COAT. We
will also celebrate Scout Sunday here at
AUMC. For our Pack Night on the 28th we are
having our annual Blue Gold banquet with a
covered dish supper and a speaker (a High Point
police officer who lost both legs in Iraq). Coming
up in March – PINEWOOD DERBY on March
19th and a lock-in afterwards!
Yours in Scouting,
Ron Crow
We have had several
exterior doors left
lights left on and
water left running.
Please make sure
all doors are locked,
all lights are off
and water OFF
before leaving the building.
As always we are looking for boys in 1st – 5th
grade that want to have fun and become tomorrow’s leaders!
If you have any questions
or know of anyone, please give Arch Hamilton
a call at 434-4179 or visit our website at
Thanks for your support!
Arch Hamilton
It’s Cookie Time
What a tasty way to
support the Girl Scouts
as well as help support
Summer Camps/Trips.
Cookies are $4 per box
and will be delivered the
week of Feb. 9th. If
you don’t already know
of a Girl Scout selling
cookies, contact the
church office at
Open Hearts…Open Minds…Open Doors
February 8 - The Evening Circle will meet in the Wesley Room at 7:00pm.
February 14 - The Morning Circle will meet in the Community Room at 10:30am.
February 19 - Mission Study at Fairfield UMC at 8:30am.
March 19 - Prayer Breakfast at Wesley Memorial UMC at 8:30am.
March 27 - Spaghetti Lunch in Fellowship Hall.
Interested in becoming a United Methodist Woman?
All ladies of the church are invited to attend the monthly meetings of either of the two circles:
(1) the morning circle meets on the second Monday of each month at 10:30am; and (2) the evening circle
meets at 7:00pm on the second Tuesday. Our mission supports women, youth and children locally and
world-wide. Come see how you can make a difference in the lives of others.
Next meeting will be February 27, 2011
The United Methodist Men will
serve at the Open Door Ministry
on Sunday, February 13th.
Reorganization for the Dana McKim Class
The Dana McKim Class will begin a lesson series on the people in the book of Genesis in January. We have been missing a lot of people lately! We need to get this class
off the ground once and for all! Anyone that is not currently in a Sunday School
Class, please consider coming to the Dana McKim Class. We meet in the Wesley
Room at 10:40 (10 minutes later than other classes, so Cheryl can play for the Friendship Class 10:30!)
We need people, so if you want to be a part of a new class, come and check us out!
The Senior Lunch will be
Wednesday, February 16th at 11:30.
The program will be woodcrafts,
music & art by Rev. James & Rachelle Denny.
Chili & Cornbread Lunch
Sunday, February 27
10:30am & after 10:45 service
The Search & Reflect Class will serve
homemade chili & cornbread along with
delicious desserts.
Cost is donations. Take-out available.
Take-out container of Chili is $8.
Take-out meal with cornbread
& dessert is $10. All proceeds benefit
missions. Enjoy good food with good
In case of inclement weather,
please tune to our local
weather channels for updates
on church closings. We will
post updates on WFMY (2),
WGHP (8), WXII (12), as well
as the church website
Valentine’s Day!
Remember going to school with your Valentine cards for the whole
class? On February 13th you got to decorate a bag that would act as your Valentine mailbox. On Valentine’s Day, you giggled and put a card in everyone’s mailbox. There were always 1 or 2 “yucky” boys
that you wanted to ignore, but your Mom made you give them a Valentine, too. The day ended with cupcakes, chips, and juice. What a great day!
When I was teaching at Trinity High School, we had to “outlaw” Valentine’s Day. The school
made all the girls (and the local florists) really mad by saying there would be NO flower deliveries at
school. It was such a status symbol to get flowers at school that we would have 500 or more deliveries.
There was no where to put all the flowers, and trying to call the girls down to the office to get their flowers was such a distraction, Trinity High School just banned all deliveries – not just for Valentine’s Day,
but for the whole week!
The original Valentine’s Day story is not nearly as sweet. It began in the early years of the Christian Church in Rome. The story goes that the Emperor Claudius II wanted a huge army, but married men
did not want to be soldiers. They wanted to stay home with their wives. So Claudius II outlawed marriage and engagements. (Wow! That is even more radical than outlawing flower deliveries to high
school!) A Christian priest named Valentine continued to marry Christian couples, so he was arrested,
jailed, and sentenced to be executed. Some sources say that the Emperor talked at length to Valentine,
and Valentine impressed him so much that he offered to set him free, if he would just denounce Christianity. Of course, that did not happen. A sweeter story says that Valentine began talking to the jailer’s blind
daughter. She would bring him flowers and notes to cheer him up. He would answer her notes and sign
them, “Your Valentine”. Some sources say he prayed over her and blindness was healed before he was
beheaded – on February 14th.
After being widowed at 41, I did not think that I would ever find another “Valentine”. After living for 41 years, I had a long list of qualifications someone had to have if I ever considered marriage
again. High on this list was a man that went to church every Sunday. I did not want to have to beg or
threaten someone to go to church. I wanted none of this “I believe in God, but I just do not want to go to
church.” Church is very important to me, and I consider it the foundation of marriage. You know the rest
of the story. If you were here November 17, 2002, you saw Garret propose to me when he joined our
church, and you see him in the choir every Sunday.
Enjoy your candy this month, and remember the origin of Valentine’s Day. A man that was executed because he would not give up Jesus deserves more than candy, notes, and flowers.
Honor the legend by bringing your Valentine to church! Who knows, you
might hold hands during the sermon!
I’ll see you in church!
Steve, Jill, Matthew & Marcus Connor
3927 Tarmac Drive
Sophia NC, 27350
Keep the faith.
In Memory of Ruby Elder
♥ February 5 - Winter Jam Tour
Made by:
♥ February 6 - No Youth Activities
Gary, Cathy, Jonathan & Matthew Hunt
James Payne
UMW of Archdale
♥ February 13 - Bowling Outing
♥ February 20 - Road Trip to Pfeiffer for Keith Deltano
♥ February 27 - Who are the Hungry?
July 17th - 23rd
Rising 9th graders or older
An information meeting
was January 30th. If you
missed this meeting and
are planning on going to
Jacksonville, FL, please
see Tim right away.
* Julia Johnson recited the Ten Commandments
during Joy Worship and received a $5 McDonald’s
gift card.
* Savannah McKinney successfully completed the
Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Course.
Dates to Remember
February 2 - Groundhog Day
February 6 - Scout Sunday
February 13 - HP District Leadership Conf.
February 14 - Valentine’s Day
February 21 - Presidents’ Day
February 27 - Chili & Cornbread Lunch
February 27 - March 13 Interfaith Families at AUMC
February is Black History Month
In Memory of Connie & Sue Hollingsworth
* * * High School Prayer Breakfast * * *
All high-schoolers are welcome!
Every Tuesday, 7:15am
Archdale BBQ
Join us if you can!!
Hip Hip Hooray!!
Vacation Bible Study
will be June 27-30
More Information
To Come...
By: Mother Teresa
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is costly, care for it.
Life is wealth, keep it.
Life is love, enjoy it.
Life is mystery, know it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Made by:
Randy Hollingsworth
In Memory of Dwane Hollingsworth
Made by:
Randy Hollingsworth
In Memory of Tura Lowe
Made by:
For the members of
Archdale United Methodist Church,
Please accept our thanks on behalf of the families
that you sponsored for Christmas through your gifts
and your prayers. We were blessed again this year
by many local churches, individuals and agencies
that called to offer their support and were
honored that you were able to help us fill this tremendous need. Your gifts were GREATLY appreciated by the families!
Again, thank you for your many
blessings and your continued support
of our community.
Lynn Smith, Principal, Archdale Elementary
& Sally Voelkert, School Counselor
UMW of Archdale
In Memory of Don Noell
Made by:
James Payne
In Memory of Cindy Trivette
Made by:
Charles & Peggie Cronham
Guilford County Board of Commissioners
Guilford County Employees
Betty Roach
Larry & Maxine Sechrest
Larry & Becky Walker
Archdale Friends Meeting
114 Trindale Road
Archdale, NC 27263
Name: _____________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Phone No.: _________________________________
In Honor of Hoyt & Kay Nichols
Made by:
Andrea Cozart
In Honor of Stuart Noell
Made by:
Chris & Jennifer East
Thanks to our Church Family for all the thoughts
and prayers during Cindy’s illness and death.
Having caring friends makes it a little easier to
cope with her passing. Thank you again.
With much love,
Norma Smith and family
Number of Bales Needed: ___________________
__________ Will Pick up bales at the church
__________ Please deliver pine needles
(for orders of 25 bales or more)
Cost is $4.95 per bale. These pine needles are
long-leaf needles.
Pine needles will arrive around mid-March for
pick-up/delivery. Orders of 25 bales or more can
be delivered at no charge.
To order, complete this order form and turn it in
to Archdale Friends Meeting office. Payment may
be made now or upon pick-up/delivery. (Checks
should be made to QUAKER MEN.) If you have
questions, contact the church at 431-2918.
NOTE: For deliveries, please include directions.
High Point District Leadership Conference
First United Methodist Church, Randleman
Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 2pm
This year’s workshops will include the following topics:
Pastor-Parish Relationship Committee,
Trustees Committee, The Power of 3, Finances
and Stewardship, Missions in the High Point District
and Adult Youth Leaders.
You may contact
Savannah McKinney
at 474-4649
if you need a babysitter.
Savannah completed an intensive training course
through the American Red Cross, and is now a
certified babysitter. In this three day course,
Interested in becoming a member of
students are trained in CPR for infants and
Archdale United Methodist Church?
children, basic child care, first aid, injury prevenPlease contact Stuart Noell or
tion, professionalism, and emergency situations.
Cheryl Traylor at 431-7111.
This course is offered through the American Red
Cross and is open to anyone between the
talent is God’s gift to you.
ages of 11 and 15.
What you do with it is your gift back to
Leo Buscaglia
Check out www.redcross.org/en/takeaclass
for more information about this course.
March 20th - 6 to 8 pm
Fellowship Hall
The Nurture Committee and United Methodist Women are sponsoring a Hobby Night
focusing on the collections and hobbies of the members of Archdale United Methodist
Church. This should be a fun time for all to enjoy seeing the various interests of our
church family. Our children and youth also have collections of cars, games, dolls, etc.
and are also invited to participate. There is no charge & refreshments will be served.
If you would like to participate, please complete the bottom of this form so
that we can ensure having enough tables set up for our night of fun. Several
members have already expressed interest: HAM Radio operators, Quilting,
Photography, doll, Lego and knife collections.
In order that we may have enough tables to display the various collections,
please complete this form and return it to Peggy Johnson (472-2990) or
to the church office by March 14th.
Mark you calendars for March 20th to see what our church members do for fun!
The Interfaith families will be at AUMC February 27th thru March 13th. That is a two
week period which means we will need lots of volunteers to help make them feel
welcomed. Please sign up on the door across from the Wesley Room. You all do such
a wonderful job helping out with this very important outreach mission. Thank you!!!
Carolyn Lawrence
The Interfaith families are scheduled to be here on the following dates in 2011:
February 27 - March 13
September 11-18
October 30 - November 6
December 11-18
Meals on Wheels is looking
for volunteers who are
able to deliver hot lunches to
local senior citizens. Meals
are delivered Monday-Friday.
Volunteers may deliver
one day a week or
one day a month.
Volunteers are also needed to
serve as alternates.
For additional information,
or to volunteer, call the
Archdale Senior Center
02/01 Gene Hiatt
02/02 Linda Haithcock
02/02 Melinda Peele
02/02 Christy Reaves
02/02 Stephanie Tickle
02/03 Bo Paschal
02/04 Amy Sellers
02/04 John Stewart
02/05 Kellie Coble
02/07 Elizabeth Dorman
02/07 Zach Krpejs
02/07 Scott Miller
02/07 Lou Ann Noell
02/08 Carole Boyd
02/08 Connor Gardner
02/08 Tina McKinney
02/09 Karly Beck
02/09 Latisha Kish
02/09 Madeline Work
02/10 Ed Lawrence
02/11 Rachel Jackson
02/11 Beth Todd
02/12 Hugh Presswood
02/13 Cameryn Walden
02/14 Sherri Gregory
02/15 Michael Felder
02/15 Alex Sheeley
02/16 Mia Fulcher
02/16 Spencer Mann
COAT is in need of food.
Keeping food on the shelves is a
challenge while serving over
1,500 families each month.
Donations can be dropped off
here at AUMC or at the COAT
office located at First Baptist of Archdale
(10607 N. Main St).
Below is a list of what is needed
on an on-going basis.
Peanut Butter
Spaghetti Sauce
Saltine Crackers
Canned Vegetables
02/16 Nicholas Owens
02/16 Kathryn Romano
02/17 Chuck Liebscher
02/17 Melissa Smith
02/18 Sherry Greene
02/18 Madison McPherson
02/18 Paula Rainwater
02/18 Jennipher Swanner
02/19 Sharon Clodfelter
02/19 Olivia Turner
02/20 Kenzie Mann
02/20 Anna-Marie Smith
02/20 David Warren
02/20 Andrew Zedek
02/21 Andy Gaskey
02/21 Tim Kennedy
02/21 Jessica Stevens
Pasta Dried Beans
Flour Dried Milk
Sugar Canned Fruit
Canned Meats
Maria Vogler
Nadine White
Leon Reddeck
Austin Roberts
Michelle Felder
Elaine Talbert
Justin Rose
J D Hill
Donald Rimmer
Gene Shaw

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